Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 May 2006, p. 6

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AIS - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 23, 2006 OPINION Democracy diluted lu an artifice that would make Mike Harris or George W. Bush proud. Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty tucked an important piece of legislation int a recently- approved budget bill that w&ill sc municipal counicîl ternis extended fromn thre years to four. That McGuinîy traded the nights of municipal vot- ers to appease the interests of current municipal courmcil members is curious. Consider what the Premier said in December 1999 for the full efferi. "Public hearings, ibose two words go together nîce- ly if you believe in true democracy, if you recognize that public input is one of the tools that make for good legislation and if y'ot really believe in tois, însîead of the samne old-fashtoned, Tory' slcdgehammer approach to legislation in Ontario." "Rsmming through buis wirhout proper debate weak- cnis our sysîem of demorra- cy'" he added iin May 2003. McGuintv huried legisla- lion in the governmenr's budget bill that makes municipal elections less fre- quent hy extending the termis of local counicils and school boards îo four y'ears from the current îhree. The change was minro- duced xxiîhouî public con- sultation and wîthouî debate. This legislaton is a îewel for politicians, and a disaster for voters. Fewer and less frequent local elections serve only the interests of politi- cians seeking bo delay arcounîabîlity to the voter,. Otîr demnocracy is the weaker for it. ýMAY8E500YM FROM NW, NMDS WIU. PROTEST A MAI MOVING PICTURE BASEX)ON A OYo t I( 0R FICTION FEATURING YOUI CRACK Mona Lisa's smile explained Readers Write, Sendi us your letters to moltouaj@baltouosearch om or drop them off at 875 Main St. E, Thanks to ail who supported aniua mnrrl roasid dwarkr annua rurl rodsid dea-up in Milton's drinkinci water DEAR EDITOR: Well over 100 volunteers turned out on Salurday May 6 to dlean the garbage from the roads in and around Brookville, Campbellville and Moffat. This year we had byve dumpsters out. Three were desiguated for garbage and were filled completely by Sunday eveuing. The other two were designat- cd for tires and had well over 100 tires in them, down from lasi years total of 350. Apari from the pop cans, water boules and coffee cups, %vhich make up mosi of the genreral littening. soaking sofas and carpeis weie hauled out of the swamp. 3 hesc hsd to be Ici to drain aud wierc remiovcd b', the Tow,,,n on \Nloiidav, morning, as ticv xxerc too bcaix- îo lift onto the truciks People xvhu like lu dumip iîemis sceru to prelcr tu dump îhcuî ni beaiiîv spots lor soîne rcason. Tfle nrinbcr of garbagc bags dumpcd by the side ol ihe roarl were dowý,n sub-, tu. Could ibis be because xvc iiowx have garbage collection? l'm îold by one of thec pick-up truck drixvers ihat thlere xx erc ai least another 40 people pîckîing tîp garbage on the Sundav, Ou hehaîf of the Nassagawcvs Comniunitv Consul talion Conmmîittee. 1 wvould likec lu tbanik ail the vultînteers xx ho turned oui un \la 6 tb luean rip thc ,arbagc. ss btbct s oit wc wu\,rk-- îîîg, Il thc ditrcs ut- un [lie pirk rip h ur-s YNut aIl did a gicat lob. suid lIlut suir tii xxiii ail aîtrcc thai ilic ,irc,î luukx' better lui- i ur Moruîts. Thank you also tu the companies that supported us ibis year. Mohawk Racewav provided a %vork crew on Guelph Line, as well as waîer and t- shirts for the volunteers. Mohawk also takes somn. of the garbage mbt its dumpsîers, otherwise our duînpsîers would overllow Tbank yorî also lu Tim Hurlons on Regional Road 25, north of Hwy. 401, for coffee and Timbits, Gordon Food Service for hamburger pallies, pop and wvaîer sud Cristellots Village Market in Campbellxille for the hamburger brins. mesîless chicken patties sud condi- mients. Yotur gcncrus donuations were ve', mrîcb aîîprccîatc b', ail the xulunîccrs. The Brurikvîllc Mintir Bscbalh Assoition prit the barbecure together foîr ris sud the but foodir svas ibuirougblN cutix crI k' evervunc alter a rîtît lax in thc ditrlts. Thec Nassagaix cya l'cnnis Clrub upcucd ibeir dutirs foîr ris li brase toilet facîlîties sud provided carl, muoruiug rutîce. Il', is oînrcrfrîl lu sec su uianv tîrg-ati izatîuns prîllîng tugethcr lu inake thc ares a cleatier suni saler plarcet l hic \VAcre proud tri livc ni sncb s carng rurninuuitv, IrI alsu likec lu tbsuk Thc Chbampiun for the great îub flic\, xc iune tif CON' ci - îug tîtesc evetîs and kccpitîg ail thc rlip Iîcît si-Ca tric eî JEAN WOODS, ORGANIZER NASSAGAWEYA ROADSIDE CLEAN-UP DEAR EDITOR: In my technmcal opinion, im's cniminal to suggest tIsat waste poisonous halogens such as fluoride and chlorine are safe for humant consumption - at any level. Fluoride is a dominant industrial pollutant resulting from iron, steel, alununum, coppi-, Iead and zinc manu- facturing operations, and is a by-product of fertilizer operations. Rather than apply toi dispose of this poison, the above companies turned an industrial pollutant into someîhing that prevents; cavities. According toi the research found in Clinical Toxicology of Commercial Products, 5ti Edition, 1984, lead bas a toxicity rating of 3, wbich is moderate. Fluoride, more specifically sodium luoride iu tap water bas a toxicity ratiug of 4, a 'high or verv bigb' toxicity In 1990, the National Cancer Institute fouud and stat- cd tbat commercial luoride was carcinogetîte. lu 1992, it found a 6.9 per cent increase in boue cancer liuked directly to fluoridated water, wbicb bas also heen liuked tc0 mcreases in brain damage, osteoporosrs aud arîbritis. Fluoridated îoorbpasîe is su toxic tbat the Food sud Drug Administration (EDA) bas mandate(] the followîng waming label - "if you accîdeuîally swallow more than nîscd for brushing, scek professionfal belp or contact a poison conîrol centre immediaîely" Gîven thîs public knowledge, I strougly suggest tbat for our Halton Region HealtIs Departmeu to mandate fluouide mbt our driukiug water supplv is tantamount lu, ruminaI negligence and accordingly, sbiouhd be dcalî wirb in the sîrougest lasbiou. The requiremeut for safe driukiug waîer is clear, sud il doesu't require eblouine or fluonide to achieve tbat. Milton used to be tbe last communit, in the province nul lii chlorînatc is duunkiîîg waîcr. I certainîx wouîrld lîkc a reruru tri îhaî crs. To flaltous Medîcal Offîcer rof Healtb Dr. Bob Nosal, I hope youre resdiug ibis. JON KOMOW MILTON ZIMt canabiîan QcMampiox Milic s sinunri Newspapsî Sc 1860 815 Main St. E., Milton, Out. L9T 3Z3 905-878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Adverrising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Publisher: Ian Oliver Associate Publisher Nei] Oliver Advertising Director Weudy McNab Managing Editor Karen Smith Production Manager Ttm Cules Circulation Manager Charlene Hall Office Manager Tert Casas The Caccadan rhampion, publtihd evccy iucday and Fiday ai 875 matn Sit. E.Milton, Ont. 9ti 3i3 (Box 248), tis one fitheMeitroand Prin, Publihng &Disoi, tutin id cstsuty newspapect Adcsttin t, aticccd tn the citiit in the cucciîofaypogtaphiacenfu, thatportttiooftheadver tingcipicd by tte e,,csccui titi, ttithet titS a reaitalliwca fisigntaitur, il ocntte (haricd forbu the barirftheiisadvclsen,t wtbLeîadifor t lthe applicahie rte The pctltthct rcîci, the igit co iaiciîitie aduer,sctsctti, c, dît tin CCAB Audited fis.ýc nizid for excellesnce by Ontarcio, Ctcctcîti5 à ,"I.L Newspapers Assotitaiton C NA Casadas Aîîî,taît NesaesAcitionf , ouubnNwpaer i o mns a Di V ,rtl/ýt MaWr ioni OFMLTON r AScLION Su ardtv Ini inrirla 6 me 1

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