The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 16, 2006 -A9 HIGH SCHOOL REPORT GLEN =AN GOLF CLUB 9807 Regional Road 4*25, Hfton Hills (Across tram Chudleighù Apple Farm) Cos $4.00(paid in advance) Includes Ibeverages & a beautiful lunch. Representatives tram several Scrapbaaking stores wlI be attending and discaunts wlI be affered ta participants. Tickets aVailable... 905-854i-9953 or ",MUSTANG MESSENGER"9 Meghan Sinclair Megan Cheema Sara kilmury MILTON DISTRICTf HlMH SCHOGL The i-nonth ot May is in fulîl swintg, the n catber is pretty much perfect. ibere are less titan tsi o montbs lei oft scîtuol. and the halls of Milton I)istrit are alreadv buuîmn %itb plan', for the sunimer, n tth randorn ouîbursîs uf -I gul acccpted'" just adding to fice exciteieni ihat contes alung at this tinte ut year. It really conîdit gci innch better. The ierril'ic spiringle ýe.iibr also trattslate,, intu practice alter practice .and gaine attei gatîte foir MI)'s, sports traîts. Last yveek the Buy s Basebaîl teani played CIirist tbe King, on May 8th and carne ou ion top xviih a 10-S ix ut. Asîde front ur basebaîl playet s. toi une knows Itoyx intense tîte brai ut' the suni really is ibis finie ut vear beiter iban ur Girl, aind Buys* Soccer trams. WbVilr ne dîd bring hittte asuyn istb basebaîl last Monda>,. despite a greai gante play cd ký fic Bo s' Soccer teani. ithey caine otiii tr i n norianair 4-lt loss. ftîlluîs d by aitîer loss on Weditesday, bnt itut to worryr flie seasun bas jnst begLnn and tîtere are pleniy ut gantes roming np' Tbe Girls' Socrer teatits also played exîremely aicîl againtis tbe cumpetition. and %%on 5-I againsi Arumn lasi Tnesday, and placed 2ncl in a touînaneni last Wedtiesdas. Keep it np girls' Wilderness Norib preparatitîns are alsti nnderwaN as tbe leaders. tearbers. and sîndenîs, are aIl ias ing tbe oppuriuniiy to participate in somne greai actisities before tbe acinal trip in Sepiember. This sveek Wilderness Norib leaders are spendîng a day ai Mr. Joncs' btouse iii take pari in some fnn. atnd unique leadersbip building actiyitics. The end goal is îo base ail tbe leaders feeling very comtnoriable xxitb cue anoiber. ail tu get ready for tbe aniazîng Wîlderness Norih experience. Anoîber trip ibis vseek involses tbe Mustang Menitors and gradle nînes makîing ibrîr nay up to Camp Brebeul to take part in a rock clîmbîng and ropes coturse' Alonîg vxtth bas îng tun in tbe suni. and spendîng tbe day îesîing boundaries. ibese issu trips ivill be a great îsay for tbe grade runes and grade eleven leaders lu get a faste ut ix bai Wilderness Nortb vill be like! One tbîng that is perfecily clear is ihai these nexi fris wxeeks are sure iii fly by yvitb tbe npcomîng Talent Sbovv. îuurnamnenîs. Sports andt Spirit Week. fieldt trips, and every otber tbîng ibai keeps MD's mustangs as bnsy as pis sible. Esen îbougb the spring is alvvays a busy tinte of year dîîn'î forget tri relax. get a breaib ut lresb air. and sîep ont iii ihai sninsbînc'. 66DATELE1NE- DRURY" Nathan Michelle Mait Laonstra Dubois Lalonde EC . DRURY Biron SCUOLI arodtîthe cotr. The tots vvaîter bas moiîîî aird sîtidients ai Dnîîy iii gel otie aitd get itioIt etieti tînt îî esý e g il yonr nesi s rîghî tîrre. lit ire ati îlcgariiiieitic u s i c tadrîtîs haie heem taptîtî preping~ titi the Sgrînti Coitert iider tlie dtirctiont (il Mrs. Moorte rot Mas huIt. ilic sit den 'ase tire re st ii flic whoolî a ttste of itîîîîg!' t cinte. lite contcert andi jazz huit5 ,t asi Il is (lie î.îez ctiîthi tud chotir. pertiiî ied a seletîti oft he i îîrk duiiitg tîrsi itoit the tic!a ait .ult ldi gracice oit \i.Vla Itb in grratiiin Iir the' conacert. vshicl ook plauce flai titi tl 7:3 pm is It)r niii sec ttît flie itiiic dcgiinti s lsik ibard and îirfriîrntnt ai tiîrr seri best' Sps.aking ti gertîîiig. the boys' aitd girls' ragby ranis tai e ben gi\in tSi dtieui ail tit e tied. îakîîîg part iii sesea c mI tatces. The gîrts' rugbhy teatit. \istl tîeir s ace s IuI record,. gît oni t strîîîîg prfranice tot Mas (itir ti St 'Thtomtas Aqîttis. Itîs titanageit ttî brtn, tbe garte tutu iier1nie. bat uiitîtrtuiaýttl ibes iscre anahîr ti secare t ýitî lThe grade line girls lt.îs breti clispl.vthîe bir ttiard isîirk aît tcsotioan it bae gritin cio tir stronta y tiers deslite stîarîng fltc field \tithitîîîct olîter sitenîs. On tbe ottir liant. tbe biîvs' ritchi teant lias been ripe rieaciti stie trouble othti ietîd. bat a re isorktng biard ai bîtance back. ta iter sports ni\\s. tbe boys' s arsîtsi basebaîl teainti .crit oit againsit ttîcît .ncb rtmais. tire Mitont District Mastangs. t'a Miy 1tîb he [tirtaie bren steatîi untprîxitîg btacîîth ie seastil. aitd uce tutie i see tibent brtn,- bhome îîtas fture %sitîrîrs. Eseet %îuirk. triai' Strist suit bc able to ispi.iy ibeir excellent suiirk ai tbe agcîîntng Edies, otn Mas 25th ,îî Drtry 'thbe Ettties bas bren teseribeti bs sntaîr as tbe btgttseîît equtu airai îf fic Oscars. Stîdttrt îîl tiiel the chantce to pît tbetr shot fiîtîs agaîast itbers ta a ieîbîîrî (îil calceuiries,. utcht ., Drana . Aniaition andt Dîîeaaîenarîcs Eicmnîtta,ir .and Htgbý Schtiîtîs t..ri., Hatitîn us iIl galbrfo thitt eseiti.ta is býicb ait ards %isl bi c gisen aot Oscars'sixte, ahi1 c.lips of aîîîtiatîtît %ii l bc sittisi io titi tir itence. toIýýn thtîîîgie cerentitax ibhe %isînîang filaî, %isIl bc shitiease d tisetta picasitre Tiio tiranta siadrats trottt Drar: \i l br bîstang tbe ecîiu. us îi.b îî ill take place ta flie aadtîoritum. ta iîier araýs. tuant siadenis had itet îîpgîrîaaîyiti goarticîgate ta exitng fieldtîrips tasîsxrek. Mr. traibrrsiîa and Mr. Keane ioiîk tbe graîde ten Engttsb statenîs iii sec a proîduction ot "Oliser" n Ma> l8th. Il isa, t cîîtîrtuai nd energetic perfoirmance, and tie sitraets eiiit>edthie glas, taîîîîesctyý Ibri hai th ibet inie rsîîtîîrng Straffoird andthie ixeattier suas îîsnderiat. Tbe gerirci tiatin.,' Tbaî's ait tfti ns s .î t Drart. tîîiks Wr ' iti of Iiij fite uc îrin sîcaiber. ait t\c sîîgest tîtîto ito aii .ît Sec sui est \arrk' 6"TEE ROYAL REPORT"1 Ern Hethenînglan Lindsay Jahnsion Cameran Smith Julta Rtddell DISHOP REDING HIGI SCIGOL Wbrîbrr i tic usirryîabutitn li rad tîtake-up agîiîamrats tior griti ticinizi g the iîac li iuîsic igit. tir pracliciag iîîr thr ananal golft tîunanicat. Bisbiit Rcdîttg siaiteîts baie a lo oii tit teir atnitsý (iads bave less tîan la% i îaîîîîs ii goi t irr bigb %cbnti carrai- su itcb bas tut tir donc, atd tbe iratis looîk i tir bc aadlig it wiib tbe of'tes eaii cis S s. an iti tiaton e cads ri ibe sititît boîdy aîîd tirtito att.îîend BiR's animail aiunsiîîgbî b s sale ii tic geai tua. i.îsitiîiîî i'ts le t.h tiit golfîî t irait îîorîî theeiutte and ttriend l'iiaîdaîtinis ii tic fied sitna o pitisit tit iltîe oîti c.lubs andi lia up! As the isaraîci wa aier .igghtachtic. Bîsiîîî Redtag_- siadnicts becritte ausare bai fli e yarýen cai s diaitg ar. t'ai tir grade arieseý tii rm s tiiteIis ci Albugb c 'ic ytte is liîîîka titrîard iii a fresu. iris tiegtnntag ta tic fall. il i, .îis a itilîicaît.urne as bîgît schîîiî trîeadsbîgs ili tic gauti tnlitl \iei itht'e tnois gothbru setar.îic s B5tetître gr tîtg.he 'r.didatiiîg c lits iîîîîokîîtg iorisa ut, i.Pttai and tic coiiiicacttteai cerciiiiia tibici aiue jasi trund tic citac Pii tiickets ire titi sale tia ibe giazet starittng thtý sureck Tickets, ctis S5 eachti wittiet taclaîtes dittici 'tIi siadeits sibut b.îscîîîîi i stihititieti r grad teies ire asked iii baad thit iii Io Mis St. Joha ta Stadrat Se.rvicersasori poisstible, Sitt tir cati oi flic yc.ur, tac dates titi cuitanattag gagers anti scitiars are Itîtînn 'ttlie tîsde Souarcet itîsti escîstine the besi ofi taek titi t uaccesfuI scitiesiet, Tbts rbhut sda. thc BR masîc deîî.ruîîîrî sý boling usý anana atasic itîciti t eataîrd sî ili tic BiR s sen'iort conciert baud. jazz band. cirti and tber sers sgctat getrrances bY sîunaî so pr'trtiig aitthie setîttr biandits Mr. Ray Viatris. a Wiiitd WarIl ticîran aho tiiaiti bis irunigi. bas bren a sielcoii atr ddtion tît iitin baad liii m.ay >cris. Tickets can tir parcbasci thîrtagb tbe masis degaumneai tir ai ithe tutu The pertformance tiart aI 719 piing ait alt are eacîîaraet o attend. A sgn'c i a cictiair gar oti iii BR maste sîlanînt. îvbî arr adaîttd liii lien. Thanks gî t taii Mr. Autanit anti Ms. Carnana isbt bave istkei s biard îbrîîagbîîa tht ' iii trin abot Ibis nîrbi Juta as May th fob aiini escann- ofi tittii anti etttertatitiieat. Onia .îlîgbîer noter. Jatte ri s, (lie .aaaa i ctaity gît îîîraraeaî titi hune aiariiîiý r scich Ilis fielti k the Ocîdre anti trirds t'ttcaiîtian al thc Grante Ridge GîtiClat int Miltan The Tîtarnameat i, a fîtar gersîta scîtîtîbie ifort. atîd the regîstraîîîî begias ai 10: 311 Ire off i i tirgia i 113t. aiti dîtîner sý serse d at h 30. The cirail'atls rîgbî beaîre Flitersý Dis. anti i oauId tir a gîrai is ay iii speti ure a iii at laitiers ixo bit tis golf. Tc'retis a cbarty puffinagciiaes l 5 ii as adil as itber speciat c'scats Tht5 cîctît s liii a iststdeiiai causest donîation, asoi btiîî tinte titi ntîneý are gîeîitls apprecited. t'tr mtotre inoat ionîîîî cotiact tic Deîdîc aad Frîcaits t'iiaatiita .îî lits7X7'4I i ori seebttp tir.hictisb.orgbtuardt AdiinitratitiantiDeidre+and+Friends.tti Tue end oii the Jear .igpittictic aad naaaytit tes arc tito ine. Looîk huss.ard lii neIl týecks cîîtîta (i tic Roîa Repot iii fini ouaîtîmore