Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 May 2006, p. 9

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The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 23, 2006 - A9 HIH SCHOOL REPORýT "1MUSTANG MESSENr Meghan Sinclair Megan Cheema Sara kilmury MILTON DISTRICT lION SCIDOL Hope You Had Happy Victoria Day Weekend from the Staff & Students "DATELINE DRUIT"1 Nathan Michelle Malt Laanstre Dubois Lalonde E.C. DRUBY UlOUg SCHOL1 VVelcorue to this edition of D!tllne Drury' Today. me <viii be learning howv to bake the perfect school environment. Begin with 2 cups of communit nvlemn In order 10 establish a positive school environ- ment. ever student should participate in school or community activities. On May l2th and 131h. Drury shosved its compassion and conceru when over one hundred students got involved in the annual 30 Hour Famine t0 raise money for mal- nourished childreu. Students had the opportunity io attend a concert of Drury bands. watch such movies as Hoiel Rsvanda and Lord ot War, go ssvimming. and play a varieîy of gamnes. Over seven thousand dollars svas raised for this charita- hie event. Way to go! Next. add 1 tablesffn of extracurriculars Studenis arc consiantly urged to stay active and healthy ihrîîughouî their high school careers. Joining sports teamns can ensure "heatthy active living'. The Boys« Varsity Basebatl team., svhch bas heem striving iii inîprove, recentix had the chance to display their renesved efforts oin the dia- mond svhen they played a tourniament on Mav lSih in Burlinglton. lu female sports ness the Girls' Varsiiy Rugby teamn sas able to bring their gamte against OTHS lno overtîme <lu May 1t h Although they uliimately could uol secure a ovin. ihey gave il their ail and put up quite a fîght. Gîtod wsurk 10, both tî amso Finally. pour in 3 cups of bard work The end of the schîîol year is lasi apprîîachîng and il is essential foi ail stuidents lto begîn their end of the year preparatîsîns. This includes organizing notes and checkîng esant schedules. as isell as cîîmpleting ail sunimative wvîrk and studying for upciîming tests. For ail gradnatîng sindenîs. apply- ing for asvards is paramount. The deadîtue for thîs application bas gracîously been exiended. so gel tf iu as soion as possible, as ihere is over tmenty thon- sand dollars iu scholarships t0 gîve ont. Gel crack- ing, students! There you have it: the guide to a perfect school envîroumient. Mix ail these things together. bake t0 golden bromu. and enjoy. We promise you miii ot be disappointed. "6TUE ROYAL REPORT" tri Helheio Liday il ito Ca Matmit uia hiddi ora îClny DISHGP REDINO Rion SCIGOLI (ns wha BR? Your o i turnng15 year od Thb' iibt Miltni clbiln if b rdayandif yon isaîl la gel insolved. read oun lu tînd ont hîîs yon can creale the ulascul lfor ibis special ouccasion. Whîlr the losu is celebralîng. stidents are liard aî mork preparîng for eîîd of year esams. Tbis wseek, yîîur tusîde Sources svaut bo help yîîn alleviate sonne uuf tbe stress of thîs limie of year with sorte helpint îîps. On the sports front. il's been a record breakîng year. and me want 10 lt yan know about these ialented athletes. This year is Milton's t 501h Annîversary! A contesi has recenîly been launched 10 choose a mascot. slogan and thenie for thîs big celebration. The dradlîne four enîries has been extended 10 May 3I .bTis coutest is open lt bath indîvîdual and groups who wîsh 10 suhmit ideas. as long as îhey are resîdenîs aI Milton. The min. ursi gel bo ring in the 2(X)7 Nesv Year mîth the mayor. Questions can be ansmered by Mîcheal Cluett ai 905- 878-1327, or by vssîlng mmsv.mîlî, Wîîh the apprîîach of the school year's end camtes due dates lorn clminaîîng assîguimeuls. independent study nits. and selîlînars. Final esams are on the mînds of the studrîlîs and staff members. Studenîs feel oser-worked becanse of the niassive load uof biîework bhey are receîvîng and leachers are bnrdened sviîh the îask of markîng so îiany assiglîments aI once. The lusîde Souirces <vaut III alleviate sortie of Ibis siress b> offering some însîghîlul îîps fiîr dealîng îvîlh pressure. 1. Coiisisrently maînî,îî .1 poitivîe altitude. Noiîiialler bitus slressed olut you lee], knuum thal tlie end resuli ill be marth the lime and effort brîng put in. 2. Gise yonrsell soînethîîîg 10 look forward to. Wbmn ssiurking on a ma.jor assîgunieul. plan sîînîethîng ta dii aller yîmu coin glele the projec i. Go liai fuora nîce dînner ssith lamil> or plan a ntosie nîghî usilb frîends la celebrate our acconîplishmnîts. 3.Manage yaur linie etteclively. Gel situe priorilles slraighl b> creaîîng a îîîîelîne of sshich assigninents need iii be contpleled lîrs. 4. Mainiiin a reasonu hIe perspective. Dii ulîl make >uuursell sîck thînkîng aboti an assigumeni orys idyîng for esaîîs. Work liard and dii the besi yucarn Il >ou do flot do as sdil as <min \%uld hase liked lt oh inn propsit il is nuit flic end ail the îsorld. The Insîde Sources usîslîe eîyone isell in these endeasurs! Lasi Monday and Thursday Bishop Reding's laleîîted track and field learri aîîended the GHAC finals aI Nelsoîn Hîgb School. BR put forth on nostanding effort. breaking nian> of the aId sebool records in bath rnnning and long jnîp. This season shows noîhîng but promiîse for aur hopeful athîrtes, AIl niembers of the track and field tram shonld bie grand oif their accoul- plishmenîs and countnnue ta lry their hardesti n the next round ofments, Good luck everyane! There yon have il, BR. Wr hope me've been useful in helpîng yau keep an top af îhîngs in aur sehool and aur tomu. Keep markîng biard and geîîing învolved. That may. me eau help make Bîshop Redîng and Milton a better place for ail of us. Until next tinte. "1SPARTAN FIEE SPRESS" Luco, Paw«el Perpete Husur E.C. DRIJRY SCHOOL FOR THE DEAr LCD School for the Deaf bas been a very bnsy place Ibis month. Tmo sery escîîîug tings mere happening ai the samne lime; <shîle one group of vin- dents <vas amay in Vancouver representîng the school ai the YCTD f Youth Canada Tournament for the Deaf). the resi of the studenis mere busy partici- pating in Education Week ai home. lu Vancouver, the sindents mere compeiing aI the British Columbia Sehool for the Deaf against fise other sehools for the deaf in contesîs ranging from volleyball and ping pong tai debatîng Canada's posi- tion on aduîpiing différent cultural traditions ino aur omu culture. Sîndenîs also had the opportunity ta perform a drama and do some slorylelting nsing sîgu language and even some dance. Each student had a monderful limie meeting nem people and making nem frîends. At the end of the meek a banquet and dane mrapped îhîngs ap and a good lime mas had by aIl. The Milton studenîs then jolurd mîth sîndenîs from the Belleville sehool for the Deaf and Icîgrîher did some sîghîseeîng in Beautiful British Columbia. Everyone agreed that those mouliains mere assesoine. The group had the oppor- tnîy tut go lto the peak of Grouse Mountain and enjoyef a paniiramic viem oul Vancouver and then on lto the Capilano Suspension Bridge, lu addition stu- dents esperîenced the lreetop advenînre .%here îhey ssalked from îreelop lto treelop in the rainforesi area of Capilano. The final day sam the gronp off la Vancouver Island mîth a side trip ta Baichart Gardens and a fem hcmrs in Victoria. Il mas a long nîne days but a woîderful hune days. lu Miltoîn sîndenîs %sere esperiencing sîmîlar types of actîs ities. Educatton Week osas happening and il coîncîded ovîth the îpenîng oîf the Ontario Deaf Culture Centre in Torontot ibis pasi oseekend. A guesî speaker came 10 îalk about the Centre mhîch miii be a centre ofi prîde for the deaf cîtmnunity. lu addtioni studenis <sere uns îîied mith a varîety of acis ities oser tbe courase of the oseek reiaîîng tît English. Phvsical Education. Math. Science and Technîîlogy. Oue oif the lasourites <sas lhe Bout Races lu the pol. Each Hîtuse grîîup svîrked logether oser ibm cuturse ofi the sveek ta bîild a bout saîlable for 2-4 people. Il coaid bie cutnsîrncîed front only Isso îhîngs: cardboard and duel tape. lu order ta enter the race each îeam mas reqnired la have their bout. lîfe- jackets, puddles and smimmear. On Thursday the race begn and evrryoue had a great lime cheering for their favonnite îeam. lu the end the Purple tram mas victorions. Congratulations. ECD îs a bnsy place as me plan for prom and grad- nation but for nom me are geîîing domn ta the busi- urss ot fînîsbîng ail the course mark and preparing for rHums. Good Luck to aIl]. GOLJFERS4 WANTIED St. PauI's United Church Sth Annual GOLF CLAlSe Monday, May 29, 2006 Shotgun Stan-t 2:00 p.m. (Beet Bal> Carlisle Golf and Counry Club $125 golf anc dinnier - $40 dinne ormly Thon-e wl b. no suent auction this year. AUl are welcome to help us b>ulici on our succtesa ln 2005. AIl proceeds go to St. Paul's, which serves avec 20 local cammunity graups. For further Information on registration / prize donafion / golf hale sponsorship or la volunteer ta assist wlt h tournament organization please contact: Jody Coulson 905-876-0589 or Doug Walker 905-876-2086 42=

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