Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 May 2006, p. 2

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A2-The Canadian Champion, Tuaaday, May 23, 2006 Hospital buys new equipment with siots funding Ihliinks lu monec' it reccived humn the Milton Consmunity Fond. The $1 10,628 grant, which was given lu I-lton Heaitheare Services (HHS) last year, allowed the huspital to estabhish a pul- munary function testîng lab lor respiratory services and expand ils cardiac monitoring equipment in the emnergency department. The new lab allows Milton residents lu receive specialized testing wiîhouî having lu leave the cummunity "When you have difficulîy hreathing, for whatever reasun, the last thing yuu should have tu worry about is travelling uutside of iclaiid, IlI 1,. jjîjjjjgcr ul i lie cai diu i espi a- tory depai nent. UVniil now, patients who reqiîired resplratory service had tu he relerred to Oakville Trafalgar Memiorial Hospital or clinics iu the surrounding areas. The new equipment has heen up and run- ning since Fehruary and has heen providing testing une day per week, or approximaiely 24 patients per month, since that lime. Ils expected the lah will be able tu, expand ils services in the future with increased referrals from area physicians. The emergency deparîmeni ai MDH has also benefited [rom the upgrade of îwo car- dîac monitors and the addition of îwo new the gianl. I he monitors allow for continuaI obser- vallon of a patients cardiovascular sysîemn and prompt identificatioîn and initiation o!' treaument. "The FR is now able lu offer cardiac mon- itoring in îwu additîunal stretcher bays. This represents an increase o!- 50 per cent, servie- ing an additional 1,500 patients annually," said Darlene Walsh, patient care manager of the emnergency deparîmeni at MDH. "Cardiac monitors are vital pîcces of equip- ment for the emergency department." The Milton Communiîy Fond was estab- lished in 2001 to distribute a portion of the Mohawk. Since thai tîme, MD)H lias reccived a number of grants [rom the fond. "We arc very fortuate to have the con- tinued support of our community including the Milton Community Fund," said Allan Halls, HHS vice president of north Flalton programs and clinical support services. 'With donations from our cummuniîy the hospital is able to purchase much-need- ed equipment that Ministry of Health and Long Terni Care funding dues not provide for. This additional funding is essential for us to continue tu provide the highest quality of care for the residents of Milton." cuEir .U mes 0Lm .I~ Plea made *liLiIM F~j Fjj r Ž L COL DALT SEDAN LS -Aulomalic - Air coniditioning - AM/FM stereo wiih CD 8171OO&8239bx -~A UPLANDER LS >' & *Automalc. -Ai co ndsining.-2005HP V6 pwndows & locks 1V B -Keyless Etlry - Asil ock - 4 Wheel dise brakes 1l9r995 ()*8'3Q5+l -RICHARDSON _ UCHEVROLMET 1S.I.ý kAIUL 81,95_1*285+T 905m878-2393 HMY. 25 S. AT DERRY RD., MTONU *$0 Dows Pmrt. Lease based os 48mos. 20,000 km/year. No securil deposil. Sales prices are plus applicable taxes. freîght. admis., licesse due os delîvery. Vehicles flot exaclly as shows. See dealer for complete details. f ~1 J. I V for funding The Greater Toronto and Hamilton SMayors and Chairs Cummîittee is once again callîng un the Province tu pruvide growth funding for local hospitals. At uts recent meeting, the commitîee unanimously passed a resolutiun - which was tabled hy Mayur Gord Krantz - that asks the Ontario guvemn- Sment tu address the growing gap in huspital funding for the mure than three million residents living in Durham, Haltun, Peel and York. Mure specîhically, it requests that the Province: *Provide immediate growth fund- ing tu GTA/905 huspitals su they can meet the hospital care needs of the ttgruwing numher of residents in SGTA/905 cummunîties. - Commit to funding new Local Health Integration Netwurks (LHIN) for hospital and other health-care serv- ices on the hasts of LHIN population sîze, growth and characierîsties. * Begin developîng a hospital and health services plan for Ontarios high growth regions lu help huild the 'comn- plete cummunilies' envisîoned in Places to Grow Iniformation shared hy the GTA/905 Healîheare Alliance with the GTAH Mayors and Chairs showed while announicements made lu expand huspi- taI facilities acruss a numher of GTA/905 cummunities mean improved access to care and some increased hus- Spital tunding îhree lu, seven years from now, hospîtal operating funding for local residents' care today and over the nexi fess vears continues lu [aIl hehind that of other Ontarians. Si The resolution is the thîrd passed over the past iwo years hy GTAH Mayors and Chairs on the issue of hos- pitl funding in the GTA1905. LAVE 200/040% 0 FROM RETAIL POPEN TO THE PUBLIC Q o SATURDAY ONLY OR CALI FOR AN APPOINTMENT SIU il O g EHEVRIJIET ------------------

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