Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Jul 2006, p. 8

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A8-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, JuIy 4, 2006 .L7LCOMMUN\ITY Ready to c1limb way to childhood dream Bell set to tckle Mount Kilimanjaro -W By Stephanie Thiessen CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Living in the often stifling heat of Saudi Arabia, i l-year-old Tincia Bell badn't seen snaw for years. Sa when she took a trip ta Kenya with her parents and looked up ta see the white- tipped peak of Mount Kilimanjaro, she feit somnetbing stir within her. She wanted ta reacb aut and touch it. 1I was sa intrigued by it; it stayed with me," she said. She read ail she cauld about Africas high- est mauntain, and wben a teacher asked stu- dents in ber class where they'd want ta go if tbe sky was the limit, Bell immediately replied, "Mount Kilimanjara." Twa decades later, the Miltan resident daesn't feel any differently - except naw, she's about ta accomplîsh wbat she previ- ausly only dreamed about. Gruelmng trek awaits OnIuly 28, Bell will stant the long trek up tbe Tanzanian mountaîn witb about 36 other people as part of tbe 'ROAR (Realîze Opportunities ta, Advance Researcb) Up Kilimanjara 2006' fundraiser for tbe Canadian Foundation for Infectiaus Diseases (CFID). Money raised wîll go toward education and researcb initiatives. It was ber momn wbo first told ber about tbe fundraiser. "My momn called and said, 'You've dreamed of tbis since you were 11. This is your apportunity ta do it for some- tbing gaod'." Tbe ides sbe cauld do sametbing she's always wanted ta wbile helping caise money for a worthy cause appealed ta bier, Bell said, and sbe jumped on board. Tbe location of tbe climb is significant because of tbe bigb incidence of infectiaus diseases in Africa and, in particular, tbe AJOS epidemic. Each persan participating in the fundraiser bas committed ta raîsing at least $5,000. Bell bas set a goal of $10,000 and s0 far bas collected more than $8,000. Not everyone can climb a mounitain. Being in top physical shape is important, and it's samething Bell works on nearly every day She often trains at the gym, for tbree bours alter work - two bours of cardia, one of weigbt training. The clîmb up Mount Ktlîmanjaro - wbîcb is mare than 19,000 feet bîgb - will take five days. The guide wba'll be taking the graup up the mountain lives in Oakville, so tbe group meets often ta, train together and discuss any obstacles they migbt be facing. Tbinking of the physical challenge shes undertaking gives ber buttefflies, Bell saîd, explaining the mast exciting day will also be the most pbysically strenuous. On August 2, the group will awake at midnigbt and climb tbe final few boues ta, the top, just in time ta watcb the sun rise. Tbe climb will become more and more diffi- cuIt as tbey near tbe summit due ta reduced oxygen levels, and tbey'll only be able ta, spend about two boues at the peak for tbat reason. Tbey'll then descend 9,000 feet in nine boues. One of the interestîng aspects of the trip will be the varying weather, said Bell wbo, interestingly enougb, is a field producer witb The Weatber Network. Tbe group will trek tbraugb five different climatic zones, meso- ing Bell will need ta pack t-shirts, a winter coat and everything in between. "We have ta be prepared for absolutely everytbing," she said, explaining the summit cao be minus 26 degrees C, a siartling differ- ence from the warm weatber at the base. "ItîIl stant off warm. and then end up real- ly cald. But l'm Canadian, I can tougb it out," she said, laugbing. Educational experience Since taking on tbe challenge, Bell said sbe's learned more about infectiaus diseases and bas becomne passionate about tbe impor- tance of education. Infectiaus disease - wbicb runs tbe gauntlet from influenza ta, SARS ta, AIDS - is currently the leading cause of destb worldwide, sbe said. People bave ta knaw wbat tbey can do ta limit tbeir spread - wbetber it's wasbing bands mare often or getting a shot for Hepatitis befare lcaying for vacation, sbe said. Witb just a few weeks ta go - she leaves July 23 - Bell said shes excited, but extremely nervous. Theres always tbe fear in the back ai ber mind sbe migbt not succeed, she said. -I dont know wbat ta expect. Its the unknown - 1'm jumping in wîtb both feet, boping for the best." Tbougb Bell bas yet ta climb the moun- tain. the support shes received from family, friends, bier teammates and even strangers wba've made donations an bier Web page bave already made tbis "anc of the mast incredible experiences in my life," she said. "Finally, after 20 years, l'm about ta, fulfill a dream I bad as an I1 -year-old girl." To contribute ta Belî's fundraising efforts, vîsit www.researcbid.comidenjROARj and click on ber name. Stephanie Thiessen can be reached at mont asGR.HAM PAINE ICANAIAN CHAMPION AIMING HIGH: Tricia Bell is amnong a group of Canadians set ta climb Mount Kilimanjaro later this mot spart of a fundraiser for the Canadian Foundation for Infectious Diseases. NORTH HALTON STUDIO Cogeco Cable 500 Laurier Avenue ~LMilton, ON L9T4R Chianneli1 905-878-9306

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