Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Jun 2006, p. 4

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A4 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Jonc 6, 2006 0f ail the reasons to switch to TD Canada Trust, this one fits in your hand. Use EasySwitch to transfer your main personal or small business chequing account and get a free iPod.' Now, for a Iimited time, you cari gen an iPod by transferring your main chequing account Jo, TD Canada Trust. And thanks Jo our EasySwitch" process, moving your accounts is hassle-free - because we do the work for you. If you're a new or exiseing personal customer, switch Jo a TD Canada Trust chequing account and set up ereher a Direct Deposit or two Pre-Authorized Payments Jo, get your veiy owor 512 M[B iPod shufile. To upgrade Jo a I GB iPod nano, juse make the same switch as above and add either a new TD Gold Travel* Vira' Card or a TD Gold Elite* Visa Card. For small business customers, get your iPod shuffle by switching Jo a Business Chequing Account. To get your iPod nano, switch to a Business Chequing Accoune and add the TD Visa Travel Rewards Program Jo your new or exiseing TD Business Visa Card. With our award-winning services and now this greso iPod offer, there's neyer been a better time Jo switch Jo TD Canada Trust. Offer ends August 4, 2006 .' GRAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPION WELCOME TO CANADA: Halton Regional Police Chie> Fan Algar joins a group o> newv Canadians (or a phorograph during the ESINC event in Oakviile last Tuesday. ,'Programi breakîng down barriers for new Canadians By Howard Mozel SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION Hal non Regional Police may have created their latet diversity initiative ru help newcomers Jo the area but in prac- rice, emergency personnel have learned a wealth of information from their stu- dents as well. This cwo-way flow of knowledge cornes as music Jo the ears of those behind the Emergency Services Information Jo New Canadians (ESINC't program, oaughr an local Language Instruction for Newcomers Jo Canada (LINC) ru help explain the role of emergency personnel. The pro- gram - a firs ion Canada - also teach- es new Canadians how Jo access servic- es through 911 in an emergency or through non-emergency channels. Police Chief Ean Algar characterized ESINC as a "proaceive and inclusive" way of interacting with diverse coin- munities, especially consrdering the rapidly changing lace of the public i Hairon. "This is an important venture." Sgt. Peter Payne sard thar by having police officers, firefîghters and para- medice listen as well as ceach, the ESINC prograru bas been made even better and is now attractîng onrerest from other jurisdlictions. "If's growing and we're exciced about that," be said, delrgbred ro be on the ground floor of sucb a fulfilling effort. "This could go Canada-wiide and even across North Amenica." Although classes have already been held, the program was otfrcially launched Tuesday durîng a specoal snandrng-room-only open bouse at regeonal headquarters attended by scores of ESINC graduates, some bear- ing small Canadian flags and aIl eager Jo mîngle with a range of emergency personnel and see their vehicles up close. One of rhose grads on hand was .see EMERGENCY on page A5 To transfer your accouno, visit your branch for deuails or oeil 1-866-657-6641 or visit us aitC ndnr s o w www.tdcanadatrustcom/freemusic la Banking can be this comfortable 1. To receive on iPod ofroffle, cootoner jr required to dore tioir main perroil on brosiness chequing occoont on cnother finorciol institution und tronsfer i to a oc or eisfing oligibie cfreqoirg occoont ut ID Canado Trost, using JorySitir For peronol cootorrero, thre D Conodo Trut occoonit must olso ire rot op vitir ut lenot one direct depooit or tro prenoriozef payrenito (con ire new on enirtiog). birait oneefre gift per personocl or omoli buorineso ctooer ond Per joint occourit. Penoorna cortomor mont ire 19 yeoos of cge or oliler NI conditions of tire offer mort Ire completed by September 30, 2006 to qoolify for tire free girt. ID Canoda rust resrmes tire right to notend or witirirow trio ofler or 0ny timo witiroot notice. Otirer conditiors rroy oppiy. Jo receise c 1 GB iPod nocm, cootomner mort complete oll cirequirg accourit coditions olove ord crocorrnrty or rire dote of initiorrrg tir o Eywitir, (i> for persorof cortomieo, moot oico cpply for o nec ID God Trasel Vioc Cord or ID Gold Elite Vo Cord ond Ire opproord iry Aogorr 4, 2006 (rire 'Visa Erd Dote">; or (il) for smml busineso cortomoro, mort cire oppiy for c rew ID Busineso Visa Coid wviti tire ID Viso Irorol Records Progrom (tire 'Progrcm'> ond ire opprooed fr tire rew cord by tire Viso End Dtt or orrol rn tire Progrom itr yoor eirting ID Bosinesr Visa Cord. Exioting ID Gold Troni Visa or ID GnId Juite Vioc cordirnldeos und eoirtirg P'rogroor membeo core ot oliguie for iris nifer. Qnebec reoidents corrot opply oic telepirone fo penr"t 1t Visa ord. Applicatrons for 00W ID Borineoo Visaoordo or erolment irto tire Progroor for exisrg cordiroldeos mort ire completed or c irroncr iy tire Visa End Dote. Tiris t GI iPod roro offer moy rot ire osed or comiio ii ony otier TO Visa rufer. iPod is a trodeor of n Apple Computer Inn., registered mn tire U.S. and otier cooritrier. Applo is rot o sponsor of, so anortner jr tris promotinol oller. 2. For cireqoirg occorrto operod oic tire pione or wreb, accoonit operirg ond Emycitir docomentation mustt be igred and retorrod to ID Canada [most iry Septemiier 1, 2006. 'Vire Intemnational Service Associtirr/Ucerord usr. 'lrderror of nTlie (Crnado Iront Compary. *Tradeof nTlie Toronto-Domirion Bank.

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