Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 May 2006, p. 37

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1V~ -~ The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 19, 2006 -51 ARTS AR11STIC TRIO: Rural painters (from left) Linda Shantz, Doug Elliot and Terry Rammell have no shortage of style - nor do their respectve works of art. EWR A PCA OTECAPO Trio of artists to show paintings with 'lattitude' Art show next weekend at Hairitage Salon By Stephanie Thiessen CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Local art enibusiasis are being invit- cd to spend a day in the country t0 view tbe talents of îbre Campbellville-area aruis againsi the scenic backdrop of the Niagara Escarpment. For the second year tn a row, tbe trio- wbo affectionately rcfer to îbemselves as 'Paînters witb Attitude' - will bold ibeir art show and sale ai the Hairitage Salon ai tbe corner of Main Street and Crawford Crescent in Campbellville. From 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. May 27 and 28, sbow-goers wtll be able îo peruse the art- work of tbe tbree ariists - ail members of the Fine Arts Society of Milton - and maybe even purchase sometbing to add to ibeir home decor. One of the strengîbs of ibis tro of artisîs is eacb brings sometbing entireiy unique to the mix. 'Vsitb tbe tbrec of us, someîbing can appeal to es'cryone," saîd equine artîst Linda Shaniz, wbo makes up the trio along witb Terrv Rammell and Doug Elliot. Shaniz paints horse portraits in oil pas- tels, oils and pencîl and bas won several awards ai competitions across North America. She descnibes ber style as realîsm, "but not qute photo realistic.", Shaniz bas been inîeresîed in boîb borses and art sînce she was a lîtîle girl. she said, explainîng she was constanily drawtng hors- es. "I1 was drawing in notebooks wben I was supposed t0 pay attenîtion in class," she saîd, laugbing. Shantz now runs a farm where she bas a horse of ber own, and also boards otber borses, providing plenty of inspiration Terry Rammell specializes in oul and acrylic painîings of landscapes - including the Niagara Escarpmcni - and local ber- itage homes. Rammell bas been painting sînce ber "Wsth the three of us, something cari appeal to everyone." retîrement froin teaching ftve vears ago, and said its a form of therapy. "Any art formi that takes you into anoth- er world ts bealthý," she satd. Her style is fairly bold and colourful with strong lines, she said. What does she enjoy most about paint- ing? Art greai for exploration "Dotng somcîhîng where I forget the day, the time, the year tt is and having my brain go in total exploration mode and forgetting about everyîbîng else," Rammell said. As a Campbellville rcstdenî, Rammell said she bopes familtes will corne to the show and then sîroîl around the town, look- ing tbrougb the shops - something flot enough people do, she satd. "lt (Campbellville) needs to get known. If's a uitile jcwel set away tn escarpment country. " Doug Elîtot patnts with oil to portray powerful land and seascapes - he likes water and rocks - as well as portraits of local characters who intcrest hîm. -I really enjoy faces," the Moffat resident saîd, adding the most memorable moment painting a portrait iv "ail of a sudden when a person's face comes to lîfe." Altbougb each painting iv special 10 htm, he enjoys selling them. "I always patnt for myself, but my chîl- dren arc always for sale," be said, cxplaining tbe ultîmate compliment ts knowing bts work bangs tn someone elses bouse. Facb artist spoke of their apprectation for Hairitage's Robin Mustapha, wbo encour- aged them to do tbe show ai ber salon. "lis a beautîful uitile courtyard off ber properiy" Rammell saîd. Siephante Thtessen can bc reached ai sthiessen@mnilî GOLFERS WANTEID St. PaulUs United Church 6th Annual GOLF CLASSI Monday, May 29, 2006 Shotgun Start 2:00 p.m. (Best Baill Carlisle Golf and Country Club $125 golf and dlnner - $40 dinner aniy There wllii be no Bilent auction this year. AIl proceeds go to St. Pauls, which serves over 20 local community groupa. For turther information on registration / prize donation / golf hoie sponsorship or ta voute oassist with tournament organization please contact: Jody Couison 905-876-0589 or Doug Waiker 905-876-2086

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