Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Sep 2006, p. 25

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The Canadian Champion, Tuesday September 12, 2006 - 25 EM ~M IH Gjp iclHl op TcoclHl HAMILTON STEEL GP INC. f:o aio We aie looinog for excellent technicai peuple who have the personal attributes f0 be productive mienibers of our organization and who have the potentiaI to ho ouIr leaders at tomorrow. Operating Engineer utdlties department Committed to safety and reliaiahlty, pou wiIl operate a hroad range of equiprnent and machiiiery related to the provision of oniiiterropted mechanical and electrîcal power aod utility services. Yoo will aiso uperate OLJr envîronîeeotal and by-pruduct facîlîties and equipront throughvvt the plant. At minimum, pu are a certîfîed 3rd class powerlperatîng engîneer wîth experience in an industrial vetting. An IMT or gas fîtter certîfîcate and experience wittî gas safetp restîng wvutd be assets. HAMILTON STEEL is an ISO & OS certified manufactvrer. We provîde highlp coropetîtîve wages and benefits to vur emplopees, incivdîng a profit sharîng prvgram. Pfease send a detailed resame f0: 0v~~~~ A,,i~.i:-, Ml 1 LaCCivi,00 5, 0 e: N i Free Career Tuesday Sei tait the YMCf -95- SiMauePervon Please appI9 toi Parker's Cl6006 S 480 Gueph LneI Fax: 905-632-4690 parfiers2@ worfdchat.comt Quantity Estimator Quantify Estima- for for a Painting Company. Some experience needed wifh quanfîty takeoffa from drawîings. Please fax resume wifh salary expectafrons 9054875-3486 IkDie ulctivlcdtuat Ioi loiii urvî BURLIN t ON M aînIcnaiic )tember 12, Deparornens as.. :OOpm IDSRA j Sin Burlington IN USRIL ILLWRIGHT 81 -1140 Vu svî ccr unv this ru c, you innuls liane si rîîng pilni turt 1 sîtlsiig skiis, a tcati ip1nrîiavt antu stuînd ie.hoiu if Oakkio îmtwldg. Pir îîrictiet îndnîsîry or r iik cxperience is i s cm n ' i cefînvîe assel. t--tesitnîiiy ti mîrrk weekerret ciertirne and sutl NOW HIRIN shîtt rotationî is required. In ddiiontria cinptitve ernuneatina ciîmprichensîs'i FT & PT becn anenso pla ofre Ifi you hase the INSTRUCTORS/ aitrihutes outîneut ahove and wîish tehb pars ol a grîîmtt LIFE GUARDS orîented Iacîlty, pteanc vîsîl our web-site as: Starting at $11.50-$l5hr! *then click careers 905-339-3000 UWr thank aupplicants for their lnterevr,' however, oni>' ehnnse selected for an interview wiii b, contacted. Hm Vs.u Wd ta nW tIuâduumm da"@id Monday to Fnday tey- Expenenced 9 am to 5pm HINICIAN ectrîca, A/O 5432-5671 or dnlon John Trebblle Better food. Better people. Better benefits. Botter opportanîties. Its ait botter - ut Wendy's. Thut's mby we'r pleused to offer pou a cureer bore. We are conotuntly Iooking for dedicated, service-oriented indîvîdats tîke yoa f0 jol5 as as: CREW MEMBERS FuIl-time day shifts available & Part-timne night shift Strxng castomer service skiffs and a great attitude are key ln return, youii enjoy flexible scbedutes, above-avorage puy, free career apparef, meu discounts, and munfi more! Apply in persan! 2304 Royal Windsor Drive, Oakviîîe -eKý Or e-mail your resume ta: à ncraigl Wendy's = spportanfsy & dieersity. wendys.comn IDRI VER NEEDEDI 1905-U89-23861 7p.m CaI 905-961-201q4 'IPPE RIVEl IFullfmeU IpositonsI avjble. JOBS AVAILABLE Production work inithe ILTON area. $1 2-$113hr. Ait shiffs availablo HCR Fax: 905-876-4090 or Tel: 905-876-4661 310 Main St. E. Ste. 205, Milton - Ffflf #&t~, MAPLEVIEW MALL Aý! Snitts Alt bÀpe", S'o's DaYsnýIl's - v1Jeeýerds Be ef 1ýý a'. ai, pa;0 S Call 905-689-3131 9 .8 05.87à.23411 lit ýjIl.jýIijjj ýljýjIjjýj0Ij lit ýýiii.ibiýiii ùIllivioli ATTENTION ESTMETICIANS Run Your own Business in Establtshed Salon. For Details cali Melissa at: 905-703-1699 i2 coeia Help M TubnIclHel Construction Eqafpment repaîr, service & assembiy technicien requîred for growing 1Mlfton baoed manufacturer. Okîllo reqvired. SExp. with omai engîne repair & wînrng * Abiiitp to diagnose & troxbleshoot mieehanicai, Hydrauic & etectnicai issues *Abîlity of0 u p fo OOibo. *Comfvrtabie worii0 al heigfnts *Valid drivers tîcense *Abîiity foi do some nravet amati reaumas toi: or fax: 90&5476-3 791 ELCRCLCONTRACTOR IfndusffeCmmecasial elire:tit UESDELECTRICIAN Pvermanent punîtion cumpetitive wvges ynd herefilo Yusr av g cmmnntionrrrvrcaîvvki CARNEY ELECTRIC 90"477-0726 ROOFING Service Persan needed asap. Must have knowtedge and experience Wft h att roof systemo. Honest, retiabte and hard morking onty need apply. Posifion cornes wif h company vehicte and benefits. Please fax info ta: 905-640-4680 JONES NEW YORK FACTORY STORE Corne and loin aur teami at our new location lni OakviIe. We are currentIy hiring Full & Part-Time Staff Candfdates muet have tfhe foffowfng: 2-3 years of women appareil experrenoe *2 yearso f cootomer oervice « Strong communication and interpersonal okîtfs *Strong leadersrip and decision mskrrg otnîlis *Strong merchandising and piresentation skiffs JAG is an equal opportunill employer, bot we will onlp contact candidates chosen for interviews. Pfeaae forward yoar reaumne: kingsway@flny.oe rn the oobfect linre pfeaoe indicate tfre pooition thaf f00 are appiping f0. , l Required Immediaf LIC. TECI Drnveabifiy, ei PIesse Cafli Fax 905432-1876At ~eminar For: t,:Z Itt "' fi Growing Consfruction Cx. in Brampton seeks ex- perienced individaal for fuiltfime accoasting, reception, and administration. Must have excetlenf communication skitts, and computer ltferacy in Ex- cel, and Word.I Fax: 905446-5770 Or emait: infoffmW»dmais.c ~S ctif oner in Georgeftown seeking f uit t me Famly Law 1Esttes Cterk wifhminimum 5yesrsl leoperencele uFax 90"77-6654 r em ail: mil*m ntretaca WHIPs CARPENTRY o rn the business of manu- fxcturîng cabinetry and dispixys from pressoard panetîng. We are currenty oeeleng applications for NIGHT SHIFT GENERAL LABURERS. We offer our new emptoyeex a otarting wage of $10.35îhr. with an increase to $11.91 atier 3 month. If you're toolring for a txot-paced, progres- sive positîion witfi poosibîtities for advancement, Whip's Carpenfry might be rîght for you! tnterested candidates torward reoume f0: Shawn Zipay,l-t.R. Manager, 3077 Mainiway, Surtîngton, ON L7M lAi. emat or phono 905-319-9955 ext.30 Taylor Movîng and Storage, ext. 1959, correnfty hao x position open in the rote of Accounts Receivable Clerk This is a toit tîme position 35 to 40 hours pet week. The succesofu candidate wrtt be abte to mottitasr. The otxrting rate of pay i be $12.00 tx $13.50 per hour depending on espedence. Bene- fts wîit be mode availabte afler 6 montfts Pleose send att resumes f0 fhe atention of Ricx Taifor fax (905)632-8130 email rIckCaayIormovfng.comn Growrng Qakoitte design firm xeeks energetic, fexm ptayer for bîttîng, &, data enfry anid relief reception. Accourting dîploma and s minimum 0f 1 yexr espenience required; sfrong Excet/Word a trust: ACCPAC tamitianfty preterned: Frenchr xn asset. RECEPTIONIST (PMT Abilitp toi hadeabs utpene owîtchboard, excetlent verbal communiocation il active fîstenîng sk6l1s0 experience in a windows bxoed environ- ment, otrong organîzofionol & probfem oolvîng sk1I0, a positive attitude & srong texmworr ethico, evenîngo & ween , real eotute exp. on assef. Foreard resumeý Re/Max Garden City Rext foc. Sudingtori ON. AT1enhIonI Sue Edwardo Fax:905-333-3616 Rb M -~V BURTON MEATS SALES RER required for Est. Temftory Hamilton Niagara Region. Must have experience ti the food semice in- duxtry callîng on res- taurants & hoteto. Fax reoume in confidence to: 905-890-7977 Required for busy Milton office, able person foi prepare simple fînancia statemenfs and schedutes. Administrative Assistant required by smxtl Oxflvilte accounting off ice. Succesoful candidate communil cotes effecfively, 10 orgxnîzed. reliabie, and payo atention t0 detaxîf Reception du- fies încluded. od worhi nrowlodge of MS Oftfice requîred. Bookkeeping skills a defînîfe xooet. Emal freaumne f0i: IF you are interested in joining a winning team and want a fun reward experience, corne and loin team Zellers J - Oostdfied candidates wîlt benetfft trom Zellems commflment to trxining and devel- opmenf. plus tiîghtp competitive satary. inconitive and benefits package. We are tooking for enthusiaotic individualo who welcome committrent and mril appty tfreir interpersonat skilto rn a chxtfenging and excffing worfi envîrontrent. Reoumex are presentiy being xccepted for the toilowîng positions: Ovemighf and Early Moming Merchandising Crew Day lime Associates Floor and Cashier positions available Appflyn wrftfng foi: Zel fers tnc. 1455 Rebecca St. Oakvf 11Cr On. L6L 1Z9 AiEN Katfiy Johnson Zetiero bas an Emptoyment Equfty Progrxm and encourage appticanto f rom al quatdfied candidates, înctvdîng womxn. abonginxi peuple, visible minonfieo and people wilh disabilties. APPLY NOW Avg. $20,hr Enumoration type worS Pieceworfi by compensation NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED Fult training Accepted forcnt provded fornt To book an interview Caîl 905-525-7692 ROOFING CREWS Cali: 905-875-0933 CLEANERS WANTED

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