Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Aug 2006, p. 14

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Al14 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, August 8, 2006 Making a splash in a unique twist on hockey couple set to coîpcte at world underwater ithockey championships By Herb Garbutt CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Wben John Harland first told bis wife about the sport he had recently rediscovered, it wasn't an overwhelmmng response. -l thought it was ridiculous," said Bonny Chan. -1 couldn't believe something lîke this existed." Five years later, Chan has warmed up to the game of underwater hockey - so much so that she weill join Harland at the world cbampionsbîps next week in Shieffield, England. "It took a long time to grow on me," said Chan. "I had tried snorkeling hefore but I had glasses so I couldn't get the mask to fit properly and I couldn't see much." Underseater hockey is played in a pool with six players per side, wearing snorkel mssand fins. Players use short sticks to move a weîghted puck along the bottom of the pool, and like hockey, try to score by shooting it into the oppositions net. Unlike hockey, you have to do it shile holding your breath. Harland said although some people can hold their hreath for up to six minutes under water, players typically spend eight to 10 for air but nsay stay dowrn as long as 25 sec- onds if they are învolved in the play "Ifs a balance, holding your breath and ORAHAM PAINE / CANAO/AN CHAMP/ON NOT VOUR TYPICAL HOCKEY GEAR: Bonny Chan and husband John Harland show the equipment they use to compete in underwater hockey. playing aggressively but conserving air. You learn when tnt relax on the botîom." The turning poiînt for Chan came when she got ber osen, properly-fitied equipînent and contact lenses. "Once you can sec and breathe you can start focusing o/n the subtIeties of the game înstead of the fear of drowning.- Harland initially played underwater hockey as a teenager when be was growing Up in Kenora. Now 30, be was reîntroduced to the game six years ago wbile living in Seattle. -I bad been a competitive swimmer and I wanted to get back into the pool, but juot soînetbîng reereational," he said. "Then it /i/ is t/i ,/ tt jsc//o iîg. llarland says wlicn he travelo leor work, hc can always tind a game wîth a local group no matier wbaî cuîy hes in. Harland is the only player from Ontario on the I 2-member mens national team. Over the past two years, team inembers have met tes play, ofien just splitîing into îwo groups and playing agaînst one anoth- er. However, îhey recently had a chance to play the U.S. and the U.S. masters' team in San Jose and won the tournament. Harland said Australia and the defending champion Newe Zealand will provide the stiffest competition while France and England will also be contenders in the 16- team tournament. This will mark Harlands second trip to, the worlds but his first for Canada. He played for the U.S. at the 2004 worlds in New Zealand, shortly hefore moving tc, Milton. The Milton Community Fund is provid- ing funding for the couple to help them make the trip to, England to represent Canada. Chan, 33, wilI play for the Canadian women's masters (32-and-over) team. Though she said she wasnt very athletic when she started playing underwater hock- ey, Chan bas sînce competed in a trnathlon. And she also enjoys the social aspect of the game. "It's such a small community in North Amerîca. You gel to know aIl the players," ohe saîd. 'You show up for a pracîice in a new town and tbey're thrilled to have somne- one new there," ýOk905.876.194 NOTICE 0F ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING ______ Monday August I 4th, 7:3Opm - 9pm 9 ARTS ILTON Milton Bible Church Auditorium 200 Main St. E., Milton Non-fmnbers are weicome ta attend. In addition ta, the business potion of the meeting, we wili explan progress of the proposed Milton Arts and Entertainment Centre. Doors open at 6:30 pm with musical entertainent and menîber group display tabies Guest speaker wli be Pain Eddendien, Exewtive Director of Peforming Arts Burlington. She wli outline planning of the Burlington 600 seat theate, as well as PAB's upot prograins, and their 3-year TIhllurn gant FOR INFORMATION CALL 905-854-4028 OR 905-854-4226. 15 flow Taking Application For Morit Seon'ns Rep Teamns * ** ALL LEVELS AVAILABLE*** *ROOKIE BALL -1998 -1999, a MAJOR PEEWEE -1994, *MINOR MOSQUITO - 1997, a MIMOR BANTAM - 1993, *MAJOR MOSQUITO - 1996, a MAJOR BANTAM - 1992, *MINOR PEEWEE -1995, a MINCET -1990 -1991. Ail Applicants Must Be (Or Be Wliiing Té Become) Certitied Level 1 NCCP Coaches. Ail Applications Need To Be In By No Later Than AUGUST 15, 2006. They can be dropped off at 897 Childs Drive or emailed to (Please note it yna e-mail them that you must recel ce a response acknowledging their receipt - DO NOT ASSUME WE RECEl VED THEM). Milton Minor Basebali wo.ld aiso like ta Invite ail cofrrent players and any new players who attend trymuts ta pre-register for next season at this season's prices. Ail curoent bouse beague players can pre-register on SATUROAY AUGUST 12, 2006 AT ROTARY PARK. THE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE... As tOn Presidest s/ Mi/ton Misoc Baseba//. / sos/O /îke to taon tu/s opportusiti to thank a// the vouuteer coaches and soard siembers for their harO worh thîs seasson /000w/bhis seasos Oas sot been vvîthout i/s hiccupo, but 1 be/îeve a// p/ayers shos/d haie the oppor/usît.o to pav and en/oy the gante n os/O lîhe att tî lme to ise/te ALL parenss/Osep us siake spot seasos eves be//or We ivil/ be bavîsg ose Arîssai Geoera/ Meeting os Sa/arda,' Oc/aber 7. 2006 a/O t Bh oyse Commuoniry Centtre TOis mieetingto as opportuiiity for ALL pares/s tc get îîîî,o/ eO siO tbe rsonîsg o//Ohit organiza/îsn I cao assure you tOny a// duO a great job, Thp tact is Oowever that ioensend more thas sîse board members /0 make a seasso tOn succeso tl soood be tissuO/love /0 ses pares/s trou the ysoger age groupa step torivarO We Oad /0 teaus betisevo sur 2 ysssgest divisions thîs seasos and that is more thas tOe 5 o/der agi grosps con/bînnd Cte players arr t/tv base trou îsbîch tOit associatîiît cas and si//pgrou We need /0 Oave peop1ty/so!sc uo and 0e/p /0 muSe tOat happen s îîîcre/vl Ooove t ee t ou a//at/One AGM Chanss There were os/y nime fulI time board meînbers t/vs year and as a resu/t each was askes/ to pertorm /4,de~er several dîfferent lobs and tasks /0 make t/os sentes happes President, Milton Minor Basebail SUGN LANGUAGÉ%eE S*FOR BABIES, TDLD &SCHOOL-AGED KIDS At 2 workshops, 2 weeks, Ready 2 sign! A Private group workshops * ASL as a 2nd language for older children *~ QI~P * Training for professional caregivers -qqqqpp, qquool- - Miltc»n Wc>rkahc>p bt--g-intc-» -.001111111 Augue»t loth le - [:::R:F=OIIS«rER NOW!

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