Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Jul 2006, p. 7

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Unprecedented growth causing Milton to lose much of its appeal Ttie Canadian Champion, Friday, JuIy 7, 2006-A7 local communities pushing to get county house of refuge DEAR EDITOR: Almosi a decade ago my wife and 1 moved t0 the Milton area, lured by the abundance of recre- ational opportunities. It really was a small oasis within the GTA that provided its residents with ail the vu-tues of escarpment life. Souîhern Ontario isn't blessed wib Mountains or oceans, and our lakefroni is polluted 10 levels thai greaîly excced healib stan- dards, s0 our escarpmeni is our only natural bounty. For ibis reason alone, those of us who participate in an active lifestyle saw Milton as a jewel for wbaî iî had to offer. The mountain bikers, road cyclists, skiers, climbers and hikers alike made Milton the choice destination for their pur- suits - and many others like us made iî their borne. It wasn't long after we moved here that we started to realize that Milton was ai a îipping point in ils growtb, and most of us pre-Big Pipe residents stili can't believe the rate ai which the growîh bas occurred. As 1 stand bigb above our town on one of our escarpment peaks, 1 tiy t0 take stock of our future, and n-y te imagine wbaî my sons will see if tbey stand on ibis peak in 10 years time. As tbey look îoward tbe 401 corrdor to tbe nortb, îbey will be sbocked ai tbc indusirializa- lion of wbat was once nicb farm- land. Millions of square feet are being buili as 1 write. Tbat will bning unprecedenî- cd levcls of truck traffic mbt our communîîy, and îhaî hrings only congestion, dangerous roads and pollution. Lookîng up furîber tb the nortb, my sons will see wbaî lit- dle remains afier Dufferin Aggregates furîber expands. Our precious escarpmeni is bcîng bauled away a iruckload ai a lime. Over a îbousand trucks a day will continue to baul away an area ibat bas been designated a world biospbere site. Travel up Sixtb Line and sec tbe kind of widcsprcad damage ibis quarry bas caused. its enougb to make you il. To tbe soutb, the muin wîll continue. Tremaîne Road will become a verîtable four-lane bigbway t0 accommodate tbe iraffie ibat ail tbe bîgb-decîsity bousing and proposcd CN inter- modal station will bring. Several cyclis.s bave alrcady been killcd on ibis designaîed bike rouie on Tremaine. I canit imagine wbaî tbe future bolds. To tbe cast, big box retaîl will dominate tbe landscape. In my opinion, notbing tears a smal communîîy apari faster iban ibese non-descripi, bomoge- nous retail outîcis. Wc could bave rcfused ibeir cniry as oîber îowns bave donc before us, but ibai would bc 100 progressive a mandate for a îown council and mayor wbosc proficîency lies only in posing for pictures. If anynne is looking for a place 10 point tbe fînger of blame rcgardîng a sufferîng downtown core, point îî dircîly ai Town Hall. Foriunaîely, my cbîldrcn won'î bear witncss 10 ibis decay and destruction of wbaî was once a prectous and beautîful arca. I movcd bere to escape front ibe bigb-densîîy bomogenous communities ibat surround ibe CYTA, and now l'Il do îî again. TOM BJELIC MILTON Majority seem to want pesticides bylaw *see INMAL on page A6 ly supporlive of a byîaw. That ecbocs tbe message îbaî people across Canada are sending - îbaî îbey wanî restrictions on tbe use of non-essential pesticides duc t0 wbaî ibey believe are detrimenial bealîb and environ- mental impacts associaîcd wiîb ibeir use. People don't wanî 10 be exposcd unwillingly bo tbese ebemicals.* We îbank tbose wbo îook tbe lie 10 share tbeir concerns wiîb us, including tbe small minor- iîy wbo don't favour a bylaw ai Ibis lime. Wc would also lîke 10 îbank Loblaws for agrcîng to Ici us colleet signatures aI îbaî location. Wc commcnd Councillor Wendy Scbau for 50 sîrongly advocaîing for tbe developmenî of a bylaw. Sbe bas clearly been doing ber researcb on tbe issue and been carefully considening the com- munily feedback îbaî ail councillors bave been recciving. We îruly appreciale ber for standing up and speaking for the majoriîy of cilizens in Milton, and dcmonstrating ber own commilmeni 10 a bcalîby communîîy Councillor Mark Curtis bas also been exîreme- ly supportîve over tbe pasi years, aîîending evenîs sucb as Pesticide Free Weck and spcnding lime discussing Ibis issue wiîb us. He bas communi- caîcd bis sîrong feelings in support of a pesticide bylaw, gîven pesticides' canccr-causing effecîs. Wc urge concerned communily members îo particîpate in tbe public open bouses on cosmclîc pesticides ibai will bc upcoming nexi year. Its important îbaî your voîce be beard, cspecially if wc bope 10 gel a sîrong bylaw More information can bc found ai, înclud- îng a lînk 10 organie lawn care îîps. Fînally, wc must îbank Town legislatîve admin- isiralor Mcagbcn Reid for aIl of bier prompt and fricndly administrative support over tbe past fcw wceks as we prcparcd for our presenlaions, and Tbe Cbampion for ail of ils coverage of Ibis important issue. ERIKA RISTOK, PRESIDENT PEST'ICIDE ALTERNATIVES FOR MILTON Mlme Capsules' are gems of infor- mation etracted front past isses of The Champion and other publications in order ta pi-avide a window inta Miltont past. Explanatory comment is sometimes pi-ovided ta place the situa- tion in context. Fehruary 1908 Nul long ago, Dr. Bruce Smith, Inspector of Prisons snd Asylums took the county of Wentworth ta task for neglecting ta provide praper- ly for the poor of the county, some of wbom, he said, had been sent ta jail as vagrants. He urged the estsblish- ment of a house of refuge. He is like- ly ta be heard from in Halton belore long. A Milton mani - disabled by disesse - bas been in jail for about two yesrs on successive committals of îhree months esch, and a short time ago a Georgetown man was sent down as s vagrant. He bas s dissbled knee and bis lungs are in sucb a bad wsy tbsî be bas ta be kept in bed and requires constant nursing. He is a subject for a bospital raîher tban a jsil, and Sheriff Clements bas report- ed bis case ta Dr. Smiùtb. Il looks as îhougb Milton snd Georgetown wsnt the Goverrument la insist on s county bouse of refuge and escb hopes ta provide a site for it. Contributions for the relief of the needy bave been freely Made. Now the adults are fairly weil clotbed, and a considerable quantity of bed clotb- ing bas been distributed. There is stili need of same children's clotbing and s few blankets snd quilts snd fuel sud faad are being sent wbere needed. Altbougb tbe westber was unpleasant on Saîurday and the roads bsd, the attendance ai the con- vention of Halton Liberals bere was so large that su adjournuent bad ta be made fromt the Royal Templars' Hall ta the town bail. Major Beattie, president of tbe Halton Reform Association wss chairman. R.D. Warren, publisher of the Georgetown Herald and ex-Warden of the county, was tbe unanimous and entbusiastic choice of the con- vention as candidate for tbe Legislature of Ontario in the coming Milt on Time capsules genersi election which may corne off next June. The Guelph Herald says straw is so scaite at Guelph that it sells for $15 per ton. The banquet to be held in Knox Church School room, on the eveming of Feb. 28th, under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid Society, wiIl consist of a most attractive menu, including creamed chicken in shredded wheat baskets, jellied fruit sandwiches with whipped cream, shredded. wheat ice cream, cold ham, pickles, tes and coffee, besides other deliclous prepa- rations. The menus were furnished entirely by courtesy of The Canadian Shredded Wheat Co. Ltd. A good progrsm will follow. Admission 25t, children 12 yesrs and under 15t. Milton and Acton hockey teas played at the rink on Tuesday evening. Kitchen was away fromt home, there was no one to take bis place and the locals had to play six men against seven. As Acton bad flot lost a match this season, having defesîed Guelph and Georgetown, il was flot expected that they would lose here, but the local boys sur- prised theïr friends by their snappy play and effective conùmbition, and won by s score of 9 to 6. Since the Isst time it drifted every one seemed sfraid to break the track on the road from James Peddie's gaie ta Peter Peddie's gate (Regional Road 25 south of No. 5 Sideroad). A youth from up north tried to show people bow ta break iî, but when haîf wsy through his horse got down, the cut- ter upset and he bad s son-y urne for a while. This matetial is assembled an behaif of the Milton Hîstorical Society by Jim Dills, who can be reached at jdils@iý Spa Breakfast, Shopping & more! Please RSVP:.To reserve our space, contact Gina Faubert Gomspintay Spa Rf trat 8ATruRiAY, JULY &TM' FROM 9.OOAIY - NQQN 2640 -No. 8Sideroa4 Milton Ào Bumbo Seats 0 Ped Ped Shoos e4,leBoys Bress Suits et Preemie Slee

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