Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 May 2006, p. 6

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A6 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 19, 2006 OPINION Get the message [bis mseedilltions of- people across Canada, including tbousands îbrougbot Halton Region, \vill citber go camping, ice upl a barbcue, but fic open road or bost/attend kt Victoria Day weekendl pa Alter ail, isn't tbat \vbai flbc i-st long xveckcnd( of the sprngsuuîîtîtt-i i ail about? A cbance to rex î in tb c gr~,cat oufidoots alter six miontbs of sbis cring? \Ve bopc A our readers get a chance to take ads an- tage of tbîs weekcnd to cnjoy îbernselses, alter ail, its almiost a Canadian rigbt, if not a tradition. Sort of a reward for surviving y'et anotber wunter. However, we hope that wberever and bowever y'ou choose to celebrate this weekend you do so by flot dninking and driving - wbether on land or water. r The unfortunate aspect of ibis boliday weekend is tbat several people will flot be going back toi work or scbool on Tuesday and ibeir loved ones wîll be plan- ning funerais ail because someone cbose io drink and drive. Whîle drinking and di-tng bas certainly become rnucb more of a public taboo in the past couple decades and education programs have bielped decrease tbe number of people willing to drive wbile intoxicated, there's stili a small percentage of tbe population willing to take that risk. Itfs to tbose people we issue ibis regular rerninder. If you cbose to drink and drive you may as well play Russian roulette - theres no difference beîween tbe two. Dri-%rng while drunk bas tbe potential to change your life, or a loved oniels or a complete strangers - forever. Event if your actions don't resuli in a deatb, is lit wortb losing your drivers licence and paying a befty fine ail for the sake a saving a few bucks on a taxi or baving a sober friend take you borne? Tbis weekend the Motbers Against Drunk Dnv-ing (MADO) Halton chapter will join with Halton police in manning roadside spot checks t0 ensure their anti- drinking and dniving message gels tbrough t0 drivers. lîs a message that sbouldn't need repeating. Readers Write 'end us youR letters to miiltoned@hajUtonsearch oem or drop them off at 875 Main St. E. Escarpment needs to be protected DEAR EDITOR: 1 applaud Colin Besi and certain counicîllors for their stand to proteci the escarprnenî area from bousîng developrnent. Tbis ,Nill be noted cornte election trne. Parkland wvitb nurnerous irees and sbrubs on botb sîdes of escarprnent roads - in a widib of one-baîf 10 one kîlornetre - would encourage and pro- tecd wildlife now in the area. Why don't groups lîke tbe Niagara Escarprnenî Commission and Conservation Halion do sortie proteci- ing, wbîcb us wby ibeir cornrittees were begun? An exit frornHm 401 10 Trernaine Road would defeat the purpose of lîrn- îîed traffic to ibese sensitive areas, and ibere would be rnore road-kill of ani- rnals. H. SHAVER MILTON ZLIjr canabian ebiampioîi 875 Main St. E. Milton, Ont. L9T 3Z3 905-878-2341 Editonial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertismng Fax: 905-876-2364 Ctassified:905 875-3300 Circuation: 905-878-5947 Publisher: Ian Oliver Associate Publisher Heul Oliver Advertising Director Wendy McNab Managing Editor Karen Smith Production Manager Tim Coles Circulation Manager Charlîne Hall Office Manager Teri Casas The Canadian Champicn, ptubliîiîed every Taesday and Fîiday al 875 Main St E., Milice, Ont, L9T 3Z3 (Box 248), is cee cf the Metrcland Prnting, Publiîhing & Disiîibuting Ltd. cceimunity newspaper. Avemgg saccepted on the codeito tt in te effl of a tyoaphcal eeo ma poion of the advertsieg space occpied by the eoeol iem etm peuca easeabe acoae for spna te, I rotbe chaged fo but the balance ofthe adecseeeeruI e p af aide applicable rate The pcbhser reseses the 095!i te categeece adeeeeeeeceeet of declie CCAB Audited Recognized tor excellence by Ontario Comeececey p:Ocfl Nespapers A5seeeatee C C A C'eadiae Communiey j I l' ewspapers Asseeaton 5 Sebeeban Nespapes of Ameesea Theviewfromre, Get out of tihe way -you might just save someo>.ne-s ltgfe Wbat do you do wben you sc an ambu- lances flasbing ligbi.s in ,our rears'iew rnir- ror? Mbilc mosi of y ou probably wonder why 1 would ask such a seemingly obsious ques- tion, the answer doesn't appear to0 be sucb a no-bramner 10, every driver oui ibere. And %,itb if being EMS Week, 1 tbought thîs would be a peffect trne toi drive borne an important and life-sasing message: pull clver and let ambulances tbrougb. Tbe other day as rny busband and 1 \vere driving tbrough Brampton we saw ant ambu- lance approacbing. struggling througb a sea of traffic ibai wouldn'î gel oui of is way. As it passed by: 1 could bear the pararnedie yeclling; on the arnbulance's loud speaker sys- 1cmn ai the obliviotis dnivers, iii addition to having ils flashing liglts and sîren on. As 1 waîcbed ibis bomrfvÎng display of ignorance, al 1 could tbink about was tbe person tbe ambulance was rusbing 10 belp. \Vas il a car accident vicim? A heari aîîack? \Vould thev be able 10, bang on unul the paramedies arrived? Ironîcally. a few days after 1 sass ibis a regional councillor brougbî up tbe saine issue during a rneet- ing. He spoke of bis experience tag- gîng along Ivitb a Halton EMS- sehîcle, wbere lie wurnessed an-- appalling lack of undersiandîng" front people on local roads wbcn it cornes 10 gcîîung oui of tbe vay for arnbulances. He also said the pararnedîcs told burn the biggest challenge îhev face ils getîîng front point A îo point B. Now 1 realize w-e lise in a world ihat pro- vides mrnan distractions when people are drivinig, wbeiber iî be thevrTe talkîng on a cell phone, cbanging the radio sta- tion. etc. But i also scern 10 recaîl learning frorn rn\, drîs îig insiructor thai ifs imnportant te, - ~ check your rean-ew, mrnrr fre- S quently for a varieiy of reasons, s i ncluding the faci an anibu- la. lance, [ire truck or police cruis- -c" er rnight be tning 10 rush bv 10 San ernergenev. At the risk of oversîaîîng the obsious. 1 encourage evervone to be assare ssben they'fre bebind the ss',heel and pull over as quickîr as possible sshen the\- se an\s type of emergency vehicle cornîng. Those few seconds mîgbt juisi save sortie- ne's fle. The Canadiaa Charnpion i a proud media sponsor tor: Jgi Bel Fnd UNITED WAY OFMILTON TY AUCTION ey 1TYNICA

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