Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Jun 2006, p. 6

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A6 - The Canadian Champion, Fruday, June 23, 2006 OPINriON3r Will we the citizens follow the leader? Only one îbîng stmndis in tbe way of tht Ontario g., eriinmtnts Places to ir xv Plamn bu ng an tuncualitittl stacces', - xve tht citizens. In preparing for a future ibat secs ftur million peo- pie moving int the Golden Horsesbioe over the nexi 25 years, tbe Province bias tietermninel xve can no longer afford to gobhle ttp tbe regions outlying farmilands and greenspace in tbe name of stîhurban spraxvl. its solution is to cbannel mucb of iis growtb inb the exislîng uirban houndaries of several tommttnities in tbe Golden Horsesboe, înclutiing Milton. Tbeoretîcally, no ont wouild argue against the goals of ibis ambittous anti visionary plan bc curh tan-ban sprawl. Evtryone agrees tbat sometbîng inust bc tdonc to prott our farmland, woodlots anti greenfielIds front being developed and otîr air polluteti b>' gas guzzling cars sîuck in geidlotk. But wbile everyone agrees someîhing nmust be donc, tht realit>' îs that niosi people don't wanî it 10 occur in ibeir own backyard. There lies tht higgest challenge lacing the Places to Grnw Act - public acceptance. Historicall, infili developmenLs tbat increase the population densîties of exisîing neighbourbootls have always run mbt sîiff opposition from exîsîing resients. in the wake of tht Plates 10 Grow plan, municipal counicîls bave been hand thclie responsîbîiîty of win- ning oven- tht hearîs and miintis of its residetts. r h remnains to bc seen, howevt-r, wbeîber ctîuntîllors rwdll be wîîîîng bo stand up to this neîghbourbootlopo Most people conternctl about tîur clixironnment agreethiat tht Province bias taken a sîep in thte right direction wmtb its Plates 10 Grow Plan. Tht question is wbeîber individual residents will bc willing 10 [ollow i the Provinces footsteps wben tht plan bits close bo home. Readers Write%190 Send you-r letters to multoned@haltoeach oem or drop them off at 875 Main St, E Milton council doing a fine job DEAR EDITOR: Recttti i x read ii nuîerîîîs ît~ toc cioter, about Mayor Gord Krantî: antd t"iiw coiitcil. k poulix'1% inove hiere ixso x'cars ago, i ii a tew toncerros abuti a park anti &cloîpinenu. wlen 1 tîlttat it thtc nmao's oficeit andittO ioniliirs., îloi ()111\, dit hex respuirîto nie in a tilily falshl ion, they madie numerOuLs irîPS Io mxY home to meet w&ith me andi my neîgh- hours.* Krantz, Councillor Rick Day and particularly Councillor Brian Penmani siiett qîlite a hit oi int) ant i etgý ,x th tilt, ant in tilt tntittiîct aillo ii'issues, I îhink inanx t-esidenis of M iltun airt tnaing iouî tuitk of a judgient on our titirnt mayui anti totintillor-, Nittun ixgxilig ai an iiýedi)l rti' andt Ibu' chiallenge' of ttniuianail iii tht ixsresitienit, xuth tiptiaiteL iiirastruc- turc mnust bc siaggenng. 1 lielevc the toticliors and rnay'tr are tloîng a fine job. JONATHAN MITROVICH Upfront I)r cianaelau Ejmiî 875 Main Si F. Milton, Ont. L9T 3Z3 905-878-2341 Edîtonial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertisinçj Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified:905-875-3300 Circulation 905-878-5947 Wvvw roltonc--anadianchampion corm Publisher: Ian Oliver Associate Publisher Advertising Director Managing Editor Karen Smith Production Manager Trni Coles Circulation Manager Charlene Hall Office Manager Teri Casas The Canadian Champion, published every Tuenday and Friday ait 875 Main St E., Milton, Ont, 19T 3Z3, in one nf the Metroland Printing, Pablinhing & Distribating Ltd. comaunity newnpapern. bipîi i ec ,hî cA hu i h i i i v v CCAB Audited M cu N wppesAAoam CC A (orýt The Canadian Champion is a prOuil mnedia sponsor for: An unexpected reminder ofjust how great this country is Somnetirnes the most rneaningful conver- sations corne ait the most unlikely of occa- sions. Such was the case for youn-s truly last month during a quick stop to get my hair cut. Over the pasi few years I've bad rny few rernainung follidles tnimmed by a guy narned Ornid. He's a very likeable guy wbo loves to talk about bis baby daughter - wbich, hav- ing an bonora-y niece and nepbew myself, is sometbing 1 get a kick out of. But on this particular visit, we got anound toi talking about bow be bappened to corne to Canada in thie early '80s - a period fraugbî witb turmoil and upheaval in bis native Iran. As someone who grew up witb just about every advantage possible, it was kind of amazing for me to bear about somneonte stili in their teens leaving their family bebînti anti traveling balfway across the world to, start a Miltonians newcorners in a gemue sense - new life - with litile mnoie and no job baving corne bere frorn countries near and prospects to, speak of upon fair to find a better life. an-rival. Ornid didn't even speak And isnt that sornetbing we Englisb wben he first carne bere ail deserve? To me, a persons - only picking it up along the chances for bappineas should way during bis early years in depend on their willingness to, Canada doing menial jobs. wr adadtetohr h 0f course tbis type of story work bar od niket treat ersth isn' exady rre fr thse wo, bemselves - not on geograpby. immigrate to Canada. But sortie- Unfon-tunately, wbere we live bow it strikes a more nernorable and the quality of life we enjoy cbord when you bea- sucb a tale " often go band-in-band. And fn-om sorneone you already think thats wby we're so fortunate to 6-- sutmeune wno Dy' ait accounts is quite desen-ving of tbe happiness be bas found in bis adopted land. As oun- once little town continues to gros, we're becoming more and more a diverse community, witb man), of our newest bie living in botb this countr-y and tbis com- munit>' I rennember leaving Fin-st Cboice Haircutters that day witb a blatant reminder of that fact. Tbanks Omiti. Is just sometbnng to tbink about as Canada Day tiraws near. Jngle Bel Fund CAIAb AY UNITED WAY YMÇA Showtase Mliliori e, il i MILTON SANTA CLAUS

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