Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Aug 2006, p. 24

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A24 1 Tlle,qÇanpcdanha"aion,,Tuy<t jaqust8 ZQO, r~~aO~j ai i s i Tsf If you have any questions these ~1 professionals can answer, please write to: I l"Ali The Professionals" j c/o et he Canaian Champion I 875 Main Street E. j.] Milton, Ontario L9T 3Z3 or Fax toi: 878-4943 YOMFINTERIORS5 *Carpet - Vtnyl -Ceramtcs -Hardwood Patnt -Wallcovertngs Sitowroom RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCtAL Gerhldine Heth 845 Main St. 1. 11h. gos.S7S42S@ What Comi can offer you Whether you he a new home owner or have an older place we thank that you can henefit from a visai to our store. Keeping up 10i the minute on choices can he difficuit but we certaaaly try & do weIl an trying toi accommodate. We have a great showroom with the latest in designs & colour range to sui your decor. Wood floors? Yes, we have oak hut have you seen hickory availahle an 4 colours. and up tn 4" wide. Enganeered hardwood as very resaltent and it's flot a laminate, il's real hardwoodr There are lots of styles, even distresscd ruatie heechwood, and i as great for the hasement. Moving on to oui ceramics - we have been told we have sone of the mosa extensive displays for miles around. Porcelain metallic or 24x24 floor representing limestone beautaful decors to look at alto. We have a huge. yes huge selection of remnants, every size from 3' to up 10 25' 10 spruce up a room. Bning along yosr colore. We value what you have t0 say and e,5 <h aur expertise art florng whether it bc carpet to lamanate and with our design knowledge you can be Comi too. Paint no prohlem with a top namne like Pratt & Lambert 5001+ wallpaper books. We îhink ita' worth a vieil. And the most important assel only one store to complete most of your decorating itchemes wîth excellent installers who have heen doang it for a loîng time. Joe will be happy 10 corme over. craasure and gîve you a quite Open to mldnight, 7 da s a weec Carniage Square, 265 Mlain St. E. DW 905-878-4492 ROSS How Can Anxiety Disorders Be Managed? Titre are a lt ofi tinge ltai yoa can o ieyaurseif ta heip reiave annîely. Chianges in yoaar tifestyfe cao fie veey itelpfai an aranaging anxity ariait e veey leasa esit aggeavaae lte symploare Titese changes atrciade. Reducisg caffeine intakle: Caffeane es a sîtimalant fourni ina aany drinks. tîdividual sensatavaay aray differ la caffrîce. If yae espenience syrapitears ai anxlety, especialy tnsamnla, eeducing caffease intaise cao fie very heiptsi. Avoiding use cf Inther stimulants: Stluat medîcalians can fie faui an aver-tite-counter aredîcatons as weti as fientai terapaces Sasse cossarn stimulants folant] oc ithe pitaeaacy siteives înciude pseudoepitedrine (faunri in decongesaa aid coiri pendacte), oral caffeine taittets as racil as sassile areigit loi prodaacts aid iteris eacit as ginseng or ara itnang. Reduce alcohol intaile, smoking andt use cf illicit drugs: Tite use oi snubstances sucit as alcoitot andi marijuana arroin otiter ilicit rngs arr often reporteri 10 help relieve symptoars of antraeay. Howeser, sorare illicîl draags are stimulants aid csa worsen ansirty rahen titey reacit titeir peak an lte body; otiters sueit as alcohol wiut woesen ansaeiy as titey are clearing lte btody. Masy people alun reprt stariing or ineciaif smoking tu cope wt stress or ceen anxiety. il as important to fie seare ihen nicotine is a stimulant and can wonien annity symptoms and inteefere with sleep. larnlnbg anokl exercise anid eulty listing. Esercise ot ouiy heis nue physical healtit but alto ha iteneficial effecta on mar mental heaitit. Aerobîc exerciat bus iteen shows to reduce stress, lui improve mmoi and tlin hep rie annety. Eating a well-banced diet andt having regularly spsced metais; csa allio improve ansiety and sleep. Good slhep hygiene: Having gond sleep habits are important fnr a gond nigita sleep. Relaxatin aud brenthlng retrulnlng techniques: Relaxation esercises including yoga and meditation cas belp thc body and mind relax. Sosie btealiing tecteuquu siy help teillai samety especialiy euth panic sntacks. Me"ictIregiimeit optiofs: Amui dimerders are vcay commos and there are maiy treaimenti available. Your HealIhWATCH Phannacisi csa tnp you ladditrsd tte medication ynur dnctne May efinose for Yci. Questions? Just ask your Heatwatch Pharinacisi! Dr. Ron Strohan Optometrist Wakcefield Professional Cen Optnmetr~t ire 106 Wakefield Rd., Milton 905-878-5882 Back to School Soon. ine toi Think about Learning... 86% of children under six have neyer had an eye examination. Clear vision helps them acquire information accurately, and communicate clearly. 80% of education and learning depends on vision. Do flot assume hoth eyes of ycsur children are healthy Sand able to see clearly. %-i 1 O10 Re Clear vision helps children develop social skills, and leamn 10 use their bodies. When there is a vision prohlem. your child will not know something ut wrong. and thus will flot alert you. Give Your Child a Special Start Your child"s firsi eye examination should be at thce age of 6 months, and yearly thereafierfor life. Vour life depends on your viasion. My' ix'CtoI? 311 Commercial St. Suite 109, Milton Oliflflt 90"475-3345 www.hearSay.Ca Q: Will heat ami moisture affect the perform- ance of my hearing aids? A:- Most hearing aid users hecome sadly aware of the con- sequences of ear wax embedded in a hearing aid. However, moisture can he a difficulty in hearing aida as well. Mousture and electronics do flot mix. When you are out in your garden, on the golf course or juat out in the sun, perspiration may get mbt your hearing aids. Custom in-the-ear hearing aida are prone to the collection of mois- ture due to the fact that they are embedded in the ear canal. Moisture in the tsabing of a hehind-the-ear hearing aid will block the sound travel. lI order to deal with moisture in your hearing aids a dri- aid kit can be very effective. This can help keep your hear- ing aida opcrating ait peck cfflciency. Dri-aid kits utilize silica gel crystals that can be reactivated maiy times and are designcd to draw moisture from the bearing aids.. Other producta, and accessories available 10 help maintain hearing aid function and comfort are car lotions 10 prevent dry, itchy cars, heaning aid sanîtize ar blowcrs, and bat- tcry testera. The HcarSay Speech & Hearing Centre car- ries a variety of hearing aid accessories. Feel free toi call or stop into the clinic to enquire about the wide variety of accessories that are available. ~~1~ I ABARROW FAMILY CHIROPRACT IC 180 Ontario St. S. Milton I (905) 878-4994 DAM. B- Fax:(905) 875-4485 Email: drabarri Hot Outsidefl Have a Drink. Have saine WATER.. Here's toi Prevention and your Good Heaithi In hts boeok item Steds May Crirfste tMta' Dr. Batetaeldj iteltrete fiat dhydrten is the arderiagscauseoi trany itisei insluding satr finit rany in te treia profession regardas incurabitie hfacts arc ti! At aey gtcet liee ytetr body eeds at ieast 3 quarts of ater a day ta fonecton opttraiy. Witen ceuedeingihot. hu d days itke the ierseAi reeeerecine< e teprares reach in lire mtd .30' and lte Hutrtde traites ysts frai ise yere ra saua, drnig eough wsateris crucial. Lack of ater cosottrion casiead toi nt niydehydratior, bt i tetir deficiencies vtityar ogansrad oeraliiteatt silice sur itodies careitiofl <Ailer <cm sr ti e t (at feo fr fise <sere les car ssrly suresssiftlater rfiedays. Esety celineytrbodtiys regtiaied.rttntordsand depedeisona suffisrent amitc andeffiirent flo i of aler Water s thieadtesiefinaitaods yssarseil aecittecturr ard fier vose g el Craig iner. fluid rutilor astualil decreases and glandandlahorone fonctions îrtprsue. Itregulates >,sar boadytempee.aure.trartasts flur eqtiibrium <ted iteips <star liserat breaki duer atnd relise motie fat. Water carees etery nuasseet rstcreal, vtaint. prosei hormontse ace l mims t is destintion. Fre preveesar., carry aleottesssioate and drekofl srsin titrasgitsst yaetdaî te pro% ide ysssr bosdy sit ltse iatisarissreed ie ai sescsselrtise'slîiuetes itedsfiulg Weat liden the imtrtarce tri drirdkseg essugt ssatersfin pretsrtsrng disase and ie estse inte lesi tesatrea>fasegstsr pire sfchced y a lictssrsof Cirprasss and reseiit rentatar chiroracatie adjastuirte can restoe gond heatth as vieil as preran diese and iaress le yeur tardy. Chitsss Iliessrs arc fîgitl> kislledi aed rateed prossitaas fiat locale sufluuatarns. fossitwerssoneor mmn i otesossltflelesesiisl ssrarsps mi ste ofiPositsestl i onttat creair pressureeon.eor isast spinal i ssredsse sedcosrrss fini Dorrnrttrreghaseritsrthads- er canipartatire adjuectme epeeiat desigued ta crrert the vertetira eatrtaxatiear in ceai spiar. tris appesastii m. resatire as viel as prereniatire fer ' ear gond iteatth. Buai.i WCsceechilrspi sadisesmensssIslis W e * ingale, <terc eally only 'quenflrg osr thifsri Io sspeak. iadesn lecri iutoa in ssenian]: tecre thiresss Tssreiistescoflhiant<d for prveninssssecseat it aCflîessacti)iscsrllesslear egîsse hieckced mi esec iUfsrsagei foreL orr<si<eion of luaisIf isse u ait uti scsssssepain asnd dsecsmiotesiseeasieslonggAspaina ea.rdndeîesisiisf spssisil itasiiii h<i, (fiseisiri se cssîlss'riiiirserss iidn isrii5s's'istiiiii s sisssiiiiss suis1 f/ssii asndiistsssisrîsousrflfsriss irii 110'i. ritai wuiii sithes o Isti wsîs îars oui' ssi cisisi rereesefersîs drinkgferie f isler. and nsiisirff stflcriiireflsrss% flures, iisisc gondeifait sitsei5 towne iD, vitkc. 905 876 1188 ""' Dr. Tony Wan B.Sc. D.D.S %-ýwtownecotm "AM~ -' B.Sc. DD.S Opening Day! Waw, it sure has been a busy summer. It's hard ta believe that f ive weeks could have already passed since our renavatian began. After over a month of round-the-iclack work, our office has had an "Extreme Makeover - Dental Office Edition". We feel like we should have had the hast of the popular television show present to yell "Remave that waIl!" as we recently took down the temparary wall facing the mail. Yau won't recognize it. We're glad to be back ta work in our newly renavated office. We love it and we think you will, too. We have appreciated yaur patience and support thraughaut the duratian of our office clasure. Oh, by the way, we knaw that many of aur patients and mail patrons enlayed aur tropical fish and we're pleased ta let you knaw that we will soon have a new aquarium!

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