Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 May 2006, p. 18

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Al18 -The Canadian Champion, Tuesday May 23, 2006 Deth Deh Arices Waned il rer Tainng rerTainig 8 aer GenealHlp [~ilGn HeID Bruce Arthur Lamb -Air Canada ReFeil_ CREF SEMINAIR i OFKl ewr eqbuho I rvid Poirier) ana Michael Lamb (Meuis- su Mitchell) bath of Muntreal. Adoning grandfaihen of Isabei and Lauren Poirier. Belused son of Lillian Lamb and the late Arthur of Milton, furmeniy of Lachine, QC. Deaniy losed brother uf Louise Prevsut (Steven), Milton and Gsrdon Lamb (Dini Lameru), Georgetown. Loved Uncie of Matthew, Shannon and Jordan Prevoot and Mitchell Lamb. Funerai arrange- mnents by Scott Eariy Funerai Home, Mil- ton Dixon, Irene Paused away peacstuliy followîug a bniet ilineos in her 89th ysar uit the Milton Dis- trict Houpital on Thunsday, May 1thl 2006. mrens Dîeou, beloned wîts oft the laite Fred Oison. Lovîug mothen af Anns and lien hubunli Bryau Marvhll ot Milton and Diane aria lier husband Dan Harris of Puslîncli. Loved by lisr grandchîldnen An- gela and Heather Marshiall, Steven Honnis vand hs vivfie Barbana yod Kanen Honnis aria lier fiancée Kevnn Pradseceassd by lien brther William McLean and violer Jeani McLean. Fumîly and friands are in- eîted tn vîsît ar the McKERSIE KOCH- ER FUNERAL HOME 114 Mviin St, Milton 905-878-4452 trnm 7-9 pin oi Mnnday and train 2:30 pin ta 3.30 pin on Tvssdsy The tuneral service wîii toliow ut 3:30 pin n the funervl inm chaFe! ou Tvssday. May 23rd 2006. tntenment to folios uit Milton Evergiesu Cemsteny. As expres- sions of sympatiy, memonîi donations ta St. Poul's United Chanci or tiF Miltoni District Hospital Faundution wosid is up- pneciuted. LetterS of condolence muy lis leIt for the fumîly at www.mcksrsîe-kacli MILTON tamily voking vo eperiences uie-in cvîsoîver fori 21 - peur- nid inclades irsuseirsia chres. Scirsouis must he fleeible Send resuns takinsiku 5tiuotmaI.corn CHILOCARE asaîrabis n sec dvyhome. Lîmit- sa spaces. Kiodengant- en isacheni ECE backi- ground, Cui Setr 90eS- 876-1616. CAREGIVER nequinea tor Qaadrapaegrc mai. Sut & Sun laie atten- nooo/euniy eenînsg toi 3 heurs. $10dm. dutres to include grosmrng, eoencise. neal piep. & iras Cuti 95-878-2885. LIVE It! Nec heaitir & celineus magasine, 250,000 copies. Cool- effective dîrecteny ado, curd adu. Cuil toay to book ton the Jane issue. 416-493-1300 exil 276 Plaer FLUTE HARP DUO Wedaîngu, parties, somne sammer bouk- ingu stîli availabie. Lu aid Read (9051 878-00i1 COLORADO BILUE & GREEN SPRUCE TREES Vaious Sizes Cali 905-854-9969orn 905-29996177 A dnîng rnnm. cirerry- sýcoc1dnouble pedestel aiSI 8 chairs. buffet i vtcsi doneraîl ion- -sr in. New sýil , cus Cnst virons. Sacifie s260o 905- 567-9459. A King iiscwtop Mai- treso Set. Nec in plas- tic. Csso sv eil] fo' s45u. 905-567-9459. BED, Anvzrng hargaîn, qusen orthopedîc nul- isctsp set, nec in plas- tic. wainvnty $250 955 he7-4042 ciii deliner. BEDROOM Cherry-conrl. Bsd, chest. dresser. 2 nirt- stands. Dsveai Cosruc. Nevemmcnred Cs su 00e. Sariie su1.910 905-567-40td2 CARPET i have senena t1,00 yards et nec Stain Master & 1001. nylon car- pet. VVlr do livrng ruen & hall for S389. Indades car- pet, pasi & installaaion 130 yards) Steve. 905-633-8192 ELK neat, ail natuav ns hormones or antîhîstîcu, Los in ft, cholestersi & caleries. Seut semvea me- diun to nedium raie. Steaks aid bunger's aeaîiabis at the Meat Ter- ninal in Millt ana Cris- teilo of Canpbileîire or cari 51 9-856-4500 FREE Estinates Ot ssbby chaîns, 1used suie- ins caud tînîsies? Fieras Custom Weed Refînirming aid Farnîture Repaira. 9- 9. 905-632-9090 HOT Tub (Spa) Cuvens beut prise, Seut quaity. Ail siapes & celouru. Cai r - ee6-585-0056 HOT Tubv Spa- Btand nec c/al options. înciudrng caser, 2006 nodel. Stit in crappen. Cout $10900., Sacrifie $5.5005 CuIr 905 971 -1777 MOT Tub/ Spa. 2006 nudel. ail options, Csven. Neyer se stîli in ciappen. Cool 58.900. Ssii $5.000. 905-567-4042. LEATHER' 3 place Iraluan uer. Sota, iesevi and chair. New, un plasic. Cout S6900, Ssii $2500. 95530d 4873, POOL Taule, Prntssunna Senues. Soid Wosda i 'Slate. ,ii Accnssnîs Nec Sti Bonea Cnsi $6.200. Sou S1.950 905h 304-9994 SUPER String Sais- No OnTI Up no d0 off many decoralii faunuosi Fietds cvsismn spinotcring sofas irnn S788. ch airs m $249 O/R sais ir.m $t9.95 sacir. Fieldv Fui- nuturs and Faurucu 9am- 9pm 905-830-9090 Asii. iiii4ue , s..iieciies Chîoa, Crysiai. iver, Figurines, Royal Douiton, Swanueuki, Slaus, Potter, Etc, Estate Opecralîsto, Top Cash. Cail John/ Tracy 905-331-2477 BEST Ca$h. We boy it vil. Antique tarnshings, Royal Doultun, Hummel, Moor- cruSt, dinnercane, cnystai, sîlven. clocks. miîtary items. Rartiali tull states. Ed. 905-634-eo00 cm Cr o Sale 1995 Canny 4-dr ex- cellent condîitin Cer rtîsid and resredi Gnon plein maintenancre recri Req 5nm ma wheels, 5 5200 905- 854-ove5 n995 Nissan Senira inn sale. fil ornai cond,- tini $2,300 Caii Ru ter ai 9v5-877-62e9 2003 Caalie- But- giiidy. asinrnai- AC Lady dânsen 2,irOves, Like nec. CaI 9os-70no vono 2003 DOge Ram Qvani Cab- VS, SLT mvaei hsry dlean va appsînisa, new svsrytirng. 8ox liner. ton- neu cvver. 20" alamînun ins, StS.900/sbs, Cvii svnnngs. 905-659-382t eMIpoements SEARL Conrractîng. Painting Services Fies estîmatesi For qevity and sttîcisncy cvii today 41t518t- oSer Care Trhn~in g nEE CoNUIN AN SERVIES rofsson zsss Il yvii are currelily vii course, ieceiitiy licerîsed, csnsidening v change lrom yssr cunnent bnsleer sr lonkîno fon a nec cansen, you use it te ysunsslt tu attena tis smînan. rôle Wjtt Flnd Oui About W hn sirnuia cunsîver revi state (va vhs sisula noti *Provinci iicensing course R oyal LePage training, persunai asvsisnnnnr and support * -oc toat ge quick sta0t Slis to vmaxim your incons Thowm&% May 251h, 7:30 Pm MMI CUMIWIT CRWT 10241 OMN Une (htmiffgl Mi a 11111111111111à Oogo11111111town, 0»%wk Snatîng ns inîîtedý cati nos na innerve a seat! Milton 905-878-8101 wg. Campbielivhle 905-854-8101 ROYAIL LEPAGE Gergetown 905-877-8262 se C Missisaauga 905-821-3200 Brampton 905-846-5448 immediate Openings due to Expansion * Peimanent Psitinns * Garanles Salir *Commisin incertives * vnlume Bcruses * 751CLusinner Ssîclvinn nues bonuns * Cntet Acuîds * Gin' 'p Beneflts loi feedicrvu Dcri Tis sunrercs iv wo nisiva.nuü d4 i ai i En .14541 ihover rn Orive -nrserire -recK-n unes Adiinanl service basuen ge h u r s jevîvment New udrn oîsinatu"nr riice spacv Peu ' g'nereine snaininrm. tee Opsnings: Retal Consultants for Car andTruck Suies and Leasing (Nec and usd) Nu Enperience Necessary. Training Provided. Pnsins suivd c rndivinauals (miiuneesutsd in v urser change ApiuIis meusi se naure unts'ness ýilis pre sentulie enjin nsaing verh ire pulic Porenria autüir- uareer dev epmsnnt to teun 'cauvi, assistanti nuneger and senni nuanavrentsr nsi for quoifc indi iOuils Enaii resurns Ivorikgossiurno or fax ýr isail ni muinrýonasi vurrenr .npoi men' rosi ss exerieiicF edscaînn and isierînces Georgetown Chrysier Jeep 336 Guelpir Street Genrgetown, Ontvris .70 45 Fus 905-877-4557 LOGISTICS COORDINATOR Lakeuide Lsgistics us an 'nduutry ieadîng Tn id Par ty Lsgisticu Provider and is ueekîng ant aggreusîve, tale-charge indinîduai to lon lu tean au a Logis- tics Coordînator. Tirs succeuvîsi candidate ciii nteroct wiur boti Custonsîs & Traiisportisn Car- riers on s daiiy Oasîu & ii idealiy have seaeS ex- perîsîce in the Transportation Trucleing îsduotry coupled cîtli excellent interperuona ukîllo aid computer litsracy. Lakesîde Lvgîvtîcs offerv prenîun compensativn. beneftît andpayv attention te, OQuuiity vf Life' fvi vur emplvpeev, Please fax resumes to: 905-33"-044 or emaii toi *Improvement Coordinator Y v wil champion the development ofa cultur o f continu0000 mprovement, measure progress, and coordinae procesu improvement projsots and day-to-day activitis An effectivs ns monicatoi wi utrong seport w rting skils, you Wil als0 ensuits eht lean manufc ing prinples sr effectivs y mv utainsd. Tlie Our Kid Networkîls sa muii tiscipiinary couli tionl ssrkîîg tugether toi lie ssii bsing of chridren and yuuthino Huiton. The Cuordinatun ciii wotk os pant of a tes & evolv- îng initiative tu develop u nsighbuurhuud baued 'iub' wîthn River Ouku, Oakviils. Central feuturs ot ssci hub wîil be a nec uyutem of inlegruted str- vices fut familles. Succesuful candidate wiil have demonutruted superience in mobîiîuing o connu- nity'u auueto; cunkîng cithin cultural & ethnîc dîver- uity; a buckground in humain servces sclur. This tusa pan tîme cuntract, 3 days/wk. Send te- ouns by May 26th ut 4:OOpn. Enal tu o to c uurlerdsnstwork.ou for cumplets détails Drers Dviem reurdfor a qrvwing Auto Parts soupplier j Flenible iours. Apply in penson lv: ITim aar - 716 ain Stree Est '905) 8ï8-8413 Requires AZ driver for 43,44 cpm tonston GTA route. 48,49 per rri ahter 7 Cean 12mno lEquivalent to Abstract. Mote providsd nigtyi Caiiir No cosr fami medicul * E e nelHep _ GeeHelp _ LOOKING FOR A STUDENT TO HIRE THIS SUMMER? Place your ad with: Lijr Canabiau Caitiion April 4th - June 308h Sne lcau sfaton "" H9ELPn ILJIFNTIED Special Rates! Interneti ncluded! Ph: 905-875-3300 classified@ Car client in Milton. a leadîng logîstres pruviver. ru seseking a variety ot permanent stanf Service Assemby Technicians 918/hr The qualîtîsa candidates surl possesu know- sage of cspyîng machines, a technîcal assise or Ae Certification rus an asset. Dur Clirent urs requires Picker/Packers 912/tir Shipping Cierks $14/ir. Customer Service Rep's 30K Ifici ans interestsd in lisse positins pieuse appie tsday. Stevens Resource Group Tirs bouique nf tirs stattîng indastry Rirons 905-878-7789 Fus: 90s578-83r2 mi[ton@vstenensrsouvrcegroup.csm Only quaiiid applîcarîts ii lis cnntuctsd is vveking an energtuc.fieni-1 ontgnung PRODUOT CONSULTANT Fnr 1- 25 f icu r r-,eeK Th,q s naiîmn- o, t.- ,v-i.o e r ned- c1iv The vC"sf, carunc ts pri, in rep -nsîites vii .150 orc vioing exescj,onni t ,in.p sc«ýc e c udm iiscrv rnd opeii 10 aid -509 i,, jù'eh ultingius reqvnen snd liso ofl nioonn preparuin s on lset. Weekend and ceeknîqht Sits arve part ni tre package, Fiee us Retal eperuence prelvrred. Rieuse brînig a reoume and appy un pessn Io 211 Gu eiph Street, Georgetown i. Picker and Packers $t2hr SteensReoure Gou 225~~ ~ ~ ~ ManS.U. ute1 0-8878 Weare seeking a dynamic career s ented indi Ividuai for a fui t ime position in weight lossi coneln.Sales experience sould be benreficia Taining pron ded. Fax m e9 o : 0538262 FETRAINIG Ladlas is loking for IRETIREESI aandiHOMEMAKERSI I rEAn GET TEAMI Sinno Bus Orivers j 905-877-2251 n, 905-877-4448 SASCARRIERS * Roliable incd nai needed fo * donr todon caalgue delier j Caii905 873 0103 L..aemss.e vhnarrs pions and ada e s Emair ,ci e mandv@yalinnca Mississauga-Sassa company requies sexps sncsd landscae wos ks ser immedias enrpicymsnt. VaVadO Leso sa ms Fs nius eeperi en Fauie Ct(9589-06ext. 2 Fax (905) 812-3883 BD is a medical technology cumpanly that manufactures and sela a broad range uf medical supplies. devicea and vyvtems. The following position lu currently anailable in Oakille: Order Fulfiliment Associate Preparatiot and fulfîllment ni customner sîders uti- lizing the WMS RF system cupubilities. May re- quire curling in a refrigsrutsd environnent and sons heany muderate lifting. Responsibilities: -Accurate picking of nrders hBuiading ukîdu and or umali shippirng orders *Ensuring dîscrepanicies berasen psrpsruuî and uctual invsntory ors identified *Undsrstandiig rhe slemsnrs of ordsr fuifiment and allocution strategis Requlirements: -f-lgliucflsl dîplumu required -2 yeurs worehuusitg experience in o buici con- trslled, RF enabled automated WMS environnent *Strong obility lu prioiitize, multi-task & prublsm suive in a faut pacsd envînrnment *Narruw isieeslscttic walkie esperience an usset -Excelient communication and interpersonal ukîllu For complets lub description vosit Email resumne toi or fax 905-829-2069. Refenence position tille in tire uubiect fine. w D BDi thanks al applicunts but only thoue selected for an interview cîlI us contucted (no plions calis or agencies pleuve) UNEMPLOYED? Wunt hslp fîndîng employmsnt? Goodil is the Employment Solution for youi Some anailabie positions inclade: *Administrative Heuith Cors *Munufacturng Cusromer Ssrvics *Management IT Frise individuaiized assistance where YOU corne first! Contact oui triendly team to see char ws nIer. Bcrington: 905 633-8324 Oavilis 905-338-5750 fAilton: 905-8ir4-1644 Georgeton: r 866-260-1175 (G)OD'WILL THE POTVERY SUPPLY HOUSE Suppyirg ot ers mi & curo s s'5 nce t 256 v ) 's aie Prioneîteshfm & reua sa on desk P o s~ordes F-oý1nQ nncod ,' * echra *r!., ina o. Basi. nIýc juiic-' Qovsl:Lc-aion Eiiee ni onen uncation organza- t onai. computer ryping navigvtîonvî skî:lis Phone etîqusnte Tins management, Able Io lifh 25 kg. Appt y:; Fan: 905-849-001 1120 Speers Road, Qakuilie, Ontario, L6L 2X4 no phone catis piease , elc., ý

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