111Gaeri eI GneaHelp _ Tea el flGeea elte& U èchedJ1 ________________ chaibical HeIp Techeical HeIp IThe Oakx'ill1e 8ae lxokiog for a Contracter ait h exîtîrg crxw or inde- pendcent contri t head-up oui SYLC (Support Y ur Local cornier) Subocrîption Drive. Candidates must fie bighly moid enioy the culoo have esperience in sales, transportation an asoet. For.more information oease contact ErIn FOUpht 90-632-OM ex38 r via e-mail elaaahtylnulonRoot.com Rlenearch Houxe lnc., a profeosional Market Research Go is currently looking for adaîts with varioxo degrees of hearing boyS, fo participate in a market research otady. Yoa would participiate in e hearing otady fhat would fake about S hours ut your time in total. If you are intereoted in more information or how f0 porticipafe please cati the number below. Cash paid if selecfed. PI ease cail 1-800-701-3137 xt 234. OPERATIONS! DISPATCHER Oakville Location Required for office furniture company Must have knowledge in office relocation and installation of systemrs turniture Please send resume t0 doebernik@aol.com SHIPPING/RECEIVING/ WAREHOUSE A sucoemful national dîsfnibutor of state of the art medical/surgicol products is loskîng for a keen indîxîdual for FIT sbîppîng, receîxing & warehouse dulies. Some exponeonce required. Gsod techoical abl & compoter okîlîs an asset. Forward reaume ta: 5024 South Service Rd., Burlington, ON 171 5Y7 Fax: 905-632-7938 IAttendant Service Worker h W l 1 l We need persons euth excellent communication skilîs and physîcal strength tv assiot adults with a physical disability in their routines of daily living. This as a consumer directed service and the worir- place is ir the conoumrers home. Applicant sould have s vehicle & able te drive in Haltor. The apli cants muat provide a Crimînal Reference Check. Contact by fax: 905-878-6449 Email: pmailh@cageco.net ADI T fo I..-o-oo * le. 1- Weaeloing for adulto (indlividluals or crewsl vine have a reliable vehicle (the uarger the betfer) and a desîre to earn ex- tra money by dielixering rrewspapero with flyer packageo 3 days a week (Wednes- day, Friday and Saturdayo) Ix reoidences throughout Oakvîlle & Milton. This is truly a door-f0 door delîvery program and is basf suited f0 thoxe who are sol afraîd osf hard work and enjoy workîng indepen- dently in the outdooro. Maturîty and a otrong senue of reoponoiblity and re- liability are mandatory. If you would like ta explore thia opportunlty in more detail, pleane contact Bob ait 905-637-8795 LOT PERSON REQUIRED Monday fo Frîday 8-5 Budds'BMW, Oakville Responsibilifies inClude, maintaining lots, washing & moving vehicles plus various other duties. Must have val id drivers license, clean driving record and abiîity to drive manual transmission. Brin g resume fo Budd's BMW 2454 South Service Rd. W. Aftn: Mark Roser voi offers indMvdualized services to guide and assist you ta identify and reach your employment goals. Take advantage of these FREE services by calling your Halton office at 1-888-336-9550 0 Cameer Exploration / Counselling Pl lob Matching / Resume Wneting FI> Skill Training 0 lob Search Training j' ob Creation 0>SeCf Employnn Tais prolfftisfundeltay www evpJ-,nc.comn theOCawrmeeofCanada AVG $ 20/HR Enurverarior work, Piece worh compensat ion No Experience Needed! Training proxîded for Accepfed applîcants. For an interview cati 905-525-7692 Stadents Welcomne JOBS AVAILABLE Production work rn the MILTON area. $tO Srîlhr. AIl shifts avaîlable HCR Fax: 905-876-4090 or Tel: 905-876-4661 310 Main St. E. Ste. 205, Mltlon Eîecty Your Job Sln&SaHl Search u FREE 10 Day Etectronic Job MO 1 Search Proga - - for Unemplayed0 Calidul fANw ig.. in Burlington Funded by the HISYIT Goveromenof 10 sialno bonu Canada Prem. hourly pop Tons of training Sao pa elrPid rc Leam a Trade 'sel -- RSTL FAMII e.I SALON CUSTOM MACHINE SHOP LOCATED IN MILTON REQUIRES: CNC VERTICAL LATHE OPERATOR TUE-20 Experienced in Fansc Contrais CNC HORIZONTAL BORING MILL OPERATORS Eoperienced in TOSNUCI Heidenhein Contrais Applicants for obove positions must hove a minimum of 5 yrs Journeymani evperience in a Custom Machine Shop envirosment. Fax Reaume tai: (905) 876-4451 Email: hr@romacl.com Beefits package available. LOCAL MILTON FLEET REOUfRES LIC ENSED TRUCK OR TRAILER MECHANIC. TUESDAY TO FRIDAY 4PM r1 2AM SOME FLEXIBILITY & OAYS ON SATURDAY. ocL Buldn 905ws8&E5-e6io Creure o sxerie row rosîdential sifes in the GTAý 3yro min. expenience. Please caîl 905-270-9006 INSULATION Exeonenced spray fsam + blown, Installero Wanled Location Budington Musf have vehide, ualid drivers lîcense & Insurance. Phone: 905-336-3052 Fax. 91t5-336-of f9 Emal: lobs@îarvis insulatior.com ACCOUNTING MANAGER Great opportunity for aduancemet for rîgbt indixidual. people sklls, oupenîcei aca- demîc (CICA haod- book) and sourd tas knowîedge are pro- roquisîtes for position. Salary commenourafe wîlh expenrence. Please contact: lob search@primus.ca * - 1 1 MILTON CAR DEALERSHIP REQUIRES 2 PART-TIME RECEPTIONISTS Hours available are: Monclay - Thursday 2:00pm to 9:00pm and Saturdays 8:30am - 6:00pm Please fax resurne to: 905-878-0960 buy-sell-rent-trade-hire Cali ~ ~ ~ A Sn9 b u "ain Reive ton NEEDEDONE Foa G7 "n'3 The auccesaful candidate wrii have soiid HTML experience and a huge passion for web developmevt. Job located sn Oakville Ontario. . Opers pect i v e.c a Tel: 905-878-2341 Emai 1: classified(@miltoncanadianchampion.com For yoar convenience we accep: VISA, MASTERCARO, AMERICAN EXPRESS, INTERAC, CASH, CHEQUE, OPEN HOUSE MILTON-BURL-OAKVILLE-HAMILTON EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY MONDAY JUNE 26th, 2006, 9:OOAM-4:OOPM *GENERAL LABOUR -LIGHT & HEAVY *CERTIFIED FORKLIFT & REACH GPS. *RESIDENTIAL CLEANERS TRUCK & COACH MECHANIOS CUSTOM SPRAY PAINTERS *CSR -IN/OUT/& BILINGUAL *ADMIN /RECEPTION *G DRIVER -HEAVY LIFT *MACHINE OPERATORS (CNCI *OREJER PIOKERS *CERTIFIFO MILLWRIGHT MUSTF BRINFi PHOTO ID, AND SI N Holiday Inn..- 2525 Wyecroft Rd (Oallroom) Oakil On 161 6P8 (Bronte/Wyecrott Rd) OR CALI 905-333-5011 *4Quadraý QUADRA Chemîcaîs Ltd., is a North Amerîcan manketor and dîstnîbutor of specialf p and cos- moditp chemîcals. We seek a Customer Service Represenfaîve for our Burlîngron f acilifty. The ideal candidate will poaxena: -Experience in front lire cuofomer service Irinol- edge of chemîcal distribution would be an asse) -Proven computer skîlls lopreaduheefs & ERP spu- lemî -Independent, self vIagter, wîth the ability f0 work in a hîgh-pressure enxîronmen, îodependently as well as in a team -Excellenf irferpersunal, communication, and g resentatîso okîlîs -etaîl oriented analyical, muli-functiona with ex- cellent organîzational and probîem soîxîng sklls Guadra, selected as one of 50 Beot Managed Companies in Canada, proxîdes a competfîxe benefîts package, whîch includes an incentîxe plan, a pension plan, and heaîfh benef ifs, etc. If pou are înterested and wîsh to loin sur dynamîc te0m pIeuse torward your remme and a letter of intent f0: Quadra cheaicals Lad. ToIt-frme Fax: (866) 424-9458 E-Mail: reoame@quadrachemicals.com Sabiect: BonI inglon cuotomer Service No phone calte please. Onty those candidates with relevant qualifications wilI be contacted A weli eafablîshed service company iv in need of a bookkeeper wbo wouid aise acf as the office ad- mînîsîrator. The ideai candidate must take ownershîp and be reoponsîbie for the wxrk as- signei. Duties wil include ail bookkeepîog funicfîors, A/P and A/R, Invoîcîng, anawerîng phone cails, clerical dulies, and prepariog reqaired reports for charfered accountuof for pean end fi- sanciai otatemento. Knowledge of MY0B os requîred, but wilI train if secesay. Must be profi- cient in Microoft Word and Excel. Fax: 905-457-5326 Emal sales@ htvo otems.com JOB SEEKERS WAN1TED! TEEMPLOYMENvT RESOURCE CENTRES... DuiIagor. 86o Horrlngtion Court 905-333-3499, Eat. 140 Georgefw: x84 Guelph Street 905-702-7311, CE 109 MIibae:550 Ontari o St South, #2o3 (Southiview Pt ozo) 905-693-8458, Eet. 107 O.araWln 465 Moi.d l cL,810 905-845-1257, Ext. 121 For more information, please OUi your nearest Employment Resource Centre orvisit www.thecentre. on. ca. j.>The Contre ce~#-r & Workfo Deveopment Tis project la funded by the Govemment aof Canada. àj -2t - 'Ehe Canadi Champion, f5riday June 23:,2006 LICENSED ELECTRICIAN UZG-,rl La "Suit 'I*es Idscapplo _____j