Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Jun 2006, p. 12

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A12 The Canadian Champion, Fniday, Jone 30, 2006 Issue 2 - JUNE 30 </tkwdteajteM t«? 44£ 64 (~IEIOJ1 Maiai Wrtdlrg and Fabrication i1 linRL Honora 12anrSA rtcktcnt Tim~~ HPtn oa le1 Ti oin rhn(A)2 PoekScrt lirHnr RylHe Hunt Chryalrr Jrrp RHA) 0 Floorirg WorksTUbaEo An exceiet paire! llahenne Hlasset Raphon, Hoanil il oas a giron matcn np bal niad to aF CrArr gan or PrrgOytesgttrGitn IePoo rrry RReioe 5 2 and Coireen Rannoto soie air saper an net for Pra Honosr Hon noMnn o ng for a20 oli kaern wion Oemaniong Wonrdirs oy cnolfOgatehaey r Milhlea Repeto 4B i 3 R H Royal Bloc Mao s Wrling's Cianon Primer erd Adam boîf orges nene sept Onsy nieh Ran Ceeie Jerp Josn Orag n g WOeil lameok cumiO0goals h Oaale ry ond Fledneeg rs Wol 3 2 O 25 1 Prno noIlntoo eran o Cabrrai scOri theplngoal Premoren ard Sasie Colites nl aiioooog Iwo 10 get bH nanA In nef asorin Onk K3ey Poei fo f 7ePoekPa tmg nai il p in i MenagoCansn sRonl Blue liref goal them Goal scome non Prm Hon no s ore Janob C; r, Gnean rnaifrngong iR Rylto LeORR if Ftonnîog Works 2ato Oahfn 2 23 1 R to Mar eOe rrOnn RHi0c lyn a onGes and CneY Anilî and goal keepene aorte a Sint Pnotnnk PiaRie Sofpanre Lanron C tir 1on sonntnOn Ri strtNerH MoConneîr arnd Kaînonne Haseelielgn olaHen amatrng ont ton Prm Hoon o rt Ben Agnen anA Blake tmBoe a nogagePRtir Maron Hoefor fer Va DneRF rs Nsei 3 1 2 B 4 3 S gamdes Whrite Maors Wniorogo sIleana RotassoSand Colon Ducharme An anesome game ras playen as 'oeil Sp Maneoe BOr ongh 10gge goalr tion l dant Canr Ornais M onks dopermaeGyine opnHur ietn aer orl ni Rni CieHoýre Jeep s Poirota GelgîoO anA Orlirar St as nfort bR Sol traims arnd Sapenror reRrer nnek as aWtil Ocliacteree eodutcg H t 1 2 B B note rarroonerWerf as Prmonie orto lca Gantai arnd RRe Poiokn Miano Sore Corctne i cer 7 H A Deigne's TuchMtLTN HHWKEYEt OR. t Jary 2 Frtt e Orcay B 2 3 10 lB 4 S____________________ Hteloer DetalCobn 2 CEIT BALLEY SHRtE Cite aaHrvy0RylLPae 4 07 1 ttatalr tentai' Curiew R cialngreg Orel hall ton cor trams nie note trams LaeH o@Raît H1 g 5 13 1 lier~ Hoen niwO Il rase frsrt gamne nf the seaston font Or ADsrgners sentirg P goals rac Rînonca Robthw i goal ton Mrion 0kmd Hedlon ree 4r Poie boHs nO piayeg nain Pal came op sore nu tOn Harkyes and Rî'rea Johnson ni goal for Crerit ValleH Goals byH On Honten s Grene Richard Imas t> Quon Soater Pertla Chire tram Rien Panganarson sînren 2 SOrne Clos OrnaI maeîtanrng onIdrfri bR KaHier - Jenkrne t, Srinon Rlis-Calin t. joseph Gagm on n Oo goals for the Soota DentPnar Clie îeam R OesgonorS RaesrnraIero rirMcirnMgn HonsOeegamsGenrei Rutls-Cailor Rrrse Paone Piano ansnnein tank orte J goals niomd Alexander Geaoes, art ni Mrlton HankeHes noig rot stop Cregr - -1 OEt W T t F Q Tri Hottes Ollior gaches -Caego Roanle. Jonnon Oreri RannnOaItt Rote PaaeHaa Jaîn arnd Joie GaSnel Goto Valley Sonine Cran rna Wnnng nOn game BP2 Goal son EA M O Jalyssa Matrar An oansbeeOreg eftrei saOS Harengan sanone t goal a Plrne for btelr Sotoînie Pertl CLinon ors for Moltion HaeHes aine Emma Asnnaioirer arnd LedcaoOertc CF 2A O adAtari Jananna nI, Oaa Honins Heloor tieo Gtong defren lfrin Formest Parferon arA BRan Moohan Oreaaos ai e lasaînas assosi rna Mana Brrr C;r8Vall hic lu 5 3 2 O 1B 7 1 aoHrmre nrmieg arti tee korpr skiffs oftAllai Panre arA Goal anens due no groa pass ingand nommuaon e ciwok - 6 4 Milton ChRyocer tDou 6 Oai Watg for A Pesrgners Point Oelprg no koep île liofn ail leam memners ton Ceors VallHH SOrne Clos wre FoImaryeRorcaOaeoily 3 3a a i HigR File Pietorapey 1 score alose anttre erdgo fnIls aneH ee long ganie Heirona Colinesfî Meagar Wrlsn (if) Anefar Joheson am LonkO& Oaee3 2 0 5 3 1 Hennin CmoIi aind daim Rnis assfed ienr Gontharra (1) arnd Ohanne Rao notes5 goals GOarteneong in te Meoryanloaeyao 4 2 O 2 H '15 B Dociest adion oalirr piano fo Marlo COrn Pritai Cloua tram arti ther gratofeneravn pGHs Second hall for Malton RanleHos ras nore bH BannieB o 10 l H ras captare bH Mainhor Race nO rad a inehonal Seot or H teacorere trac6 HsSH cnd for Crit alySrn lbi a i efr fisgriOna efrac y ynMreadAal pnl aenoor lSfnhOnCisnasi Marr 4 1 2 1 Renenan nf Hagi Hane PhOoogapeA tan ter haros fallawit olh eîrî on ra inMro rHna 10 M1R et3 R 5 MCP Planers Grleo Refangr 500000g A goalsCsad OuA elnr uhtEmO Mtopay n rexcf Maren Matin 5 t c B 1H 4 Riroon arnd Magasin Saler-Oray nie one goal ranh'in00 game aganest lineoasotreg Goreonîr boys reporsn FaocaieresCtiafé an itcro H c 0 3 ~ 11 1 Loir Goalcioner ton Aigh iv aas Nonhnfas Dl Pennoe mg Panpali A Peso is one RnuhFrîosî Patterson and Hadacir Etmctren 2 OFORO Local234 4 3 O for eamnnl ao tatre era rade Wrsnlrg ar Arrxanger Mannonanro airin J gacis eaci ton tOr tram Ta ir Santon Prapr Nuo Galran arr John Gai ni sourd one ianh n Poing2 nOnr Hllion B Pesigner s Poone iotal r H Ir tee raot Not n ar eat oler 00000 sfiow dom tirer tri 0000fR Milton Ciengaier tador 1 BrrrnPiogreI Renie Donior erd Pana Mrniron nom te maintiro trams Pran Piger renrînro sorO goal IeeOoog LtRe Harda Cireerairarniot Centre 1 Gegeton Sana c tam soonro O goals rani n te Hron frer Jack Monte arr Berar Roua nile Narre 's Pranîs GaTedrfoMitnCrse rc enS BatzS ennng i goal ho bing tee Ounnacs tinai Sanie tot1o Manne erg Jusioebin oire O050 qui Siga engtf RHI TEON NOUE P W T t. OP O P Ona ners ord Mart Conlsonibe Gac et eina nor maag HOs Rs r Rone SbPs n an1 MacDonao pot un a smarg iOpiH aile Pot goals for G CBnra onRn asd Eant asbrw Ltaithe oNlarnon Asaadoif A Peeign r e OucO arpt tee Sarpan ftam on Bagarre esOa Hans and Rein Arborepone for Oea, Tamet Conract 4 a 1 O 13 t 10 BeO 1no 1r ihnRtrarlp1atbrponsn guae art ragOt Gnea Pt"H Pbaowe e 00 t 000 Ou Gai ligna orb a goal a panne Honorable mentions fon sin Oaieng 24 Houe 1 bor n s f005 rter k fart Goal tnntoanoOeiitmes Goals Wang for R OnsagneesaPiano Play oa Mankne Pompe 000 Samuel Rein if Iran Pager BaeoaOop3 3 scieA bH GnOffn Refargon ton Mottai ChrYsner Poge anA 1 Jeo HaHn ton Lite Rangs Oeang Coolie A grnaI Jonra arA Saveana Wlson L amerai Rangstard and RAdam ano ru glaie b ai inthe welenn hefin GVolker aI Nageurn for shong gond bostre Oharys Ref Ocerre Haeotioae Miro Cirnlntrpî ee chere for tOnePayesboom Mi A10 O esagrer's SOrceae olutcins 1 1 OnD4 one Oi aVOncent anr Glapis, Aadrgi Ceoaa -REhiitionol EBO Maznonenio arA James MoHnnearn ail scomir a goal fon teei Moltion Cenror Doagle Goal Oendne Cassamra Rrnkroog R Pesignn Piano tram Ryan SOrppang boom donnes Finet Pertranionai Coliior and Peint inn Dunlop losranre c i7 4 dynamh Wat engGrainGroomavs wirO oal rot stop O Georgetorn noam scourd n goal for rs tram Raina Kaninas Tng n Farely pical 3 2 1 1 10 6 Oyream tramgof aser Pfo reOer gosegR At aag John Salfînk cr0 Rimer Piennrc bre P nrLest Revins Oorrg ose a rng fitram enorng a toal if R goals FR6f Randa Insulante 3 1 0Oee figci i RPcne goal S00000 lot Hilton defnteo gerne hies seesoen whte hoaang talntsi againen Pansi Peofessea Co maiBalPittcte ol taite Orri" Cenysner Pioge ras Gomfin Beicogne aot t0 he Onpt a fri rpî oonWoffnfe Omgis anetrm sonr on Ba aaof aooPmmn2 aOP aha5anuo9erMata3gc Ieammares Rfx neJoiol aidRf ig e omo Gl thr rom r Motion sasbng00, f n lare fn Pesagn erre rie be Sa osio n nan r ltotO hegal n P Joshaa n Mdso alr- fomMltnAs Bleoorteea t 13 H Hanwff , aobDimte it . ihe l Gray Greai Dolenne aoel Py Seare Hanroc Ofor MCP wrdm oo re Demger Hume Hit W o nefs ge a een ort P Horosu zne a rest hn Lr@tL@ 4 1 taMCP Rxellent pfays bH Ma itaRen aid Ryl r iS G Me LO Ni oc DSGESTUHli rfsJ playen an urroome gan rare ihoagO tOry ý1or1KVDOaAi taller behnd excellenf Payeg tria iaeny Mndeeoe fie ICPP s i_______________________ acornt 2 goals mep is Paronfesoe meOn rhe an Laam 'O SU R1 Enai tasa2 Ma aiea tram Pire Penfeesaoner PraHen 'a fartelo defrosiov Sor Fieza Hat 2 tobryn gome Pro goais ono e h0aro anfan bath irons harl nk Pan Som Win~ ton" Plami ui m Tm Gnonl soere font RosI Glass aore PHlan Gray erg Janob Tripta Trass tPanCnlOy Coln H eet rs HnerOoieoetrcrin Brale Boe Bor 3n 13ck 21cia -n m A « ot 3oâ Briong aolde Hannonimoi Pono goals for Panza Out Goal t ira Crerm1 adKvrsTwn ode eeVnei aaeaad Ao upir i 3. keipre ton Rosac Grass ore Gyfara de Lem) and ManOrow flAC goOiIeOrrs SH aa BakradEnyShedrad JcbSelGetwr os2 Andre arg for Panza t tan and Rihani Opecoa mention Goirys goaritnonn Semanh Haaovc andleinon 4aah Sm Cu Lw3 5i 212 2 6 fan Panza hut roe 1 ferminr angea gond anrtnd tram Blair ait playen an qaiVsrn rRaaf Gol ivr MlRnePtirgir4 1 3 2 4B 13 1H -2 B nfon-t foi Rosir Giese resuapo on Il15on t of pothe oea- H Snmmet Bie for MTCadIi B crn5 3 2 0 1 4 . snSaSysG obers hRelTrpenTas nPcat o esr o H rdaetn n ClatdcConfer 5 4 1 t 30 22 H 12 & ce Ceam albaHaolge efni e erpr fo aray C o o Inccataa O 3 B 6 5 Oboppens Ont MarH 1 Rranrra Clanre Contbea Hlo an HalnMKeI a i Li&Sl 6 1 Piont Pertraninnat Colliaion and Paint Jin 4 footing bhal cor maic0 ene - rw Agetefr h Wor u ogtaoti h ia cini t or Mitr Main Satae Ryr Wilson, afanna Sinmrîand er adar Caboli pfayrd skif- trom solo tramsm m OnTi kMreHwr cn of ihTma taesott Iln 5 B t 24 1H 1 Offly ton Panr Pngfresronul Collusion arA Pari tn Afiy Tipie Tasae Speciaice Cofa H esr Ones anrd l tnprn efracsfombt WW a 22 HO 12 Rein aed Jolie Lanoan goal tenders fon Ohgpprs g00g O ire Crtn wems Hobmet Cenotroatt Pint tln to 3h 2cr mm 22 - goretd sonn Gnon iOne parer Oc rngMîerPoe Rma io McBe nr MiRM Mql 5 1 4 B 16 229 -12 3 rail sooecore ro egol a n R cnCeai sored one Pot Prepbe ton Oral allte day bui I enPae ad fle o a r rwhe lHosnfltda OaD ATHeaire b H 2 c î 2H 1 -H 6 SOppoîs Orag Ri Jeorala Johsioo Gienoon Osano and arA test Sommervnn rair e oing ao Jript Tira tainn efot 2er dipe ton e~ lBt - R Caen Rendra ait shopped cond ton goals. bof met aoiOh Oase fair rin irse halt oed b2goal rmAio inspred goal ieîdong Py Maile Paleegand ied go Rsnafa arnd amannea Cesîconee Orert goeuinnnng on ______________________ Pizarro fon Paroi Profrosoona. Caffam Heoesaafî arnd Aiea bath Orde 0H Pompie Troores Gkla Bakernd Piata R ce Brom exhobild stno norn sopponoing Seopprs nef f as Piano Binons e Racole Rond and Pebecca Wias Nol*at Fem foie goal, sc~ord bH ROani Reiný Gin mortion Io APbny, Sophie Lea and Racine of Rianve ttatr Fnr Ronge andAdrnna Pachel, Ofoce arnd Gommer nf Oriple Clamako Conter 5sq~at aia Misa Unss Tis Bsats Host Osait Tlai theppens tnt Mari 2 Onense WIy logo girls! Both tramns Senar rami y malcheo and sfaynd board 2f ta M fr pm o Hg iePoorpy22foran5er long han Goal soones ion Peoroi Coot wre HPtROLocali234 5 t 3 2 7 1H -12 2 Hiate Fins PteOtntnptetMiltton Matin Parteir (HOME) H KRmyn Pegaa [31 and Renomw Panoneon P1t2n1ne Octara 2 I H e 1 fi nos a phono fionieh for Onino Drapr of Rirhie Mitooar c e 4 Closoi Cirant ras Masor lione Wnff dOn 'Meeaifý S - a m6 2 2 1 9 1 1 PhonognapOy and Cadet Rannry ef Ohoppens Paug Mait son Mtn a as eacin pfayerescoog tri goals bo ie bOn game Har l nasea Wilf plaed marne Gy bobo trams MM Red toma a Jasor Mon and Micronl Ago ai are oongnaatabeg o Gir CuR at x 0* .Hdsto7 0000 faons go mai Io Beanr Pilleneuae aed Ryen Mons cri Radin godes Py Erka Be and P Py efGer Obr goeIn eAtoyCtso a înnn n o Enrliesin - 2 1 13 20 - for bOe excellent SOI hon Ing, Rerpe Hkayle Pr Cerno TOn score mata Oecve bon mon intent if notifon h so o ng r Roaln Ferme. Wnf ne Aily Sonets for LoclepgtdutOService B 3 2 o 22 1 robe hon big kiocke arA Proton Praper ai Rugi Pion goal knopong tandem of MM Fanone Pakera ComeHiBake BlontiOage Peemo mere daîy Whteheadndr Lo ger Dn. m m5 3 2 0 2 1 FionogncpOy fini a girai toi ni endrng fhr sal"wh eir rob toon he tiret Hall and Rame Ibrahin me Record Oeil Thn Hanennarce Raata Broira a great he p an a gfilad arnd tara Heilenodw 2 1 1 1 scores intact Hartmann came preepaîn cati a shopping Rod rom cf so rcnrand carer goal bH Magcyla Re Rober! Dacînson picyro stroeg ai drienne for Bonthoao OtnitManeree S 2 4 1 Glait lfgeai ares for SOmppe rg iland Har yema fiun out1 tihn score M Porpir mon f nd Py a 3 goal1 pet am lsm ofn oe oln rerenrssoe aOBrr b l Pattai made songre mt gratte grais as nrf I Afb Ker Rei n fRane Iy Victoria ReaMonnernd a singln tait R by PFroa by inee Mono Inn a tonal n 5 goals in tir gme Ciasero NHFBGof 5 2 i 2 17 13 H H Jescika Johnson and Ginnren îsaeg hum nonth precription' McCaf f TOn Pîpe n ea hanl nalonenoaS chnes but orne Coûtonsocontinai fOr sonai stcal noie Ocyfen GOtfly t er Miter 5 i O 31 17 1H 12 lot Ohoppens efornse, despote chn îanny foolr ni siopped Py the goeal goal nendnBf etferemîi MNi mn nhn Andrer Rantoongo2Perd Ancot Charar F. Ornai goal bond- tocydre Wnsrfong ergKl Ryo Retal Pt HagO Poae furet Rail and Remianne 00cran fOrh second ha Opeonaf 000t by POotognapy, PrArmances bom MM Pîrp e Merci Heney, Sopre Pore, Cassin Cnchenti and et 50 Taylor Mataito and for One PrO tram rieai efforts Peter Hadofi Transport H iyFa RaiPndl and Meeganni oeheo Hirantt ollar 4 Pizza Mat 1 Macron Home lirpo APeolain Dollar n 2 goals engored by Cogauain oPHTaspr nagm elpae.Jordan Back and Pitera Jenen Tom Mancen ai Bsai aie Ossmr as« Misa tiassas flan Osais suais tan Toal Caieb etams pu10 rt F- trn fo t a - r ame e u t piDr olflan nnu oial pst the pressaie n ithl 2 goale bot POster Pa Agatoa DMt Polais ortop Opremaf coongaraaoon omi Prote, Jsrny Aritur Etantnin Ryfo Rololorela or gonal for Cicesmo Corinno hel n, Aaoe nr' oc 4 2 2 0 20 1 Areore deleno faon Peolnny Jackand and Adam daagrTah 0 1 Paulette n d Tter South ion nooruno fin goda f PH and Mitisao Entrerre 3 Paalaima aI Cleesmo Coafere Speora mention goues la Bing Ingis tOmer 3 t 2 B 12 FB .7 3 toi Papia Corn for a girai goal un hon tarot garie hPanza Amthur Rircnnmo and Hnffroin prayen a oceai 1sf garde Pohuot erd Parker Gnenoae for grect Oacnn tubera0 H 2 2 0 20 1R H t gt. 0aoeny Martn and Tyler Blair pnraennned Piza o Rbfora Jorana Brofono ni Arthur Fic damAt off the Oard aorte raf uo&Tr er 5 4 0 1 2 8 9 1 ocremor any more goals. raIe fOr Bat d goal leoduo, rwnite tefrtga olwdb eodtlni h ae CascCoe Hran Appel and RabeiHe Cerkcmn clo mad on ei Mlwl' ade leine Braiiorpetsgigoalitrif ornA îy a eeond talerMmnton gMC ainnt. ar hor tAmradeoaDtonec 5 3 i 27l0 13 caaeren n for Fizza lii pecuef Mention fi Ota ai rd rush goals nrom Coannny Olndk and Callyn MnComb Atogi a ra itr o itnMi i Srae-Gogtw 7 1 Laani teom F-B Transport for a great tram effort andro byAtu ihtDgasptAtu lcrcabai o i ahokCascCoespaes akrGrzu n iai lb0 ereon 3 2 1 0 1 JesloSenadco y rmPzz u o xelnt h gae. Goeal goal kr-pmng iy ActiAr Horgose, Taylor Andron Rgcnioonoo rade Songre al pays, Apr eforto oa-tnpee 3 i H 2 deendmng, gnrRwannah Ramn Onefa accnd Paonne Monois Honoarbif n as madn iy Clacero Conter derneroig mord iooitrng Jnouleag Gaeoareton 4 0 3 1 9 2 -i mDasnsel tOHu IHfmf cnSnRkî for Hilton Mate Pt Waohaoeks wre: ton tierce (2f PneaLiano of rthrfnctric Jacob Rvans (2f and Hochant Paf urco, Grant Hoolotfai ytm ee eornet own o 3 o 3 0 20 -13 B LaRe Duchcamn-

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