Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Aug 2006, p. 22

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22 - The téanadian Champion, Tuesday August 08, 2006 GenrlHall 8 Empoytn kF-7 SfieHl c epOfc ep0H m &Aes Sales ~ Help Reétail Or'oduct FICIENT BOOK- consitant i ii ,î. .11i. ii : 11gui, l U ilUi beWl,i ,,i KEEPE R for casih Is searuhing dorfat paced Environment, and wii bs rvsponsible and entertatning accessornes, iS 00W hir- foslansoil ton, bn for ail Accounts Receinable responsibilties with- ing consultants to service the Milton Reuiet FT PT, deosfu ucoant Customer Service Representatives n amaHeuySap area. Positions must be filled by Augast positions, Burlington dîscrepancy reso u* Gstd Bsok /701.csm, a Division ni Meirsianti Pub inctuding the accarafe processiog ni tassas- 11th ta, earn a beautiful gift and s poten- Ideat candidate wili ton, insoicing, cashn iishing, ta a business tiirectory servicing local mar- fions and comptiance with cnmpaopy potîcies. tîally amazing income. Wonk your own be amatre. utging ummries andQualifications: heo maturenuocng umars Cati kets in Ontario, prodîng consumera with a comn- Minimum ni 5-10 years Accsanfs Recevabte houns, set your own scheduie. pesnareiu hizu rua Ca662-723 plete listing ut ail busînesses in theit focal commu- esperience in a medium to targe corporafe Fo oe . . owt oi u retait eaperîenice. Li r-2-43 nity. ennînooment OR a Cmrify cottege Busi- enrpeera tem .aect 21p64 no place5 Dra n ue to buntnens grocfh, we are ueekîng dyoamtc Sue5 @arîrrtn 519nnf766-6t3m85 216 taplce ou ad10 indîvîduals for the fuîltitme position ni Cuatorver els 2-5 peurs Accoais Receivable esperi- Mauntain Grove ~ i aarai(tnpe SrieReette frsrHmt oain eceivbenpfec o ric50 905-336-8757 ltCIai CaPin SrieRpeettvfo uHaitnlcto.Rcial xeine orpocecyn call 905.878.2341 In ts rote, you wtît be reuponutible for gatherînO Microsoft soffce -Word, Excel, Pucerpoiof est&( i fi iaRien and paattng informatin fo clitent websfen. You cii Excetlent communicatin sis bath wrîffen Skittd& kled & urderutanti the importance of Seing cuntomer lo- and oralhentcl rayia n raia Techaucat Hlein Technical Hetp cuneti n wriqdirecftl with cliento, and deel ondl mfineaîa, ntfca nioraî oinsi fheîr cehaife content. In adition, sou cili s,. -.a.... e..e.,a ezCn. itnoe Automotive Technicians GM Deatarshîp reqaîres a F/T General Technician F/T Trim Technician F/T Lube Technician F/T Lot Attendant GM training a mat ta cara in a targe buay Service Depariment. Eacetlent remuneratian andi beneis. Forcarti resume ta: Jim Rasa, Service Manager Legga Pontiac Buica Cadîtlac Lti., 2207 Faîmîew Si. (oa 369) Burlînigtsn. ON L7R 3Y3, Fux: 905-333-0170 Emaîl: î FIELD SERVICE TECHNICIAN (BILINGUAL) Accraptp Canada, toc. is the teader in the deien anti manufacture ni labet application opoiema, We are currenftp neelatog un expenienceti Fieldi Service Technîciun 10 mastaIt anti service aur labeling apaiemas. Suifabte applîcanfa sisutti have a sfrnng backaground in etectranica as wetl aa excettent diagnostic and customer service shîlla. Preaisus experience in the aef-up anti maintenunce of packaging lie equîpment is an aaef. Must Se bîtînga ,Fec ant Engtinhl ant i cltîng to traael. We offer a competif tee compenaation package in a fean-orlented enviroineinf. Mary Oak- Accrapty Canada, tnc. 3070 Mainway, Unît 19, Bail., ON, L7M 3X1 E-mail: MOBILE MECHANIC GroeneettCPL Systema ta canrently aeeaîng an intilsiduat ta, tastati aatamnatic abricatian apatema, fauta grese), on truckas irai lers anti heauy equtp- ment. Mechanicat esperience reqaireti cdh a backagnaund int service anti repaîr wanh. Applicants must be wttttng ta fraset anti caraflexible hurt. Training anti beneftit pasitieti. Pleas repifi by fax or e-mal ta: Tom Bonas L 1 Fax: 90547-2125 ewmil 7Onutclsytecom aCAkt Golil Book i 701 .cam, a Divson af Metralarit Pair- liahinç, is a directary business aervicig local mar- kets in Ontario, praeitiing consumera wiSh complete tistings ai irusinesaea anti servicea retevant ta, their locat communities. Due ta business grawth,' we are seehing a dynamîc intiiduat for tire fult-time position ai PRODUCTION COORDINATOR for star Hamiltion locatlion in tins raie yaa wilt ire rfnesiafle far maintaining tire client database anti administering the fisc af ad cop y ireiceen aur clients anti gnaphic artista. You will enter clent contracta in the apatem, aung puirishinq software, chile etiting anti prooting tire ati copyenaanng accuraýcy ai content. In waing tiirectly cir clients asti sales representsttaes, yaa cull esre that aur customena' ativertising neetis are met. Tire qoalilieti candidate cul periarm thei carS citir as attention tai tietait. Ysu cull hase stnsng crittes anti verbal communication siisa; ire a teara plaper and cul antieratast tire importance ai pa0îing tire custamet irat. A caring hnocledge ai Micnosot Office applications anti tire abilty ta catkitn a deatiline drive esvinanment are requireti. f psu caulti lite ta corS far a leader in tire media indstiuin tis spportasfty map ire tire rigiri ane ion psu. We aller a campetitise compensation anti beneita package. as cett as apporfsitss for lu- tare career gractr Hi intereateti please lomasti ynsr reaume, citir Pra- ductias Coordinata« in tire sairiect liens tater tiras Auguat 11, 20060to: infa@70f.comn We aploeciae tire inleoest af ail aliiicas, hacever ool titose selecfed ornsinterview cil ire coertaced. No phone calta or agesoies pleas. hase working knowledge ni Microsoft Office appti- cafîion anti a basic untierafanding ni the internet. The qualieti candidate wîtl be a mofîsateti anti un- ganîzeti individual witS excellent verbal anti cristes communication akîlla. You wîlI be a team plaper anti bu capable of worhîng ini a fat puceti, deati- lie facuseti envîrooment. If o u woutti lîhe ta cara ion a leader in tire media inUustry luis uppartuniiy map bu lire rigiri ose lor y su. We sufer a competîfîse compensation anti benalita pachage, as cett as sapaitunties for la- fure career gractr. I nteresteti please foaard your reaume, citir Castomer Service Representative' in the sabject lise ta: We appreciafe the intereat f a ai applicanss hoceser onfy thoae uetecfed for un intemview wîtf Lbu coniacteti. Nu phone caltas or agenctea pIeuse. www.7/t/l .com Golti Bookh 701 .com. s Diviaion oi Mefrolanti Pub- lîohîng, as a tiirectory brusiness aervîcîng local mur- keta in Ontanio, pnoîiîng consumera wîth a com- plete tisting of ail buaineuues in theu local commu- nity. Due Io busineas grotr we are seehîng a off- namîc indîvîdual for tire fuîltime positon of OFFICE COORDINATOR for sur Haemilton location. n Ibis moie psu wîlt be nespenaible for enounîng sur busineas rus efficientfp. You wîtl arrange af1 IT anti comamunicaion foota for the varînua regîn anti orgasmze regînnal meetings anti specîsl esenta. fn aditioin, p ou cull bu reaponaibte for ca- ardinating sffice needa înctutiîng sales support mu- terits. recruîtîng interviewa anti asaîatîng in the cantraci proces. Tire quatilteti candidate cll be castamer service onieniet i cth tire ability 10 balance multiple aaaign- ments af the ame tinte. Vo wîlt have goati nego- fialing akîtta anti a toliti undersiantiing ni MS Office inctutiing, Outloh. A sirong attention fa detaîl anti sutîid wrîlien anti verbal communication ahîttu are requireti. N pou woulti lihe 10 coda for s leader in 1he media tadastry thia opportunt ra bu the nghf ane for po. We aller a competilive compensation anti buefits pachage, au cetI as oppartunittes for lu- lune career groclir. il inteireateti please faicarti pour reaume, ciS 'Office Coordinats? in the subject fine, no later Iran Auguat 11, 2006 to: We apreoiale the interesof ai a ppticants, traceve, anty Rhoue aetecfed foan sterview wîtt bu costaciei. No phase caltas or agescies pteaae. for Mwaagen anti Penional Coacies Use yr sales eçlirence t lorowletige o u b r adft al tneaslp our mentirn reacr Rein ireat asti weighi fans go&f. Competîtire aalary plus boute and laceetinea. Would y au ilt ta ire recognized as a PROFESSIONAL SALESPERSON In ose af Canada's ieading automobile deaierships? if s, sur saespeaipte earni an excellent încsme anti enlsp tire banal Os, ai csring wilS a succesafai prsgressive datatsiip. fi psu're currenttp a prafea- sianat 'n automobile sales ar f pau're seriaus about a career chrange & are tauhisg fan tire training & guîiance ltaI are essania for long teirra suc- tihe ti tlt ta psu. Ira Necet DeSauza, Sales Manager. Caîf emamîl or drop in BURLINCTON HYUNDAI, Tel:905-633-ttttl/Fao 005- 633-8815, ndeasuza@ruingtonirpundat ou Mlas ui erefn e si or 333varnarketuCDrive ed Mofticu cNamT4Z ledet in th esign an manufactare of pachag- îsg producta anti cornugafei boardi. ta t ng for a: SUPER VISOR for its shîppîng, warehsusîng, anti truching opera- tios. Candidates must have a minimum aI liteen peurs retateti eaperîence in a camputerizeti envi- rosment. Prapaa as tcaie ins Burianglun near tire Appiebp Ga Statîion Pteas fax your rasumie to: 905-681-1023 RECEPTIONIST required for Burtington based company PIT leadîng 10 F!T Muai have excellent communi- cation, problera slvîng anti organîzatianal ahîtta. MuaI hase reliable transportation ta tire silice, fuent in Englisir. Wsring hnscledge of Windows anti Microsft Office baseti pragramas an anset. Emait reaume : or tax: 9054326723 Oniy those seteclet Ior an iterview cîti bu casiacled Noaphose catIs pIeuse. Na Agesciea. E=psec an asse. Patcineaives Uasfed "Ours Rea Estate 7Crpa- rate Commercial, Monday to Fnday Sentiresamelao: 9 am to 5pm WilIam B. Kenr Ryreerr Oavion î 6ç% Barrller & sollcitona 233 Robinsos St. Oakvllle, LUJ 4Z5 1111111111 r nes " si SRG ta cumrently recruiting for an: ISDE SALESREP, Tis is an excellent opportanity for some- one who ta loohing ta workitn tire camp- belînille ares. Starta ai $32,000 pur year. Job requirements: - Espertence contiucting sales for floar- ing anti building materials - Pravitie cuatamer service on incars- ming sales - Must bu praficient uaing Word anti Es- cul *Confident in mshing/tshing sales calta * MuaI have completed college and/or aniversty in a sales programi 1 ta 2 pears in a aimilar raie If pas are interesteti contact. Stevens Resource Group lnc. Eiher b y Fax: 905-878-8312 or E-mail: mîlton astemenseouregOUpcofi tle- an adcl g'g' AS A 'U g' gPUSCO Soalhvîew Dental in Milon neqaîres a new tesa mem- ber who ta user- gelîc anti HARP certilieti, ta grow wrth aur practîce anti communîty 4 tisys per weeh. FAX RESUME TO: 905-876-3278 Southew Dental i n Milton requirea I a hygienial for IMontiays for one-I yej maeritîy teave. Fax resumne to: 905-876-3278 Edien Hasse requirea a Nursea Aiti-PSW farnisght shift. Wle cao offer pou guaranleeti irurs, eep airer ceeheoti off. in a modern air candîlioneti home. We alun neeti a persan for asal iors, cho is flexible toi cak nh tire Dîeiary, Landny, anti iiuuseheeping tiepartmentsa Vou can Fax your Resume ta: 519-856-9171 or 519-856-1274 or e-nmait to or Edan Houa. Care Facility, 50f6 Welliington Coasty Road 29, RR2, Guelph, ON Nf H 6H8 Onip Raose receiviog as interviewMcit bu canlacteti Gold Bo www.7Ol com Golti Book /, a Division aI Meirsiastio Pub- lishing, is a business direcforp serviaing local mar- kets in Ontario, prasiding consumera ctih a cara- plete listing ai ail businesses in Rheir iocal commu- nri Ose tai business gractir, ce are aeehing a dpssmic andisidual for the futI-fimne position aI Customer Service Supervisor for star Mamitton locationi. In unis tale, psu cill bu responsible for aupemioiag a leam of Cualamer Service Representabeves cilS lire primary purpose ai ensurng content is galir- ereti anti postei Io e cle sites in a timely anti efficient menser. Tire quaificd candidate cui bu a mots alet asnd or- ganizeti individua ciS excellent verbal anti cafles communication akîtîs. Yau caIl bu a team plaper asti bu capable aI caing in a fast paceti, deati- tine facuseti esuirasment. Ysu cit Suce thrrugir hnociedge ai Microsoft Office applications, inciuti- ing crealisg anti generalisg reports, anti gaid hnocledge ai interset uaiity. f psu caulti lite to cara for a leader in the media intiustrp Rhii apporiunity map bu the agit one fat psu. We aller a campeilîve campensation anti bunelt package. au ceil au apporlunrite far fu- ture corser gracih. If interesteti please funcard paur resumne. cOin 'Cusiamer Semvice Supemtasor in tire suirfect ine. notalterihan Auguat il, 2006 to info@701 cam We appreciaie the intenesi aI ait appiacants, irocever os4a Rosie aceeed Ion an interview wttl bu confacted. No phoniie caltas on agenoes please. 1 Send your restant to 1

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