Proposed housing development wiII negatively impact Main St. W. DEAR EDITOR: 1 want to informn you and your readers of tise ongoing Central Milton Holdings appli- cation for now 298 homes with- in tise Niagara Escarpment Commission (NEC) area, north of Main Street West and west of Bronte Street. At tise Town's planning and administration commîttee meet- ing Tuesday - chseck oui tise Town Weis site mî for tise report - tise commisîce decided to defer making a decision on tise application pending furtiser discussions witis tise developer. Tisis was alser isearing from tisree delegations opposing tise application and a staff presensa- tion tisas outlined tise lack of detaîls, poor planning and delays in submiting reports from tise developer to staff and otiser agencies. Tbis application isas been isefore counicîl, tise NEC and provincial agencies for more sisan seven years, and tise devel- oper bas stîll nos presented an acceptable application to al sisese bodies, and now Axih tise new Greenselt legislasion prois- ably wouldn't be approved under currens provincial poli- ctes. But stiil some counicillors wans t0 [mnd an acceptable num- ber and believe sisat develop- ment on ibis and potentially otiser NEC areas is inevitable. Tisrougisout tise meeting not one councillor asked wisaî tise impact of ibis developmens and osisers wesî of Bronse Street would bave on exîssing resi- dents in tise Main and Bronte area, wiso wonl't only bave to endure tise construction in siss area, but also tise funneling of tisousands of cars from ibis and tise otiser I .000 plus hsomes tisai bave been approved wess of Brunie Street onso two lane rural roads, wii was nos even con- sîdered in tise staff' report and also no scisedule for upgrading t0 isandle tise impact of sisese developments. Thsis application as well as otisers could resuli in sumîing Main Street West between Bronte Street and Tremaine Road inito tise saine condition tisai Tisompson Road is souts of Derry Road now I would ask inseresteil resi- dents to caîl siseir counicillors and attend tise counicil meeting Monday as 7:30 p.m. in tise Town Hall Council Cisambers and let counicîl know siseir con- ceruis before it makes a decision on council's position attise joint board isearing, wisicis is scised- uled for july I would also ask counicillors to ask tisemselves tisai consider- îng tise track record of Central Milton Holdings in tise delays, tise lasi-minute suismissions and tise lack of consultations wîish residents and staff, do tisey bion- esîly îisink residents on tise west sîde of îown are going to be pus- ttively impacîed by tiss develop- ment? I would ask tise people of Milton, not jusi tise ones affect- cd by ibis development, to undersîand wisaî could occur isere. COLIN BEST MAIN STREET WEST Drivers' impatience is creating some dangerous situations on area roads DEAR EDITOR: For monsiss now I've been reading about and experiencing tise traffic chaos sisat we've ail been pus sisrougis by tise powers tisas be in siseir haste so do wisatever is sakes so ensure tisas tise developers get everytising tisey want. l'mn still nos sure wsy James Snow Parkway was closed before Tisompson Road was upgraded to handle tise increase in traffic, or even why tise new homes on tise eass side of Tisompson were put s0 close so tise road tisas tise widening of is will sure- ly encroacis on tise buffer zone - green space - tisas tise existing residenss on tise wess side have enjoyed for years. As a commuter, l'il mucis rasiser drive down a roadway lined witis trees tisan one lined wiîis fences. Nice work, guys. Anyway, lmi gessing off sopie. Every morning 1 drive t0 work in Mississauga along Derry Road, wisere 1 now ges t0 enjoy one of tise many benefits of poorly-planned expansion - sîîsing in traffic. One of tise igi- ligisis of sisis trip is tise continuous roadway bot- tle-neckîng ai every intersection, and tise inabilisy of some people to simply wais siseir surn. James Snow Parkway is my favourite. Most people ssay in tise lefs lane and go tisrougis in an orderly fasision, wisile some - wisose sime must be mucis more important tisan mosi - race up tise right lane 50 sisey can cus in on tise eass side of tise intersection, causing more congestion. If we canst couns on people to drive responsi- bly, perisaps tse Region can pus up barriers; so block off extra lanes unsil sucis a sîme wisen tse road is completely finised. Trafalgar Road is anosiser isigislighî, but l'Il save tisat rani for anosiser day. DAVE MORAN SUNNYVALE CRESCENT The Canadian Champion, Fnday, Apnl 21, 2006-A7 NMeeting hMld to dsssplans for dealing with horse thieves 'rime Capsules' are geins of infor- mation extructed froni putaiIssues of The Chmpon and other publications in order to provide a window int Miltont past. Explunutoiy comment is sometimes provide wo place thse situa- tion in conteit. August 1907 A meeting isas been iseld in Milton for tise purpose of forming an association for tise protection of property and tise arrest and prosecu- tion of ail offeniders, and more partic- ularly tuat slippery gent known as tise hsorse sisief. Between 40 and 50 people enrolled siseir naines, paid tiseir subscriptions and signified tiseir readinesa to lend a hand to lift tise risief well off tise grouud as soon as a convenient limb could be found to tisrow a rope over. Arcis. McGibbon was unanimously chosen as president, W.J. Clernenis, vice president;J.H. Peacock, secretary; M. Dice, treasurer. Two directors were selecsed froin escis township and three from tise sown of Milton witis instructions fromt ail preserit to spare nu expense in their efforts to, recover any property stolen and so, prosecute tise tisief. Tisis society will constitute itself as a strong vigilance comrnittee and woe betide tise thief that cornes witi ts grasp. Messrs. PM. McKay's Sons gro- cery store was isurglarized on Monday nigist. Tisis burglary made tise fourts ini Milton witbin about two rnonshs and ini every case tise spoil was groceries or provisions. It is believed tisat thse thieves are residents of thse town wbo are feedlng ssein- selves attie expense of their nelgs- boums. Mustons serni-centennial celebra- tion will cuver tisree days, next Saturday, Sunday and Monday, but tise st will be tise big day. 15 will be a clvic boliday The town bell wiIl ring at 5 a.rn. and tiere will be a can- non salute as 5:30. Tise baud will parade as 6. Tise tuades procession, Milton pat and preserit, will stars at 9:30. At 1 p.rn. there will be s pro- cession, bmnd, firernen, friendly sudi- eties, Milton old boys and Miltonians wiso have livai hmer ffty years, or Capsules over, town council and county offi- ciais. At 2 p.m. there will be speech,- es by old boys and some others. As 3 p.rn. athletic sports wiIl begin, - a hssehall match Milton vs. Toronto Junction and foot races. In the evenîng sisere will be a band concert and fireworks. A number of ex-resi- dents have signilied tiseir intention to be presenit. Tise Milton jubilee souvenir bookiets were illussrated. and prmnted by Grip Urnited, Toronto. Tisey are very handsome. Copies can be had at E.C. Featiserstone's photograph gallery and stationery store, or will be mailed to, any address on receipt of price, 25t1. On Monday evening a marrned couple, who were guests at a Milton hotel, were going upstairs wisen an insulting remark was addressed so sisem by a mani in tise ball who came so, Canada from Scotland a few years ago and has posed as an ex prize figister. Tise husband passed on. Ieft his wife upsiairs, but returned imme- diasely and demanded an apology. Thsis was refuised, and tise resuit was an adjourrnent so thse back yard, wisere tise alleged slugger got tise sur- prise of isis lite. He was mncis tise iseavier man of the two,bus befor e had Urne to exuhi any -out hsac- ence, if lbc Wa anl; he was on bis back, and lie nu sooner got up tissu ise was down aguin The C*nuck gave ii a fine sisrasising and nobody gave the supposai prize figister any syrnpuliy. Augut 1907 Recently appointai Jaller McGlbbon and bls taily souk pos- session of tise resience portion uf thse coumsy buiding a tew days ago. Thtis materl4 is usseusbfr< on behuf of thse MdLMx Historical Society by Jun Dilis, who cm be muche ut Address 357 Queen St., AC T ON A4- (MI LL Local 51 9-853-0200 Toil Free 1-866-620-3248 Part Hotline. 519-853-5613 E-mail info@'-achillesmazda. ca 8.vlg ltn ià with Pridea sine 1973