Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Jun 2006, p. 21

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The Canadian Champion, Tuesday June 06, 2006 - 21 s *. s : :Index: Real Estate 100-135 Il Business 140-169 IRentais 110-196 si Leisuoe 200-239 e Community 240-299 Fax: 905-816-2364 Emnail: si Merchandise 300-385 si Auto 400-410 si HeIp Wanted 500-51 Mon. ta Fri. 9am-5pm BONUS! Al classified ads also appear on www.haý * Services 100-795 For CIRCULATION oeil: 905-818-5941 BIR HDAY îlsofe Hom o r ale SELLERS Find Oct What The Home Doms The Street Se/à Pur. Free recerdod message 1-866-456-1109 tD#2257 neus wnsouEteteCse MOVE cn condition 3- bedreom, 3-buthreems, mu/k-eut busement, cn- cludles but tub with pni- vucp cuver and deck. Custom bu//t shed, ium cende tees. $190ooo. Ne agents. Serieus in- quires en/p pieuse. 519-853-1577. Oiffia./siMn SMALL private Offices- beautifl/t appoîntea. Hwp 25 & 401. 1-905- 277-9347 or 905-275- 6834. PROMOTE pour business uppurtunily te user 4 mi/- tien edutt readers in South Centrai Octaneo. ook peur adeertieement in axer 80 Metrotand commun/tp newspapers. 41 6-493- 1300 eet. 288 PROMOTE VOUR BUSINESS te uver 4 mil//un ada/t reader in South Centrai Ontario. Booek pou adeertise- ment in ever 75 Metre- tend commun/tp semu-/ papers w/th ose phone cuti. Cati tornfoerme- t/un un week/p mark ad packages (internet list- ings nctudedt 416-493- 1300 ext 276, 288, 237 a usiessBu nles U AMAZING BUSINESS PPORTUNtTY IN PR/ME MILTON LOCATION FULLY-EQUIPPED WELO NO AND FAB8RICA- TION SHOP. MONEY-MAKINO , TURN-KEY OPERATION. CUSTOM WORKS CONTRACTS VERY'VERY LOW RENT. OWNERS RETIRNO. HUGE OPERAT/ON FOR ONLY $200.000. Cali PAUL 416-854-7412 Homelîte Future Reafty inc. 416-264-0101 SUN VOLTS Un/îmîted rIs Invest in the Future' lit "Aitersate Energp" a r .Rent Franchise Offer/cg MLO prms Preducts and Litestyte pINîvahume Large te be proud ett Average rvthoe Lag isvetmen 70K F~ ruums -L.R., B.R., nascing Axa/table APR. kths&4c ah s Sampeon & Asucee ecte pard, parking& 005-7e-8g22 entrusce, /aundry ta- 90576-892. cîtîties. Saîtabie tan non-smoking quiet tadp, Proaesalonal se pets $900,00 in- * Drectory cludles appt/acces and -ut//Oties. Axa/table Jane REMOVE pour criminel lot, 9054878-9861. records Fast. We de Par- DowNTOWN MILTON dans and US Weixers. Mîllelde Towers Dont be embarressed. 82 Mlllde Drive. 1-800-298-5520 Attractive quiet bai/d- ing. Spaciaus bright c/eue 1&2 bedroom Matinon, usits m/Or leundty urne"' ac/ity anid social reumn an site. MORTGAGES Reguler tes/dent events 100% self emptuped, 100% SIN Ope7 dys eturt/sg m/th 9, & evenînge 95% O CRDIT, Cali 9054876-1249 100%/ discharged _________________ banikeepto, 35-40 pr GEORGETOWN t - amaS/zuat/os. bedruam besement 416-777-0878 upurtmest. $800/mesth appîp unine: mmm. inctusive. Sepurate en- trance, neer GO Sta- ________________ tien. Inctudes tttidge/etoxe. No emuk- $$MONEY$$ Consul/date cng/pets. First/tast/reîer- 3ebts Mortgagee ta, 100% ences. Cui Ionr Ne incume, bad credit uvai/ubi/tp. Se/to s/cg/e OK! Ostairiomde F/flanc/a temete. Ca/t Brenda t Corporation MacDonald 905-877- f 1-888-307-7799 5165. GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS 122 Branle Street South, Mt/toc We are sem ucceptisg applications fot: -2 bdrm For mure informatioc and/or ta muke us appeîstment, PlIase Caîl: 905-878-5375 Buitdtng Managers Leonard si Penny 2-BEDROOM with large baicunp and perd. Triples cn Stewarttems, ce smoking. Heat sn- ciuded. $975/month p/us hpdro. Axa/table Je/p t st. 905-702-7647. 3-BEDROO min tee- et ut bung1ta. Cntrai toat/as. Parkin and iaundry. aet Jase 1tst. $1,29/ot In- ctusive' 9-87817 Georgetows. ACTON amati 2-bed- roum country upunt- ment. Highmap #25 Norh. Fdidge/ staxe/ ut/t/- t/es isictuded. Axai/abte Jutp t Sth. $780/mosith. Fireteot. Cati 519-853- 3996. ACTON, t -bedroom andl 2-bedreem apent- mente ave/table Jane 1st. $790 and $890/month ait inclu- sive. Cati 519-853- 3309. PiVAILABLE Auguet tet. 3-biedruum mais f/uer house. $1 ,225/musth. C/use te Georgetown GO Ste- ion. 2-parking spots, idge/steve/purd. Ca/t 416-258-6571. Clas-fe P.8-2- Fax 87-26 - casfe- e * - diachanpe eor Fo RnI CAMPBELLVILLE. Peace and quiet with miles et malking trais. Almost heaeeni Vety pnivate. Heni- tage building, maso archi- tectural teatures, 18' tu/t windows, Vitian spiral staircase, enormous deck, CuStum kitchen. Suit pro- tessional couple or empty sesters. Gruusdskeeping included. 51600/mo, Cai 905-854-1936 CAMPBELLVILLE. Rare treasure. Country estate living, veiy prîvate, on 65 acres. Turc af the century building, completely reno- vated, te' ceîiings, open concept, spiral staîrcase, pîne plank fiooning loft, massive deck, much more SîkOOlmo. Cali 05- GEORGETOWN RENTALS 1, 2. & 3 bedrooms. Check oct web site wwwhaitonhilîvren- GEORGETOWN $775/ munth inclusive. t-bed- room basement apant- ment. Avaîlabie imme- dîateip. Near Maill Purkîng/.shared iuundry No pets/smoking. Cai 005-702-0250ý GEORGETOWN t and 2-bedroca apuOtments $775/month and $895/munth. Avaîlabie August t Sth. Include s heat/hydro/cabe Park- ing extra. Cai a05-e73- 6284. GEORGETOWN 2- bedroom, treship reno- vated, main level, close to GO. Availabie im- mediatep. $775/month plus hydro. Cai 905- 873-3862. GEORGETOWN, 3- bedruom main tîcur ot bangalow. Laandrp/ park- inig. $t1,200/ month plus 1 /2 utifties. Ave/table Jutp tst. Cati 4t6-626-6640. LUXURY spacisus 2- bedruum apartment in verp quiet area. Newip renoveted inciedes washer/drper. Non smoking, nu pets. $950/month. FinsMuett plus secanity deposit. Cai 519-853-3015. UNIQUE detached dweling, saitubte tor couple. Deck, perd, 4-appt/acces. $950/ month inctudes ut/i/tien. No dugs/smoking. Cai 905-702-t1322 un pager 416e-et12-8096. SFor Reni MILTON 3-bedroum house, upper ttuur, 5 aopliances, big yard, greut lucation. Pets weiceme. $1 ,250/mth + 1/2-utilties, aua/iubie Jetp i st. Cati 905-278- 2730. 0 ForRe,3nI MILTON 4/S-bedrooms. Hume oftice, large tam/tp kitchen , tum/ip ruem, living nuum. 3- car garage. Spacieus grounds. Wuiking dis- tance to domntomcvn $1500/mth v utilities. 1 -800-399-3774 (cdapt or 905-278-2248 (eve- MILTON Gergeous 3 bedroom detached Cherry hurdmood huonrs, cerumios, Iecced yard, qaiet street. St ,SboOmth + utîlîties. JO/p t st. 005-075- 4430ý MILTON suitaS/e for workicg couple toms ccd country main leovi 2-bdrm bouse, availabie immedîutvlp $1100 v cno pets, reter- ences. 905-878-2737. BUNGALOW tor rvct 3-bedroems, 1-bath- room, 4-appliacces. No pets. $1,200/ mon th p/us uti/ities. 519-927- 3036. GEORGETOWN t- bvciroom basement apurtment, sepa rate ectry, parking, oew min- dows/cupet, Fîrsi and last, reterences. $775/ icclusive. Avaitubte Je/p 1 st. 51 9-e53-9694. OAKVILLE- 3 bedroom tomviheuses uvuitubie /m- mediuteip through Auguot t et. 4 upp/ianoes, Hope- date Mu/t area. Lukeshure Management 905-87e- 3336 Wdts pa. loie Adula tyb Nedorgton , lm, laissass @6&"34M Ha/p un Adutt impove tbei busic teracp skils epecial! Add aj picture to pour announicenuent i ceECm vents M. ~Comugents vnt S.omething old, something new, something bo- lac't! Miss Topuroe Most PrestIubms Iliugl Show SBRIDAL SHOW OSeptember 8-10, 2006 r International Centre, Hall 5 -0 Namre SAddreso O City Postal Code_________ CE Phione Wedding Date_______________ Ur qllm 1"1.i9I Send ta: National Brida Shows 7 ** c/o Premier Consumer Shows 2- ~ ~ * * 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, ON i-0 £ '* LK 34. ax:905-337-5570 zo O O OIOIOION OF METRO 05 PRIt/TING, PUOLISHING & DIOTRIBOTING D ori't terget to pick ap 00cr copy atf o WEOOINOBELLS Magazine on newotando cn Augaot :D bLitllWOS -anlq 6uiîyýwos p,:3mojAoq 6ULjL11 -p Bis BIRCHJLANCHARD -Nina & Adam are pteased ta atinounce the barth of their son Ethan David Blrch meighing 8tbos 10-1 I2oz ut Mtlton District Hospital on May 26, 2006. Wetcomed by Unctes Steve, Colin, Evan, Dan/e and Adam, Nonne Mary, Grandpe Dave, Grandma Christ/ne and Grandpa Greg. Thank pou to Sue Simpson f or att the support tbroughout labour ancd detivery and menp thanks lu Docluro HunIer and Ovetic as mett au ail the staff at MIDH for making ur lime there comfortabte and ecloyable. PuSti Gela[nte. A opecia thank pou to Dr. "New binessw? Please cali us Commmnlty Wslcoms Doris 905-332-4799 Magda 905-699-1 248 Baby Wsicomne Michel 905-332-8634 Bridai Wslcoms Laurie 905-878-0126 Bus/Prof Wslcoe Laurie 905-878-0126

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