The Canadian Champion, Friday, June 23, 2006 - A3 Subdivision proposai prompts concerns about traffic R-VMo k Mi ih 1,\ Residents worried about tbe extra tralfic a proposed sinail townbouse subdivision would draw to their east-end neigh- bourhood voiced concernis ai a public meeting Monday nligit The session, field dîiring the administration and finance comînittee's regular monthly mneeting, looked at Bes erly his Estates Holdings' plans lor 10 Qîownbornies on tbe cast side of 'Ihompson Roaci, abutiing tbe south sicle of the railway îracks. Seseral rescleiîs front .5ndiesss Ti-ail - ss bîcb cut rently abts tbe alfore menio-ecl pi opeît i ii ino spots dia ss'oilcl bie coniieciecl as a ci esceni \vitbin ibe poieni.l subdiv ision - îcîrned out to speak about tbe proposai, lîke Niargari Rodi igues. Sbie poînieci oui il ect ol tbe ionhnlims ossuers liasc iwo sebîcles, ibai would meant almnosi 40 adclîîîonîl c ars woulcl go bw ber bouse. -Tbaîs a lot ol' îrallîc , she said. "is going lu alleci miv bonte and my cbildren. li really concerniec about îî. Eellow Andrews Tiail resîdenîs Andrea Marvell anci Gary Humner ecboed Rodrigues' ccncerrns. Hunier also claimed be was told bs' tbe des doper wben buying bis borne ibat more semi-deiacbed bornes were going to be buili on Beverly His Estates' lands, noi townbouses. He said be tbinks a "true ouîline" of wbiat's going lu bap- pen on surrounding lands needs to be provided by local developers. Ward 1 Councillor Bian Penman pointed oui tbe Town created an information brocbure - designed tu belp educate buyers before purcbasing tbeir bomes on tbings like wbats planned for surrounding lands - wbicb is now available in every borne sales office in Milton. "We've seen ibat problem and înied to address ii," be saîd. Hunier îold bim its une îbîng to create sncb a brocbure, but ifs anoîber to bave educaîed peuple in ibose sales offices ibat can explain things in layrnen's terrns. Beverly Huis' proposai also includes lands set aside for the future developmenî of sornie semi-detacbed bornes and a 5.5- metre taîl railway buffer. This would consîsi of a 3.5-metre berrn made from materials excavaîed during tbe construc- tion of the nearby railway underpass and a isso-meire acoustie fence. Keitb Macîinnon of KLM Planning Parîners, wbîcb rep- resented tbe developer ai tbe meeting, îold tbe cîmmîtîce bis client would rnake sure tbe bornes esibetîcally fit into tbe area. "We îbînk it is a very compatible fit,' be saîd. Nick Cortese of Beverly 1lilîs Lstates noîed tbe bomes will be "more upseale" tban tbe bouses in ibat area now. "ht (the proposed townbomes) wýill enbance ibeir actual OItI(ii 1le alsu argued ibai îurnîng Ancdrews Frail inio a ciesceni wîll acîually decrease iralfi"ý, since cars will bc able tu flow tbrougb tbe area more efficienily. In order for tbe propused clevelopmenî to pruceed, town counicil would bave to appruse a zoning bylaw arnendmenî îo cbange tbe land frorn a future developmeni zone iii resi- dential mnedium densîîy and open space. Anotber public meeting beld VVbile anoîber public rneeting was bielc by ibe corniitice i'cgarding Transcon Proprt ics I icI.s plans for 1 16 n cous nl- tiinal and btc k-io-bac k iownbomcs for lanid lusi souib ol Becnnett Boulesvard anidc casi of Airmstriong Boulcvard i o il rics- îcleîîs spokc, \\ ard 4 F oinc illor lbu (balliîior ,isked ilit'sclo ssi bu ie buoines are clesigiîed fori. ba h a oincs would lic guai cd îo lîrsi -lime luscrs, wîîb a selling price oh about $204,000. Ward 4 Councillor Wendy Scbau commended Transcon l'or puîîing plans fons'ard for affordable bousing. '1 îbink uts really a very wortbwbile îbing you're building bornes ibat corne iii ai ibis price," sbe said. Iii addition, Cballinor asked the developer iii consider using a rouf style ibat bas a lower elevation, noting tbe Town lias to keep) tbe 'farger neigbbourbood iii mind. Thbe Traîîscon proposaI would also require a zonîng by'law anîiendmeîîî t proceed. Thle coiiiîiitee reccieîse reports on tlie clcvelopinents for inîformîationî lcrpiis's. 'taîl wsIll l)ring recoinriunclaiionîs ou wbeibuer îo approse or cny tlî applications t u cicrc ilîectigs. Nlîlaic (aniiss' ci bu i t wied ai liîiiîsuvr Roger Mason and ail of his long-h' are happy once again to be serving Miltonians and invite you to revisit. NIGHTLY DINNER SPECIALS! ýt