Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Jun 2006, p. 12

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I--N Ai 2 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 6, 2006 ChApion Cou ]ntr y Piece of farnily history found in donated book By Robin Downton-Poirier SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION When Stephanie Kimmerer went to the Canadian Federation of University Women's Clubs annual book sale at Milton Mail at the end of March, she only had eyes for f publication 'The Orchestra' hy Michael Hurd - flot the historical manuscript she found inside shortly îhereafter. "1 love music and 1 always keep my eyes open for music books, so when 1 spotted this one, 1 was îhirilled and bought it." When she discovered the manuscript, Kimmerer of Brookville said she didn't think much of iî as there was also a birthday card (signed 'To David From Mae Mae') and an appliance warranty card tucked inside. But after reading the opening, she realized il was an important pars of someones famîly hisîory and she would like to, return it to its righrful owner. Kimmerer said she became enthralled wiîh the descrip- tions of various events seen through the eyes of the manu- scripts author, Hugh Francis Doherty 1. The manuscript opens hy saying ihat Dohertys father sailed t0 America with his parents on the Mayflower from Keliglas Parish and that the trip took 39 days. Doherty then goes on tc0 describe in great detail different events throughout his cbildhood and people who had an impact in bis life. Great attention is also paid to the years around the Firsi World War when he enlisted in the army and was a soldier serving on a submarine, the Levethan. Kimmerer said the author sounds well educated. In faci, Doherty states that he graduated law school but enlisîed in the army belore wnîting the bar exam. She would like to [mnd the person who donated thc book and retumn the manuscript to them if ils part of iheir familial heritage. If the book is important to themn, too, she would he willing to pari with ît as well, she added. The owner of the book and/or manuscript should con- tact the Milton Canadian Champion office at (905) 878- 2341, ext 230, to, have the items retumned. Canadian Champion! Selected Areas On/y Milton 28 Bronte St. N., Milton, Î(905) 878-2391_ GRAHAM FAINE / CANAOIAN CHAMPION GONE FISHING: Katie Piesz Iends a hand ta Tony Lucas during the i 7th annual fishing derby held Saturday by the Optimist Club of Milton for those vvith intellectual disabilities at Fish 4 Trout on No. 3 Sideroad. Salvation Army cz -from SNOWS on page Ai quel facîlity and over the years held several political and communty fundraising funictions. 'For many years we wondered in the hack of our mînds what we were going bo do wiîh ibis nionsier we hoili here," saîd Snow. He said ihat wondcrîng came t0 an end lasi faîl wben hie contacied the Milton branch of ihe -Lalvation Arrny Salvation Army Caplain Bill Blackmian satd he was 'amazed" wben he received thc phon cail] f'rom Snow offer- îng the property. Thc properly was onignally part of a 100-acre parcel. 90 acres of' whîch were donaied hy the previous owner to Halton County, saîd Snow. He saîd hie bas always bad in mmnd that the Pîneland Farîn properiy would joîn the 90 acres in sorte forn of public ownershîp. Snow said ibcy chose the Salvation Army hecause it bas always been a favounite cbariîy of theirs. '1 always feit îbey were good stewards and looked afier their affairs," bie said. "The north end of Halton can use somne of the services the Salvation Artny can provide." Jeff Robertson, Salvation Armny Ontario Central Division director of developmenî, said ils unknown ai ibis point bow tbey will use the properîy The Salvation Army also rccenîly purchased the 4,000- sqaure-foot bungalow nexi door to the Pineland Farmn prop- erly A Salvation Arm>' commtttee bias been formed 10 do a needs assessmenî of the area to cnsure Pîncland Eari is ii lîzed 10 ils full poiential. "We're going 10 have to spend sonrie limne now 10 [mnd thc Ils gift 'amazing' GRAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPION The Snows undoubtedly wîil always have many fond memnories of Pineland Farm. rigbî program for that faciliîy," saîd Robertson. He said if a suitable use canit he founid 1for the properîy it can be sold, and the proceeds used by the Salvation Army in ibis area. On band ai the reception bo îbank the Snows for their donation were Halion North MPP Ted Cbudletgh, Wellington-Halton Hilîs MP Michael Cbong, Milton Councillor Mîke Bougbîon representing Milton Mayor Gord Krantz, and H-alton Hilîs Councillor Bryan Lewis represeni- îng Halion Hîlîs Mayor Rîck Bonnette. Councillors say quarry licence bid premature Regional counicil is îelling the Province it's opposed to Nelson Aggregate's application for a licence 10 cxpand ils quanry in north Brringion. Council passed a motion Wednesday ibat specîfics ils objection to Nelsons attempt 10 obtain the licence under the Aggregate Resources Act (ARA). A staff report, whicb enunciates counicils concems, says ils 100 early 10 deal witb ARA matters while theres sîîll furtier ieclbnical andl planning infor- mation needcd regarding the expan- sion. Burlîngion ( ocncillor John Taylor suggestcd the motion ai lasi wceks planning and public works commitic, dubhing the application 'premnature" under the ARA. In order for the proposed 200 acre quarry - located across the road from Nelson's exisîing operation near No. 2 Sideroad - 10 go aheâd,î would bave 10 gel thc provincial licence and receixe sexeral other appro aIs [romi the Region, Ciiy of Ocirlingion and Niagara Fscarpmni Commission. L ocal rcsidenis looking for miore information on ihe proposaI cao attcnd 11 public information session tomnorrow beiween 4 and 8, ai Conservation Halton's Administration Centre, 2596 Britannia Rd.

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