Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Jun 2006, p. 7

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BUSINESS The Canadian Champion, Tuenday, June 6, 2006 - A7 ILocal pharmacist recognized Bell receives OPAs coveted Award of Me-rit Local pharmactst Donald Bell's accom- plishmenîs tn hts field werc recenîly recog- nized by the Ontarto Phartnactsts Association (OPA). Bell tecetved the Mortar and Pesîle Award of Ment at the associations annual confer- ence last month. "The Mortar and Pestle Award of Menit ts presented for individual ouîstandtng achievement in the field of pharmacy," said OPA chair Donnie Edwards, adding the asso- ciation is honoured nu present the award to Bell. Bell has heen practtstng as a pharmacut tn Milton for 37 years. Durtng that lime he has worked t0 support the communty and raîse money for local charities. Hts endeavours have included hosting a charity hasehaîl tournament that raised $25,000 for Milton District Hosptal and organizing many golf toumnaments to henefit places ltke Rose Cherrys Home for Kids and the Childrens Wish Foundation. Bell was namned the Business Man of the Year hy the Milton Chamber of Commerce tn Internet seminar slated for June 20 GRAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPION MEGA BURGER: M&M Meat Shops franchise owner Scott Schlotzhauer (Ieft) gels served up a mega burger by former lire ehief Harold Penson recently during M&M's 18th annual charity burger day in support of Crohns and Colitis Foundaîton of Canada. More (han 400 M&Ms locations nationwîde took part in (he fundraîser, hoping (o raise a collective $1.75 million for the cause. Business owners can find out how to use the Weh lu their advantage at the Region's upcoming 'Maximizing Your Business with the Internet' seminar. The session, which wilI he heldjune 20, will give hustness owners a good foundation to help them start an on- fine husiness or create a Weh stte as a complemenîary marketing tool for their business. "New business owrters understand the tmportance of having a Weh site, hut many don't know how t0 get start- ed or how 10 use their Weh sites effec- tîvely," said John Davidson, Haltons director of husiness developmenî. "Thts semninar helps entrepreneurs move heyond the hasics to learo how to strategtcally use the Intem-et to, launch or grow their husinesses.'1 Jemma Fong of InSite Creations, Weh Design and Development will facilitate the seminar, whtch will he presented from two poits of view - the users and the site owners. Topics thatîIl he covered ificlude how lu effectîvely research and pedform a competitive analysîs when planntng a business site, how to search the Internet properly, how t0 gel started on the Weh and how bo keep up with îech- nology. The semtnar will mun from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. aI the Halton Regional Centre, 1151 Bronte Rd., in Oakville. The coul for the seminar is $30. For more information or 10 register, contact the Halton Region Business Developmenî Centre at (905) 825- 6000 or visit 10 The Hilton District School Board proposes to amcttd the 2004 Education Deselopmrent Chargc By-Law (the 2(X04 By-Iaw' 1 that the Board passed on June 9, 20)04. The 20)04 By-law came into effect on June 14, 2(X(14 and was amended on June 22, 2(1()5. The schedule 0f educatton development charges imposed hy the hy-law is as follows: Charge on residential devclopment: $941.0X) per dwellhng unit Charge on non-residential developmcnt: $0.26 per square foot ($2.80 per square mette) of gross Iloor area The proposcd aînending hy-law wilI increase the charge on rcstdcntial development to, $1,260 per dwelling unit and the charge on non-residenîtal development to $0.35 per square foot ($3.77 per square mes-c) of gross floor area. The tncrease in thc charge is due 10 an increase in the educatton land cosîs that the Board has incun-ed oser those estimaîed when the 20(14 By-law was passed. The 2(1(14 By-law referred 10 ahove applies to AlIands in the Region of Halton. Accordingly, a key map showing the location of the land suhject te, the said hy-law is not provided as part of this notice. The Btoard wiII consider the proposed amending hy-law at a public meeting tt 6e held on June 21, 2006 at &W1( P.M. in the Board Room of the Halton District School Board at 2050 Gaelph Lite. Barlington, Ontario. Ail interested persons are invited to attend the public meeting. The Boards would appreciate receiving written suhmtssions one week prior to Uie publie meettng, so they may he dtstt-ihuted to the rustees for their revicw prior to the meettng. Sahmisstons and requesîs te, addeess the Board as delegatitîns shmuld 6e suhmnitted 10 the Dtrector of Educatton, Halton District School Board, c/o Gai] Gortmnaker, Manager, Director's Ollice. 20)50 Guelph Line. Burltngton, Ontario, L7R 3Z2, Tel. (90)5) 335-3663, Fax: (905) 335-98(02. A copy 0f the proposed atnendtng hy-law, the educatton developmrent charge background study in connection with the 2004 By-law and tttformation concerntttg the proposed amcndtnent will bc asailahie on ot afier May 30, 206, at the Butard*s admttnistration offices. 2(05(0 Gnelph Litte, Barltngton, Ontario, duning regular bustness hoars. For fttrther informnation, please cotntact Gerrv Cullen. Superntendeni uf factlîîy Services. at (905) 339-3669 Ext. 3357 or cnllettg(, Halton District School Board Wiistis Jouuru', I3ircs-i rol«Edwaliojn Paul Taie, Chaiur S 2050 Guelph Lite, PO Box 5005, Burigl~on, ON LR 31/2 M <905) 335-3663 <905> 842-3014 <905) 878-8451 ki:v (905) 335-9802 wucdha DRAPERY PANELS Now up to 66% Off TA ICL AWD Our Reg. Prices CUSHIO 1 COVERS Now 50% Off e" -Wide Our Reg. Prices DECORATOR TRIMS ow 66% Off Ou INVENTORY N r Reg- Prices BROADCLOTII CLEARANCE! From 1.77 m FLANNELETTE From 2.49 en Huge Assortment of PRINTS Cotton & Blends SAVE O FF From 1.99 en u P OUR REG. PROM & BRIDAL TO PRICES SPECIALTY SHEERS Front 8.99 in BEMBERr, LINING 11 From 2.99 en 01 Members Save 50% Off Members Sùve 50-66% Off Our Regular Prices on all* other regularly Our Reg. Prices on Our Entire* Stock of SEWING NOTIONS! priced merchandise not alrendy on sale! NON-MEMBERS SAVE 50-66'ýý OFF OUR REGULAR PRICES ON 'Excluding pronnotional goods & special purchases. SELECTED SEWING NOTIONS ONLY, M@mbm Save 50-66% Off Regý Prices on ahnost everything* in the store, May 29-june 25«. PLEASE PICK Up A Copy Non-Members save 50-66% on »Jected merchandise. Join & save more! Detaite In-store. OF OUR FLYER IN Sroffl 547 Main St. E. MILTON 878@0931 1 7 Donald Bell

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