A2 - The Canadjan Champion, Tuesday, June 6, 2006 [M1L < ( 19Presenting Yaris with a trunk, born in Europe - bred for Canadian fun. Varisli M~ ready fo cinadmkssotwork of almost every journey with it's powerful 19 9 t ve' yet fuel-efficient VVT- equipped engine. Choose from four different packages or MI MIN MO 60 MONflS WUi $1,574 DM.N MREONT MD PDINCJODD take your new Vanis to a new level of self-expression by adding somne very cool '1,3 MSRPýl customn-designed Toyota Accessories. Vanis with a trunk. More Yanis to love. - 1.51, 106 bp WT- mnn (Vailabe Viv Tnl1 Wb bHthgoeoel BO lElectvedc *ULEV il lUlivla Lem Embuion linlile 4 cilliadul, aluma alo bock 5 speed afmaia tfanml Poney asl bombe - Mme and paueqWs abbag supIieea resimbiut systeas (SRS) TElstuleg -Caln air ffitu RearSelat fatlre Tâchometer AN/FN steme CO> eht MP3/WFM plque & me' CITY 6.91J100 KM (41 MPG)t soi soINs CAINADA -ITO la e&bo 1111VIIII 400 Steeles Avenue * 1-800-617-4025 %Www.mlltontoyota.com andfoo,.hgpjas unIwoa oa, l e",ýý(j C ese ffls uoon207 Ms(Mode'Bi 903MA) MSRP I $14 530 al 6 %fl, 604, s,o MMbl MM4MFMM F'.e $109 Frlh an I o ann 1tieq ,aý I$ ,4psf , 444F F20 MOe Total S,a MMFSb F 13 95Fan MS,ts,4M4 ophon ute of 4S3FM M l I Ks, Il a nMu "Py"ldI 1,1,Po 4434 4S4MS4d5M EIk 5,, , IdMSSS,o, - S,, o, panoaoI 1 80 lg4ad5D tof194oFao1an - Il M a;taddt4, a5f DlF I w CANADATS BEST DRIVES JUST GOT BETTER. INTRODUCING YARIS WITH A TRUNK. Ï)TOYO i Competition for plant down to 6 proposais *fromn POWER on page Ai neurs. Last year, it put out a cal] for a 500-to-i ,OO0-mega-watt hydro generat- ing station to ease the eiectricity crisis for the western Greater Toronto Area. 0f the initiai 13 proposais, OPA has narrowed its competition to six. These six will now hoid public meetings over the summer to gauge public reaction. The first t0 announce ils proposai is TransCanada Energy Ltd., wbicb is pro- posing the Halton His Generating Station. A public meeting bas been scbed- uied for tomorrow lrom 4:30 to 8:30 p.m. (prestentation at 6:45 p.m.) at Pineview Public Scbool (corner of No. 5 Sideroad and Trafalgar Road) Tbe proposai is for a 68O-mega-watt naturai gas-fuelied, combined cycle power plant iocated on tbe soutbwest corner of Sixtb Line South and Steeles Avenue in Halton His' 401-407 Gateway Business Park (401 Conidor). So far no otber companies bave pub- licized tbeir proposais, and due to con- fidentiaiity, tbe OPA won't release tbeir names, Bradley said. However, be noted tbat tbe selected plant (ail utilizing natural gas) would likely be iocated in Halton His or Milton since tbe generating plant will be tied mbt tbe Trafalgar Road trans- former station, wbicb is one of tbree stations tbat supply power 10 the GTA. A typical 600 mega-watt naturai gas- fuelled power plant is located on 10 to 15 acres witb at least two 150-foot tow- ers. it likely wouldn't run 24 bours a day, seven days a week, but primariiy tbrougb tbe daytime bours of the week in pesk bours. Ministry of Environment and Energy sets stringent requirements for emissions, and Bradley said the prof- posed projecls would be "as benign as your gas furnace, properiy cieaned and vented. It will be a fairiy nont-event as far as large power generators go." Tbe turbines are boused in a build- ing and from 200 10 400 yards away, the typicai sound wouid be akin t0 tbe air conditioning sound of a large building, Bradley said. He also assured counicillors once OPA awards tbe contract, tbe munici- pality will bave site plan control on issues sucb as buffening. Possible benefits t0 tbe cbosen municipality would include tbe pay- ment of deveiopment cbarges during construction and future taxes. Bradley aiso added tbat tbese types of companies are usually "good corpo- rate citizens" that contribute to their communities tbrougb sponsorsbips and cbarity work. Tbe OPA will award onc of tbe six witb the conîract by the cnd of Septemnber. Tbc plant is cxpcctcd 10 bc up and e ) TOYO