Mechanics Needed!!!. NEW WAGE RATES INCREASED $MIFT PREMIUMS S"U 8EMT PACKAGE TOOL & BOOT ALLOWANCE Theo Eib Gîroup has immediate opetings for pirofessional CLASS T TRUCK TEONI CMAN and a LUBE MRC at our Misaissas- ga facliiy We value our mecnarcs ai Erb - you helpus keep on truîingl ml1.a Glass Tr Truckn and Coach Licence; origne exeucdiagnos- tic and repair slls; and a positive attitude. Apply to Erb Transport LtdL.: 118 BritabRd The Erb Group is an Eppqualt«iymployer A0;1, iaf MONCON t grie O uil PAY "gOt le$HI LQL4VI For more th an a quarter century, LOVAT has specialized in the cuutomn design and manufacture of T'unnel Boring Machines (TOM) utilized in the construc- tion of metmo, raitway, moad, sewer, waler, pensoc*, mine acceus and telecable tunnels. We are currently recruitog for thre following positions: ASSEMBLY TECHNICIANS Responsibilies cili include the installation, tesling and maintenance of hydraulic systemoi. Candidates must have experience in Heavy Hydraulico systenra asd Mechasical Assemhly. ASSEMBLY ASSISTANTS Ressiilities wilt include assisting the assemrbiy technucians as instrscled as wel1las housekeeping duties. Candidates shouehave basic mechanicai and tiydrastic knowledge with somei esperience. WELDERS Candidates muat be CWB Cerhified. CNC GENERAL MACHINIST Candidates must have Fanuc, Siemens, Heïdenhamn control esperience. Caneral machining experience, as watt as esperience usmng the following equipmerft: engins la"e, milling machines, and drill presses. VERTICAL BORING MILL OPERATORS Candidates must have espenience on aorting on large componients over 100 in dianneter. Approsimatey 5 years of oeeience in vertical boing is able t0 read bise prints. CNC aspenence wosid ha an asset. Succestul candidate wtil ha offeremd 3-6 moniffis contraci with the opportunity of becomlng permanent Candidate will ha requlred ta mark mlating shits. JUIadiae muet poasse good communication aiis. Ml you fuel you ham the qualifications and enjoy wortdng In a flts ped esvlronment, pleasse, respoind by matil, emati or tes ta: Humsin Resources, LovaitI c. 441 Cartingvlew Drive Etobicoce, ON M9W 5G7,, and Fax: 416- 675-70. Thank you for your reply, only applicants soeeced for interviews will ha contacied lm Ofc oIOMRi fieHl A sk nUs About.. Omo olp 111ce Hlp olp .kvour Reuuîment ad odav & receive Inuac utoe evc Groai Oppotutity 3 ason Rersnttv - eui in a fantastic office for Wrkopoli .s for onl' Local Insurance Office requires faîl-tîme RIBO hi- Flnancîi Admin. $1 5 O censed Personal Lines CSR. Minimum of 2 years 30-40hrslceek esperience required. Must ire proficient in MS Flexible hours avait, Word and Windows. Knocledge of Power Broker a Insurunce enp. pre- definite asset. The ideal candidate cîlI have strong ferred but vol req.'di organizational kilîs, be ale 10 cork cîlti minimal Fax resumelsatary' supervision and be sales and marketing orîented. expectatlans ta We offer a competitive cmpensation package i- 905-631-8194Ofieol cluding a comprehensive benefits plan along cîth ______________________ a en p- - - "..-,vment lnlerested appicants con forward their resmme by email orifax ta: Gary McCasIin, CAIB McCaslin Home Insurance Broirers Fax: 905-702-1892 lieqaires espenienced RIBO licenced CSR's. Competilive salsry, friendly working enrionmenit Fuît-lime for Georgetown ares mansfacturer, Duties, assembly and testing ofivalves. WttlTran, Houtfy wage and beseftfs. Fox resume to: 905-702-947 BRANTH-WN HOMES IS seeking a Sales Office Administrator The succassiel applicant muai ha proiessianal, energetic, mîtti a filendly demeanor. Ablllty ta worc as part ai a team a must. Seli starter, able ta work wlth minimal supervision. Munt have strong arganîzailona sIlls and ha praticlent In MS Office, excel, word & autiook. Dulles sn- dadae: Assistlng stles a genta wlth agreements, tracking data In encet spreadaheeta ilg, prIntlng, sendlng & recelvlng taxes, lsan be-L treen stles oice & head office. Houra: Mon- Thurs & Weekends. Ta apply, emati: Or Fax Andrea Peckart @ 905-333-8364 FASHION CONSULTANT/ RECEPTIONIST/ SALES ASSOCIATE needed for large retait optical showroom. Ideal candidate cilI have good communication akilla and a tlair ton fashios. Training cilI ire proeided. Retail experience a must. Phase drop off resume In poison et. HAKIM OPTICAL 790) Guelph Lise, Bui n(aI Fairview) [qGold Book te saarhing for OFFICE RECEPTION For our Oskyftte Location Gold ooi /, a Dm. of Metroland Publish- ing, is a directory busess servianf local marfkets in Ontario, providing consumera wîtir a complete listing of ail hasineuss in their local communiy. Dua 1oi business grandir, ce are sealti anamic individiual for tire fuli-time position of 1ftieRecep- hion for sur Oirectory business. In tris rote yss reili ha responsibe for assisting and directinq visfora art procassing ait inbound catis. In addition, you cull provide administrative manage- ment supprt by assitng in tire prepuration of re- ports and performing word processing duhies. Tire quaiified candidate cull ire an energetic sef- starter citr esceptionai interpersonul okîtîs. You ciii ire srganîsed citr an attention to datait and understand tire importance of sutstanding csstom- er service. Knowledge of MS Office, inciuding Out- looii s required. i ou wouid lise to cor for a leader in tire media industry thiis oortsnty may bu tire hghl ove for o u. Wr offer a competitîve compensation and enatfts package, as cati as opportunities for fu- ture coreer groctr. if interasfed pieuse farreard your resume, mitir Office Receptian In tire aubtect lina, no siten than Juiy 26, 2006 ta: We aprecate tire îotereut of ail aoplicants, hswever ofnly thsse selected for an interview wii bu contacfied. Ns phone callu sr agencies pleaoe. COMMUNITY ADMINISTRATOR This is a permanent, full-lime position. The ideal candidate will have 3 years clerical, reception and customer service experience and be ready for that next step up! An excellent communicator, you have proven computer skills, the ability to multi-task, handle several projects at one time and can liaise with clients, 1 colleagues, contractors and group SEEKING ENTHUSIASTIC SELF-STARTERS to join our ADMINISTRATION TEAM Full-Tirne/ M-F Must possess strong keyboard skilis sharp attention toi detail, billing, accouriting, administrative experience. Please forward resumes Ici: The Canadien Champion, Friday Juty 14, 2006 -27 Cio d Iona/îto Fial 9 -6 - DIS9 Sales lielp & Agents 1 Chudlelghls Ltd., a privatey owned and operated international manufacturer ai frozen baked good, in Mitton, a seeking: Inid Sa eupr The succeauful candidate relt beas tesm player reitir the ability toi work independenty and pravide support for aur oulside sales teamn cith major reluit and food service customers in Canada, US and abraad. Sonne minimal travel may ire involved for trade shows in Canada and US. In retuco, Chudleigh's provides opportunitiea ta team and act on your owm initiative, cleanty definedai nd atructureai rn, a variety ai challenges and recognition of work watt done. We ulsa offar a compotitive, sulury and generaus banaf ils ta the succeaufut candi- date. We encourage resumes from candidates wirh the foflowî'ng pre- fan-ad qualifications: -Minimum 2 yearsof fiood industry experience in customar ser- vice 1 -Excellent written and verbal communications akilîs -Supenor organizational okilîs fdaally you witl aiso possess: -Natural ubility ta focus on detaila -Gocsd decision-ssaking akilîs and prablem-solving okilla -Syotasss aspanienca (EDI, MACOLA, EXCEL WORDi Ns Agencies andlor tetephonie culis pieuse. vie cish vo thans ail up- plicants but cas onty respond to those undar considerution "At Chudleigh's, we grow apples. We pool thom fresh year round. We inake creative snacks and desserts with a teste you'il always remnemrber" Northwest GM Dealer is louking for s part-ime Business Manager. Prefer someone with baoking andlor financial esperience. Previosdealershp esperience os sot required as we cr11 train you. State of the art faclît cith excellent management support. Salary plus bonus baoed on performance, Mlasse repty in confidence ta: Boa 112566, The Independent & Free Presa, 280 Guelph Street, Unit 29, Georgetowen, ON, L7G 4B1. ME KERR Pontiac Buick Cadillac GMIC Oakville lu looking for eoperiencel, professiona RETAIL SALESPEOPLE New Facility, henefits, car allocances, demo plan, tnaining, management support, salary and com- mission. Retail esperience essenhtal. Hiring Bo- nus for those currentîf employed in automoine fid. E-mallfax resumne ta: or 905-845494. wori 0. STOP COMMUTING t r W onn ICIF 014 ONF 10F arANiAA FASTF ,T G ,OWINC, OOMP FS SunOpta Inc.(STKL - Nasdlaq) (SOY -TSX) is Iooking for the right persan to fil1 the position as: SENIOR ADMINSTRATIVE ASSISTANT The successful applicant wiII provide assistance to a num- ber of executives and must be able ta handle a wlde variety cof administrative functions in a busy corporate office envimonment. Duties tai include: admin support to executives, scheduling appointments, travel, filing and oth- or administrative functions. Qualifications: -Callege or associates degree -Exposure ta legal & financial areas an asset -Minimum five years experience in related field -Solid communication skills, verbal & written -Muet bean energetic teamn player and ability ta adapt ta change -Excellent prablemn solving skills and judgment -Superior knowledge of PowerPoint, Excel &Word To find oui mare about SunOpta Inc., visit aur web-site at Send your resumne to the Directar of Human Resources E-mail: or fax ta (905) 455-0253. We thank ail interested candidates, however, only those selocted for an Interview wtil be contacted. sa searciring far en OFFICE ASSISTANT Far aur Osiseille Lacatian Gold Book /, a Div. of Metroland Publish- ing, is a directory business servicinq local markrets in Ontario, providing consumers cîth a complete listing of ail businesuvo iv their local communiîf. Due irsiness grocth, ce are seeking a dyramîc individal for the fulI-time position of Office Assist- ant for sur Directory business. In thîs roie you cil bu responoible for enuuring sur business runs effîciently. 'fou culi arrange al IT and communication touts ton the uariouo regions and orgunize regionul meetingu and opecial evenito. In addition, you cll ire nesponsible ton co- ondînating sffice supplies and suies support materi- ais, coordinuting interviews and aooioting iv the contnuct proceso. Tire quulified candidate cîlI bu customer service oriented cith tire ubility to balance multiple assgn- ments attre oume lime. 'fou cilI have gosd ve.9o- tîatiog okîllo and s solid understunding of MS Office încluding, Outlook A strong attentior to detuil and solid critter and verbal communication skills are required. If you could like to cour for a leader iv tire media indostry fis opportunity may ire tire right ove for y u. We offer a competitive compensation and bnefits packrage, as cutI us opportonities for fuo- tare corser growth. if lntereated please tamward O ur reaumae, wlih Office Asaiatant InIthe subleci tine, noa star thon Juty 26, 2006 la: We appreciate tire intereot of al appliconts, hocever, only those selected for an interview dli ha contacted. No phone colts or agencies pieuse. M Please subrnit your resume to: Expeienced rc As Seolesedd Topcomissions commissions Cai a o an IGrew air (905633-8859 Sales HoUp