Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Apr 2006, p. 19

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Anderson great at bringing j se ' à àÉ *from ANDERSON on page Al17 -Jay brings a calmning infu- ence to ibis tecam. H es rcnowned for bringing along young players,' said Brown. Its flot only about winning champi- onsbips, its also about bow many players you can inove on to either tbe OHL or NCAA. Now we'vc got one of the best guys ai thai." A teacher ai Oiakviltc Trafalgar Higb Scbool, Anderson ecboed tbose senti- ments and feels Mitions new era as a full-fledged developmenî îeam will be beneficial for ail concernied. "Tbis is an idéal sit- uation l'm walking into. Tbis league is supposed t0 be about developmenî and now we've got Anderson brings a wcalib of expérience 10 tbe lcellass bs. Along witb bcing a bead coacbi or assistant witb four West icamns over tbe pasi 17 ycars, bc's been an inîrîcate pari of Oniario's Undcr-17 program and in recent years bas donc soine scouîîng work for tbc Calgary Fiamnes. But despite bis seasoned sta- tus, Anderson adînîts bes stili icarning - and expects to do plenîy of tbai working wiib guys like Brown and Grcg Gilbert under tbe lceDogs' umbrella. -Working wiib Dave wtll bc a big plus for mie. Hes bad so înucb success over tbe years and is a guy you can aciuatty tatk Biaine McC autcy - also a Georgetown native who got bis introduction to coacbîng junior bockey as an assistant wîtb ibis ycar's Raiders. Set to mun tbe detence tbîs coming tait, McCauicy is a for- mer Royal Bank Cup cbampion witb BC 's Vernon Vîpers and bas ptaycd in botb tbc NCAA - witb Lake Superior State - and at tbe pro levet in tbe East Coast Hockey League and, more brietly, in tbe American Hockey League. "We work wctl togeiber, and if iberes ever been a guy wbo knows bow to gel t0 tbe nexi tevet, ils Blaine," said Anderson. Tbe tccHawks' GM duties wti continue t0 bc bandted Great Value, 41-j pu s. remarked. 'Hopcfutty wc'Il sec "Tbcre's no ego wiib bîm. lime bcîng, w&itb no imînédiate a more and more of ibis (in tbe Wiîb AXnderson, tbe plans îo bring anyonc in 10 fiti April Tune Up West) in tie near future. iceHawks also pick up protégé tbe post. Speial Field hockey off iciating clinic next Fri. Mae E.C. Drury Hîgb Scb tl witi b si a field bock- bigb scboot gaines ibi ugb Sepi mber ancd Models c> umpîning chunte next Eniday. October, aitbugb somc opporîunîîîcs to 4ffcîaîc Tbe fîve-bour session - running f rom 5:30 io club play in t sprîng andt sumter arc aiso avait- 10:30m in the schoo-1,1- 1i, Ili, 1 r, 1 1 1 1 Il-il 1 1 - cosîs $90, wbicb includes a course bookîci, wbis- tic. card, dinner and registration for tbe Haiton Field Hockey Uînpîres Association. Field bockey umpîres arc needect primantsy for To sîgn up or for more information, cati f.C Drutrys (.coft Sbcpparct ai (905) 878-0575, exi. 248 durtng tbe day or ai (905) 319-2629) in tbe evecning. the "House Be Ready for Spring 1,, MW Beat the Rush'. HATO OîsqvariiaEN 20Mi -t .Mlo 90-87-28 ç~II w~ gjiveM GreenThumbT M Black Garden Soul hlm, in BuIk Bags right to your home. YS c - »dMwmmiuy'omn«toe ~1~ The Canadian Champion, Frday, April 14, 2006 -A19 EASER, 1:OmApril 16, 2006 110 mand 1:00 pm e Seatings Available Taiinal Binth Favauritos: iricludes Fresh Roast Bo, Tuky&SaodSelection. Dessen' Tea/Coffee and much, mut mOre! )UNY MAIN COURSE *Q9l5 ~PECIAL EVERY NIONT b.P plta Campbo lvlii

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