Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Jun 2006, p. 1

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r v iito sLommunity Newspaper Since 1860 fMIocas N E W S S P 0 R T S [uito A essoe Towun to move Mutnsej Uphs ery eautagej [sîe~R3j heritage home memoraible dri' R.781 MAIN SI 01 & 2, i-MILTON 876-47851 'y ~~re~~ atatletvlail xri 1 7-2ý A &E 'Chalk one Up' Z4~~~ ~ ~ ~ Frdy iue2 W 6Pgs-$ 0 id ... Roadwork starts soon Further construction of James Snow Parkway xviii soon get underway. Regional council approved building two more sections of the tboroughfare at its meeting Wednesday - between Britannia and Derry roads and [rom Waldie Avenue to 300 metres nortb of Main Street. The latter, wbich xviii involve con- structing a four-lane road with an underpass at the proposed CPR train tracks soutb of Main Street, xviii get underway by late spring or early sum- mer and wrap up in summer 2007. The Region bas already approved about $13.5 million for tbe work. Construction of tbe two lanes [rom Britannia to Derry is expected to start tbis summer and be largely complete by next spring. Tbhe $6-million project is part of the recently approved Accelerated Capital Roads Program - a joint initiative between tbe Town, Region and Mattamy Homes. ToDday's Champion OPINION A6 DATELINI A15 CLASSIFIED A29 REAL ESTATE B16 Iners FULL DISTRIBUTION Sy,, PARTIAL DISTRIBUJTION GRAHAM PAINE / CANADiAN CHAMPION GRAND OPENING: The Champion and 875 Main St. neighbour Ste Antonio Bistro and Marketplace hold their joint grand openîng Tuesday evenîng wîth many special guests. Cutting the ribbon are (from ieft) Town councillors Mark Curtis and Jan Mowbray, Halton MPP Ted Chudleîgh, Ste Antonio owner Nick Cortese and Champion advertîsing director Wendy McNab and edîtor Karen Smith. Mixed reviews on smoke-free Legion By Melanie Hennessey CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF It's a typical Wednesday afternoon at Multon's Royal Canadian Legion clubroom, witb veterans and members sîtting around enjoying beer and playing pool. But on tbis particular day, sometbings a bit different. Wbiie tbere may stili be a faint smeil of cigarettes in the air, tbere's no cioud of smoke to go along witb it now tbat the Smoke- Free Ontario Act bas kicked in. The new legisiation, wbicb came into effect Wednesday, bans smoking in ail enciosed pub- lic and work places - sometbing tbats draw- ing mixed reactions [rom local Legion mem- bers. Up untîl now, smoking bad been permit- ted in a section of tbe Legions downtown building. For Second Worid War veteran Murray Boyd, tbe act couldn't come into eflect fast enougb. "We're ail very tbankfui tbat its smoke-free because it was getting terrible in bere," tbe 86- year-old said, motioning to tbe group of fellow veterans be socializes witb on Wednesday afternoons in tbe ciubroom. And according to Boyd, bis wife is happy witb tbe new smoking ban as well. 'Wben i'd come bome ([rom tbe club- bouse), my wife wouid make me take off my ciotbes and bave a sbower," be said wobh a smiie. Meanwbile, 76-year-old Legion member Jack Pearson is sitting near tbe club rooms bar - the sections wbere smoking used to be ailowed. Tbe long-time smoker said be feels every- ones rîgbts are being infringed upon witb tbe new act. "Wby are tbey taking away tbis rigbt from us? its iegalized. We pay taxes on it," be said. -1 tbougbt tbis was sometbiîîg tbat was free to îne once i was of age, but ail of a sudden tbey're clamping down on everybody We're not a free world." Milton Legion fîrst vice-presîdent Laurie -see OTHER on page A13 'f-#We Mwww Bm ccident---- eom LifeimePan Warany >JO'LEEN'S~ 1$te & ie * PRSDN PIERRE2 f FRE ESIAE 75 Mai StG.MitnLITZ r OStto) MILTON MAIL 905-878-g446 * CASUIAL - C L AS S1c

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