Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Aug 2006, p. 23

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NLEL> A FLEXIBLE. RELIABLE AND EF- FICIENT BOOK- KEEPER fon cash applications, bank deposîts, account dîscrepancy resolu- tion, învoîcîng, cash summanies and cheque nuns? Cait Lîz @ 418-824-7423. Flots For Rani MILTON: 3-bdrm on Main St, $1200/mtb plus Sydro. 2-bdrm & 1-bdrm on Martin St, $1000 & $825 utitities inci. Preter ns pets/ns smoking, lirst/tast re- quired. Pick sp an ap- plication et Bergsmas Home Décsr-Down- town Milton 905-691- 1448 CAMPBELLVILLE 2- bdrm iusunj apt., locat- ed on the corner of Campbell Ave. & Main St. $950/mtb plus aSilties, tidge and stsve înctuded. Available Sept. tsst, lîrst, last and refer- ences requîred. Cati. 519-822-8331. ACTON Apartments. 1 -bedroom avaîlabie Sept or Oct 1 st Fnîdge & stove, laundry tacîlîties No dogs 519- 853-4374. Open 7 days/week Same day approvat. www. ul- MILTON 3-bedroom witS Sardwood ftoorîng, pnîvate entrance, quiet comptes,. parking. wasSer/dnyvr Sookup, 5875/mIS + hydro. 905-272-9987. APARTMENT ton rent across from Park in downtown Milton. Large, dlean main fluor and basement of house, 1 bedroom. living room, dlis- îng room, kîtcben, batS- room, laundry, parking. No pets. $925.00 inclu- sive. 905-878-8430 or 905-875-4217 MILTON 1 -bdnm, avaîlable Sept. 1t. S870/miS + parking. Cati Jaz @+ 416-723- 4801. NO MONEY DOWN Free computenized tîst of Homes, wdth pîctures, $1.100- $t 358/montS mailed to ysu FREE, wdSh No Obligation- Frea Racorded 1-877417-1275 01#3025 Prudentiai Town Cessre Realty, OAC - DOWNTOWN MILTON Miltalde Towa.- 82 MiIlside Drive, Attractive quiet bsild- ing. Spacivus bnigbt dlean t1&2 bednoom unirs wîtS laundry taciltdy and social room on site. Regua resident events Open 7 days à svenlngs Cali 905-876-1249 MILTON large 2-bed- room apantment, $920/mIS includes 5 appliances, 2 car park- ings. anaitabte immedi- afeiy. 905-897-6391. MILTON Oownfown 1 - bedroomn apartment. Ail inclusive $900/mtk. Contact Scott Pnîor 905-878-7777 - Remax Real Estate Centre tnc. MILTON 2-Sdin acîdss GEORGETOWN, f u tilîties/cable included. 519-239-9973. MOFFAT country living. Spacious 1 -bedroom suite includes 4-appli- ances, fîreplace, prîvate entrance. Hîgh-speed internet available. No s mo kin g /p et s. Avadlable September 1lst. $890/mth utilities ncluded. First/last/ref- eences. Mature pro- fessional. 905-854- 2083. 2-BEDROOM apart- ment in Glen Williams. Avadlable September i st. 5950/montS mnclud- ;ng utilities. First and ast. Relerences ne- quîred. No pets/smok- ing preferred. Caîl Sharon: 905-873-1847. ACTON 2-bedroom apartment, ground lev- el, $675/monttt plus. 1- bedroom, S500/month plus utilities. Cati 519- 853-5080 or 519-853- 5352. ACTON 1 -bedroom apartmenl with balcony. Available September i st. 770/month tities ncludied. Quiet Build- ng. No-pets. 192 Churchill Road South. Cati 519-853-1281. ACTON 1 -bedroom apartment with balcony. Available September t st. 5770/monts utîlîties încluded. Quiet Bilding. No-pets-pre- ferred. 192 Churchili Road South. Cati 519- 853-t1281. ACTON 2-bedroom apariment. mais t/aur ut 4-pies, large backyard. $900/month, Park- ing/Seat încluded. Avaîlable September lst. Cati 418-567-210& ACTON 3-year old. 1.250 sq. St main fluor bungalow, 3-bedrooms. pîus garage. 5-appli- ances. Non smoking/no pets preterred. $1.150/montS + utîlities. Ça/I 905-873- 7724. ACTON. Large spa- clous attractive t-bed- room basement. $ 860./ m ontsh uti/ities/parking 1o- cluded. Non-smoker. Avaîlable îmmedîately. Cati 905-875-7580 aller Bpm. DOWNTOWN George- tows bachelorit -bed- roomn apartment in quiet building. Non-smok- en/no pets-preterred. Available îmmedîately. From-5750/montb plus Sydro. Cati 905-702- 3301. GEORGETOWN RENTAIS 1, 2. & 3 bedrooms. Check out web site www.haftonhills GEORGETOWN t - bedroom basement apartment. 5800/monts inclusive. Separate en- trance. near Go Sta- tion. Inctudes fnidge/stove. No smok- ing/pets. First/tastireler- ences. Cati for availability. Sorts single temale. Cati Brenda MacDonald 905-877- 5165. GEORGETOWN 2- bedroom apartment. $700/montS plus Seat and Sydro. Avaîlable September loti. Cati 905-873-3355. GEORGETOWN 2- bedrsom bouse apant- ment, top tionr Bright and clean. 1 -car gar- age. Prefer couple. No smoking/pets/reler- acces. October 1lst. Cali 90"-77-1209. The Cenadoan Champton, Friday, August 18, 2006 -A23 8 Twhousas Bith BitsIsBrh Fo Rnt ~ f CIAKVILLE-. 3 bvdîor______________________ i apPOyi4i i v' Hope date Mail aiea. Lukeshvie Management 905-876- 3338 cou ple/single. A p p1i asI ceas 5925/montS inclusive. Avaîtable September lst/lSth. 905-873-2980. GEORGETOWN, 3- bedroom mais tion of bungalow, Laun- $1,20tmostb plus 1/2 utitities. Availabte Au- gust lst. Cait 416-626- 8171. GEORGETOWN, large 2-bedroom apartment. $875/montS Seat sn- ciuded. Firstdast. Sep- arate entrasce. Avaîlable îmmediately. Cal 905-877-2698. LARGE upper 2-bed- rosm apartment. No smoking/pets preferred. Availabie September ist. Please Cati 416- 999-3175. RENTAI Open House Tuesday, August 22nd, 4-Spm, Georgetown 3 bedroom, main floor ut bouse. Clean, bnîgbt, modem. Parking, appli- ances. yard. 51200/monts v utîlîties. 10 Weber Drive. Ap- poînîments uvaîtabte. 905-702-2500. RENTAI Open House Tuesday. Augusi 22nd, 4-8pm. Georgetown 3 bedroom, main floor of Souse Clean, brîgSf. modemn Parking. app/î- ances. yard. 51200/imonth v utîtîties. 10 Weber Drive, Ap- poîsîments avaîtabie. 905-702-2500. MILTON uppen tevel, niec/y renovated 2- bdrm bouse. Sardwood, 2-car parking, garage. yard, /aundry. cabte St 300/inclusive. Ca/i 905-616-0315ý NO banks needed. Owner fînancîng. Bad credit okay, Cati Bilt 1- 888-222-0463. MILTON and Oakvî//e detacSed 3-bdrm, 2.5 washrooms. 2-yrs otd. ait appliances. $t550/mth. CatI 905- 465-2853. 3+BEDROOM House (Duplex) in Acton. Bright and spacîous cîth lresS peint and tloorîng. Large back- yard and drîveway. Avaîtable îmmledîatety. $925 v utîtîties. 905- 702-0518. G EO R GETO WN, downtown, 3-bedroom semi, 51200/montS v v t i 1 i t i e s Frîdge/stove/CAC, backyard, 3-car park- ing. no pets preterred. 905-873-805 MITN townSouse 3- bedroom, 2-appt. $1325/mtb. 151 & test. plus utilities. Availabie Immediately. Cati Dave 905-878-5444. MILTON Docntocs 3- bedroom. Garage, 4-appliasces. A/C. St,250/mth* Option to buy $189,000, 5%. down. 416-998-5968. References. MILTON TownSouse, 3-bednoom. S appli- ances, 1.5 batSs plus ensuite, centrai air, central vec. fînîsSed basement. large deck. one car garage. Spet- lessi $1325/montS plus stilStes. Avaîilable No- vember 1st. First/last/refer- ences/credit check. Se- rious enqaînies oniy. 519-853-9495.. MU IRetWanta4, MILTON Rent fur- nîsbed room. Includes utîlîties plus parking. Prîvate batbroom. 5525/montS. 905-876- 0353. ROOM FOR RENT MILTON Close lu ail amenîties. Pirst/lasf. $800/mtb. Ail inclusive. Cail 905-878-2068. MILTON Lusurlous fer- nisbed monm for corS- ing Christian female. Own wasbroom, close to 401/GO. Cati 905- 878-6937. CLOSE to mail, docn- tocs. Su/table for Pro- fessisnal/business lady. Perfect for fiigbt atten- dants. Cati 416-490- 2706. SIIARED accommoda- tion, $450.linclusîve. mate or female. CatI 905-693-1818. MM dAmodon MILTON Roommate canted 10 share 3-bed- room aparlment wilS luundry, sauna, park- îng. $600/mth utîlîlies înc/uded Ben 905- 693-2856 ROOM uvaîtubie Sep- tember t. Separale vs- Irunce, use of /aundry aIl inclusive, înc/udes parking. 10 minute waik 10 lake. quiet Oakvîlle neighbourhood, $460/ mtS. 905-844 8033. Suppliai PORTS Crussîg Guidtes is espusidiiq the dealer set- worS for Trest-evem WA ierssay & Lake Simcue cruisiig gidee snew evîse Mue 2006/, Lake Osturo & ThousunO Islands, Geor- gîue Bay, tie North Chaus rnel & Lake Huron Inter- estea dea/ers, istaîlers ct 4l"-91-0488: email 00i5r5 Oports5vvis o ma BiZih BARAITO, Michael & Diana (noe Bris- tow> ot Campbetviile are pieased to an- nounce the birth ot VIOLET ANNALISA, weîghîng 8ibs 10 ozs et Milton District Hospital on Juiy 25, 2006. Welcomed by Grandparents Coileen Baratto ot Missis- sauge, Bill and Iis Brîstow of Campbell- ville. Speciet thanks to Heather Whitney (Douta) Ors. Hunter and Re)asinghsm, Dr. Heather Jones and the outstanding surs- ing staff at MDH wîth speci thanks to Jean and Jennifer. Photo by Nîkki Charl- ton photogrephy. &b ~n~in~po to place an ad cali 905.878.2341 Qcrn't Min Moiiday 10Oam or lbesday f hursay Friday Classà1ed Hours Monday to Fnday 9 arn to 5 pm mmo~o IaWs Birt AjuloKO"ea ond yoewdl recete a veticer for Cmng Evant W iFng Evnt BALLROOM DANCING MESSIONS Milton St. PauI's Church on Main St. Starting Sept. 7, 2006 Beginning at 8:00 PM 10 weeks $140.00 per couple Cal) Bih (905)318-9381 Carol (905)876-4558 GOLF CLINICS LADIES - BEGINNERS series of 5 1 -houLr lessonsJ $1 00.00 - Mon evenings, We~ evenings, or Sat mornings.i Learn how fo swingpoel and hove f un.!! if Starts week of September 4 th To register cail: 905-878-1818 or 905-876-7982 Cuneo/MeLean - Gavin and Allison are pleased to ennounce the safle arrivai of their deughter Emily Beverley Lucla Cuneo meighing 7lbs 2.Soz et Oakviîle Trafalgar Memoniel Hospitel os Tuesdey July 25, 2006, et 10:36pm. Welcomed by first-time grendparents John A.D. and Be- verley McLean Bell eville and second-lime grandmother Christine Cuneo of Missis- sauge. Marny thanks to our midmives Emily Gillard and Anse Wilson. DEVIIN - Ben, Je.i (McHugh) and big brother Regan are thrilied to announce the sale arrivai of their daughter asd sîs- ter SYDNEY GREYSON bom August ist, 2006 @9 10:22am, weighîng 7ibn :3oz. Welcomed by grandparents Russell & Donna McHugh. Date & Mary Denlîn, great grandparents Lindsay & Mary Love, Marion McHugh and ai of her aunts, un- des and cousins. Many thanks 10 Dr. Cvetîc and the nurses et MDH for their wondertut cane and support. EDGAR -David and Karen (nee Brouw- ens) are pieased 10, unnounce the birth ot their dasghter Gýrace Linnea weighisg 6ibs l4oz et Milton District Hospital on August 2, 2006. Weicomed by big broth- er Marshall. grandiparents, aunts, oncles and cousins. Many thanks fo Dr. Wilkin- son and nurse Susan Simpson. TRYFON Jason, Stephanle and big aister Taylor, are proud to asnosnoe the birfh of Marcus Jason weighing 7lbs, 4ozs os Jsly 27fh, 2006 et 2:letpm. A big thank you to0 Dr. King, Jennifer and the amazing staff et Milton District Hospital. W Births -

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