Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Jun 2006, p. 24

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24 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday June 06, 2006 I~ ~ ~~~~M GenerlHol IlmHIj ~îo~ Norinî thg 30 d,000 ; v, 60,00 ie pryayoriib rsonsibe faore metiong6, customer elaios. sceoe B S ildn e a operaivffrliy n te S eqipet, hiha/nectDrivîng 3,0 o6,0ies per eihar tr il e requipemens ,uare malso biingupealin re/lievanteods have a Class A-Z driver's licence,a clear drivers abstract and r, knomledge of MTO legislation. Wile offera competitive salaryan excellent benefits package and pension plan with a fise dlay/up to 60-hciur mork meek MAKE A DIFFERENCE A young man with autism (Burlinglon location) requises 3 esceptional people as Peisonal Assistants. 10-15 hours/week each. 1. Fitness Trainer/Personal Assistant *Pian/implemenyiprovide close supervision for daily worliouts os a local gym *Jais in vigoros hikes, short (5k) ruts and cther fitness-related activîties *Certilied eopeniencedi Fitsent Traîner preferred. Long distant r.mnning an asses. 2. TutorlPersonal Assistant *Provide daily mast. in adaît lrteracy; deveiopfîmpiement crealîve inot, plans - Qualified, esperienced teacher (OCT-certitied preferred) *Patient, sensitive, flexible individual wilh excellent communication skillo *Comfortable wih Windows envirrnment, MS Word, Internet 3. Nutritional Practitioner/Personai Assist *Assiot in shspping/planning/preparing nutritisus meals (comples dietary needo) - Knowledge/eoperience in holiotîc nutrition essensial Required for each position: *Commilment ta genfieess, respect, dignity & inclusion Provide assistance with ail aspects of daiiy living tasits -University degree preferred -Abiiity 10 commit for a minimum 1 -year periad -Social setwsrhing esperience an asset. Please note that for each position you wsuid be considered a oeff-employed, sn dependent contractor providing persona assistant semvices. Fees witi be baoed on qualifications and esperience. Please tend reoume & cover letter detaiiing your intereots, reiated qualifications and esperience, & preferred ochedule ta kindneaa.matters@aympatî Please note: We are a faIly rot an agency. We oincerely thank ail aspicas, however, we are oniy able to contact those seiected for an interview. VOIoffers lndlvidualized services to guide and assist you to iderotify and meach your eanploynnent goals. Take advantage of these FRU services by calling your lf811ln effIoeat 1-88.111-336-9350 0 >- caeeExil / mncounael I>lob suari Training »> fMatchInfg /IPdaume MdoJg > fJob Creafton SU Sl8Trelnesg >elEzponsn Thi pmétiisfurledby www .mc com the oenment e(Cwada EXTRUDER OPERAT-rORS 1-3 years relafed experience. Abl e f0 work 12 hr rofafing shifts GENERAL LABOUR 12 hr rotating shifts. Some heavy lifting involved The successful candidates must be in good physiCal condition, have a positive attitude and be a feam player. We offer competitive seages and benels Forseard Resumes f0 Human Resources PLASTMO LTD. 255 Summerlea Rd,Brampton, ONA Fax: (905) 793-3997 White we appreciato ail expressosi intorest in joining our telm cil applicants soloctod for interviews mn!! bo contacted. - ----- ----- - Bl ~mIHelp cIHop a&SIl fp Tcnicce Hel **TELLERS WANTED***-- e I wme1r service represeritalives iv oui Bur-A iington, Oakviiie & Miltton ares. (Hamilton LOCTIONII The Tricar Group oi an award winnisg nightshift siso avaîlabte) If you have tihe 1 foitowing credent lais & skiits wle would No iii.. contractor speciaizing in luxury high rise apartmenf s and condominius. like f0 meet you. High schoot graduate, 2 MNGR& We have an immediafo opening for the years customer service esperience, cash HARTYIT toîtowîng position: handiing & batsncing, good criticaltfhink- ing & decision making, computer & key- Prem. houry psy Lbue boarding, sfrong interpersonat okitis wîth starting $10/hr Skilled Finîshing Lbue s friendly manner. +comm./license To compiete the flnishîng of new con- Please bring resume fa The Hofi*da Inn Super heoefito/horus struction condo. unh55. Must have genera Wedeady, une7 btwe l'laip Tors of training finishing esperience and knswiedge of 3063 South Service Rd, rn Burlington, ont 1mr Interviews wl! be conducted at Cha fime no appointment necessary I.. LT for. - 'Mo are isoking for adaits (individuais or crows) who have a reliabie vehicle (the largor the botter) and a desire to oarn ex- tra money by deiivering newspapors wif h tfyer packages 3 days a week (Wednes- day, Priday and Saturdayo)tfo residences throughous Oakviile & Milton. This la truiy a dloor-fo-door doinory progrars and ila boss saîted to thoso who are nt afraid 0f hard work and onjsy working indepen- dentiy in the outdoors. Maturîty and a sfrong sense of responoibiiity and re- iiabiiity are mandafory. If you would Ilke fa explore thia opportunity in more detail, pleaae contact Bob et 905-637-8795 Students Welcome Milton based Registration Company reqsires personnel r uired îsdîxiduais for AVG. $201iR or MORE! WEEKLY Light Collating& EARNINGS AsebvWr Piecework Ase rk Compensation Pick & paesrdors NO EXPERIENCE and preparle for NEEDED snîppîng. -Fall Training Pes a euet Pranlded- laefx euet For an Interview caf 905"78-9839 905-525-0187 Attn: Office Manager Stadent Scholer- ahipa Avaltable J OB *KIDS ON TVP AVAILABLE "*Commiale, Film, Production wsrî Videca, Series & l'ont in theo MILTON ares. Fresh Faces ages 2 yrs- $t2-$t3/hr. Seniors neoded immed, Ail thits avaîlabie Ns fee's, No courses. Top ageicylSerîxus colis. C We Iak $ when Fax: 905-876-4090 or you make $ Tel: 905-876-466t Cati No., 310 Main St. E. 416-221-3829 Ste. 205, Milon Retali RETAIL ASST. MANAGER *Escofient salary & bonuses *Comprehensine benefif plan -Monday - Friday 9am-6p *Sales oxpenience necessary Contact Stephen Paul Email 3245 Falrvlew St. Burflngfon E ~~î Sao p ep sl&SaI e-AO & SPePNN NMLO Requires FULL-TIME RECEPTIONIST Mat ho flexiblte & have advanced compater knowiedge ESTHETMAN *HAIRSTYLIST Plane Cali: 905-864-888 eai: florCosPaInmIeonhotmag.som THE SALON J lOIN OUR TEAM Hairssytîss Position Now Avaituhte 3 Years Min. Exp. Alse Assistant Position Avaitabte Appty ia perses 128 Reynolds Street Oakvlle : 905-337-3221 1 Need a Job? Are you 16-24 yeara otd? We can help Cali JOB CONNECT at Sheridan 905-878-4956 2020 Lakeside Requireo Fuit-lime Fax resume foi: 905-632-1525 or sppiy sn persan: 2020 Lakeshore Burtisgton MACHINIST Evperîenced produc- tion machînrot reeded on CNC horizontal machine conter, or vertical lathe Able 50 worh with minimum supervision. Trainiog avuilabie. Company offers competitive wages and berefîts. Fax reaumea ta 905-238-9155 Part-lime Permanent PHOTOGRAPHER reoded. Musi have Photoshop and digital phstsgraphy exp. Position avaîlable îmmedîately. Pteaae emnai new imagemedla@ wlth recame omoit power fool usage. Pieuse apply erith rosume, to sur Job Site 1998 Ironstone Drive, Buriington Ask for Dane Bonany BECOME A LICENSED GAS FITTER IN ONLV A FEW WEEKS Lrmrtod Soatiog, Remaîos In Our Courues Begioning Neot Month. Learn oi instail/service furnaces, firepiaces and other natura gas and propane sppliances. Launch a new career wiih the help of Niagara and halton Skilied Trades Academies 1-877e85-9393 Locations in Oakoilie, St. Catharines and Niagara Bohin EDUCATION SERVICES ___ NorthAmencas Leadîng Schssi Bus Company has an rmmediate speoîog for -FULL-TIME, DAY SHIFT MECHANIC Class A Licence/ S&T Designation and Drivers' License Required Apprentice may be considered Fax Rosume to 905-335-5540 Our Communîty Needs More School Bus Dnivers Ca/i 1-877-914-KIDS A rapidly eopasding heath product distributor la Ontario New loking for an enthuaiasic persan ta falfili an entry- EnanEpra levei inside sales position. Dattes wîll inclade or- Requîtes a part tîme der entry, anowerisg phones and cuofomer Accoants service. Payable cterk The saccesatul candidafe must be satgoing, pro- Plèse fax resumne active, posueso effective commanicat ion skills bsth fo: Susan at wriften and verbal as welt as have espenience as- 90"-76-1536 ing Excel and Microsoft Outlook. Bilîngualtasm o an Or laaS assef. Please send yosr resame by tas f0: 5194853-8979 Ony fse requise an interviewmeil be contacted M'lDIE Far landscape oupply csmpany. Seasonal mark - Crase espleriesce. DZ Licence and dlean drivisg record esseshial. H-teavy liffing invofved. Please fao resume: 905-702-9064 International boutique consul fifrm selk s FULL lIME ADMINISTRATOR Fast paced envirosmesi, msttitaokisg, weit orga- sized, good computer okitîs. tsterested candidates shoutd direct themselves ta www.harrioonpricisg .com Aifhouph the csmpany la headiquartered on Bay Street thîs job witt sperate tram Osimilie. Emaît: OnIy candidates who speci* 1 a slasy expectation wiii be cansidered. us About.. wrkoplso Insurance cilt Serv. Rep. IBar. Book your - asseus rîsk, quote Recraitnent ad and write business fodal & receive -client fIla upo 30 rial on -axolot sn prospectisg Workopolu for ovin -dysamic & outgaisg -prefer post secand $] 00O education Fax reaumne ta: A

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