Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Aug 2006, p. 27

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The iCanadian Champsion, Tuesday, Auclust 8, 2006 - A27 qÉ Key Mortgage î-878-721 3 John carilln AMP 251 Main St. E., Suite 201, Millo Mmorgaga Cola nt HssS555 (M 5 là ss ( a. Su Ib- ssp Using your niorgage to Iawer your debi Where aire teck doea il ail gol' lu re bourig ai yiai T4 aira rom lasi seai or mayire yoar mast receil pas sisi Sure mary people wai irai Irise pimtesa aller lire dollar srgi aire a ire higi bui is lire canirmnng ail liai alarma yia mosr Tas irme as esperrail soaiinrd yic oui aee ho* mci moles yoar made but yiai iieNe caratis ra l maaad out and yoc diii r ase mail Id airow loi a yaia huome Il ydc le liakreg loi rie Salae iapr ailel, sarl iy mailing a irai il yiai daimt Are your credri carda laeeig aimte top oflhir luri Do yas maire regalai use oflyiaî iveidrar protecion ali e barri Sa eau hava escalatieS lax Iratielieii Irilar aidai ary depalmrin storm cuiardAn- quick - ainas aras lire riseesi tale or iriose balancesSI nin oalvae yiu added i sali Maira Curadrari ara saaied fo see iris muai lias are aocally payig la seraice tha Oeil Iidailis Cuira arri monon caissier data, report ilees raies for ieaalmi silre dedit taris ai id as 28% isar coione-raa crerit carda ui aitrer ici ai Il% ai mire Aud lira i ais are sires masigaga laies are SIIl ai a istofr lo* ley ido tie Saillis ael depastiren atoras ciare saîh Sage ratsl lisar sm recussi deios mailing a - il yiu Musass e b ir N55 15 ader Sasan easy meoria 10 reci55i lie mirey Nol surpansirgly' Pey mharge a ligiar raie - aimeimas aMccl igher rase-sla compainssa liraise iagirer risk Pisai airusaccrai delal iepmesails i Sasais coasideisit a relia sacurP. sa mailigas airert airer ire is laPes auarislat aiywhire Cirarder iis. ira Ila y ave s5ui in yaur lima, yic car laka adaeage Oi attraciae miliaga rares la Save a icidis il iiesesi ciargai Comare camiln maitgag rases weiih ire saiuiargei os yaui aihes MMSi Sel aime piarofesssss a&seo aMr ilinielpay Iodo aima iefiianig and roll yaulr dceai. sacr as m tcad ari uanad ara liailluss liserac orasPgage lia car ciaiiaaide yicr dais irai fesai aymrir sas aime mirasy on psri aid implose liai casir fliw leu Sase aie options i sis ris atrine of c adit arisa sic, o irn crids Jp Io 71 allihe casue ai your Sans, micas ais mairgage gait ne me ass ar S lois issuar Io5 aiiibsiiO reductir in the nleiest rate a ai ulilSd la pas mrs alla titeresl ýu Cam JI mira maio tis ciliparirso rlisicai oatik is a lligaga pliiesirial Ilavu aie carrclrg iiid cari l ei iiiý b apaisai as aa eac car 5555 amirh u sacucis lUra il crdea Yo tl a isc 50idda îlaliasrrg youl exîiting 'Inlgd fic îiur ga su cmim ci for rasaia irîs la lie paeaiec irai Io rrgulize ani cliate voci petils ai tomisascelrel' raies Scer i cnu ara in rie lasi yea ai Ivre il vaur largage lira. ak il5ssl o10 -i ellgotul sic' maiguge inm aid roi! r yaur Cheridmi ais a isie ora iray id n aie a0 walit lion, iîts ilOb osiilidatin 'ugb a second maligaga Mlais!io pu a ie5. a ariesiai clr icI ac;orai', asng a l"asi iic soiae iuc ei ara isxisasa yii uir lie ý Joha, Cavas, s a Conaata with Kiey Moetgage Parnaers. Il you have any questions theseMI professionals can answer, please write to, "Ask The Prof essionals" c/o The Canadian ChampionT 875 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 3Z3 or Fax to: 878-4943 INTRNATIONAL L TC ST P Paul Hlenderson, 5.NM., B.S., 0kA., I .5 Dodes 01 Natuel Medicine Q: la ail yoga the saut? My daactsar has saggested lit would be a good way to eontror amy stress Learels, bat there lis mach ts cAssase fromn 1 don't know where ta begin, huas do 1 décide? A: Ail yoga is aras cressed equai. Shece are maary vaiations bisg taaght hy pesa- pie saisi daffement assoassis of expeneaece and trasnng. Whea shopping arosard shese aie a nmmes raf shiagi tc0 keep ara maini. "Trdassoal yogsc seachases apparacs yoga us a lafestyle eacompassaag body,. essard sud breaali "lt taies mas> ieas of pracasce and dedaicaia Ss hecassae a islsd yoga pracas- tones; "Focus oniy us physacai streargai. cas'dio-saoahouts assa anaainser raf postres dues airs asihee Su the whoie-aasy pissuphr of yoga teacies iy pmmsidrg bsaace iseaseen plaical asosemteat ansd armes quiet. Whea shoppinge for a yoga elass, ask questons Wisat backgmound assa expenience do the ismactors have? Where ansd hua lune diai bey truan' Do they seaci mrediasusirn and relaation techiques as uneil ai posasres? Cas shey aucommuase specal areed athiss. isomyiga depsesios. injries. iii unir osier chuilenge u Imu> haeli Can sula Sa> a sinele cla.s belote maitu a commetent' Pesusuisi and teachsarg sayle meeds Su mesi assait sus especsatsoas. Oarce voai decide su r se arilass. muarnaas sespssarsiaisasy for vous oaa weii-iag. If uayahamy huria pa'sclaiaaiî secS.. osa buck us iutsss stop assa let aie isrtc- sue kmsssa Remnemes voa cunoo saosk ahraugi poa wihass rjury. Yoga as a peasomal pacices%. Tiese sieuli lie aro especasoas demuasis os coin- peasasoir sasisi aie clu.,, Ycss areai 5î le ullosse ira saurS as ioria osas paee. accommodaiaag anai adjasing poistuses su mues vous raac aiîsaes and needs. A yoga cs sasîl fuel asoaderfal. esergibsaf ansa calisg as the susse lasse Wien sou leuse vos sana In lie loiniSsg foracard ara the uext sasse, yoga is ufsesull.a gi sue gase oarselaes' OF400 Main Street, Suite 206 Milton, Ontario L9T 1 P9 905.864.8694 Q: I arn conaidering going back ta sehool perhapa eientually changing careera, ami waa wondering what CJHS has to offer? A: Tihe College of International Holistic Sîndies is a federally regislered private college offering a numiser of diploma pro- gramits, gearera intereat courses, correspondeice courses ansd workshops on a year-round bais including diploma programa in Acupuncture, Natairal Mediciare, Botanical Medicine, Spiritual Healassg, Quanaum Energy Medicine and Yoga Teacher Training. Wlsen we are aa a crosiroads in our lives and consadering makissg changes, it is important 80 look aa a numiser of factors including personal interesas, lime available for study and courses, long anad short term goals, financing, etc. To help wiîh this, C.l.H-.S. pro- vides a complementay 'Career Assesîment Interview" which will aisalyze Ihes factors and help determine thse paîh night for you. As a private college we have the advaastage of heing able to pro- vide small classes and personalized attentlion nro malter what direcaion you cisoose 80 go in. One-on-one support, harnas-on pracacce, and on-goasg feedhack allow our saisdenas t0 he suc- cesaful tin class and sarong praclalioners upoar graduaaion. We helieve tisat knowledge is power, let loday lie aise fanat step ao discovering your persona] joumey. For information on our programs or to book a com- plementary Career Assesasment Interview contact the College at: 905.864.8694 / / K11 ___P. P0. Box 211, Georgetown, Ontario il7 4Y5' 905-337 PAVE (7283)- DAVU1 NQ0 LT D. 1-888-695 PAVE (7283)- w w wi . c r o wl ni pa v In g.c o m FAQ'S FAQ'S FAQIS mMy drlveway la In rough sahape. WIII repavlng uny dvlveway Incr«as UMe vaelue of my hoe? Ves, your draveway asslise farst tiang vsstors see wisen they came ta your home. A properly paved driveway tisa isas a clean and neat appearance is a definite assel. mi livie In Une countnyaldce and heae a gravei drfliveway.i WIfl an a*~ai drtvewamy requlire more maintenance tilanu graveil? Actually, aspisaft pasaing requires very litIle maintenance in cors- parison ta a gravel dniveway. 61 just boult may new housa mn Mne country*Mde. How long abould I weatt beforde 1 have, the driv- wey -mdl Depending on lise soul conditions and isow mucis excavation work isas been done around your home, you sisauld wait one 10 lwo years before you pave your driveway. '91oi long wiII Unie pardlfng job lant? Dependîng un location, sol conditinsa and olier factorsr air aspisait paving lois calast up la lhirty years. Whatt la the pre dtffer.nce betweendm asphlait palving, l-tem ocklng and concrets1M Genterally cancrete anrd inlerlocking can casi lwo ta tour limes lise price ai aspisait. ml Ilve, In a new subdivision houa.ds In tow. How long should 1 w#att before I have Uhe drtewa - ged Due ta suis-soul setling, because ai ai tise excavation wori being done an a suis-division, a isameowner asanuld viait apprax- imately two 10 lisree years befare paving their drsveway. STrAMPED CONCRETrE INTERLOCKING BRICK ASPHALT PAVINO RELIA BILITY EXPERIENdCE dZUALITY FAQ'S 9I'm aling my hoduse and would Ilk. toi have my drlvewamy mpaved, however 1 Miant It don.a as clnep a. possible." A properly paved driveway tisai loks greal wiil iselp you seil your home. A ciseap or poorly paved driveway won't iselp you sel your home. "Aftor the dlrtv.way Ils paved, how long ahould we watt before vie drive on lt? Anywisere frors just a couple af isaurr to lisree or tour days. tf really depeards on weatiser and lise type of draveway you isad done. 94 juat had a chemnical spli on my dtIvewîay% YWhat dalhould 1 do?" You sisould immedialely appfy dry sand, dirt, kitly litter or absorbent material la lise spill 10 absors tise spili. Do nol spray it vil a water hase yon cause more damage. ul noUed nme people viater Uneir nervi pav.d drtveway alter Ut Uls paved, shold 1 Moater Une drlv.way?- Generaily. it ls not necessary la waler your newly paved drive- way. wWhat cau»a poUnoa.?" Possible causes af potholes include lin aspisait, underlying base failure due 10 exireme load pressures or poor drainage tisai uesdermines lise base. Lame qaality aspisait may also be a factor. 08lnold 1 teaIr cracks rlght aweal? Paiure ta repair cracks as soors as possible will lead ta patiales , crack expansioa and uftimalely underlying base failure. Oaaf Deffleafon to cintomer service la the key Io oea succesa. TO ADVERTISE IN THIS EXCLUSIVE FEATURE CALL..... YOUR ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVE AT THE CHAMPION 905- 878-2341 m à fil a

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