Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 May 2006, p. 6

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A6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 16, 2006 Changes welcome RcceilsN xx e i ec eivedL goverilueni i ceuiiv pro- hoth good andI bad iiex s P)sccl legisiation ihai calis abut cim1e in ii alion. toi ioughier sentences for Tfie guctd iiceWs is the' gnaslgu-eae iue liai ion Regional Police 15. lucîO ii Ille Tories' txxo Sersice reporiecl use 2005 bil sIl clîmîîîiîioîî ut ci ne at tel b 7i pr cnt c ondiiional sentences as a trous the previtîts \,car io i-cach uts lowesite let since cnisccicinig optionl ii cases cil 1()74.P u mrsî scrîcîns violent antI se\uial Police ollicials cîecliî the OlttI5C'es. mîajor cliîg clraîsatic dliop t0 the e\cel- Otteîîces aiic cimues ptinisti- ciii )x ork t, Iroi unle otti- able IxN pi icinis ut 10 years cers, along wvitli ihe seisice's or msorec tus altiabtle parni ship wiilî \inimimi sentences [or comnnunit mictihis antI gun cimles ,xoulct sec a s olliiieei s. penats ot tise scar s toi a But uic hacl ncw stile tii sî otteicc. se vscars for s ioeii ciurn i ie ose a secondc antI 10 s(,cals Oin slighils(b l(i li per cent). \\fille imipi ovect aiieilî mtile thec c we r nion ît îmlesic violence xx hI cschneai ihrisadother sviolenti \Cctlth osraie crimes cci iatnlv pus ccl a mnust realize ihai il the\- xxant part it înhe htghecr figures. to lock up msore ciiinals test \vould argue thai more thex heiter have a place to criminals are fîuding îî casier put ibeits. aisc that mecans to get iheir bauds ou a gun. more mouev mnust hc dclix - To thai end. the federal ered to correetional f'lates. Readers Write Seud us your letters toi ln&tne@haltonsearchom or drop them off at 875 Mam St. Eý Milton in dire need of upgrades when it cornes to its stree signs DEAR EDITOR: The City of Mississauga has jusî eum- pleîed thse modernization of uls street signs, using large one-size letters toi impruve the reading capacity for motorists. lncîdentally, Mississauga îs nuw alsu considening L.ED. technology and wtire- less cunîrol of their sîreet and traffie lîghî- îng. Mayor Hazel McCallion îs deîermîned tu keep Mississauga ahead of the rest of the GTA. Here tn Milton. the old archaic stan- dards for street sîgus. lîghîîng and traffic arc stîli beiug used. The road sîgus in Milton are hascd ou the 4/3 inch inodel. fi xxouluî' cosi anv usure for Mlton tu, implemient the ncxs standards for sigus in ur new develop- meuts. lu tîme, durîug replacemeut repaîrs, the old sigus could alsu be updat- ed. Likewvise, the use of the uew technolu- gy traffic lights iu ur uew subdivitsious shuuld alsu be cunsidered. I was plcasautly surprised tu, learu that certain cities iu China and India have alreads' implemenîed these changes. We seem lu, be way hchînd tu Milton in kecep- îng abreast of the wvorld. If ibis continues, in a few years we could luxe oîîr First \Vurld standing. Its lime for ur eiected officiais lu gel guîng, or eIse c egone DOUG DEANS SOMERVILLE TERRACE Letter writer'1s criticism a bit misguided DEAR EDITOR: This icîter is iii respouse tu Fred Pritchtsaics leitet cititiec i lag situld ci ioxs-ereci tu liotiotr soltlii' its guoc Io sec suihteuile cexpress lusve ut tit'r couitrsN acd respect tue our ari mcc turces. Hoxx cxci. i I)lice e lst Pitcliaicis e\pressec outrage max lic instsgttclcc Due tu tise political aîîd msecita spin. dise xx outc alint ti k usiai nu tlags arc luxv- eîed xx liecî a ceath ii tIse îniliarv occlirs. This isisi tise case. and usas' i suggcsi tIai Pnitchsardî rcad a culuion xv-htten bv retired General Lexvis Mekeuzie. He pres- cuis a vers apulîtîcal point of vsiew un ibis stibici its cicar tist Pritchard pîtssesses polit- calix partisant s ThxsFis iscgs,, the qites- lin, vxsieas lits patrust indignsation \xx hieu ur hus slidic sers îug fil Bu-titi - or anss utiser part lis xxotici tihat iliaile i Flise Peace luxx \ce tlag xxasti i loxs et cc cttirng tisuse tagie tiisiist Dici Prt tcharci xvrîîC lu tise paaliers tiets Ohi tisais rîgit the otber parts xxas i pvci ai tise titmle. iLeis respect aîsd bcîsur tise usîlitar sacrifices as wc base for tise pasi 80 s cars and leave the polieis oui of il. LANCE MARTEL MILTON Great care received at our locual hospital DEAR EDITOR: Iwas Easter Sunday and 1 jusî couldnt han- die the pain ini my lower back and right ieg any longer, s0 nsy wife took me to, Milton District Hospitas emergency ward. After an x-ray and examination friomt tise on- duty docto-, I was admitted to, tise hospîtal for a further foilow-up and wisat I eal somne needed repat- work. 1 was well looked afler by ail tise nurses and the doctors, and i soon was well on tise way toi recovery Thougs under pressure and somnewisat over- worked due to patient-loading numbers, I ean't say enough absout thse medical professionalism and caring abilities tisat were always displayed by aIl tise staff ait tise hospital. Always with a smille when tisey entered tise ruum became a calliîsg card that made a differ- ence tu my health. They cared and thev showed il' Besides the medical staff, a firsî place element in my recuvery was the attention paid lu my needs hy tise food sersices' staff. Nul unly, did I gel hîgsîx nutritional foud, il svas extremely well prepared and sers'ed as if I xvas tise unIx' enstumer, yet I was une of mauv. I actttallv sîarîed lu luok furward lu my meals, and if quesîtîoned as to xvhat really made me gel hetier I eau hunestlv sav the fuod and boxi it xvas sers ed played a major element me in regain- îng my healtis. I'm now on tise road lu recox'ery, thanks lu ail tisose greal folks ai our Milton District Hospital. BOB BEVETTE CAMPSELLVILLE Zllj ~caîîablaîi (cbiapion 875 Main St. E. Milton, Ont. L9T 3Z3 905-878-2341 Edîtoniat Fax. 905-878-4943 Advertismng Fax: 905-876-2364 Ciasstfied:905 875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Publisher: Ian Oliver Associate Publisher 1l Cl o-r Advertising Director Managing Editor Production Manager Circulation Manager C î i' fa Office Manager Tesi C'a.aa The Canadian Champion, publtiesa r Tusday ariîs ýday ai 8?5Masi SiEMmor t , .91 3Z3 (Box 248i onseof the Metssiasa Printing. PubtîthsS & Dii buiis [id rmis n ewtspapers, Adertsngg i 4 epiedron the condito tisa in the ew txxof a tpgahnc r or,1 1ha1 potion of the adve, tiîssq spase oscupied by the erroseos item, isietses suit a reasnable allowance for signturîaesîi t etsared for bsuitebaiase of the adsertisementeeîssîspaid for ai5the appicable raie The pubtisser resees tise righi ctiegorize advtelhsements or decfine CCAB Audited Recogsnied for exeletnce tsy A ocS' Newpers Asoitn C C A Canachan ioeeesety Thi Cndi Cha.ninJ Hato HFal aeda ~iiingle Bellion d Y.,t- UNIT'uED W i à"

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