éiii.'i IImJ'aII: I..............' ENGAGEMENT FORTHCOMINÇ MARRIAGE Richard and Olga Laughton of Milton & Don and Kelly Gresdal of Huntsville are thrilled bo announce the engagement of1 Iheir children aegaednî n ien d tahe Tessa arinaSarah Elizabeth to to efeWila hf Mike Ryan ,al taiadii'di I îiiî Wedding 10 take place ý no fSuutadhl lii fVtoi ~ )<~ Augut 21117 ~Weddiragtovtakerylai,-îîî htily, 206. ENGAGEMENT ENGAGEMENT Rl ies ani Murie IBIoersi are prouil lu afnnounue the Il engagement oîf their son, Il Roui Boers Olga Vodianikova Congrurulrîrsnns, we lotie ynu bnrth! ANNIVERSARY health, love...- The (amilies of Keri Simpson of Lowlle & John Zammit ofhMiltoa are pleased to announc t heir engagement, Wedding 10 take place November 3, 2006 BIRTHDAY Happy Birthday Jordan!' Love Your Family FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE JOHNSTON -Brandon and Lianne (Mi- chie) of Milton are pleased t0 annoance the hirth of tSair son EVAN PETER weighing 7lbs 0oaz ai Milton District Hos- pitl an Jane 15, 2006. Praud grandpar- nts are Ejlen and Reg Michie and Tim and Mary Jane Johnstan. Evan as alsa welcamed by his socles and sunts Rab, Ryse, Nealey, Jas and Ashley. Thanka ta Dr. Wilkinson and the wanderfal nurses ut MDH. SILVEIRA, Roy and Jennifer (nee Schuyler) are thrilled 10 annaunce the ar- rival a) daughter Mikael a Anna an June 12, 2006 ut 7O02am, weighing 6lbs iloz. Praad grandparents Lois Cairns and Larry Schuyler o) Milton, Herc & Olga Silveira af Landon, Ontaria, and g reat-g rand parents Howard & Olive Schuyler of Milton. Thanko ta Dr. Ra;asingham, Dr. Hanter, Nurse Nancy and staff ai MDH. BRUCE & Annelise Cook are averîayed toa snaunce the sale arrivai of their grandsons NATHAN ZACHARY CAR. MAN, May 16, 2006, 9lbs 3ozs. Proud parents Randy & Andrea Carman. AN- DRE FERGUS HAMMOND, Jane il, 2006, 9lbs laz. Proud parents Miles & Cheryl Hammond. * n migEventsM ýmn ýlng vent luma'Y 1'hu-r-snay S10 amfZr Friday Classified Hours Monday 10 Friday 9 amn toi 5 pm kCOME$ in 3 months or more? *Ha ving a baby? *Establishing a new businless? Please cali us Co.m.nit Welcom O-so-sweet D AUI - oaris 905-332-4799 toi wwwWeePggi s 90 451464 lVIaby Welcome Sweet 16! o 0 7 31t lc ~5 UfbUlfff t . âamJe 14 1006 Michel 905-332-863 or ir Bridai Weîcooe ' e i o f ci it 4fr e nd 5 M iIto L egloi Laurie 905-878-012 ( wihBrhAnnoun-erenjt êea aWos Bus/rof Welcome ~ TCETS $10 Laurie 905-878-0126 Canaria Cbapic clasme mllltats e"e5 and get Up to $10 in phone cards! Wi n! a B Uzz - calling card! The Canadian Champion, Friday June 23, 2006 - 23 ~hs Bhij hs irhs I Lewis, (Morfler) -1, Mr. Ethan Wiliarn Lewis, proudly announce the safe arrival of my baby brother - Justin Tyler. Bore 5:39 A.M. on Sunday, Jane 4th, 2006 at Milton District Hospital. Statiutics; weight 8 lbs. 4 oz. (same as me), height 19.5 P O i inches. Daddy and Mommy, Dereit and Michelle, are doing weîl and getting back into the swing af 3:00 A.M, feedings. Grandpareets; Olive and Reverend Rod Lewis of Brantford; Judy and Marshall WILSON -Ava happily announces that ber f ' Horner of Milton. Another great-grand- brother Mitchell was born on May 11, 2006 101 IiO child for La y Aunts, Uncles and Cou- at Oakville-Trafalgar Hospital weîghieg 7lbs d 1'Ui, sins: Krîsten, Kyle, Kyfa, Katherine and 1loz. Proud parents are Alyson and Dave Lucas Hassefeldt; Julia, Scott and Nicho- Wilson of Barlington. Delighted grandpar- las Humner; Emma, Reese, Connor and ents are Armas Rammo, Lori Rammo, and ~ Devon Lewis; Andrea MçTavish and Breft Harold and Margaret Wilson. Also wel- Mod Lewis. Special thank-you 10 Dr. Rajasing- comed by great g randparents Joan and F ip vu da ham and nurses of the Milton Hospital Ferris, Aunîs Sephanie and Katherîne ~ llam n O.B. ward and, fa Dr. Peers for his Confie- Rammo, and Aunt Kristen & Uncle Dennîs 10 am VII ued family care. Wilson. -. Blarbara and Larry Ferriman alung rý with Patricia and Rohert Dixon are thriiled lu announce the inrthconing marriage ni iheir children Ashley Krisa'ene to Jason William. Wedding ta take place lali 200i7