Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Apr 2006, p. 13

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The Canadian Champion, Friday April 14, 2006 - AI13 Region program helps youths start own businesses I hen sou tnay \vant tir c heck~ out tht H ailon Region Business Developmnent C entres Suinimer C ompany Programn - an initiative designed tu help youth create their own husi- nesses and career opportuntiies and provide thein with cash rewards. The le'adline for subrnissions tu the programn has heen cxtendecl t0 Apnil 30. "The Suinmer Comnpany' Programn inspires young people tci cunsider owning andi uperating ieir uwn husînesses as a career." saîid Haltun Dîrectut of Business Des elupnîient Johnu Ayling. \repleaseci to hc ahie to ecîuip tomriosvos enltr'e preneurs wtth the tools they need to succeecd nuev and îrt the future. Partictpants in last y cars programn - lîke Shawn Bennett, uwner and upcrator of Presers ng Merirîs Aissays - say LMANOPivF L LI FP RedGosdýpftsened geomecaifipnhmaits od#o ogr ndotadMes. VOLUNTEER DRIVERS ARE ALWAYS NEEDED CALL US M RMIHOW OU CM HUE. (905) 875-1-455,9 +Canadian Red Cross R. CISO 1V-SMNsL 4~~ Ross Cescon, Prmidenî Phone:905-78-2755 I Ceil: 905-51048152 loi Inccc li odas 's i iitpc tis cl ivei.. e 551 Ici. -l haci alwas's hient interesteci ni stat ting a business, hct thetîask seeied overwhielmîing. 1 haci nu idea where tu hegiti The Suinemer C ompany> ipportctnity cunvincec ime tuo gis e it a try," saîid Bennett. 1 clelnitey sec heing an entrepreneur as a very realîstie anti exciting future pussihilîty for ityrseil." Melantie Cross of Melanie C ross jessvcIry Designs aiso hacl good îhîngs to say about the progi ain '*-hli Sutntrer ('ornp-any Prograin wsas very hlicIl anti il wsas une of the hesi expertences ofins file," site saici. il endeci up accoripiishing ail of i m, personai ohj 1.ectives. i c an see mly seilfioiiuwing tis as a possible cateer choîce. i wouici use to he iny ossn hoss.- priisiiig s îiciig fecopic stiirt tiip n uic1 ciici 'n sut)iitc'te bctsitesses. The RZegionis butsiness deveiopinent ceintre co-urclînates the progrit anti celîvers it through business nienîuring gruups inade up uf s ulunteet acivisurs iront the liaiton busi- ness euinînctnt Participants have the uppurtunity tu meet reguiariy with thtir group lot scippotanti acice andi are recquîred tir attend at mnimcum of 12 hours oîf husiness training. Stutients aged i 5 ru 29 are elîgie tcî appy. They miusi pi oside itruti that they're reîurnîng ici schirul in the flau in îîrcieî tu cinalifs' For mure information contact the Halion Recrion Business The Suriner Comnpany Progran, tieselupeil bs the Deveiopment Centre ai (905) 825-6000 or vîsît W .hai- Ointario goserninient, provîcles hantis-on husiness training îuî jj -Milton MITO"rý- NOTICE 0F PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE 4th LUne Rehabilitation (Louis St. Laurent BIvd. to Britannia Rd.) and Thompson Road Reconstruction (Louis St. Laurent Slvd. to Britannia Rd.) The projeot is being design in accor- dance wlth the Class Environmenta Asseasment, Schedule A, for Municipal Road Projects. A Public Information Centre has been arranged for: Dat: Wednesclay Aprîl 19, 2006 lime: 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Place: Boyne Community Centre (2287 Britannia Rd., jusi east of RR #25> The purpose of the Information Centre is to provide area residents, property owners and the general pub- lic the opportunity 10, review the pro- posed design. You are invited to The Town of Miton's Engineering Services Department has prepared plans for the rehabilitation of 4th Line from Louis St. Laurent Boulevard to, Britannia Road and the two lane reconstruction of Thompson Road from Louis St. Laurent Boulevard to, Britannia Road. The plan for the 4th Line addresses road base and pave- ment deficiencies. The Thompson Road plan provides for the complete reconstruction of both traffic lanas and roadside ditches. In conjunction with this projeci, Halton Region wîll carry out intersec- tion improvements at Britannia Road including trafflo signals. attend, provide comment and discuss concems that you may have with rep- resentatives from both the Town of Milton and Region of Halton. This will be an informa meeting and you are invlted to drop in at your convenience between the noted hours. If you are unable to attend and wish f0 provide comments, please forward them no later than April 28, 2006 to: Rick Tpping C.ET. Coor'dinator, Infrastructure Town of Milton 43 Brown Street Milton, Ontario L9T 5H2 Phone: (905) 878-7252 ext. 2513 Fax: (905) 876-5029 E-mail: mmmma Our Future Feedback Session Draft Strateglc Plan Framework Thursday, May 11, 2006 ait 7:00 pm Milton Lions Club Hall A.bos'e Mlr ertoral A'enaî 77 Thompson Road Stops to participato,... 1. Pre-recilster by callung: 905-878-7252 ext 26>03 2. Read the "Destiny Milton 2 Draft Strategic Plan Framnework" available at: wswvv milirsn ca *Tcybn Hall Vicio'ia Park 14.1 Brown SI .TrsrHal iArnex 555 I5S induiisrrai 0Dr *Miton~ S ports C"ntre i 635 Sania M n, ri 3. Attend and share your comments. What is Destîny Milton 2? Oestiny Milton 2 es a strategy. plnr eug process that es rIerided to identify whaith1e pf-arities of the Towén are "Nit6 respect te quaf ry of i fe anid serv)ce de4 ver Thte product ssibc a Stratlegic Plan, *lch wM t nciude a coru",Munîty vision and a sertes of goals directions ams "as'sOncet final!zed IN. S!'ateg c P'an s'il 6etp qjuede ry, ur cipal clecîseoni rnrýn it6e Totrsn n toih 6he st)<ol anrd iorrc3cr terni What has happened so far? Cite' ne pasi year the Torr rras beer, Ioe g e "r.'ý *htrug rýDO -'g puc rc1 s, ier. rn rt-s "r<r's- trsn cul a0 tt tt .e Public input is now being sought R-' t". -,, " » - -, ["at'> 2 r1 ' P Canit OUMn 0» feedbck tous"n? Please subemit your comments no later than May 12, 2006 (905) 5 10 81 2 or (905) 8-8 2 75 5 ýj!f in.1 1c'11 c l M, -P-, Apartulrient for Reui t

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