Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Jun 2006, p. 20

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20 - The Canadian Champion, Friday June 30, 2006 GLEN EDEN COURT South, Milton We are now accepting applications tor: -2 bdrm For more information and/or to make an uppointment Please Cali: 905-878-5375 Building Managers Leonard & Penny DOWNTOWN MiLN Miliside Towers 82 Mitiside Drive. Attractive quiet build- ing Spaclous bnight clean 1&2 bedroom units wîth luundry tacility and social room on site. Regular resident enents Open 7 days & eveninga Cai 905-87&.1249 010E Milton 3-bed- room on main Iloor ot bungalow, $1250/mth, utilîtîns & parking in- cluded. g05-878-g888 1 AND 2-BEDROOM apartments in hîstorîc building in Ilkwod starting ut $800/mont Plus utîlîties. Cali Ela beth DoelI, Johnson Ansociates Realior 805-877-51 65, ACTON bachelor apait- ment anaîlable. $550/month utilîties o- cild Quiet Building. No-pets. 182 Churchll Roud, South. Cali 519- 853-1281. ACTON, t-bedroom and 2-bedroom apart- ments anailable Jane 1lst. $780 and $890/month ail inclu- sive. Cali 519-853- 3309. DOWNTOWN George- town, large 1-bedroom. $785/month plus hydro indlu/es appli- anceo/parking. No smoking/pets credît check tirst/iustjrefer- ences. Anaîlabie mme- diately. Cali 905-877- 4427, GEORGETOWN RENTALS 1, 2, & 3 bedrooms. Check sut web site www.hultonhillsren- GEORGETOWN 1 and 2-bedroom apartmests $795/month and $895/month. Anaîlable Augunt lSth. Includes heut/hydro/cahie. Park- ing extra. Cai 905-873- 6284. GEORGETOWN t- bedroom basement upurtment. $800/month inclusive. Separule an- trunce, nieur GO Sta- tion. Inle fridge/stone. No smok- ing/pets. Firstlluotireter- encan. Cali for unuilubilily. Suits single temule. Cai Brendu MacDonald 905-877- 5165. pius fleai & b//l Avaîlable July tnt. Cuti 905-876-0650. IGEORGETOWN 2- bedroom bserment i partment. $800/month iparking and utîlities in- iciuded. No smok- mediatey. Cui 905- 873-t1965. GEORGETOWN. Bright l-bedroom newlp fînîsed n.celp decorat- - e basement apur- ment. Country home 10-minutes fromt 401. Sepurute en- trance/parking/AC/sat- ellite TV/private gardes. Includes utilties. Shared iuundry use of pool. No pets. Firlt asti refer- ences/ credît check, Avuiluble Augustistt. $840/mônth. Femule preterred. 905- 873- 6015. S TE ELE S/TA AFA 1- GAR Very large t-bed- room, 2nd floor. 6750/montS partial auriies încluded, Au- gant ltI 416-743-8224 oeil 416-666-6917. MILTON 2500 4- bedroom detached. A/C, large buckpard. drivewuy/gurage, 401 ucoess. Anaîlahie Juiy 15. 416-898-1021. MILTON Anailabie A- gant t. 4-Bedroo detaohed. 1-1/2 bath. fumîip room. 61595/mIS + utîtities. 9OS-854-102?/or 905- 854-2357. MILTON 2-bdrm main levai of bouse, uvailabie îmmedîatey. $lt00/mth +. 2 or 3- bdrm upper levai avaîlable August, first $ltOO/mth +. prefer ns pets, references. 905- 878-2737. ACTON, 2-bedroom nemi, dlean, large pard, ampl parking, no pets. $900/month plus uoîl. Cai 519-855-3223. CAMPBELLVILLE. Peace and quiet with miles of waling traits. Ams heavent! Very prîvute. Heri- luge building, maly archi- tectural featuren, 18' tait windows, Violonas spiral staîrouse, enormous deck, custom kîtohes. Suit pro- fessional couple or empty sesters. Groundskeeping inoiuded. $1480/mo. Cai 905-854-1936 CENTURY home in 1i Georgetown park urea, 2,OOOsq.11t nemi, 3-hed- t rnom, 2-bath, main v tinor laundry, A/C. Waik to shops and market,. Availuhie Augunt it $1,350/month Plans utilities. 647-220-8546. MILTON 3-hedroom L detuohed. Close bo sohools. large garden, 2 C/A, 51350/mIS + fi utls Availuhie i- a mediuteiy. Cali 905-t 878-8806 uller 6pm. t Pa orBb' rs n ceej T biiryin tIhe Milton Canadien Champion, how proud you are ond you wîII îeceîvt 0 vooditi for of them! $1425/rmu cal for appoint- ment to uîew. Avuiluble Augt1 289-259-1212 MMFor Rani MILTON townhouse 3- bedroom, 2-uppi. $t300/mth, 1sf & last, Plus utilities. Anailahie Aug tot. Cai Dune 905-878-5444. MILTON 3 bdrm Town- bouse. 3 bath, 5 new appliances, A/C, close shopping centre. No Smoking/ pets. $1300/mth (negotiahie). Avaîlable immediatep, 905 876 2032 TOWNHOME for rent in Milton. $1300/mth + utîiîtîeo, uvaîluhie Sep- tember t st, uppliances înciuded. Cal John 905-827-2612. OAKVILLE.. 3 bedroom townhouses uvaîluhie Im- mediately through August t st. 4 appliances, Hope- date Mail area. Lukeshore Management 905-876- 3336 RosFor MM en &Wanied MILTON Furnished room in town. Anaîluble July i si. $500/mth ail inclusive. Firtlt Cai 905- 878-2068. Mm Acoodation MILTON Tachar wîth dog iookîng for room- mute f0 shure town- bouse rentai or looking to rant room in quiet bouse. shrain or 519- 786-4496. if rlesSites 2000 Jayco Eagie bard- top. New tires, 2 il tanks, soreenroom, microwuve, koolatron, tire compressor, cook- îng supplies. ilw mile- uge, weli-muîstaîned. $6500 serisus offers oniy 905-827-1566. 14' Aiuminum hourd, truiler lb hp Johnson motor, floor, new car- pet, Swivel seuls. Ail in nxcellent condition.' tîsking $1500 Cai iNoah 519-853-1817 tîcton. 0 &F& ound9 FOUND Fuli-suspen- ion motorbike, ilsl rer, Rotary Park area. t Call 905-864-4326 and nave message. HomeCars IVE fi ! New heaith &j îeilness magaine 50,000 copies. CosI t- j ective directory ads, word ds. Cai todup 10 book for re neot issue. 416-493- 300 ent. 288L MILLIKEN - Jeff and Kelly Mîlliken are prnad bo announce the birth of their beau. liful son, Luke Thomas Milliken, hors Jane 141h, 2006 ai 10:11 am, il toz. A firot broiher 10 Kayla and Makensa and the fîrsi grandson for Ned and Dee Ryus and Tom and Ben Milliken . Special thasks 10 the wonderful staff ut Credit Valley Hospital. DOUBLE . Big sMster Madison, with momn and dad Katie and Greg, ls thrilfed t0 annoance the birth of ber new baby brother Austin James Double born ut 2:O5um Jane 17. Austin was hors ut Credit Valley Hospital and weighed in ut 8 poanda and was 21,75 loches long. Ha ta welcomed wiih love by ai bis grandpar- ents, aunts and ancien. Knighis - Janice Faulknor and Kendall Knights of Georgetown, Ont. are pleasedW Wib8 10 unnounce the birth of thaîr daughter 9 5 0 Sage Olivia, weîghing 6lbs 8oz ut Milton District Hospital on MarcS 16, 2006. Wei- comed by big sister Zoe & Ana. A ninth ?a ihUbnSo grundchild for Beverly and Owes Ful- Plywt ra Sp knor of Milton. A third grand-daaghter for W ed esay iii Radin and Dowiing Knights of Dundus, Ot. Great Grandmoiher Munis Leslie of C rr MAilton aI so welcomes the niewest addi- FO rr ion. Thank you t0 Dr. Cvetic, and RPN r i- iJelissa for a wonderul delivery. Special fy' for a ighi' Sansa 10 Nurse Marilyni for her outstand-L. ng cure during labour. plyfrV h miltoncanadianci -êAME ts club: hts tor 1oLJ__ wili run Tuesday, iuIy 11, 2006 $59.00 + GST (picture inci.) Deadline is Friday JuIy, 7th at 4pm. "No more than 40 wnrds please" Phone: 905-878-2341 Fax: 905-876-2364 Email. classifie/G mîltvcanadîanchumrpoa o pIeFIaee Pro -reqîotnr ipy June 5Qth hIfo and regietratî.or, formne at M Wiwmiltonrgoopeelhallcom or rail Nancy Moon go5-,57C,-0,931 t . plc you -C M unt ncta J al 9 0-8 .234 8uzzTre S.>PECIAL QFFER AdvertisV ii thee ana Cbanwtou - and get Up to, $10 in phone cards! Win! _BAZ I W calling card!, 1 *Slec adertsingcatgores etwen Jne stand uly31 i, 006. UZR VL hn ad a Avetis yur artru wth s or wowees t $9 incuds te iltn anaia - *.0*d- e o ha, ~ . . . z .j 1 Atarimonts & Hue Fi ais For Rosi o Rn GEORGETOWN 2- SOUGHT uSier olutîo bvdroom apurtmant Milton, nnwvr 3_bv/roo Fn', , lit, iampio BRESSETTE -William and Siephanie lnee Pollard) wish 10 announce wifS great joy and pride the safe arrivai of iheir firni born non Xavier William born on Friday Jane 2, 2006 ut 4:22 pm. Xavier was boro ai Trilliam HealiS Centre - Mîssissauga Site weîghing in ut il 1 4oz and measar- ing 20 inches long. Proud Grandmothers: Cyndi Breasetie of Waabaunhene and Cynley Pollard of Missîssua ulong with many encited assis, uncles, cousins, greut aunts and ancien ail welcome hlm wiih open arma. Speciai thanks are as- iended t0 midwives Cathie and Marzieh and stadent midwîfe Cynthia osf Midwifr Cura osf Peel and Halton HuIs.

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