Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Aug 2006, p. 22

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22 -'The Coetidtari tDhà«snfin, Toaesdy'Augiet; 15,ý 20016 uw M N aea ~HeIp ~lGniHel M GeeaHop ~MÉIG@eHIp lienHelp w mi GnrHep m e ~~Hep GoeeHoIp FE RNBROOK NATURAL SPRING WA'rER Le-ading manufacturer in the Bottded Water Induatry and Sil Growing Requires: BOTTLING LINE LEAD HAND $18.0/hour plus bonus incentîves Provious experience as a suporvisor in a manutacturing facility a muet also BOTTLING LINE PERSONNEL Stanting rate $12.5O/hour wilh etticiency bonus up 10 $16.25/tîour Shift Work Fax Resumes ta: 519-780-0082 vie are tooking tor adults individuels or cnews) who have a reltabte vehicle (the langer the botter) and a desire 10 earn en- E tra money by detivening newspapers with E tlyer packages 3 days a week (Wednes- day, Friday and Satundays) 10 residences thnoughout Oakvilte & Milton. This is truly a dloor-to-dloor detivery pnogramn and is beat suited 10 Ihose who are nol atnaid of hard wonk and enjoy wonking inidepen- dently in the outdoors. Maturîty and a strong sense of responsibility and ne- iiability are mandatory. If you would like ta explore this apportunlty In more detail, plase contact Bob et 905-637-8795 JOIN OUR CARRIER CLUB Earn extra $$U vie are looking ton retiable, responsible E Youths and Adults For door to doon to deliveries PLEASE CALL 905 878 5947 x245 reqeires thse isliswirg psUoans C SALES CONSULTANTS We are tanlsing tar a malîvated eostise ando dusl with a knak for speaking ta peaple. to ia naes psitian in oneofa the wadds mast dynamic tamily premîum brande. Ns experience requied. Wil train, great earning potonteal lot the rght india dual Ysu wîli bring en a drive ta secceed and lean re- spect lot thse integnty ot the brand. We w I il f er ynu s sery competitive compensatiosapackageI gret watts envirosment, encollent inventornes' benetit package, tacilitien andt premîem brand on poriSse. Ysu will have an npportenity ta seccoed. M Apply in pension et:. Hamilton Volvo 57 Rymal Rd. West et Upper James 905-389-7111 fax# 905-389-1234 viWe are seeking enlises as' lic individuels to jon our team. Tisere are nameraas opportunities 1hroaghoat the store. Oncellent wn k- ing cond ions & competi teve wagon. Fait & Fart-lime overnîghl aseociates *permanent Part-Umo dalime positios (cash & floor assiociatesl -Permanent Failtime flio pontians -Permanent Part-lime positios levonints & weekondnl *Permanent Parltimne Sonrve & Cooiis lion sur Dine I by: Auguat 25, 2006 NEW / RELOCATED STORE OPENING IN BURLINGTON Our new store openîng et r1450 Headan Rd Burliîngtan ON. Has msny eaclitng PTPT positions I WE'RE HIRING! *Supenviaors -Receivers -Cashiero -Beaut Advisors -Casmetîc Merchandiser E on yaut reem, Ee n as o fine emaîl: retailîobo@shspperedregmsnt ce Fax 905-336-3808 lÉUr4An JOakville - permanent positions -MIt, weiders, 41 cciii be consideied *MIG & Flux Cars Fitter/Welders, sp ta $18 - $21/h, 3+ years exparience *CNC Machinists, $21 - $30/h, 5+ years of 5 ais mecisining centra esperience roquireit Ploase celi or drap isy. Bring yoar resume & 2 supervisar references. gaad ta know pan n4tel905.637.3575 -)r ra'"s-" 895 Brant St. ne ioklitm Came work for an esclting retal Store. The Olde Hîde Hause has appartunîtien tan enlise- sîastî, caurteous soit tashian onienleit part-lime studentsasnd day suies saol. You muet ho able te wark a weekeait sift. We o aler s campotîtîso haut/y naIe and have e generous discaunt palîcy. Please camplole an application evaileble aI the Cusoamor Service 000k alt 49 Estern Avenue, Actasn Fax ta: 519-853-4514 Emailto: MOTORSPORTS Miltas Motarsports es enpandîng. Ta heip fuel sur growtis, sur service dopartment is lookîng ion licensod motorcpcio techniciens, approntîces and yard siaif Full and Part Timo positions ane evaiebie. Il you are tnterested In jointng aur teamn, pleasse fax or asiait yaur retourne to Erik. Fax #:0"5-78-3175 Emaul: eiOltnoosol.. *YAMAHA J Opsniisnidgoeatins cusos Local DS WitiuorfraUS a ed Danuac Srn Spndiil t oi v i n eent expason.ou T $ato Die0rs, Parng 00mo Cas ai f man a c tioe nsapicto (9 5 nt daîlpo p/yas e 72 6 -1 elS ontl Lianmnît LT2Y o sdi por iange rSciagit aipeai .hc c i i Prcriers nParfnsmgepena Cne th Atttio n Jpete naplcto (9 dare y an awand winnun necp 125 anas Witho neiltono9 avale neddfrLargce Mai tnanchmx)Iea cadianes ae onstrmucation sil n Yead leeie o tuton Please dropresusses t 905-893-0425 EAKIM atdaapn@lcm Idnorsin Mton.W hae th oilowing ecpin career opportunity avaîtable fon an expeneocd,snergetic otgoing ndividu: be sv e saýi eswi1pr ce ocelnt training prUail ari rPieisie fortiard ysur resue ta: General Labourérs neoded for Burlington/Hamilton/OakviIe aroa .$sa-$ss/saar *Warehaus & manufacturing eopcricncn needeit Fiease cati ar drap by. Bring yaur rasumre &2 snpervison references. vaad to knnw yau -1ir randstad J895 Brant St. # testat fat Rusass %teste fr lu eSm Nutritin & Filsees Cente is "Mkk orMéaersn undt Peronais Coachs. Use your sales andrisc estWedge afiheaft and ftseelhIII ou, mesobas red their isealts andt weigr5 lms goals. Compftltlve saiasi plus borus ad lsceatinrea. workbp va1 9056324 * The MaLil We are ioalîîng loras sew enetgetîc & dopendabie people initerested on warking ona s4 petson /esm, cieaniog homes, Paid Training, Na nighsa wees- yods. Transportation provîded. aduancement op- portuitea. No sapoîsonce riecessary Applications at: 278 Kerr Street, Ookville, Fax: 905-845-9825 DELIVERY DRIVER Permanent Fuli-time Class DZ Driver. (AZ an asset Day sift, weekendo off MedicatîDental. Pension, Profit Sharîng. Must suppty carrent driver's absiraci. Please totward resume ta: 985-844-5122 or 1363 Comwall Rd., Gakville ON 16J 4Z5 or ing and grounds, approsîmotely 25 hours Ipernweok.Abtltytonwkndependnlss Igood physîcsl conditionand feibltywthI wor1 n hiour. "Handyperson" ski111 anj assot. Could be sîlabte fon active notîned indîvîdual or couple. Position avallable S.ptember 1, 2006. Fax resusse ta: (905) 878-4979 FreTraining -Part-Time Houns I Perfect for rotinees and homemakens I lsv ur voesvoovîonlder a idîi ouvvo IfI you have a tew houns; a day and enjoy tise [1mpn1ao cidnelea e nty1a 905-877-2251 ar 905-877-4448 Training NOW forSeptember CONSTRUCTION LABOUR WANTED Esperience in cvncrv/v /orming, carpen/ry yod erectîon an asset Some disatoik tsai/vs Espesience in Faisric S/ruc/unes a doui/ie assit Transpartation tai Ern On/arioa muet. Apply isp Fax. 519-363-0085 or Emaîl >storageess@sentex rie Nn phoe cetIe pieusse WOOD PAEL SHO1 *No experlence lnecessary bi use oi a ilal quil wol ean asset. Taso tatint Erîn, Ontario a muet. AppyF y ax 93630081 or Emal: storagesas@sentea net No phone catis pieuse IWoaesoekngan enogetccaeorneaOrd dd a dua ter s tutltIme isoalth cauneelao pueitiartin * ur West M ss sauge nfice, Retsi sales ospe *- lence w eeloanaeoe Faxfemets9 587322 Mature persan with drivers licence te dlean car reetaratian tacility an Fnîday nîghto and Salurdaye. Muet ho reepansibleishie ta sors alose. Previaus exporionce proterroal Il interootet please caI Jasas et: 416-984-8608 For small Stable south of Erîn. Must be Uesperienced with horses, reliable, ownI Itransattion. IPlease leave detailed message ait: Fl-tm GROO On Hose F - Il.da to - I.d 7Cl. ril.0prr -ai Pete at:90Si ; 05i THE~~~ sINS ST -I FO OEN ~Skille && s cateer spportunity R A H OR i .AC rolocabo your 550 DRI VER business in a seI os- Mshae2yrs tablinsoed, Isoîey Spa exjeenesj iaciîdty locat silin Shipper/Receivor. Tise Body Shupîng $13/isr-40 he/week Fitneos Studio lor Fax resumne ta: Women 905-825-9292 183 Lakeshors Rd W Okvlle, 16K-lEl 905-849-1919 The Classifieds Attraci Readers. Lookîngto sell1 1001 osed car? tomithîngo' need a lob? osoil un emploies0 osaI to ses yosr trîsoil o 401h1 htrthduy mîlestoos' Place an ad in the Clussîliedot Ils a test andl 0011. -Cail 905-878-2341 today ta place your ad. 1miltoncanadianchampian.comn

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