Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Jul 2006, p. 6

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AIS - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, July 4, 2006 OPINJION Street racing'stol The federal government bas introduced legistation tbat woutd impose mandata- ry driving bans and, in some cases, life in prison sen- tences for those convicted of street racing. And we couldn't agree more witb tbe logic bebind tbe taw. In tbe GTA atone, .since 1999, 34 people bave been killed in crashes as a resuit of street racing. Its a deadly game of Russian roulette that puts others, including innocents, ait nsk. Under the proposed legis- lation, street racers wbo kilt wsill face a maximum penalty of lîfe in prison - up from tbe prescrnt maximum of 14 years - and street racers repeatîng tbe offence could face a lifetime drîvîng ban. Critics argue tbings like street racing are atready cov- ered under the Criminal Code of Canada by provi- sions dealing witb danger- ciuq driving and criminal negligence, and that justice Minister Vie Toews could have simply line-tuned existing taws ta increase penalties. l-owever, creating a new law should show people bow serious be is about cracking down on tbis dan- gerous practîce. Witb Hollywood glorify- ing street racing witb films tîke the recently released 'The Fast and the Eurious: Tokyo Drift', street racing is a problem tbat won't be eliminated ovemigbt. However, the proposed legistation mîght just get the message tbrougb tE) a few people tbat street racing is a highway to bell, 1 DIDN'T REALIZE Iwelr STREY M4D $UCW A RoMM ERE! Vau THE Reaiders Write Send your letters ta msaned@haltorchcom or drap themn off at 875 Main St E. Milton needs a pesticides bylaw DEAR EDITOR: In tigbt of tbe motion passed at tbe june 26 town counicil meeting witb regard ta pesticide use in Milton, t believe we must continue ta, educate ourselves on this important bealtb and safety issue. That way, when public meet- ings begin in January, we're bet- ter informed. This letter is also in response ta an article publisbed in tbe lune 9 Champion entitled 'Awards presented for conserva- tion initiatives'. Congratulations ta the Town of Oakviîle for their recognition of the importance of environ- mental issues. Oakville Mayor Ann Mulvale, in accepting an award for the Town of Oakvilte's Environmental Strategie Plan, said "encouragement and edu- cation have been better toots ta get residents on board than more legistation ta, bang people over the head." t agree tbat public education bas an important rote ta play in protecting the environmient in wbîcb we att live. However, recent studies show that public education can't be tbe only metbod ta bring about change. When it cornes ta pesticide use for cosmetie Iawn care, we need a big reduction of aur exposure ta these cbemicals in order ta proteet public bealtb. In 2004, tbe Canadian Centre for Pollution Prevention and Cullbridge Marketing and Communications found that, "Only those commuities that passed a bytaw and supported it with education or made a coin- muntty agreement were succeas- fut in reducing tbe use of pesti- cides by a higb degree (51 ta 90 per cent). Education and out- reach programs atone, while more popular than bylaws, are lesa effective. We could find none that have achieved mare tban a low reduction (10 ta 24 per cent) in pesticide use ta date." Altbougb aur presenit court- cil in Milton isn't prepared to draft a bylaw for public input at this time, t hope that wben a bylaw ta reduce pesticides is addressed in Milton in 2007, if the provincial or federal govern- ment hasn't enacted a restriction by then, aur new counicil and mayor witt. That way, at least aur residents will bave a signifi- cantly reduced exposure ta pes- ticides. I encourage readers ta lhecome inforid, read labels and thmnk twice about tbe prod- ucts tbey're using around and in their bornes. An information Web site, with lots of resources for pesticide-free alternatives ta, lawn and garden care, can be found at TAMARA BRADY MILTON Bowling alle,;y would be great for our community DEAR EDITOR: I'm Ben Dumencu, a grade 6 student at Sam Sherratt Sehool in Milton. t lise in the smatI town of Moffat, just north of Campbellville. Theres really nothing tai do here, and thatls my reason for writing. t would like a bowling alîey in MÉiton. A state-of-the-art one would be nice. If we had a bowling alley, we coutd have leagues and play against each other. It would give me and my friends something ta do on a Friday night or Saturday. Since I live in the country it would give me a chance ta meet new people and make new friends. l'in going ta phone the mayor and ask him for an appointmifent toi see if he can find the money ta help my dream corne trule. l'in hoping that thse mayor bas money and ideas as tai how we can make this happen. BEN DUMENCU MILTON Strawberry Fair a .big success DEAR EDIOR: t wish to take this oipportunity to, tank everyone who helped to make our 26th annual Milton Sttuberry Fair, hetd at the fair- grounds June 24, such a tremen- dous success. We couln' bave achieveil such a success were kt not for the help- lssg banda of the many service clubs, hospital auxiliary metnbers, foundation staff and ftlends. We are treffcdously -md for the support and donations fromn the nanyhbusinesses in andaround Milton. It% because of their dona- tions that we am able to put on dhus event. Thanka to att the people who came out to enjoy dhe day. It was especilty wonderfut and grafifyin toi site s0 nany young families enjoying thse specil entertainment wie arranged for cbildren. Thanks also to The Champion, whlch provided great coverage Ieading up to the event and contin- iied to support us on ibis, our Largesf fundraiser of thse year. AUl morues raised at duas event vient toward our goal of raising M000 for thse CT Scanner cam- psign- JEAN KADO, PRISIDENT NWAON DITRCT HOSPITAL AUX1UARY lZbet Canabtan Cbampion Milo Co rm ty Newpapen Since 1860 875 MainSt. E., Milton, Ont. L9T 3Z3 905-878-2341 Editoriai Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 wvww.milü Publishor: Ian Oliver Associate Publisher Heil Oliver Advertising Director Wendy McNab Managing Editor Karen Smith Production Manager Toim Coles Circulation Manager Charlenie Hall Office Manager Teri Casas The Canadian Champion. published every ioesday and Frîday ai 875 Main St. E, Milton, Ont., L9T 3Z3, isoie of the Metroland Pinngq Publishing & Distributiig Lia connnunitf newspapero. Adoenising os accepted on the condition diat. in the eent of a yporaphical erroritat potion ofte ader- iing space occupied by the erroneous item, togetim witE a reaoonable allowance foi signatois wii non be charged for, hot the balance of tie adoertionment wili be paid fo, ai the applicable rate. Tfie puhioher nesenono the nqght to cateqonize adoeniioeinent or decline. CCAB Audited Recognized for excellence by Pc a Ontario Comnnonity A p a Nemwsape Association C adinCmmonity C C A Nespapeo Association S i 'Souiuban Newspapeo _____ of America Thse Canadian Champion is a proud media sponoor for: ffatoo Healthcare n i IW ý Jigle Bell Fond CANADTA DAY o0 UNITED WAY 0F MILTON - TY AUCTION MILTON SANTA CLAUS PARADE £ ENATeii Mio Showcase Milton e GALA ;',WAwardo TheMiton CaiadianChanipsio sa RnydoblePi o

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