A2 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, July 21, 2006 -~ - I fax hike not as high as expected Town council limits tax increases to 7.5% By Melanie Hennessey CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Miltonians' taxes won't be going up next year by as much as previously pro- jected. At its meeting Monday night, coun- cil approved a motion that in effect lim- its 2007's tax increase to a maximum of 7.5 per cent, or $51.06 for the average urban homeowner based on a $300,000 assessment and $42.17 for the typical rural household. Town staff recently reported that an 8.98 per cent tax hike, or an extra $61 for urban residents and $50 for rural citizens, would be necessary next year to maintain existing service levels. But council directed staff to prepare packages that show what the operating budget would look like with no tax increase, a three per cent increase (urban, $20.42 and rural, $16.87), five per cent hike (urban, $34.04 and rural, $28.11) and 7.5 per cent jump. Tovn Director of Corporate Services and Treasurer Linda Leeds told The Champion that while staff would've liked to recommend the 8.98 per cent forecast as part of the motion approved by council, she said Miltons history of minimal or no tax increases had to be considered. "To say 8.98 per cent... I don't think it would be sensitive to the past experi- ence of the community," she said. She noted that as the 2007 budget is prepared, staff will have to look at where it can achieve additional efficien- cies and scale back certain projects to meet council's direction. While the numbers presented may have been lower, Wards 2 and 4 Councillor Ron Furik noted he thinks having staff crunch the numbers for even a 7.5 per cent tax increase is a waste of time. Mayor Gord Krantz shared similar sentiments, adding that he has "some real difficulty" even thinking about that kind of tax hike. The actual tax numbers will be determined through the budget process by the new council coming in this fall. At this point, its expected budget packages will go out to the budget com- mittee by November 27. Following that, the committee would be able to review the numbers until December I1, which is the tenta- tive date its expected to meet for delib- erations. Final council approval of the budget could be given December 18. Melanie Hennessey cati be reached at mhennessey@miltoncanadianchampion.c om. ÀAIÀF Ti-sis Licý#i Sc-cit-ci-i, st-cit-cil, Rt--cic>ir-cis fc»#- ttitc- U.S_ "Ir-ici Cclir-icicit-i