Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Aug 2006, p. 6

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AIS - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, August 29, 2006 OPINION Food for Parents, undersîandahiy, tcnd to look ai thcir chul- dren's bchaviour through rosc-colourcd glasses. its offent the othcr child who was acting up. A ncw poil commîssioncd by the Canadian Medical Association (CMA) suggests te seif-delusion of parents may be putting their kids on the path to poor health. According to the poil, only nine per cent of Canadian parents believe their children are overweight or obese when, in tact, data collected by Staîîstics Canada indicates 26 per cent of Canadian kids are over- weight or obese. The CMA releases an annual report card to mecas- ure public feelings about the health systemr and the over- ail grades vary uitile [rom year to year. However, this thought year thc report card locuscd on child health and the CMA, which represents 62,000 physicians. is expeci- cd to push both federal and provincial govcrnmcnts to adopt specilic targets for improving kids'health. Poli respondcnts suggest- ed adopting initiatives such as a mandatory school cur- riculum on the benefits of physical activity and healthy diet. But better child health must begin at home. Parents can follow simple guidelines such as those on the Ministry of Health P r o mn o t i o n s wcb site. Suggestions range [rom having the family cat togeth- er to getting rid of the sugary drinks kids love. Oh y'es. and stop fooiing yourseif that your chîld isnît overweight. rates, fot smart meters DEAR EDIrOR: This letter is in response to the recent Champion story entitled 'Town could get retrofit with smart meters soon'. In the lasî year i've replaccd ail my appliances in my house, the liast being my air conditioning. i finally got my consuamption of electricity down below $ 100 a month. i spent thousands to get my monîhly bibi down. Then Dalton McGuinty decides toi up my rate to 6.9 cents a kilowatt (KW). My bill shoots back up again. Also, it docsn't matter if i conserve power, because the extra [ces for deliv- ery is always $140 a month or more, and we cant get ihis fee down. Now -big brother' says i have toi work in my basement office ail day in the sweiter- ing heat and do my laundry and run my air conditioning late at night. i don't want this meter. i want my rate lowered because 1 paid dearly to use less hydro. i did my part, soi now Milton Hydro should tell McGuinty to stuff it and go back to 3.3 cents a KW Thats what they pay in the U.S., and you don't hear of whining of power shortages there. You don't hear of ground breaking of Cando Reactors here. Nothing is being done. We residents of Ontario are the onles who have to pay and conserve and pay. i have to conserve soi that the thou- sands of new homes being but tbis year can have air conditioning. BRIAN CHAMBERS LOWER BASE UNE Editorial cartoon distortion of the tacts DEAR EDITOR: i take issue with the political car- toon in the August 22 Champion. To suggest any sort of moral equiva- lence beîween the wanton terronsi aggression of Hezbollah and the efforts of Israel to proîci its civilians is a seri- ous distortion of the facts. Hc:boblah's vý,icton- is ail about unpnincipled dcath and dcstruction, includmng that of tu, own countrvmcn when expedient. isracl's %itor-%- relates 10 perceived succcss in dcaltng Wih thc terrurisi ibreai. and collaterai casualtiin are always a concern. Should we in Milton corne under unprovoked rocket attack bv a ierrorist regime. as happens 10 lsraelîs repeated- IN'. i would expeci our government to spare no effort in protecting its citizens and remnoving such a threat - whatev- er it took lts sirtually impossible to brokcer peace wvith an cncntvy that halcs vou and is detcrmined to kili voit To quote Psalm 83: -Corne let us dcstroy ihem as a Nation. that the name of lsracl be remcmbercd no more. PASTOR DAVID CUMMINGS SECOND UNE made us ail very proud DR EDITOR lIn writing on bebaif of the parents of the bantain girls basebail tbat recendy made the trip toi the Ontario Summer Games. The girls play made us very proud, and Milton should be proud toc. These girls play basebali, flot fast- ball or slo-pitch. They are one oflonly eigbt teains in the Central Ontario area that actually play basebli They're olten îgnored, getting littie press or rewani. Titey had a smail contingent of loyal fans - their parents. Titis teain played with stamna, hear and mtegnty that other teains cari only hope to acitieve. Yes they loat thse bronze meclal. garie, but to even get titat far mnade tem winners in tour eyes. Every memiber of the teani contributed toi their bid. Tbey dug down deep and came up witb pisys that put uhe other teamas to, shamne - with their pitcbing, double plays, rundowns, base steafing, clutch hittung and also, some unusual serenading. No wonder the amall group of fins; gave thein a standing ovation. We also made some coverts, spectators who were surprised tbat girls played this type of bail, ict alone the bigh calibre of baseball that they played. We would like to tbank Jeif and Aime McCoil, wbo manage and coach te team, for titeir dedication and guidance. Titey have taken these girls to beights they could neyer have îmagmned. To coach Zenon Todorski, the sulent giant. and battung coach Terry Mabone, whose efforts enabled our girls to strike [car when t.bey haîîed, many tianks. Thanks also to Arden Recto, whose humour and good nature makes cverything look easy. A speciai thanks also gocs out to the people of Milton who gave generously toi help wtth the Ottawa tnip t.hrough donations to our bottle drive, as well as to our sponsors Vcrn's Watcr Service, Banner Graphie Art, Tri- City Automation and Exehangeon. SALLY DESOUSA CHURCILL AVENUE zb1e CDanalitan QJampion Mdton's Community Newspaper Sînce 1860 875MainSt. E., Milton, Ont. L9T 3Z3 905-878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 vww mihtoncanadianchampion.coma Publisher: Ian Oliver Assoclate Publisher Neil Oliver Advertising Director Wendy McNab Managing Editor Karen Mîceli Production Manager Tîm Coles Circulation Manager Charleue Hall Office Manager Teri Casas The Canadian Champion, pabhshed enery iaesday aid Fniday ai 875 Main Si E, Midiii Oie, CiT 3, one ni ihe Metrolan.pinting Puoklîhin & Dîitibuii [id, ACverng ns aneptd n Che cnitin Chal, in the ieen of a typograpical eilni, hat porion of theadver- iiig Cpane niiapled y Che ennenai iem tonqCerwith à ieanabie allowarne foi siWaîie, wii iii be charged for, bai the balance of Che adaertrsmenî aaiill be paid foi ai Che aWinabe raie The piCer ieseee Che iht n iaegnenze aeiisemeiii or deciîe CCAB Audited 5encognized for excellence by A M NeaspaperAsociation UK é Suburai Newspapen U n ofAmeia The Canadian Champion is a proud media sponsor for: Hlton IleaitCare a~w~ WEL% ( * le 'l À Jingle-el Fund D~A UNTDoA OFMLO TV AUCTION w CLAUS PARADE &î ymÇA i ad, 10 h, iSe Show,.ase Miton 1a Readers Write Send your lettrs to miitnnW@halonerch om or drop them off at 875 Main St. E. We need a drop in hydro Bantam team's efforts

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