Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 May 2006, p. 9

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Elecion anddatevow to topThe Canadian Champion, Friday, May 19, 2006 - A9 lii.P il iii at current rate: Ward 2 hopeful By Melanie Hennessey CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Jin Iiinhers is boping the thîrd limies a cbarm for hlm i ibis fali's municipal ciection. The local residenî, wbo ran for town counicîl i boih tbe 2000 and 2003 elections, bas put bis name forward again as a Ward 2 candidate. But this time around, Tîmbers said be's îaking a differeni approacb. 'Last lime i tried being poiically correct, but it jusi was- n't me," he said. "I'd raîber say whaî i beliese in. People are going to accuse me of mudsiingîng, but beîng straightfor- ward is the only wav I know bo be." The iong-time Miltonian said be tbinks the town is becoming 'Mississauga jr.- sometbîng he wouid like 10 see sîopped before it's too late. Seniors' report card in the works A report tard on H'ltoiî sentoîs'issues ts in the' works. Tht Regton's Eider Services .\lisors- ( omminte I is des tioptng tht documtent îtt'il higbblgio aitas, (il contcmr loi futute scentoîs. tomuitîtttec thtil tCarole' \\.IL ti oid the iiton bttith andi soi ai'slit totntiitet tttitît î\c*e rucr .ii, ateas tit.t alîttit the tnalitt ol lilu ol eniilit i liîlîonl site sitLi flice pot tarti ,N ii loto', on p)lis 'ital iealili. "ottil engalýgemleltý persoinai salîtyt menta icai t t att', tIo litaithb týi t sertcc, it 'lniittal bealtt. blotitg no aîtslîîr,îoti ,întl attîss 10 informtîion. \\,rti dtîcaileti otiter things fit -aC fi as, betît np) t. snicb as citiit a ncw H aiton 'Seîtors* Directoîsan ,tttl tcsc opîng a Nvoriik plaît li 200î aitt 2008. Tbe etîmmilice aiso requesiedti iat the Regîttî aliot lis itame to he thaigeti irîm -Elteris' to ftiti, 'Sersvites Adt'tsors C omnttc -\ el ithat eier lias a more posîiive cotaîtition,' 'sd rti't r'arked. Regitiai ttîtîntîi .pprtivtt tht thange aîî its mttltng lasi OBank of Montreal BMO 10 Banque de Montréal The Canadi *an Champion would like to apologize for accidently omitting the BMO Bank of Montreal fi'om The Favourite Bank Category in the 2006 Milton Choice Awards. There is a corrected ballot published in today*s Canadian Champion on pages A33 & A_34, We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. tilt t i ', i ii p i tanti ic lt i a(s a ithe diietiotn the Town is gîîîng,- he saîd. 'We tan contintie to do what we've always done or we tan stand up and say, 'We wanî better."' Timbers noted he leels the îîîwn is seeîng "growth for the sake of growtb" and îî tan't continue. IHe poinîed oui that with ail of the new deveiopment, the need for more hospital space is urgent. He said he feels council sbould push the Province as Jim Timbers hard as it tan to gel the hospital expansion in place. On the financial front, the 35-year-îîld said he promises be ssouid neyer support a budget that includes a tax increase or hike in counicîl members' salaries. "We tant keep askîng people for mitre money and tben ptit il int councillors' pockeîs," he said. He aiso, vowed that he woulin'î vote in favour of more deveiopmenr untîl the lown's infrastructure tan support it. In addition, he saîd hes opposed to developmenî on the Niagara Escarpment. "Quite frankly that just tan't be aliowed," he saîd. Whiie water fluoridation bas been a hot topit ftir a long lime in Milton, Tîmbers said be bas no plans to foîrce fintinde on those wbîîse waier isît cuîrenîlv îreaîed. "slvdo we wani bo inientitinaiiv atid one more chemi- cal iii our water that mas, tir mnay nol be good for us?" he quesiioneti "Let îhemn Iresidents) make tbe decîsîtîn. are scîîîng up sbop in Milton. "The buik coming in are lower payîng retaîl jobs," he noted. "Whiie any joîb thaîs created is good, we necd long- term, sustainabie jobs." He said at the end of the day, be'll recognîze that as a counicillor, "The îown doesn't work for me - I work for the town." "If notbîng else, i bring a different and younger set of eyes îtî the table,' he remarked. The current Ward 2 counicillors are Mike Boughton and Mark Cui tis. A few other local residents have put their names forward 10 mun in the mnicipal election. Tony Lambert is vying for the position of Wards 1 and 3 counicilior, whîle current Ward 4 Councillor Wendy Schau is hopîng to keep ber seat for a second term. Aiso, registered t0 mun is Milton Ratepayers' Association presîdent Kevin Brackley, wbos seekîng the title of Ward 1 councillor. Nominations tan be filed ai the Town Clerk's office, locat- ed in Town Hall Victoria Park, 43 Brown St., untîl September 28 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. and on September 29 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. hi costs $100 10 regîster as a candidate. Electon day is Noîsember 13. The îerm of oîffice wîii run frîîm December 1, 2006 10 November 30, 2009. Melanit Hennessev tami bc teachcd ai mhîcînessey@amilton- tanadiotît liampîoti.ctutti Hollywood marketers tell us to "Seek the Truth." Pretty good idea. Watching movies. Reading novels. Is that boss we are supposed to "seek tbe trutb?" Are we to watcb and read and then, voila, we [tave found truth? Is it that easy? Truth. Is it really a fresh discos'ery revealed in the pages of a fictionai besf-seller? las tbere been a cover-up of bîblicai proportions?ý Was tbere an ancient conspiraey te reinvent ici us Christ? Was Jesus jusf a man after ail? lias a best-seiiing author finaiiy deciphered tht truth for ail of us? Can we dismiss Jesus once and for ail? Sundeys et 10:00 amn Milton Sports Centre 605 Senta Maria SIvd. Mifton STe try email: phone: 905-257-3987 www.thesanctuaryca

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