The Canadien Champion, Friday Juty 21, 2006 - 19 cj -eoria eam ubic Notices gl& lc Notices ubicNotices ubicNotices k= CerTrining bliCerTleini KE4NE, Steplars Moure Iu loeîug mumry- o ur~ d-ar (lad geucelpa & j$uoband. Doms the path of methrssie We gextl tiead rîîdsy, toi uur toviug tbougbrs aie wubh yoa As tife guos iîs wap. Wî oftîx tut5 about pou With toue and sad re, For us wbo opu deaety Nmver witt forger. The maspîbîsngs pou did for us In pour kind and loving way. Yî,a gave us pears of bappîxess No one cus taise awsp. To uspou mcii soieone speciat Sommuoe good sud tise, YoaT uever bc foegsui s For we tbougbt the mis ofi psu. Rernerbered eusLay byyour Family Alysia Gabriel (Lou) juty 20, 1979 -juty 20, 1996 t'st10 yarssisce youve beex gone sremu tue yestrrday other rimes su long what t wuutds't givr ru see your smite. Your memoiy we rreasuie Wr hold you tigbt en our bicrs But ksewisg you arc somewleie cea r :fui means t'm sever never totatty alose. Love )eu asoays, Mont, Barrt Dalkas & Farnily DASILVA, Timmny July t15,2006 Timmy, you wilt be sadty mi d. You wr tike famity to us. Seeîeg ihai imite of youîsyîîu weeone of a kssd. Fîom hîtping Rj miti his iacisg to making apoint to corne say hi in Orna and t. t am altridy mîsusg the uesis g humus us. Su mssy memoîsîs ci ml chrit forîu,îii RJ has liuoked up us, you since hi mas iuui a test dteî,yîu becsme hiu idot. You miii always ihere for him. You jusiirecentty told Rj tbaî if you mire his age rîglu no [5W J 191 moutd have busaîen youî buîu inxacisg. l'bat mas such a xici ibsho' t ei hlm sud suc Rt wiît cher- ish hbaifOrtb'est ofbitici. tlMXrauing is Rjs lifi st lite it bas bes youîs. You bave hies an inspiratiox io more people tban yîu'd evei ksom. t knuw you sertI ieep checîing RJ on ansd givisg bîm ihosi high 5us hem op ahie Wî lov po stmmv snd pou weIll aI_ mas binsour htus You wllvs bc fogo R] "OURA "Guifst Orna Bepgeraun, Apal and Traey Nowlan MOORE, margret Juty t12, t1940 -jutp 24,2005 Inutovng mîmo pf fou Mom (a uma & Grea-Grandma mbotefiruston so . Mom pou are atwayso ouc mins and foevein sour heurs Wî mis su andtlovepyouuierpmuch. 1- Shelle Cheryl and Fsmis e o plc yo c uit noice âËýie5 VLiO For:Sae 6WoraI HOT Tub (Spa) Covers 2002 Honda Cîoic. LIVE-4N CAREGI VER REGUFE besi price, Besi quality. Ail Cuititied, 01,000km, for childien aged 2 mouthns, 1-1/2 and 3 shapes & colours. Ca/i t1- lots ot upgrsdes. Must We require sornuonu who: 866-585-0056 sue $11,000.00 obo. a can talu cîtb oui chîldrex in Hindi, ccw.thucovuiguy.ta Cal 905-876-2830. *observies ail aspects ut caregiving, and ix playful, energetîc, and introduces appro- priate new ideas/games; *supports Indian culture, ethîcs and val- ues, suad *agreus on issues of discipline, toilut- training and uating/teeding habits Proot oftlraining, certitication snd rut erencus are requîred, Training ix CPR sud other lite- savîng iasks detinitely un assut. Email resumne to: masseyl KIII MrktBasket asket "RASPBERRIES" Red and Blackt ROMAINE SALAD, BEETS, BEANS, PEAS and PICKUNG CUCUMBERS OTHE FARMO De Paoli PidiyeurOwn Ready Pidted (plusse caît) 905-873-2050 905477-7976 Mon-Fri 8-5, Set 8-3 and Sun-Hol. 8-12 Catl for Weafter/Avaiabilty Tratutgar Road, to ttth Sdeioad lStewumslo) 1lkm West, 1 si Faim on Norith Side LARGE Estertaismuut Unit, fls 27 - 30" TV $150.00, 905-878- 3450. GORGEOUS Prîncess Bedioom. white, 4-posi bud, desu cîth book- case, dressur/mirrsî, nîght table, chesi: $700. 905-876.4717. Lig(>K CHEST treezer 3yrs oid 2.7 spotless $300.00 or best ofier. Antique China Cabinet Pubbiur Bios Hanour 3 sîdus giass 2 dracers and door, 2 tree standing sheioes dark antique maplu $800 or besi st- fer Phone 905-878- 3456 TREAD mîili purchasud October 2003 esed 3 months, alsu black te- ton and 5x7 aiea reg black and grey. Susan 905-878-t59u. FREE PATIO STONES. Vuu pick them up. Cal 905-875-t1597. A dînîing room, cherry- wuod, double pudestal table, 8 chairs, buffet, hutch, douutaîl con- struction. Nec stîii ix bonus. Cosi $11000.> Sacritice $2600. 905- 567-9459. A King Pilloctop Mat- tress Set. New in plas- tic. Coot $1800. sait toi $450. 905-567-945u. BED, Amazing bargaîn, queun ortbopedîc pîl- ioctop set, nec in plas- tic, carianty. $250 905- 567-4042 wiii deior. 8EOROOM Cherry- coud, Bed, cheit dresser, 2 nîghistauds' Dooetail Construction. Neyer opuued Cost $8.000. Sacrifice $t,.00. 905-567-4042 CARPET I suie suourai 1,000 yards ot nuis Stain Master & 1000% nylon car- pet. Wîill do liing room & hall toi $389. Includus r- pet, pud & installation (30 yards) Stuou, 905-633- 8192 HOT Tub/ Spa; 2006 modei, ail options, Coi- uî. Neyai used stillins wrapper. Cost $8,9a0. Su/i $5.000. 905-567- 4042. ArtcsWanted BEST CashS Paîd- Art, Antiques, Coiiucibes, China. Ciysiai, Sioveî Figurines, Royai Doulton, Swaîouskî. Glass, Puxtery, Etc. Estate Speciat uts, Top Cash. Caîl John/ Train 905-331-2477 Pets Suppies FREE, looîng hume needed for rural dsg. Great wîth kîds and cts. ARABIANS - 2 Mare's, 2 Gelding's, t Stallisn. 005-854-601t8, royal- gold@uetscapu ta COCKER Spaniel pup- py, ready te go, rugis- ierud, mîcro-cbîpped. tîrsi shots. $700. Cai/ 905-702-i94e El1111 ar o Sale HONDA Cîoîc LX 19us. 4-dloor, gsod condition. A/C, CD. $2,000.00 uncurtitiud. $3.000 cr tiiîd -lirm. Contact 905-876-3790. 2000 Chryslur lntrupîd. gssd condition, 1150,000./kms, PL, FW, CD piayur, $6,.000. OBO. 905-8604-1811t. " aeerTrinng a rerTaining FREE Information Session! 905-333-3499, Ext. 121 www. Thae Ce -ta SklsDevelopmrrent & Trainig 1998 Porsche 044, mini condition, ioaded $7.000. 1990 Ford Taurus, loaded, green $3,500. tou9 Subrîng Convertible, loadud $10.000, Caii 905-8i77- 6922. 1994 Suîch Regal Limiud 174K. 3,8iL, V6, tuiiy /sadud with corkîng A/C. eet tiries, brahus. whei buarîngs. tuuu.Up Pa ssud umîssions test lasi year iîth tlying colours. Lookîng toi $tuOO/obo. Maxt 905-330- 2588 uàrcyrcles 2000 Honda CR80 Motocruss Moturcycle, eau, gond to encellent condition, $2,t00. OBO. 1985 Suzuki GSL 450CC, msns weil, needs cork, pro- letpaits bike $250.00 Caii tim or Jesse 905- 878-0943. I Loue te cssok & rus errauds. Plusse caîl 905-876-3695. HOUSEKEEPER nuuded part-timu, 4-6i days pur weuh. Flexible boums In Milton ares. Cail 416i- 720-101t. Mâlnm-zz FREE Information Session! 905-333-3499, Ext. 121 46»heCentre eQ a~ V.Oà*c Dewtopnsenfl f f't IVr gffCO lsie FOR M, PAY Haîon Pofike Seekirig Victim Services Volunteers The Halton Regional Police Service is currently seekîng mature volunteer members for the Victim Services Unit. The mandate ut the Victim Services unit is f0 provide emotional sup- port and community referrals lu victims of crime and tragedy throughout the region. A candi- date ta the program wiu) possess escellent communication/ listening skills as weou as being compassionate, empathefic and a strong desire to give back to your community. Basic Qualifications *be a minimum of 21 years of age *have a valid drivers license *available for a minimum of 12 volunteer hours per month Candidates are required to complote a mandatory 6 meek training program (3hrs per week for 6 meeks) For more information please contact the Victim Services Coordinator ai 905-825-4747 est.5035 Volunteer applications may also be domnloaded at: >Volunteer/Programs>Victim Services *W=EZ1 1011 Z caerZ1Z1Caer BEHLEN Behien Industries îo a major manufacturer oif pre-engineered metai buildings consisting of the unique CORR-SPANO and BEHLEN FLEX-SYS@I steel building systemrs for the recreational, commercial, and industrial markets. Behlen Industries also produces a full fine of agricultural products, including grain tanks and curvet 5f orage buildings. Behien Industries is a member of the Westman Group, a dynamic entrepmeneurial group of companies also composed osf Friesen USA, Meridian Industries, Spir-L.Ok Industries, Steelcor Culvert Westman Culvert, and Wheatland Bins. Head office and manufacturing facilities are located in Brandon, Manitoba. A Sales and Engineering office is located in Burlîngton, ON. REGIONAL SALES MANAGER SOUTHERN ONTARIO Workiug independently and as part of a team, with direction fîom the Director of Sales, the sccessul candidate will be responsible for: selling BEHLEN FLEX-SYS® and C0RR-SPAN@ steel building systems in Ontario: generatîng prodact upecificatîons ix the coxuultîng engîneer and architectural commsnîty, establish and maîntain utrosg working relatîonshîps wîth the BEHLEN builder network and provide a direct or sapportive sales noie, whichever in mont appropri aIe; train buildero how 10 market & seil BEHLEN bailding systems; train bailders how lu rex estimating software for BEHLEN building systems; assist in development and implementation of corporate initiatives as required; organization of sales and marketing tendions; ensere excellent relations with fellow employeeo, sub-tradeo and the general public. The ideal candidate has 10+ years experience ix a tast paced manufacturixg environment. Prenixus experience in steel building manutacterixg would be a defisite asset. Excellent communication and computer xkills (Word, Excel, PowerPointl) are requirements for the job. Behlen Industries provides a competitine total compensation package with many opportunilies for protessional growth. Visit us ait Oualified candidates will torward their résumé and cover lutter, by July 31, 200610o: Jim Foster Human Resource Coordinator Behien Industries 927 Douglas Street Brandon, MB R7A 7B3 Phono: (204) 728-1188 Fax: (204) 725-4932 E-mail: We hank alapicansfo1ii ineest Ou/o dnose beingmsonsirfoisaouaiefl ilbcnaed. AGI Wesmau Group Inc , s an Eqî,al Opporsunity Employeru P L Fooda, a maker of fine quallty crackers, located in the friendly communlty of Georgetown la looklng for a MAINTENANCE PLANNER Key responsîbîlîtîes mîlI iniclude the împlementatîon and maintenance of a Ccîmputenized Maintenance Management System. effective parts înventory control includîng sourcing, stocking, purchasing sud distribution of maintenance materials, as weIl as maintaîning a lîbrary of parts and equipment catalogues. The Maintenance Planner wîlI alsu bu responsihie for schvduiing of work orders and tiling of ait work orders and inspection reports. The ideal candidate should be a self-motîvated team player who demonstrutes solid communication, organîzatîonal and computer skîlls and has 3-5 years related experience. Maintenance background is an asset but not a requirement. lnterested candidates, plusse apply to: P L Foods Ltd. 120 Armstrong Avenue Gieorgetown, Ontario L7G 4S3 Fax (905)873-8746 emaîl: We thank ail appiîcants for tlueir inieresi, however, oniy those undor coiisideration i be contacted.