Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Aug 2006, p. 26

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A26 - Thu Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Augunt 8, 2006 it you flavre any questions tnese professionals cari answer, please write to: 'Ask 1 he Protessionals" c/o The Canadian Champion 875 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 3Z3 or Fax to: 878-4943 en B. Sc., ()VU Hawkins Animal Hospital Debbie Hawkins B.Sc., DVM Doctor of Veterlnary Medicine 550 Ontario Street South, Milton (Pizza Hut Plaza) Phone (905) 875-6888 Fax (905) 875-6853 PET BEIIAVIOOR AND ILLNESS You muuld nus ise atone, if ut somettime yen tisougis thut tise change in your pet's behustour mas due tu tise pet bietg "naugisty, when in tact thse isehavrour cisange mas s symprum ut ittoess or injary. Most commonty. me isene fromt clients that tiseir cnt is auatios or honing poops arosnd Use bouse, or the dog is makine puddles in tise kitcisen. or etsessiere. Tisese etiminution peoisetms coutd la an indicotor of uny numiser ut medical peuislemts. uncuding n simple ncreury trucs infection, krdnry diseuse or dtaisetes. Speaking of etimination proislems. otiser misread symptums t nfttn iseur of ur my dug's lot isnd tus- or -my cats/dogs breats renlly stiniss", Simply put, tisese probletos (lots) cosld relate tu intestinal parasites. allergy to toods or some uliser probîro tise (blastro- intestinat tract, sud isad breatis cao la cuused by gnm dtnease, u rutten tons orsa tsmmy spset. A iormatty frtendly ring, or car, may laisave qstte tise oppostte, even te tise peint of laine aIent. aîtrieîdly or cure segressine. if tisey are ill or rîjued. A putntsl tuotucise or un utfected e cao la escmuctatrngly paiîtal sud cru casse isumans o la tless tisun pleasaît. Oar pets oeact in tise samne ruy. Their budy toîguage wiît say ru yen, *'lesse me stose" Tise pet mrgist ficis misen stmoked. or go to snsp ut tise isnd tisut stroises tf une tssunuwsre utsa medicat pruislemt long un. tlises une mtgist esly titat tise pet ns stmpty leaisving budly. and reprimsnd tise pet. Anothtr cumptatnt t isear is tisat tise pet is latnu finrcisy alast food - wl only eut sort fnd. lu the fient tnsronce t wonld checks tise mutis tur rnjury. and muy ind a benken or intected tbots as tise culpeit. Sometimes a client will tetl me tisst their nornsatty actine pet is "jant terng lazy- but otten tiss taztîess or tetisargy cas la a symptoas of illuess. Similaety. a nurmatly peacetat. laid isuci kitty thisa saddenty lacomes restlesi aid overty rsergertc moutd make me susptcrons ut a condition culîrd isypertisyeuidism. lOver uctive tisyrutd glund.) Unaccuuntisle metisht toss is a grear indtcatur ut rltness. Il yunotice tisut ymer pet is losing meigist, uer yeur seterinneiso ru examinr yu pet, blte yonr pet isecomes reslty stcis. Many ilînesses cao la ssccessfstly remedsed witi early disgnusrs and treatmest. Ysu, astsenmwner. kiumyurpetlatterisonunyuncetse dues and ny ssistle or sudden cisanges in laisaviose sisoutd la rîvsstsed. If you isave uîy cocerns about yose pet's isealtis. contact youaeneterinarrsn tmmediately. Finally. topresent personl injsey.yos must eseectse cutiunihen esamsning a stck or injsred pet. Naturall Be Weliness Centre LMHrwe 5 400 Main Street, Suite 206 Occwu af Mimai Muiue O.N.R.. BIc., DM.. C.B.T. 905.864i.8696 Heat Exhausotion waonangs have beeo frequent luis swnnser and tas many places around tse world, il may lead to Heat Stroke and even deaUs. Wlsat are Use sigis ansd symploins of heal exhaustioo and misaI can 1 do about il? Heat exhaustion symptoms may inctude: Cool, clammy, pale skin, swealing (absent or present), dry moulh, fatigue, weakness, lainting, dizziness, tachycardia, headache, mynlgia, nausea and sometimes voiniting, muscles cramps, weak and rapid pulse, irritability and blond pressure changes. Heat Stroke, untike Heat Erilaustion strikes suddenty with littie warning. When the body's coottng systeru faits, the body's temperatare riscs fast otten 104 degrees or higher crealing an emergency condition. Fient Aid for Heat Exisaustioux Rest ini a cool shadnd area; boosco or remove ctothing. Give cool fluids, avoiding caffeinie or alcohol. Include sally snacks and/or add oellic suit o sealer sehere appropriate and as toleratnd. Do not use an alcohol rub. Organic Peppermint (mentha piperital is one of Use oldesl and mont isighty regarded herbe for soothing digestion and is knose to, reduce fevers and heal in Use body umongst many oUser uses. Rub 1-2 drops of peppermint où on Use bock of Use neck, on the spine, forehead, armpits, inside elbos, and behind tse knecs. For even grealer relief, add 1-2 cdrops of tavendier oil Best results are obtained seith organic, Userapeutic grade A oils. To arange a persontal consultation, book an appointinent or obtain more information contact Naturally Be Wellness Centre @ 905.86.4.8696. i Travol Advlnor Travel Choice 16 Martin Street Milton ON L9T 2P9 905-878-2886 Dine Aibazi Travet Ativisor BOOK EARLY & SAVE FOR THIS WINTER In the mîdst of sommer, you may not be thînking of a winter holiday, but you should! Wifh prices already released for this falV/winter season, sont resorts are already sold ouf for Christmas and March Break. Plus, by planning your winter getaway n0w, you'll flot only get the resorf you want but youlIl save hundretis of dollars. Many tour companies, like Signafure Vacations, offer early booking bonuses Ihaf provide savings of Up fa $1080 per room, per week. Many of these savings have booking deadlines s0 don't miss ouf on them. If you're planning to taise a faîl or winter vacation, we'd love f0 help you find thse destination and resort thats just righf for you. Caîl or visif us so0n - our experienced travel advisors will be more than happy 10 assist you with aIl your fravel needs. liii! PARTNERS IN PLANNING i i FINANCIAL SERVICES LIV. *Retremeit Planntng *Mutat Funds ma *R.R.S.R's m " *R.R.l.P.'s *if IrIs urauce ~Ib: (005) 870-0120 Faxs <905) 870-2934 420 Main Street East, Suite 203, M ' M,'M CU, Milton, Ontario L9T 1 P9i PPAI.Oi P Q: Nom Usat l'mn retired, hum do I get money out of moy RRSP9 Pat 2 - RRIFs and Annuities A: Ar age 69 cither you or Revenae Canada makes a decision. If yon do uothrng, Revenue Canada decides UsaI yoar RRSP iv ctosed and yon munsI pay Iax on lise lotal value. By usaking eîther tise RRIF or Aosuity decision, yon have more coutrol over hom mach las you mdll puy. Tise RRIF chosce perisits you 10 smsîch 10 an Annuity at a future lime mhen annsiry payonts tony ke iigher. RRIFs are mwitisdramal programmes- desrgued t0 gîve you a regular income out of yoar RRSP saviugs. Life insarance provrded Annuittes gsaranlee you an income slceom. based spou yoar life expectancy and carrent interest rates. Bank provided anouities are based spon a perind of time. WtUs eiliser a RRIF or an Aunusly, yen only pay tan on Use income recesved. So misaIs tIse big différence? The RRIF afloms yoar asset base fard yosr futture sncotoe stream) to continue t0 grom misile it remains invmsted. Upon yoar death. yonr RRIF cao bk transferred In yoar sponse tax free or to a different beneficiary on a taxable bas. A RRIF can ke nsed tai bny an annnity aI a future date mithoul imtnediate tax consequences. With s RRIF, you can increase Use ammsinl Usai you take as mine. lise aonuity is a cootraci misci guarntees a total payent over a period of lim, or for lie 51 a pre-establisised nsontlsly umounit. Once yon boy an Annuity. yon connut reverse tisat decision. Upon tise deaUss of yon anti your spouse. or tise end of Use contrait period, lisere is no reinainiug vaine 10 transfer 10 yosr beirs. TaLk wifh as about du pros anda cons ofy>our RRSP-RRIF.Auuuity decisiou. CaU 9054876-0120. AFILIATED miTH PeRTNEnS IN PLANNoINGî INOORANcC SERVICES lsc. Aý' V L L. Taylor Nursery 7429 Fifth Line, Milton (fight at thse east end of Main St. 905-876-4100 Phit Lawton I've hadl great colour fronn my summer flowvers but I'd like to plan now to get saine colour into my gardent for autumn. Now is a good time to plant late bloomiog perenolals and sbrubs as well as vines, shruiss and trees with colourful faIl leaven or bernies. You'l get to enjoy tbem for years to conte! Here are somne sugges- tions fromn Landscape Ontario. Autumn Flowering Perennials-Ctrysanthemnms, Asters. Daisies, Flowering Kale and Sedum are always fal favourites for coloeur but there are literally doceos of other choices in perennias. You cao even colour coordinate your taul garden in shades of yellows, orange and bronze or pioks and reds, maaves, lilacs and biues... .Muoy perennials. like Coreopsis, Gallardia aod Phstox, will floseer fromt sommer rigbt tlsrongh to firsi front. Vines-Boston lvy and Virgiosa Creeper (which also bears a heavy cmop of black bernies) are isiglsly coloatred in fail. Biltersweet Vine has an oraoge isnsk duiat opens te reveal brigst orange and red fruit. Shrubs-There are neyerai shrubs that floseer in the fait months, inclsding nînebeard. Bntterfly Bush, PeeGee Hydrangea and Witch Haret. Many more pnt on an antanso show with an abondance of colourfal bernies. You cao choose frons Coraliserry, Snowiserry, Cotoneaster, Firethorn, Holly. Winterberry, Cranberry and Redleaf Rose. Stili others have leaves and/or fruit that change coloar, like Bumsing Bansh, Dogwood, Sumac, Smoketree, Servicebeery and more. Trees-Wtsat would Canadian antomn be like without our inaptes, oaks aid ansh trees? We have those and many others that mske excellent, and colourful, fonndation plantingu for your yard. Plant now se, your tcees have a chaoce to get establinhed before wmnter. At Taylor Nursery, we cao advise you whics new plants wilt work best in yonr garden setting, taking into account tse noîl, the sun exposure and the surrounding plants. $85 Main St. nuict to bdu World Christine Jnhnson CenIser Otrectuew wh« -.o 5 Ways To Stop Yo-Yo Dieting If you're the average person, sfruggtmg with their wetght, chances ace you have expertenceif yo-yo dieting on somte tevel. And if you have, chances are ynu're sick of il! Yo-yo dieting refers In a person who goes on a diet, ]oses wesght, and then pus il on agaia. Then Usey go on another diet, lose weight andf put tt on agon. Thss endless op and down cycle ts callef yo-yo dietmng. And while rits nt dangerous tb ocs health, il ts frsustratmng as heck! So how do yon stop yo-yo dieing and finally gel to and stay at the weight yon desire? 1. Don't lt youe paît delermine yens future If ynn're serinas about losmng weight, don't let yoar faituces in the pont affect whaf yos want to do n0w. Start fresh. 2. If ynu bite it, write itu Moke sure you krep a food josurnal of everything you eat. That woy, if your peogress starts to slow dlown, you con analyze yosr food intake and deteemmne why. 3. Teack ynur weighL. Try 10 remember what major events occurred in your tle that made you gain weighl. Are you a sfres eoler? This seilI help you corne op with a plan 10 avosd eating the next lime you gel sfressed out. 4. Weigh yourself regulaety so tisaI you know mises you gailas TIsaI way yossll ke able 1n put a stop tlt belte 5 posunds huons into 10. 5. Gel Use word 'dief' out of your head and vocabulary. In order to mainlaso a healthy weight for the test of youx life, yoo need te make sensible fond choices a part of your life. That way yos're ealing won't chne every coopte of weelis.

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