Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Jul 2006, p. 6

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A6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Juiy 18, 2006 OPIN\ION In the deep end VVhet-e is the conîtuels sense? Wbiere are tt moirais and vaies \Ve cati onIlv slî.ke oi heaids and %voncloi luiî as to xvhat iî îkes a p~arent continue to support a 'oin troversial swini coatch who bas, aind wc siv dts potite- l, a cbeckecred past. Burlington residient Cecil Russe!! continues te make headtines thank-s te his involvement witb tbe Doiphins Swimi Club, based in both Oakvitle and Barrie. Just in case you aren't farniliar with this indivtd- ual be has, in the past, been arrestcd for traflick- ing steroids and ecstass' and has testified he hielped burn and dispose of a dis- mernbered body. White Russell was banned froim coaching in Catnada ns t 1())7 for lits tt'l'tttini a steroici t i'.tt it kilig ring, a tatuadiai tL etiue for t îics Ili Spoit s (t (15o) hcating lirit er bas satid lies pile0sed tirait [lie tederal geverni muent bas dectded t(s revtew flice <.CES' decîsion. He sait] be believes as ant MP be sbould look out for tbe welfare of everyone be rep- rescrnts. Wben Russeli was reacbed for comment by The Champion ail be wouid say was, 'il leave it in the hands of my tawyer." Quite frankix; the reat decîsion tn hîis sordid mess rests soletv in the hands efthie parents wbo bave te decide if is okay for thts mani te coach ibeir kids. Readers Wrinte Send your letters to miltonol@haltonoearch om or d.rop thern off at 875 Main St. E, Child's toy car Ieft outside wasn' tol be thrown away DEAR EDITOR: *MN, lamity and i lise on t osier C ourt, whîcb on most. evenîings the fîve kids wbo tive on the sîreet play outside unrit tbai dreaded phrase cîîîered hy * parents is heard -'Tinses up, bedtime . t.ast Tuesdlay, after wve cteaned up the ktds and put tbem te bcd, 1 ssent back outside te make sure at] the bîkes, cars, wagons and ether toys were packed away untit tbe nexi das"s, adveniures. My 10 y-ear otd son Joshua is deset- opmentalty-delayed and doesn't ride bis bike much. Hîs cousins gave hîm a pedat car that be tîves in wbite outsidc. He even bas a wagon tbat betties te it witb a bungee chord. Imagine my utter panic tbat nigbt wben I noticed thse wagon parked ai the curb next te my neighburs dniveway treasures tbat tbey were gcuîîng rîd oif in flic 1loins'îg days garisage pic k-up, but nof s'gr' îfA lIt- Iiloi d car. fi seems tisai someone who was tooking for stulf biad mistakeniy picked up Joslis car tuai was st!l tiert to lits wagon anti lit ith it. Now l'ni as guîlt as the nexi guy for -stoppîng and rccyctîng sînîf ibat some- one etse doesn i ncect anvmore. l've es-en kisocked oin someones door to make sure ibai îbey wcrc realty wanî- îng to get rîd of wbai was on bhe curb. t lowcver, t dont understand bow someone coutd mîstake a car ted te a wagon for garbage. t'd tike to ask the person who nis- i.akenty took my sons car to cornte anîd exptan te bîm wbcrc bis car wcnt and wby bc cait ptay wîtb it artymore. COLIN GENIER FOSTER COURT lime for mayor and friends to move on DEAR EDITOR: I hîs citecr us to add iii twfi cenits tff tire nitî prevtous letturs about the lacktestrc performance of our miayur and bis counicil. We as voters sbouid neyer atlow our polttctans. at any tevel, to get tour Coin- fortabte in their positions. Wc bave tbe controt te make them do tbeir jobs. Ait we bave te do is vote. In my opinion, Mayor Gord Krantz and friends bave clearly outstayed their welcome and need te pack it up and move on. Sonry Gord, you've had my vfftu fof- \-car-. bot 1 bliiese 5'iftt antd VOIîI cifOttci t! Ut ,ttcOt doitg e iî,ts b e-t for Miltontat inifr. \Vc kIoîs s'ot'!! mti-s tbe grand opcttttîgs, ithe flash of thc cainera and bcîng a guesu on mornîtsg radio sbows. However, Milton bas to cci sonieoise wbo can fîx tbe mess yen created. t atrcady miss tbe smatt, fncendty town tbat Milton used te be, and] Inu sure many otbers feel tbe samne. Wetcome toi Mit-sauga everyone. L D'ENTREMONT MILTON Growth only making global warming worse DEAR EDITOR: We see what global warming is doing and its not a prenty pieture, yet we continue te, add te this destructive effect by atlowing uncont-otled growtb. It's akin te setling tickets for tbe Titanic after she bit the iceberg. We're just being plain foolish by doing wht we're doing te, ourselves, for we most certainty know what the effects will be. lncreased growth equats more homes, more cars and thus more poltution titat leads te, increased global warm- ing - its that simpte. Wbat we're doing won't only be feit in our irme, it witl be the Iegacy we leave our chit- dren. Halton Region is now going tbrougb tbe initia! stages of preparing to, devetop a'Durable Hatton Plan', wbicb il says is building ocr future. Wbat a future! It says the regions population witl double. This kind of growtb witl ctearly tead te the type of development that will gobble up farmtand, drain green-space and pot- lute our badly-needed water sources. Witb double ocr current population, we'll bave more bigbways and many more cars on our roads tbat wittîl double our poltution tesets, wbicb witt rapidtv increase tbe destructive effeets of gloîbal warming. Crowtb ccjuas întreased global wartîng. llie Region says its tbe Province tbaî's forcing tt te do tbîs. If ibis is the case, we theti neet] tei stand togcbcer and clearty say enougb is enougb - we won't atiow tbis type of self-inflicted destructive growth te happent in Halton. In tbis regard, our regional counicitters need te, loud- ly represent those wbo etected tbemn and tei net just do the bidding of the provincial governiment. They must stand for wbaî's rigisi for the cîtizens, tise wildlife and tise environanent of liaision. BSB METE CAMP8ELVILLE moRe WEEKS 0V SUMMER Si îiaps socaion Suburbar Nspapes Hato Hih cah (i; )N S 1* UNITED WAY OF MLON- Jingle Bell Fui "* MILTON SANTA CLAS Showcase ý ioe GAIA Zbej Qanabian c~bampion Mtlon' Communty Newspap Sioce 1860 875 Maitn St. E., Milton, Ont. L9T 3Z3 905-878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Publisher: Ian Oliver Asuociate Publisher Heil Oliver Advertising Director Wenidy McNab Managing Editor Karen Smith Production Manager Tim Coles Circulation Manager Charlene Hall Office Manager Teri Casas The Canadian Champion, poblished îeey Tuesday and frday ai 875MainS ,h OMlton, Osi [9 303 nem of h14 Metiolad Prniti Ptiîhîg & Distibutn [tid comiOdy newspapers Advertîsnq îsacpted o the rnditi lia, in the IiîIhf tpgraph.Ica ,oîlhapoton of theadî, tIo9 mpaie or .tpoed hý the mmrnemodemi loither wi, I raai l hlaliowac cfor .gînaîîe wli fot he hared for but fi ba[an,o Of 'hi advimm n ,ill hi paid for ai tire apploah,î ral ire oýblhe, esme the oght fi ,a[iioniiidiinî.cn,m,o dcim CCAB Audited

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