Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Jun 2006, p. 24

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24 - The Canfadian Champion, Frtday'Jojne,30, 2006 SGai Helç OND GUea epMle Sdle U le ~~~iHT fliiii~T ~ Silld &SkIIsdj~ Toinial eI Todunicai Heiç TechIcal HeIp SITE SUPEVISs a loading manufacurer of mipal wool insuaton produci Ove are looking for a tom energetic & Geore owne, Musteu cmeti merca rein 7 onafour person team, cteaning homes communication skills requîred i Paid Training, No Nights/Weekends ' M a i ten nc Transportation provîded, Fao resumes te: 905-939-7633 I Advancement opportunities or emal to: ION No eriec l c r c o Applications et: 278 Kerr Street, Oakville 1, Fax: 905-845-9825 We are looking for adulte (individuals or cnewvs) cho have a reliable vehîcle (the langer the bette> and a desire to earn ex- tyre money by delivering newopapers with kîe pakges 3 days a week (Wednes- day, Friday and Saturdays) te reoidences throughoul Qakoille & Milton. This le trufy a deor-to-deor delivery program and i0 heet euited te, those whe are net afraid et bard cerk and enjoy working indepen- dently in the ouldeere. Malurity and a otreng senee et responsbiily and re- liability are mandatory. If you would Ilke 80 explore thia opportunlty in more detail, 1 please contact Bob et 905-637-8795 West end pavîng company looking tai filt the following experienced positions: e PAVER OPERATOR eRAKE MAN e SKID STEER OPERATOR , AZ FLOAT DRIVER 416-989-4039 The Oakville Beaver Tbe Oakoîlle Beaner Circulation Departmert is /eoking for a Contracter cîtb eeieting crec or inde- pendent contractoms te beod-up our SYLC (Support Yeur Local corner) Subecription Drive. Candidates muet be hîgbly metivated, enîoy tbe outdoors, bave eepenience in sales, transportation an ometi. For mooe nfr tIon please contact ri Fausht 8-62-58 ext. 236 or viaI -mt efauhrbbullntobnoatcom Sao&Sp a lp lSa it nu . Tono 0fraiing.. MIENCUTERS AN&RNE LTES x SupOer - Meig abnd i.Epeine ntecn BrTon . ftann APREntcsO PRTR Shco e arpeso uc 99047-82 Bsy ot ensctiCmpany sekirg centroct er Poyroll w th benetis tonerested candi dates 0h00 d tas resume ustention: Homes Resource Manager 1 59-6410 Celd Book 70f com, a Divison et Metro0usd Pub- ehing, o an Coline Buseess O ecoey seemcing loca/ markets in Ontario, providîng censumers ci/h a cemplere listing et ai/ businesses in their local commsnitp. Due te business grocth, ce are seek- iog a dpnamic indivîdual for the F/T position et WEBSITE COORDINATOR for our Oakvitte tocation The quolified candidate ciI be a mntîvated and or- gasized indivîdeol citb excel/ent verbal and crînlen communication ski//s. Vos ci/I be a team plaper and be capable et corkîng in a foot paced deodîlse fecuxed esvîronmeol. In thîs rele peu ciI be respensible for gatherisg & Pxstîng cebsite information, hou ciI cork direct/p cîth clients in develxping their cebsites chîle maintaising a positive rappor. In addition, pou cî// have cerking knecledge et Microsoft Office, Adobe Phntosbep & a basic undersfandîsg et the Internet. Knoc/edge et HTML cou/d be os asset. If pou csuld like te cerk for a leader in the media indusîry this opportusiiy map be the right ose for pou. We etfer s competitive compensation and beniefîts package, os ceI as eppxrtusifîee fer f u- ture coreer grxcth. If intereeted p/ease fercard peur resume, ctb Websîte Ceordinaor sn the oubîect lise, ne lofer thon Juy. 2009 te: careers@701 .com W. aMPprtaste the inferesa f Watt apptlcanfa hawever onlt hose aetected for an iterview »Itl b. confact.d. No phane calte or agencea ptease. MfODA TEK Systemo, a division of Magna Internahional, box reqoiremento for the fe//owîng indîviduale for their Milton faciity. PRODUCTION TEAM MEMBERS Seeking highlp mefivated indîviduals cith hanidson eoperience in a mansfacturng envirenment. SKILLED TRADES (Mî//crîghi, Tool and Oie, Electical, Centre/s) Eeperience cith oemvicîng, maînîaînîng. repaîrng, îneialling and tesing equîpmen. Muet have certif icate et qualificetion or completed s specia/ized course (centre/s), coupled cîîh applicable esperience. A/Il positions are basvd on a 3 s/rît rotation. Please reply le: or Fas 905-864-3415 We thank a/Il pplicants fer their inieres, hecever, on/p those oelected for interviews ci// be cent acted. Magna le an eqea/ opporivnifr employer offering competitive nages and a comprehenoîve benehit p/an. Meehanas Industriel, one et the areas fastesi grocing induxtrial cestracters, has immediate fuIl-time epesinge for: Certified Millwvrighta and 3rd or 4th yeer Apprenticea ANe Certied Weîders We are seeking high/y motivated individu- a/s citb excellent mechanîcal ekilis che dîtl get he job dexe satefp and efficient/p te joie sur bigh/p accemp/ixhed team. We effer cempelitive cages and a compre- hessine besefite program. -no0 ee nsus tra- o .fou are a licensed indesîrial oloclricion cith a/ leasl live pears et eperionce ir an inden/nal maintenance envîîorenei heur excellent /rouhleshoeting repair, and maî./.anc s .ki//s cith produc/ion equipmen/ are cemhînod wîth expertise ci/h AC drives, PLCs (Siemens), and procees coo/re/e for oemporaturo, pressure, f/o, and leue/s Yoe are ah/e/eo cemmunica/o iv Englieh and are ci/lino/eo work cen/mon/taI shihes P/nase app/p in ern/m o: Haman Resaurces, ROXUL lsc. 551 Harrap Drive, Milton, ON LBT 3H3 Fax: (905) 878-8077 O U those ~ ~ ~ ~ is Botter cosiértin at p nonf ANDEROL A SPECIALIST IN INDUSIRIAMll LURICANTS ANDEROL os a leadîng manufacturer and marketer of hîgh perfsrmance spe- ciality lubrîconto ssed in cîde ronging industrial applications backed by over 60 pears of eoperience. Located in Qakoille, ce are a progressive Company spe- cializing in the manufacture et lubricanto and greuses. 00e currently have an opening for a MANUFACTURING GREASE OPERATOR to loin sur team. This is atoll time position that offers a compethtve cage and benef if package. The ideai candidate hold have. Ability te csrk effectivep in a team environmenr and cork independentlp. Excel- lent inrerpersonul and communication skilîs. High regard fer healtb and oafety. Minimum grade f2 education. Eoperience in a blending/batch operations manu- facturing environment. Operatîng knocledge of pumpo, filters & liquid blending equipment. 2-3 peams esperience corking cîth & handling chemicol producto. This oveition would involve; On the lob training, Blending und reacting grease and silo, Heavy lifting, Shift cork, Operation et high reach and counter balance fsrk lifts If pou meet theoe qualifications and are interested in this eecitîng opportunity please fax resume to 905-827-2862 or mail to Human Reorces, Anderol Canada, 700 Third Lise, Oakeille, ON L6J 5A3 bp JUly 152006. Only applicants beirrg considered wîll be contacted. WANTED Large Burlîngies devetvper tveking for a Maintenance Mechanic iv mariais vice facilîries sn Burtïsgioes Must fre ksowtedgeahle in HVAC, plamhîng, mineir electricdt and bave a geed knack fer trosblesbvotisg. L kisg fer an boess and reliabte people Miasse send reaume la Fax 905-332-8355 ofieHîi I fieHi A Geotechnîcal Construction Company lecated in Acton bas an immediate opening fer a Part-time Receptioniat/Office Cierk « Dutieo cîlI include, but net be limîted te, telephone reception, document contrel, computer data entry and general office dulies, The succeostul individual must have streng cem- pater skîlls, cith knecledge et Windocs baoed pregramo (Word, Eocel, Outleek), goed communi- cation skîlls and be celI erganîzed. Experience cîth Jonas vcceuntîng softcare vn asset. Requîred: Mondapos 8.3Ovm-5:0Opm (and cever vacation ceeks). Rate: $10.00 to etart - position could lead te full-lime. Plevse fox reoume te Human Resources et 519- 853-5847 or Emal hr@aeo-fo ndations,cem MARKETING SPECIALIST (FULL TIME POSITION) Ideal candidate âoud have: *A minimum et a college diploma in marketing *Working knocledge of computer programs: Outlook, Word, Excel, Publisher -Marketing and business eoperience (3-5 yearo) *Good telephone skillo *Real estate administrative experience an asset Musti -A creative self-starter -Detailed oriented and able tei cerk independentlp -Pooseso excellent communication okillo Salary commeneurate cith eoperience Pieuse fax or emtai restnes la: or fax:905-338-295 FULLY BILINGUAL fEnglîsh/French) Individu- *al requt red for customer service, for SuJrling-I * ton based distrîbstor. Computer akîlîs & basic I Ssbmit resumes la: Ener-Gard Energy Products Inc., by Jaly 10/07 1Fax 905-336-1507 Email tellott@701 .com Fax: (905) 526-1884 We appreciate the intereet f al/ applicanto however oely those oelecfed for an interview wil/ be coetacted. No phone cal/cor agencva please. FAST5ISMS LIke MAKER Lieworking wtth your hands? The ideal candidate cîlI be a good communîcotor, traînable and have a strong deoire tei succeed cith a grocing cempany. Sîgn makîng eperience an asset Joîn our team in the fast-poced oign indus- try. Must be quelity-conocîous and cork quickly under deadlînes. Send resumne 10 4325 Harvester Road Burlington, On L7L 5M4 Fax 905-631-7471 E-mail DeBoer's Furnifare requîres salespeople wth refal sales expertence for Mîssîssauga location. Infertor design or fashîso îndsry background preferred. Fax Resume fo: 905-828-7954, Cail: 905-828-7950 or e-mail at: ~W Rave You herd th1e news? dfeednCanad.nha «*sco L Stortisg ai $11 .00 per hoor Cati Chris orWanda 416-708-1846 905-877-1846 FRENCH OR SPANISH 'NI[3DE SALES Must be a gesd cemmueicater, prefîcient en Eeg- liob, te tlt te health food stores and pharmacies. No traeeling. Above average salary. Computer kniowledge required. Mississauga, 403 & Winston Churchill area. Fax resume 905-820-800 or email Ptease visit sur web stte ai Oakvile baeed HeodîaXPF is lovkîeg for a fullime TELEMARKETER (cith persenulity) te close eaey sales and make mooey. Ysu muer have slrsng communication ski/le,a love for people and conversatîion some knswledge et esercîse and weight lss prsgrams wîth previeus eeperience in a cetl ceerre envîreement. Send resume to: SSales HeIp 10%Commission Transaction Fee ~Support, eads, training provded Call: 905-9701-9300 OfieLctd iha #1111afedae The Gsld Bsok/, a division et Metroland Prieting, Pubi ohing & Dostrbuting Ltd. is seeking ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVES for the Hamilton, Oukeille and Burlîngtsn markets. The qualîhied candidate wîl be a mohivated, inde- pendent, setf-starter citb previsus retuil, outoide or islde soles eoperienoe. You wiît pooseos excellent critten and verbal communication skilîs and have an unprecedented drive for resuts. In this role, You wîll be customer focused and cll bauid otrong refotionehipo cdth new and eoîotîng cli- ents by ensuring that their directory advertising needo are met. You will be geal-orîented and ca- pable et meeting monthly targeto. tf you could like te work for a leader in the media industry this opportsfity may be the right one for you. We effer a competitve compensation and benefit package as celi au posoibilities fer future career grewth. A reliable vehicle os required. If înterested pleaoe fercard pour resume, ns later

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