24 - The Can adien Champion, Fnidsy Juty 14, 2006 MUR-DOCK, Jean (Jewitt) Ppacefuvyai Alendal 1 oi, Tou r a cnytny ilînes, Jean Isabel Murdoçi (JecilI, Paterson) in her OOth year. Loy ing and devoted mother and mother-in taw of Mardi (Paterson) and Dexter Moh ter of Essanston, Wyoming, and Brock ant Krystyna Paterson ot Milton. Prede ceased by hec husband Stewart Mcçturu Murdocc and by hec daughter Fay Pater son. She wilt be sadly missed by hei grandchildren Dave Mohler, and T.J., An drew and Natatie Paterson. tn accordance with her wishes there wit be no Visitation. informent wilt follow a private famity csremony in the Burgeas Famity Csmetery in Bats, Ontario. If de- sirsd, donations to the Ontario Heart and Stroke foundation woutd be appreciated as expressions of sympathy. Our tamity extends heartfet thanks and gratitude t0 the staff of Netson House for the toving cars and attention that Jean ce- ceived during her yeacs at Attendate. REESE, Mary Elizabeth "Betty" - Sud- denty at Mitton District Hospital on Wednesday Juty 12, 2006 ai the age of 87. Betty, betoved cite of the lte Ken Reese. Mother of Carot McCocmack (John) and Jim (Susan). Gcandmother of Tim and Jenna, Jonathan <Debbie), Ricki, Jamie and great gcsnddaughuer Hailey. Sucvived by hec sister Ruth Simm o0f Michigan. Friencis witl be ceceived et the J. SCOTER FUNERAL HOME, 21 James St., (905) 878-2669 on Fciday Juty 14 from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. with a Memoriat Service to tae place at 3:00 p.m. Cre- matton has taken place. In lieu of ftowers donations to the CNIB or Milton District Hospitat woutd be appreciated. Dona- tions and online condotences et wcw.ear- lyfunecafhome.com J. T SCT-~Y FORD: Ruth Suddenly, et her home, Ruth Ford of Hocnby in her 251h year. Loving daughter of John (Kathy) Ford and Margaret Ford. Betoved sister of Jennifer Ford. Forever toved by her niece Anne-Marie Ford. Ruth witl always be in the hearta of the many childcen she helped et New Lite Church. A Cetebration of fife eas hetd from the New Life Pentocostal Church on Wednesday, July 121h. tn tieu of tlowers donations may be made 10 the New Lite Church Children's Center. J. ciep ST. JEAN, Doreen - Atter a lengihy itt- neas, on Wednosday Juty 12, 2006 at Tcittium Heatth Centre, Mississauga ai the age of 66. Doreen, boloved mother of Evofyn Cahoon and Martene (Bitl) Jancar, Greodmother 0f Russell and Alycia Ca- hoon and Cody and Mitchetl Jancar. Friende witt be ceceived ait the J. SCOTT EARLY FUNERAL HOME, 21 James St., (905> 878-2669 on Monday Juty 17 trom 11:00 s.m. - 2:00 p.m. with a Funora Ser- vice to taesp lace at 2:00 p.m. Iniermont, Evergreen cemetecy. Condotences for the faiti msy be tetiet www.eartyfune- rsthome.com, l M eoriam n m ra We thought of you ruday, But rhar is norhing nese Wr rhoughr of you yesserday And seiti toseorrrs, rîso. We thînk oif yiuin ilence And seake no outward show. For sehat it seeaor ro ose you Only those seho love yîou kose Rrmemhering yoo is easy, We do it evda Ir's the hecatache ofoigu Thar seilI neyer go aseay. Ins Lou'ing Mernory of Mairee Roc/se WVho Went Hume To Re Wirh The Lord - July 16, 2005 ln moriaam m nmora . Ilov ng n inorv o y' . ýýri Holiiol F o.io pis..o.wy July 13, 2001 Every day in sorte small seay Memories of you corne our way; Though absent, you are evee near, Still missed, toved, atways dieur Love youe famiy Jo/hn and Lois Rie/soedo Juty 15, 2000 You both left us o suddenly Without a last goodhyr Wt hall the loving memories wehave You seili neyer ever die Love alway, Lasy, Sharon, Jennfes; Lyndsay e Kessiie =flhank oftlhanks BEENEY -We woutd like ro say thank you t ait seho sent cardo, made ca Is and visats, and also prayed for Dad (Bill while a patient in Milton District Hospital. Dad is nase in Oween Sound Rehah Hospital beginning his long jour- ney hack ro he lth. Please keep son praying for him Bae/s Paul (Caol), Besan, Bsnda iand' Lorî PS. I seuld also ike t ay thank vou toail my Gos dian Ange wh have hetped se thrughrchi ykoos C who yo narc Specia lhanks o Don & M aron and to Sharon Wate for Ioking a/ter Sally. S nceee/y, Loei WetheeIy Nannb s Nane LIVE-IN CAREGI VER REQUIRED for children aged 2 monthos, 1-1/2 and 3 We requtre someone who. *cao talk wifh Our children in Hindi, *observes ail aspects of caregivîng, and is playtul, enorgstîc, and introduces appro- priate new ideas/games. *supports Indien culture, ethics and oal- ues; and *agrees on issues osf discipline, toîlet- training and eating/teeding habits Proof of training, certification and reterences are required. Traintng ni CPR and other lite- saving tastru definîtety an assat. Emal ressume ta: Masasyl @look.ca KIItB aet Bake s MakIask t "STRAWBERRIES" ROMAINE SALAD, BEETS, BEANS, PEAS aud RASPBERRIES ,EXCELLENT PICKING 'THE FARM" De Paoli Picd your Owt Ready Pscked (please caI) 905-873-2050 905-77-7976 Mon-FriS-S, Sat 8-5 and Sun-Mol. 8-12 Cali or Weaftser/Availailiy Trafàgar Ruad, to fth $idieroadi (Stewarttown) 1 km West s FntF onNoff Side ForSasFrSl .ower level su FomS Year free financing 9-5pm WHIRLPOOL EC IV A-REGF IHPRHS BOMBAY Co. dining set cith tour chairs Icreasel and tco seavon $500. Matching side- board $100. Als Iight pino kitchon drosser $100. OeIl 905-875- 1071. FABRICS for draper- ion, bekers rack, dea- con bencti, dîning roose table & 6 chairs. 905- 884-1434. [Wio p a -:- y -ur T ,-aî1 Icall 905.878.23411 Daycare Dacae 6 ar 5 ar Available âff:Aaî IbI ii~bî crdyr wie ash- er/dyr $3h0te0 lkarg cot epecity $350, 3ke- ohitieds, whikene, 3 po- îons,$10 chue trame onle $00 Ouetesizeo bedin, eforessboor $25ring, hea do bad li250.00, ie, ay-d lîkes o nec chteme t$e00.00. 905ri76 3546. HOT Tati (Spe) Coners tient prie. Best quaity Ail shapes & coioam. Oeil t- 866-585-0056 ww.thcovrguy.ca Artcls A York Mege Mss Mufti Station Home Gym for 2. Many feetores, tirond nec, rerely ussd. $850.00 905-878- 2820/1f6-522-9878,* ieeoe message if no enswer. NEc -Westngh.mý;. Air Condîtînner 14.000 BTU. Wall type. 0011 905-878-1056. BEDROOM Cherry- cood, Bed, chest, dresser, 2 nightstands. Doostal Construction. Neyer opened CosI $8.000. Sacrifice $1,900. 905-567-4042 ELECTRO-HOME cmn doc air conditioner, 5000 BTU, $150., ex- collent condition. Cali Don 905-878-4002 or cou.: 905-691-7509. SOLIO nak entertair- ment unit. Hoids 271 TV. Excellent condi- tion. Sf000 obo. Oei 905-864-1811. FIBERGLASS soiid paintatile lid for '97-'05 Ford pichup truck. 8' bon $500 obo. Oei 905-854-5393. A dining roose, cherry. wood, double podosta teable' 8 chairs, buffet, hutoti, doostail con- struction. New stilli n bioxes. 00sf $11000. Sacrifice $2600. 905- 567-9459. A King Fiioctop Mai- treso Set. New in plas- tic. 00sf $1600. ssii for $450 905-567-9459. BEI3, Amuzîng tiargein, qusen orthopsdîc pi- ioctop set, nec in plas- tic, cecrenty $250 905- 567-4042 cii delivor. i CARPET 1have i.verai Vaia r & l0U'ý nylon car- pet. Wl do living room & hall for $389. Includes car- pet pad & installation (30 yards Steoe, 905-633- 8192 HOT Tub/ Spa; 2006 model, aI options Con- or. Neoer used stil in Wrapper. 00sf $8.900. Sit $5.000. 905-567- 4042. AriceWaed LUOK BEST Ca$h$ Paid- Art, Antiques, Coilectibles, Chine, Crysta, Silver, Figurines, Royal Doulton, Swaroonki, Glass, Pottey, Etc Estate Specielisîs, Top Cash. Oeil John/ Tracy 905-331-2477 Pets, Supplies ARABIAN'S - 2 Marels, 2 Geldingus, 1 Stallion. 905-854-8018, royal- goid@netscape.ce lersî~ 2000 Acara 1 .eEL 4-dr auto. 4-cpi, black on gcey, faiiy ioaded with pic, pif and keyiess on- try. Heeted & power mîrrors, huchet neets A/C, AM/FM stereo CD player Great condi- tion. Oniy 111,860km. Lady-drîoen. $12.999 obo. Wii certify Oei 647-242-2355. 1992 Mercucy Sable 167,000km $800 All new brakes, nec seul- fier. Good condition. Pleese ceil 905-875- 9963. 1997 Oidsmohîie Achieva, great condi- tion. oeeds tirakes. High km's - mostly hughws5, $1.500. or tient offer. 905-875- 4480. 2005 Cheoroiet Aoeo 5 Autoseetic, fuliy ioeded, A/C, p/w, pif, nunroof, entendedef warranty. Great on ges! Teke oner lue lease. $285/mth 905-878- 8490. 1993 Suick Century Custome, auto. air, P. W., P.S., croise, $1.000. Good condi- tion. Oeil 905-878- e805. 2002 Honda Cioic. Certified, 91,000km, lots of upgrades. Must nee $1.190 obo. CaI 905-876-2830. 2001 Black 4-donc Taurus, 87,OOOkms. Excellent condition. Poweer iocks/nteecing, etc. $8.850. Oeil 905- 873-2270. l Trcsfor Sale 1993 Ford Ranger. Es- tended cati witti cap. V6 eotometic. Excellent running condition. $1,200. Oei 905-877- 8970. Sppies, Repaît NEW Sutieru Complets cheels- Runwey Enduro M+S 706 185/70Rtl4 88H mounted and tieienced on blaock steel rime. New nen- er usef $650. 905-876- 3019 imWatd INTERESTED in cook- ing? We require sup- port 2-3 deys/ceek pre- perîng heeithy meois. BrOokville/Campiellille ares. 416-407-5779.