Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Apr 2006, p. 11

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The Canadian Champion, Fniday, April 21, 2006 - Al MPP Chudleigh wiII run in the new Halton riding By Melanie Hennessey il1clii-ýr i a1(l Hlon MPP [ced ( hudlcigh bas announiced he plans to once again scek the local Progressive Conservative nomma tion for next year's provincial election. But this tie around, the politician is looking to flI ihe memher of provincial Parliament seat in the new niding of Halton, which will mirror the federal governiment riding boundary ienthnewcrintly represent the vast majoity ofrtes- sue that course in mv re election bid," he said. Chudleigh îold The Champion that he hiadn'î ihoughit of not runming again, cxp)laining, Is something I really en'_10 doing." As the October 2007 cîccton approachcs, onc of the major issues îopping (hidlcigh's mind is hecalthcare. 'think hecalthcare lias dleclitncd," hc noted. "The moncy isn't there, and iî has to bc deali with." Locally, hie recognized that things like rapid growth, the Dufferin Aggregates Milton quarry expansion and proposcd CN intermodal arc hot topics for those in Halton. Two local ens îronmcntal groups hase appealcd the appioval oft ie 83-hcctaic Dufîctin cxpansion to Provincial cabinct. Chudlcigh said hes i las ocir of the expansion pros'îded that ils donc properly. And Dîtîferin has a vcrs good track record of doing things properly.' And whcn il comnes to the interniodial, Chudleigh said hc doesn't like the proposecl rural Milton Iocalion. 'is noi an Tory to speak to Chamber Yon can grab a bite to cal îîth the lcader of the provincial Conservausves at the Milton ( lamher of Commerces Lunch wiih John Tory ext Fridias; Apr. 28. The event, to he hield ai Rattlesnake Point Golf Cluh, will include a talk by Tory on how, the provincial hucdget affects Ontarians. Registration starîs at 11:30 a.m. The rostiîs $25 for Chamher niembers and $30 for non-members. Caîl (905) 878-0581 10 reserve a seat. Rattlcsnake Point Golf Cluh is located at 5407 Regional Roacl 25. ISt Year Anniversary. Sale li Iccis il's uiortiant ihai ciiocîgli greenspace is mainiainecl for peuple Ici enjoy. Is ail a malter of balance." .Z- Chudleîgh also has high hopes the Conservatives will be able to form the N." provincial guvernment thîs lime around. "1 îhink Ontario is guing 10 lîke John Tory, and thats going to make a huge dîfference." Before the îîexî election, the riding Ted Chudleigh of lialton will be spliî. Thc Town of Halton Hilîs will j oîn much of Wellington County in the new ridîng uf Wellington- Halion Hiilîs. The ncw Halîcîn rîclîng ilI consisi ol the rcmaîîîclc ol the curreni rîclîng of I-lIton. Some lDakvillc rcsîdents currcnilv iii îlîc provincial Halton riding wsill nîovc inb the O.akvillc FEEL COOD ABOUT YOURSELF, AND PUT NMEY MN YOUR POCKET!. Introducing the COOL SAVINGS REBATE for Ontario residents wit existing central air conditioming systems. $50 REBATE ON AN AC TUNE-UP- $75 (UP TO> REBATE TOWARDS A NEW INSTALLED PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT 0 $500 REBATE ON REPLACEMENT 0F AN EXISTING SYSTEM WITH AN ENERGYSTAR' QUALIFIED SYSTEM** must lie performed beteen Apre' 210 to )ue 30, 2006 * must lie perfornied between Apnil 21 and Augaît 31, 2006 Go 10 or cait 1.866.670.C0011 (2665) for a local participating contractor. consorvation Camne and meet Charlie Wray April 22nd 11lam - 2pmn 4460 Fairview Street e Burlington 905.333.4545 www.carraoutdoor. com iig aiîd vicc-vcrsa.' "k .k., Chudleîgh said he feels a greai kînshîp) for Halton Huils and is parîîcularly saddened hy the break up of the curreni riding. H-e noted that hie understands the need to reorganize the nidîng hcîundaries due to substantial population growth. 1i would like to acknowledge the support of the peuple of Halton Hilîs over the years. I is a community that will con- tinue t0 remain near and dear to me," hie said. Chudleigh was first elected as a local MPP is 1995 and went on 10 dlaim the widest margin of victory in Ontario in 1999 when he was re-elecîed. He also won the Halton rîdîng seat in 2003. The faither of three and grandfather of seven us the eco- nontic devclopmenî ancl trade crîtic. Mcclanic licinessey cuatic e aclîcd ai inlhtîncýsse-v@î i lion- canadiancchanpoi omi.

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