Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Jun 2006, p. 10

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A10 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, June 30, 2006 Wej- , beIicve... Cr nahhes Ht h elping. I talion Regioiîai Politct aile in csiIg. l ing .i eak ciii i .Anyone. a local cai wash. nruiîd niichlit lune 1 (, a rnaiî smnaslied oui ihe Anywhere. dof' niVirsi C hnece C ai Wasiî, 521 Deirry Rd., and siale coins tramn the ofic e. The suspiect 'sas seen ileeiiîg the aiea andi s descrihed as svhiîe, in lits laie teens, tiv io10ssîî a thîin buiid. lie was wcaring a bI.ack boocled sweatshîirt and jeants. ÇIl vîtu have' aîîv infiltîiiiî Iliîîî leîîs ntî ani ai st ini titis i i (~l" iin uit' ppeî s' w1el, sito, (It lî v.liîltiîîîî i îîiî'stappî' s. c aîî. g 1n Writing Math 'ýSpelling 1Grammar 1French!,Study SIl THE SUMMER CAMP THAT EXERCISES YOUR KID'S BRAIN Stînîner Brain Camtps at Oxford Leari iîg Jet kids explore, disceeser, ereate and leari, %Ahbi kîîew itirt kids cîîuld base so nîtîeb fani iînpîîviîg ibeli mîatb, reading, wi iting, sttidv and lîîîîîîeîvîîî k skiffs -trjîîst learniîîg bah aicrt * Little Readers Acadleînv (Gect vour SK cbild readlv fi-r ade 1) * Kccping Minds Active for Griadecs 1-9 (hours' prograîns) * Math Blaster Camp (i or 2 week 10 bour- camp) "cStudents who toke a jholiday from reoding score lower on tests in SePternber thon they of the summier"1 j!ARN1NG3 917 Nipissing Rd 905.693-9978 www.ovorleam., Loo f or-,ý_ AM Itw I-U Milto Caa a . i.. Champion 'ieece ara sy JMan charged in cabbie assault 0\ (it'f i ing ines"das îîglit. Police saici ie driver, a 39 y'eai aId Mississauga mari, ciiovi i -be passeitgei vaiced bis, opinions about Ille ride and al verbal altîercaio n iailowed iThe driver was ihen punclied in Ible A 24 ycar-aid McNair CH'irCt inat bias licen c baigeci wi ii assauii aind lireacl i l probation. Purse snatcbiîîg denied A (62 y'eitaid wovan was, figbiceiîed Saitiiday afiernoon wbien a graup ai y'anng teens iried ia iake hier purse - iie. Pttlice said the woinaiî ssas waiising on Derrv Road necar Sboiîpson Rtid i i bout 2.:i5 p.n Ah bn tbrce y'aung teens apliroachecdiber on ibeir bicy- ('es. Onîte ith e botys tied t gra liter purse, Iont ber sbaui- dern but the ovtiiî.n iîeld ît îo iigbiiy anid Ilie group lied, police said. A le\, mninutes laier, uine te1 tbe boy~s reîurîîed and agaîîIl îried iii iake ber purse. site sIil svttuldn't let finit liasve il, and bie look aiflbeadîiîg eastbttuid (an al patbway aff Derry Rctad. lie was lasi seen îurnîng iit ania Tipson Rciad. ,Several nearby people caiied Police. . searcb was cîenduc ted, but nabedy 's'as fciind. Police arc littkng for îbree boys arttund i13 years aid wiili aver- age builds. Tss af thelen are swhite svitlî sbut blaond liaît. Gîe is black svîîb sbart d.iri DR. i. Mon A DR. T. MURPHY - PS YC HOLOG IST iAU A JL 2-4 p 1391 Hill S POt Sled Lit, $W9.900 M e 'Mi e eRr" 0al LePag eie Rein, 95-878-8101 SUNDAY JULY 2 2-4 pin 8124 Guelph Liii. $695,800 The t viiu Ten Rt a cîPagi Miuit 0fIit Riui 9085 tTt*tl SUNOAY JULY 9 2-4 Pm. 3186 Miii,8 Oi Riad, $759.000 The Btrazeî&, Te it Rouil CiRtie ttiîînennwpe Riily 905 _8 78.810 Your lijle is in 0181 haîîds, Please Don' t D9rink&Drive *MADDI viilunteers atwa js needed. Hfalton/Peel Chapter 905-8«. 0096 e-mail maddhalion@spre ta lt IN ',LNt 1 [, t ) tU nE Ljtt )'t'tn Htl ) (, y FRIATMcNT SERVt Fý Tnt tNDItDu.,ýl S ANDi Ottt Dr. T. Murphy & Associates: Psychological Services of Halton nttter, , 'ntent l!' t, li 1twn t ltn'ît ,nn t lV ,, frt, n tnn' of E t, nonder, Cnn'tz.dtc.'Rur,,, Goutn'&t1oý tej( Dt A nnen d1 , t,, 01 HPnnst ;Ct.5 tnt., 311 Commnercial Street, Suite 108, Mi[ton, Ontario L9T 3Z9 r 905 878-9665 f 905-878-0868 r'matl: infa)tentirphy.rom wvebý www «vtnnarahy.vont PSt 't f-, Annnnnnd, T. i»ianphM Stys J .baiog~, Pradeisinnai cyni, V ba] e sverelaid 1 Aý terkiiiî îypci selicie sitett lrteîîCttig. Retacl ()iteseîiglî June 22. Ptolict' -Salol Ille orange 2005 i9htbcî lte.dt'r was, stteleî b>' uîîknewî -suspiects irtein a cton- sirLCîctitu sitie Wiîeîe al itew scieeîl is beîîîg lnili. -l'lie vaine oef It'e veleicle is $45,000. Coînstruction site vandalized Iilitsnsuspet'i wreak-ec ltts't c til tei a c to n s tr u c îtio n s ite sîeîîîtînîe tsit weekeid. Soteiri lîeîsseen 3.30 p.ini Saîurday and 5:30 arn. Mîenday, suspiects irespassed tenta a cin- sîructitî site oit Derîy Rttad tewîed by Milîton Traîls Building Deveitiiiciiii i iey kîckeci n îteo dceîrs t gain access te auî uîîlinîsbed buiîlcinîg antd brtet ss'itdtss ite il coteru c îton sebîces te Ilte uniie telai leasi 'S i 0,000. \ gen- c'raittr s'.ltîed ai $4.000 was sitiien,' and a ittteterccie was drîsen insîde itie building, damn agiitg the iltetr. Daniage ti thie dtttrs wis vaiued ai $500. Forklift stalen Aii topen ss'areiiticse proved îîeî ternpiing ftor an unknown suspect wbtt sttele a farkliftJune 15. Pctiîce saîd tce 1996 Yale fîîrklîit, wbîcb is yellow, was sieden frtîm an Fsquesing Line warelîtuse ai arîeund 2 pirn. The lcîrkit s valued ai about $8,000. Bear frightens campers taie, lt, lacc I bt' sti 1 ki ai ait area caiiitî,gîaouîid lasts'ek Poliice said lss amiîlers were Iin a tent ai the KOA canîplsiie ait Second uic ai about 10:30 ssci heu htear- approic bec the lentî, bac! a lootk anid Icli. uts nai knawn il ibis îs tbe saine lîeaî iiaî was sliotied in Nassagaweya cariier ibis mcînîb Tlte Ministry ai Naînral Resaurces bas been noeîfied. Wjndow sniashed Abag ai garbage was tbrcewn îbracIgb ibe windtxs of (ypress lnîiiitîae Apparel oin Main Street eary Sunday mrnming. Police said an unknown sus- pect tbrew tbe bag at about 4:30 ar.wbîcb sînasbed tbe win- daw and kîtccked aver a mnan- necinin, causîîtg $I 1200 in damn- age. Tue suspect led wben tbe .iiarnt sttunded. Conscience gels ta teens [wtt Milton îeens iurned ibeinseives in to police jcîîîe 16 and canlessed t sîeaiîg a cItzen alctîbtlic drinks ircein ait open garage. Poalice saîd a dazen cioilers vaiued ai $25 itad been siaien June 3 Inuit a frîdge in a Megbeî Way garage at about 10 p i The garage dotîr bad been lif topen. The owners dîdn'î know tbe drinks bad been stolen. The teens, bath 16, sbttwed uit at îte Milton police station and adînîîîed îa break and enter and ibeli. Tbey' were referred îto tbe liaitan Regiaital Policels yottl diversion prtîgrarn. Na

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