134 -The Canadian Champion, Friday, June 23, 2006 Datelin Darcitine ks îtfre listintg of comnug t'veits oiily. Viec lu n Cinii s aai ilabie hi local coînrmnit ,v groîips hi assisi iii prtotoiing theii juîureci ev'ts. Oit1 iv t it îblî' oi ion-pi tfi it iitii -v gioups iiiav use titis service. t' t-ait omil - guarai'c one issue oif Pub- lic îty cîtisest tii thet diate tif the' aiciiiîctliitiug- titîic itisci- ttiois ait, poissiblec if dt'iiîaitti li Nottî îs ftoi Dtiittt situld bic itaîticei ini al tit'> offt ic of Th Chitamîption, 87.5 Matit St. E, Jtist'ti ffO 951 878-494.3 oi? t' iîîailt'd ti itiit'@tiiiioti i The' final dc'tîtiîîîî s îîtîîî Ftiticiv loîi fiitd's3i cdeitii tand îîtîîîî XX 'tiiitsîii Io! Fi ititiv' s etiiitiii .iie tn ticins ti ti't tîtt îpit'il In, Ilh'iniiiii Saturdas June 24 The Ontaio ii faru h' Ca entre. 917 Nipit.oing Rd., liitiic its Developmerital Early Identification and Prcvention Program Clinic from 9:15 o 11l 15 a.tri for famnilles wtth kîds newboni t0 five sears îîld. The clinte rifers a i 5-mîntt consultation wîîh speech, heai ing, behiaviour, pre-sc hîiîl and infant deveiîîpmettt proiessîionais. No appîtintinenti s necessarv, For nmore infotrmaion, cati (905) 876-i 244, emt 10. The Militon District Htospital Atixiliar\, prescitst the 26th itîrutl Strassberrv Fair irtim 8 a n. tî 4 p.mi ai the Militin F ait (rrtits Ical trint Ille tipeitn ceretinriî ai 9 4ý a.niii lîlucaue breakfast rîiis fri î 8 fto f0 a. ti. and ail davt ilci e s tawbett let and ice crelintri er sîtoricake and trais terri- daiquiris. There-s aisti a barbecue Iron i1c: 30 ar. Ioi 4 p).11. anîd piet i il ttetfai ic'nî join us at Mohawk Racetrack for the Canadian Pacing Derby aur first Major Race of the year, and the first FamiIy Fun Night of the season featuring face-painting, pony rides, a trackside BBQ and a special appearance by Cinderella and Friends. wwwWoodbineEntertainment.com 401 & Guelph Line 1-888-675-RACE - yM T The Milîton and District Hortienfiral Socitey hîîds ils Summer Fiower Show at Milton Mail froin 1l arn. io 3.30 Euichre lakes place ai te Htîrnby, Cît tperatîve Nîiiserv Scîttitl ai 7.30 p.nn. Fs ery'înes welcîîîne to attend. Peticide Alternatives fir Militon boldt an information booth ai the Milton Farmners' Market vvîîh a pelîitîon ut sup- por tit a ctîtmettc pesticicde hi-laisý Itîr Miltont. Foi more înfîr- mnaîtitî, cali ( 905) 693-9837. Saturday June 24 - 25 The ( attaclit Recd Croîss hiolds t firsi aid and C PR train- ing coursc ai t10c Nipssiitg Rd.. unir 5. Ftor more informa- tion, cati (905) 875-145Q. Sunday lune 25 Contntiunity l-iving North Halton holds ils second annual Community Pirnir irttm nootn fto 3 p.m. ai the Milton Fair (,rurtnds featuring free foocd, entertaiîtmenî anti games. 'ie Milîttot and District Hotîriculîural Societ>- presens ifs Butterfies and Bloomns Garden Tour iromn ntrîn to 4i30 p.m. ran tir shîîtc Tickets ct $7 eaclt or $ 10 ftor a famiiy and are avaîlahle ai Spicec) f0 t-i andi DelacîîrtK aheac li tinte tir tbe dai ofi the escrît frîî n o i ttîtî 2t p.rn af tie iTown Hall gar- deîs. The Academ, tif Music peritiris a concert irorn i to 4 t.rn. ai Victoria Pîark featurîng piano, guitar, voceal and rock hand ensembles. Everytines welcîîme îo attend. MondayJune 26 lThe i igitbticse Program ftor (îrievtng Chîlcfren htîids group support for kîds and teens frtîm 6 to 7:30 p.nt. For mitre information tir ti regîsier, cati (905) 337-2333 tir e- mail lglitltotisep)rgratt@hellttet. t The Deck youîh centre. 200 Maini Si. rear eîîîrance) tnt tics studenîs li grades ô ttî 8 iîiîktitg to play a gante ti pooîl ii sîtol) i' betw&eett 3.30 antd 6:30 p.m. Ki-t Ctinmunit ( hircb, 100 Ntpttsitg Rd. nt 3, liotld a Bible study' frttin 7 iii K30 p.in lioi miire infriîtmaîftot ea {905i 875-1022. Niilîtît Ditiet H-ospiital litlts a one-on-tîtt breastfeed- ing clinic is-iith a certîfieci lacittion conisulhtant irtîtît 1:30 iti 3 p.i rî,F-tr motre itnformtation otii itiîake ait alîpoitftett cal jeant ,aiieît ai (905) 878-2383, e-st. 7030. Tl Milîton Senitors' Acti vN Centre, 500 C hilîls Di. liolds dupiicaîe bridge ai 9:30 a.m. anîd bid cuebre ai i 3c) p.i lit C oiptte (-u ltt fîlds its CyberCafe ircîn 1 ii 3:30 p.iit \ih iii s îitîîeeî avilîbi for assistance. The ct lori eact see more DATELINE on page B5 plants thai wiii inlerate foot iraffitaid what a great addition to ay yard they haie become. Use groond coien yen tan walk on ti add texture oîher than traditional grasses in a special paît o) the yard. Why flot try filling spaces between stones in waikways, patios ni garden retreats wîith rîch texture and colour? Maybe baud youîseif a living checkerboard wvitb these tread friendly plants and some paoing siones. [et your imagination oise and remember these aie non delicate plants we aie talkîng about. Look for tough, easy to grow plants such as Thymes, Mosses, Speedwells and Clovers, kick off your shoes aid feel the texture between ynsr toes