Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 May 2006, p. 5

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Vehicle parked ait commuter lot stolen, another one damaged One vehicle was stolen and another damaged at the Hwy. 407 commuter parking loi on Trafalgar Road Monday Sometime between 8 arn. and 8 pman unknown suspect made off wiih a 1992 two-door grey Honda Civic that had some most. T was wortb an estimated $1,500. During the afterntnon, a Dodge Caravan had its rear window smashed. Home broken into A Childs Drive home was broken into Mondlay afiemooxi hy cînknown suspects. PoliceBlotter Police said the bometswner returned from work to [mnd the frosnt door forced open and $200 worîb of jeweiry stolen from a box us the bedronm. Poliîce are învestigaîing. Tractor stoien and recovered A tractor worîh $110,000 was stolen lasi week and found the next day Poliice saîd the Freîghîliner tracos xvas stcsien overnigbt May il frtsrn Brotnne Street Nosrth. Tihe mnrning toi May 12, the vehile was dîscovered undamaged onn Harrop Road. Vehicie damaged A Wilson Drive resideni dîscovered danmage to ber vebicie afier hearîng a loud bangîng sound the nigbt before. Police saici the woman went to investigate the noise at 10:30 p.m. Saturday, but didn't see anythîng oui of the ordinary. The next morning, she saw the trunk toulber 2000 C bevroiet vehicie had been dented. The vehicie sustaîneci about $500 wortb tnf ciage. PnIiri~ in ng ad nf noivilinr nf iroe'c The I-lton Regioisal Police Service is ltnoking tor auxil- iaiy ofliceis tb lielp serve ancd picnieci residenis. Two upcorning meeiigs wil be hielc for mnen andc wo noscn inieresied in appling tir tIhe vosluiteer positions. l'lie fiîsî xviilb ihed Tuesdivy ai 7 pin. a IlaIton Regional Pslice's lieadquarîers. 1151 Brone Rdf.. iii Oaxiie.nonei ne xvill take place Tbursday aS 7 p.m. ai the Miltonn police station, 490 Childs Dr. Applications for ibe positions cati be pîcked cîp ai any Haiton Regionai Police station or [rom tihe services; \eb site at under the volunteer programs category. Applications can be maied to Sgt. Troy IzIakar, Haiton Regional Police Service, 1151 Bronte Rd., Oakvîiie, L6M 3f-1. The fîîst p hase i tIe scîcctmin )rsncesx consi.sitgc erai aptitude tesîiîng, an4 as plaiiecl ftor the lasi xvcek tof 'neptexosher anti tIhe tîrst veek tsi Octoîer. Applicanis wbsn haxe recenilv applîed need ioi rc aîpiîy Stiucstul candidates xvill hegin traininsg in Jainuai1. Tihe Atixiiian, Policîîsg Unit bas heci in tnjeraiiois silice 1989). Auxiliarv, officers receixe nmore ihaîs 100 htnurs of training, îîscludîîsg legai training in powss of arrest, ethîcs, îrafic direction and cise tof ftnrce trainng. The members comnnly augmsent the activîties osf ponlice olfîcers at annuai speciai events and aiso ssfieî accompany police coînstables on general paîrol duties. Fotr more infcor- maion, vîsît 4ÇUeE SELECTION 0F ONE OWNER OPTIMUM 10W MILEAGE VEHI -bJ 4d,. auto an, AC AMFM str t hit eldries tM M e 2dr auoai CD Sltr 65,000 km. 4d V6, aua o> air, a 80 km Stk SL3132 a aî an ck b akes Stk P3105A smom lcks SstkerP3 saStk 3016 ned CD 32.00kmý tP28t1 6,982 120 63 ,992 / ~~[VESS8 ' in5P011AC06 'o2MC[vAVK '05 PUAC SIMO[ MonNfiuY 90 V8, auto, air, 42,110 km, white. 4dr, auto, air, V6, pw, pi, tilt, 4r air ao. pi. . ,4000km. 4rat.iig p.ll 1mfm, 4 6 i uop.pý1 O 0d 11 307Sk P31 15A llc tke 0 loade 1X km, Stk P3121A 331l) km, ifege Stk P3135A 128,8n1 '20,872 '81922 Si14,416 'l 3t988 1ooefViCL Yf oaoMEyy 15i M [mia~o nuO4CAWC SIlI 15I[ViMUUU '13 PINO TIC S MIR V6, pw, pi, lt, crise Ioaded. 4dr, V6, auto pi l er V8, auto, air, pw, pi, leather, rear V6 pw pi titcrie ete 2 dr, air, auto Stk P3019 only 37,111km. Slk P3061 31,000km, st F3097 seat, nav, pan. roof, 63,000 km. ciolh dvd, ioaded, 31,000 km. '186Black, Stk P3098 01k P3116A W& 1 i m ' 3,98 24,416 '39,e47 l2t812 'UcmR 12D8AWIRS 15M M NCK I4 CEIICCEa 1 a filNPutwI414 2dr, V6 auto, air, cd, 4dr V6, auto 'air pw pi leather 4d I uo i p tII V8, auto, air, pw, p il lt ather, cd. dvdý 6 cyi, auto, air, cd, 124,000 km. 65,000km, Stk F3016 4,kmoo Sd/cas1ioAde ioaded, 28,111 km. Stk FL3077 quado, Ioaded, 38000 km. StkP3tllA 01k P2989B '9l922 'l 31973 '1 9,872 s49l972 l 3981 150 pin isecion i4 u ri.. asitac vlew Our *itre, Inventor at www.wallaco ontaoc. com PONTIA 801 BUICK MAIN ST. E.J MILTONdu ply ewelzc n M ON - s/t- a 9:00 AM-kO 8:00 PM P)l The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 19, 2006 -A5 Crime Stppr ofHl Police seekiriy vehicle thieves Halton Regional Police arc invesnigating two car the[ts. Overnigbt May 5, a car was stolen [rom the lot of Discount Car and Truck Rentais, 65 Ontario St. On May 9, another vebicie was siolen on Ontanio Street. Tbis tîme the ihieves targeted a car parked in front of an apartment building. In botb cases, the vehicies were locked at the time of the thefi. If you have an -y infonnaîîo thaî lcads lo an anest in this or any olhet niaii, you tnacv bc cligi bIcfor a cash esvard. Y'ou irill îiexet have to gise yout nainec or testify n i cout. Cinme Sioppeî s of Haltil doex flot subM i ibe Io raIl displa -v. Phacse taîl 1-800-222-TIPS (1-800-222- 847741 ut lie h oilC t niie Sioppýt s Web siueai www.hal- lott i mcxSi pps? S. son]. 10 Ways to Save Money When Buying a New Home HALTON - Although most homes for sale are resales, one out of four homebuyers pur- chases a new home. Which is better: exist- ing or new? The right answer, of course, is Up to you. Both resales and new homes offer advantages. Existing homes are less expensive on average, and are genterâlly clos- er to, and enjoy the warmth and surround- ings of established neighborhoods ofren with mature landscaping. New homes, on the other hand, offer inno- vative use of space, greater energy efficiency and choîces of options and upgrades. Everything is new and modemn. Most peo- pie consider both new and existing homes before they decide ro purchase. A new, special insider report entirled "New Homes - 10 Tips to Save You Time and Money. "has jusr been released which identi- fies 10 invaluable tips ro save you time and money when purchasing a brand new home. Also revealed are little-known buyer advantages that most builders may flot tell you. To learn more about what you should be aware of before you visir your first model home cal1 for a free report today. To hear a brief recorded message about how to order your FREE copy of this report, cati 1-877-617- 1275 and enter ID #3010. You can cali any time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Tis report stuenyeo enst Mancsi Brokes,, i'rudesttial TowssCntre sslrnitssrkera.

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