Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 May 2006, p. 7

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Region's recycling rates are too high \Despite steep cost of building, DEARc EITORI tI fconstruction on the rise in M ilton in Milton. My work is made up of varn olus tasks generally comprised of main tenaisce-oonent ed and mou- tine jobs t0 lacilitate the general uipkeep and appearance of the plant. One of my responsîbilities is the collection of accuînulated cardboard around tbe building, dlone on a bi-monthlv basis. Tbis usually amounits to about a full pick-up trucks worth of material, wincb 1 then bring t0 tbe Halton waste man- agement faciliîy on Highway 25 for recycling. In prevtous trips to tbe factil- ty I've been cbarged a $5 fiat rate, and on some occasions paid notbing ai ail for tbe deposit of tbis cardiboard. So 1 was quite taken aback when 1 found myself paying $7 on my mosi recent stop. Apparently a change in rates for iis ciiitctilc. tha iiov, '5 a cents per kilograni oficarcboarcl lor atiy load 1 bring tbaî's greater tban 50 kg. lnciclenîally, and for reasons beyoncl nv comnprebension, ibis is îbe saine rte tbe Regioti charges for general waste. Tbe presence ol recyclîng bits ai ibis laciliiy would sug- gest ibat recvcling is an impor- tanit pari cul, ils mandate as a svaste management - not pis a waste - disposaI site. Wbv ien, woulcl tbe Region not want to encourage tbe use of tbese recycling facilities raîber iban make businesses tbink twice about doing wisaîs nigbt? Tbe company I work for bas a garbage bin on tbe property in wbîch general waste can be dis- posed of and picked up once a week for a set fee. My question to tbe Region of Halton tisen, is ibis: If recycling is to be encour- scndtng use on ac trip to yocir lacîlity (wbere fuel and labor costs are added expenses) to pay aicditional waste disposaI [rcs if tbey can îisrow out tbe card- boaird on ibeir ccwî property at rio addition,îl cosi? As of ibis moment, l'm not sure if ibis appalling decîsion to cbarge tbese rates will result in our clîscccnîîîued use ol ibis site. Tbe îrony in ibis turn of events is thai ibis impractical decîsion to cbarge for recyclables will only result in decreased use of ibese recycling facilities, wbîcb I can only imagine is tbe opposite of wbat tbe Region is seekîng to acbieve - not to mention tbe potential loss of tbe added rev- enue it seeks to gain. And as is tbe case aIl too often, its the environment tbat wI suffer tbe mosi. STEPHAN GUENTHER Thanks to ail who supported Run 4 Rett DEAR EDITOR: On May 7 we beld the second annual Run 4 Reit at E.C. Drury Hîgb Sebool. It was tremendously successfui, wîîb approxi- maîely 400 participants raîsîng $40,000 for Rett Syndrome researcb. Tbis year we bad severai special guesîs. First and foremosi wetc tise girls affiicîed witls Ret Syndrome wbo îraveled [rom across tbe province to partîcîpate in tbe day We aiso bad some ni tbe leading Reti Syndrome researchers attend as weil, teliing us tisat our funds [rom iast year bave aliowed îbem to furtiser tiseir important work, and tise mun was officîaiiy openeil by tbe incredibly-gracîous tisree- tîme Olympie medalisi Becky Keliar [rom tbe Canadian womens hockey ieam. Once agaîn, Milton supporîed our cause in a big way Local businesses sncb as Subway - ail four locations - Waîer Depot, Q-Stop, Gordon Foods, C . Tumner Medîcal, Foot Tools, (coodiLife Fîîness, Troys Dîner and lilton Party Rentai were îîscredîbiy generous, andc we hish to îbank îbem for tbeir doinations. We also wanî to exîeîsd our gratitude to every- one who voluîsîeered, parîîcîpaîed and made donations - many of tbemn famîiy, friends and patients of Milton Pisysioîberapy. Tbanks Milton, we couidn't have done iî wiîis- oui your support. JUDY BOIVIN CO-ORDINATOR, RUN 4 RET Pet owners should keep their cats indoors DEAR EDITOR: Since movîng to tise Hawtisorne Village neigihour- isood of Milton two years ago, my wife and i have enjoyed liv- ing in a community on thse fringe of a [atm area. We did, however, notice one peculiar aspect of living in ibis development so close to [atm land - an aisundance of sigris for missing cats. i neyer tisougisi twtce about thîs odd quirk of fle, assuming tisai many of the unfortunate animais isad been killed by tise large volume of traffie on Derry Road. Tisai was untîl i menîîoned ibis to a iongîime [atmi resîdent wiso explaineil to me a far more sinister possible expianation for tise disappearances. Apparentiy ibis rural area bas a beaitisy population of coyotes wiso migisi potentiaiiy treai a pet cat as food and isunt îisem as sucb. Tiss ibreai of coyotes - combined wstis tise langerons traffie on Denry Roal - sisould be ample incentive for responsi- hie est owners to keep their pets inside ai ail tumes. V. ROGER COLLIS COURT 'lime Capsules' are gems of infor- mation extracted from past issues of The Champion and other publications in order to, provide a window into MiltonM past. Explanatomy comment is sometimes provided to place the situa- tion in context. October 1907 Thougis work and materials have been expensive there bas been more building in Milton titis year tban usual. Somte fine brick dwellings have been erected and operations have just been begun on two more by T.D. Hume on (83 & 93) Victoria Street and W.J. Dewar on (86) Martin St. About tbree years ago tise town council put a isigis-grade cement crossing, ai considerable expense, on Main Street, opposite tise Bank of Hamilton. It was so, higis tbat iî waa awkwanl. for heavily loaded wagons, and hadly joited ligiter rigs gomig over it ai moderate speed. By onler of thse preseni council, it isas been tom up tisis week. Tise work employed several men for a couple of daya. Tise Milton Brick Company ia now insLlfing a new and improved Boyd Presa in its works. Tisey have been running four of tisese presses during tise pasi year and 1usd tisat tbey canssot supply tise demand for tiseir isigis class bricks witisout more plant, aitisougis each press bas a capacîty of narning oui 20,000 bricks in a day The onlers are so, many tisai tise plant is working uts full capacity Titis company rima tise wisole year. Rev. PT. Mignot , formeriy rector of Grace Churcs, isas.resigned tise rectorsisip of Castel Cisurcis, Guernsey, Channel Islands. Hia iseaih is not vigorous sud ise bais to adininister aud manage tise large estate of bis faiiser-in-law, who died lately and left everything to, Mrs. Mignot, isis only cisild. Tise public seisool was closed on Friday on account of tise ([ail) fair and Principal lunmn spent tisai day sud Saturday sisooting on Burlington Bay. He brougist home ten large Mion Capusules dueks, mostly rel iseads sud mal- lards. November 1907 Mr. McLean, of tise Depariment of Public Work, wss in îown yesterday. He came to inspeci tise roads includ- ed in tise new county sysieus on wisicis tiere wiIi be paymenis due by tise govermmeni for work doue. At tise requesi of Warden Ford, wiso was isere too, ise went to Burlington to, ispect tise toil road purcbased by tise county sorte time ago. Tise amounit payable to, tise couniy for roadsand macbinery ai tise end of tise year will. be about $3,000. Messrs. Jerome & Houston bave bougisi oui tise hardware business of Johnu T. Hannani. Tisey wiitake pos- session about nexi Tuesday and H.H. Freeman, tise veteran of tise irade in Milton, wiIl stay wutis tem for some time, after wisicis ise may go to Vancouver to join bis son Henry, wiso bas been there about a year. A very succeasful meeting ws iseld ai tise Hoiel McGibbon lasi Friday evening, wisen tise Milton Hockey Club was re-organized for tise season. Tise folIowing officers were elected: Hon. Presidents, Judge Gorbam, J.S. McCannell, C.j. Lewis; Pres. A. Higginbotbam, Sec-treas. R. Fleming; Capiain,_ M. Campbsell; Manager I.D. McGibison; Managjng Commiîîee C.B. Lewis, Geo. Patierson, M. Teller and M. Campbiell. lItwas decided, after mucs discussion, not to, enter tise teans in tise O.H.K_ ibis season, bot to play local teamas. Tise boys wii bave a very strong seven sud witis a litile practice will be isard to beat. Some of tise veterans bave proinised to turm oui and iselp tise boys. This material is assembled on behalf of the Milton Historacal Society lîy Jim Dilis, who can be reached at .0 Là GLNCAIN GOLF -» 9W07 Regional Road a-25, Haton Hllt (Across tromn Chudleighù Apple Farm) cost $4 .00 (paid in advance) Includes beverages & a beautiful lunch. Representatives from several Scrapbooking stores wilI be attending and discounts wlif be offered to participants. Tickets available... 905-854-9953 or girsinchaltonoaoIcom

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