Tips for a weII-traîned dog Hîere are sorne genlerai guidelînes to help you 0 begîn training your dog. For a better understanding of your dog's training needs, consider enrollîng hlm in a local training school. *Doing research wilI help you choose the best breed for your family's lifestyle. /Neyer strike a dog to correct behavior! This wiII only lead f0 more problems. .Stick f0 the rules you set. For instance, if you don't wanf your dog to jump on other people, dont let him lump on you. /Remember, dogs are "pack" animas, so establish yourself as your dog's leader. ILet the fone of your voice guide your pet's behavior: Use a Iow pitch ta indicate correction. Use a normal fane when giving a command. Use a high pitch ta communicate praise. IMake "NO" your correction word, and praise your dog as soon as he stops an unwanfed behavior. Remember, dogs must be corrected and praised at the time of the incident. IMake sure yaur pet gets plenty of exercise, food and fresh water! lC 5;~ im 'ee. 1-86t83- 43 Pager STE VERS PET CAR SERVICES Yopts weIblyi arispir $Dog Walling / Ct sitig NOW FIIRING $ Ovrnilit&,House SÎItti2 $e -Insured &Bonde E-mail: '5arcas The Canadian Champion, Frida, Apri 21. 2006 - B17 provides a sale way for your pet to go outside. Your pet stays safe and healthy while enjoying the benefits of tha great out- doors. To survive winter cli- mates, te enclosures are made from galvanized steel mesh and we use cedar for perches. We offer many do-it-yourself options as watt as custom designs installed by our pro- fessional crew. The Cat's Den is flot only a paradise for your pet but it cen add beauty to your home or disappear into the garden. We also offer hammock stands and cus- tom buit fadilities for any other pets that might need extra security in gour home. Check out our Birds Paradise page on our website for more ideas. 'Ihei es no place like home for qour cat Io roam! Cali 416-466-8930 or email PRIMIERICA J Effie lNartiin Iltas 519-766-7757 Ru.g>,< 1VI> t 519-8357 991 Primerica Ml.sg877-251î-1 1' Fina cial Ca fife tc Discus Financial your financial needs. Services A member of cltIgroup«lr A irepreseuitative of Primerica Financial Seirvices. Life insurance ottered through Primerica Life insurance cornpany ot Canada. Mutual Funds offered through PFSL Investments Canada Ltd.. Mutual Fund Dealer r