Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Apr 2006, p. 9

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The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, April il, 2006 - A9 i HIGH SCHOOL REPORT' _ _ i * B * e * SÂI Â Next cou 2 WEEKENDS May 6,7,13,14 9:30 arn -4:15 pm rses: YOUNG DRIVERS®of Canada 2 WEEKENDS ~" June 3,4,10,11 O Your licence to survive. 905.875.0480 ISO 9001:2000 Registered \' 'IStO F BE(~ '. O' .1" C F~i FS'.'. F - j "MUSTANG MESSENGER" R Meghan Sinclair Megan Cheema Sara Kîlmury MILTON DISTRICT HIGH SCIGOL Aprîl showers may bring May flowers but they certainly haven't doused the spirits of MD's mustangs. With spring finally in the air, winter coats have been casi off b gise svay to make-sbifî games of football or Frisbee that are taking place at every bm. Hosvever football gaines svont be going on solely betsveen classes for mach longer. Spring s also bringing îryouîs for the girls' touch football team! Witb ibis being tbe second season for this team. there are sure 10 be many positions up for grabs so be sure to keep your ears peeled for practice and tryouî limes. Dont get the svrong idea tbougb. Girls football is far from being the only sport on the go ibis season. Our senior and junior badminton tcams hase also been bard at ss'ork as of laie. recenîly competing in toumnamenîs bosîed by Bishop Redding and svitb other gaines and competîtions n ihe comme xseeks. For those Mustanas who have had an unquetîchable desîre lu gel oulsîde ibis seasoît. basebaîl as sx'cll as boys and girls soccer. hase ail goilen ibeir siaris recently. tbanks to mother natore\ receni co operation. There vsill be ongoing irvoots and practices oser ibe next fesv xveeks. so again. be sure to pax close attention to tbe mornifle announeements if an> of ibese spring sports bave caugbt your eye. Lasi sveek. ibe usual sounds of spring xsere not ibe only ones to be beard. Instead. îbey svere accompanied by tbe occasional rumbling sîomacb as close to 150(!) Mustangs took part in ibe 30 Hour Famine to belp raise money for World Vision. Most participants didnî mmd going bungry for 30 bours, especially since ibe money they raised svill be going direcîly towards belping many less fortunate people worldwide. A buge tbank you is osved to ibese global-minded Mustangs but many of tbem svere jusi content to indulge in the breakfast provided after the famine had finished. Its plain 10 see tbaî tbings bave yet to slow down in the halls of Milton District, and the future is sure 10 continue ai a mile-a-minute. So put your noses back to the grindstone because the next couple weeks leading up 10 midterms are sure to be a challenge. "DATELINE DRURY" Naihan Michelle Malt Laansira Dubois Lalonde E.C. DRURT HIGE SCHOOL A DAY IN THE LIFE 0F A GRADE TWELVE STUDENT Johon> seakes up in the moming ai eîgbî o'ciock and rushes to get ready for sehoof h takes him ten minutes to tiîîd a dean shirt auJ then he runs oui Uic door. But wait! He lorgot b have breakfast. No probleru! When he anises ai schooi. he grabs a baget and a juice box from the breakfast cari and dashes off to hjs Orsi period In math ciass. he ,ones oui dunng the icachers expianaîton ot ibe quadratie t<îrmula and begins daydreaming ab(~ui his ideai girtlrîend. She would have to be tati. blonde anti smart, with a xxicked sense of humor Suddeniy. Jobnny reinembers about the compatîbiiîiy tests being solci in the iiicker bay. This test icîs bîru knoxv xvhich studenîs he ix mosi compatible wiîb. and Johnny s iooking forxvard to seeing ihe resutîs. For onix tbree dollars. he could be on his xxay b a date xvitb ibai speciai someone. The bell rings. and hes oit lu ibe baiiway. be passes a groîîp ot triends. Among ibein are Alan Moitai. Kevin Inasa Madge and Bobby tîtiman. xvbo are ait on ibeir xvay to Edmonion for tbe Wrestling Nationais. The> xviii fie competing agintisi other svresîting teains friîiiî across the nation. Hc rixes thein a bîgh fîve liii gtiod luck and xvisiîes theru ait the besi. lu second period.Mr Keane ixiasis about tbc Scuior Scbooi Reacb Tearus receni vîctor> ai the taiesi Tiitirnainent iii Hamitixin He regaies bis stutienîs xviiit an axvcxttmc taie sboui hoxx ihe> cnîsbcxi utc conîpetîtixin anti then aie some cakc. sa> ttîg. "TbeN xxcrc iii sucli a bot siteak ibai ibe tire alarni xxt-ui xiii aiîd ihe> bad iii esattiate the building" Tnie sior> Tue bell rings atîti fluait> ix lobîtu> s tavîtote perioti. iîîîîtb Waikîug itito ibe iockcr ba> toi luiteli. lic scts a groîip 0f otidenis gaibereti arîîuîîd a plîsier iîangîîîg un ibe xx ail He guiex oser to itîsestîgate and i intis a sîgu up sheet fui, ibis cars finir> Idot Taietît Shoxv. Axvesonie' He tiecides iii cet bis b.îîîti togeiher and etîter ihe compeiiiluin. reiiîembering ail ihe [un he bati ast year lite exeni ix scbeduied for Eriday. Alîrîl 2isî n îhc Leeker Ha>. anti Johnny cao hardi> waii. He also cant xvalt for the upconîîng ieadersbîp retteai. As he and bis f oends naik b totioli penod. Uic> iaik about ail ihe Inn tues il bave and ail Uic îiiîschîevîîus îbîngs ibey'ii titi tlurîng ibose tbrec days. He bas been antîdlpatîng ibis ouîîng ail sear! He signed up and got ail bis paperwork sxîrîed oui. and hes ready for some advenîure The reireai staris on Tuesday. Apni i Lb aîîd ends lin Thursday. Aprîl l3ib. He better stafi packing: bell îîeed lois ol snacks. Tiiiniong about ail those snacks durîng fifih period. be wonders wby he ever sînged up toc the Tbîrii Hotîr Famine. takiug place in May. Johnny catit lasi tbree boum witboui tood. ici atone thioy! He remînds bimxelt that he reail> needs Uic volunteer hours. and ihai ils for a good cause Bring ou the fasuang! As Uic day comes 10 an end. he cuises ail Uic homexvork be musi coîriplete and decides to make plans witb some friends. He goes home atid makes bimseif a nice peanut huiler and jeu> sandwich. He catit xvaii until tomorroxv and atiother day ai E.C. Dnuy Hîgh Sebtiol lIE ROYAL REPORT" Inn tfeiiteninginî Lîndsay .tuihnnion Cameron Smith Jolis Rîddell Siestes Clancy DISHOP REDINO lION SCIIOOL As we continue through ibe season of Lent. we are overcome xvîth opponuniîîex to give and to better ourseivex. Thix teuton seaxon. sîudenîs are able iii give canned foods îo the canned food drîve. Ail îîf ibe catis wîii be coiiecîed dnring homeroom sud given to the less fortunate. wbich atlows everyone to share in au Easter feasi. Also. sîudeuîs have an oppoouuiiy tii participai in ibe annuai Thîîîk Fasi. a thioy hour famine to raise money for and awareuess of worid bunger. On a celebratory noie. Leaf s TV xvas able to huait> utake il to BR, and a wbîte and blue spîrit day n'as held. Read ou for mitre excîîîng details.... lis that tinte of year again. Bîshop Redîng! Easter ix juxt around tîte clîmuer, meaning ThiîîkFasî canuxît be far behind. Prom Foday April 28 to Saîurday Aprîl 29. tbe Students <if Lîx'îng Life wiii be runuing a îxveuîy four fasi. Ait students învotved seili stay ovemîght ai the school. waîch mîîvies. sud piay a variet> of eliloyabie. inicractîxe gantes. The steepoxer xxiii cuimînate xviîb a dcticious bruitcb ihe tien day ai nîton afier Uic lasîing s oser. Fît Caibolies. f asîîng sbuîuid be vaiîîed equait> witb prayer sud airnsgiviug. sud ThînkFasî effectivet> promîiies ibis practice. Att stutienîs arc eucuîuraged to conte oui sud enjut> a fun. rciaxtng titre xx iii ibeir peer' Aixo iii ibe spîrit iii Laster. Btsbop Redîug s bîîtdîîîg lis sîtîttiat Laster itou tirîxe. Hoincruiutin classes arc asked tut toileci caîîued giiîids. Att iîîîtd dîînaîîîîns are seul lxi (ituscfl xîrgaîîx,'aiioîî ici e> xu beb.îii tif ibe xx bitte sebîtîti The ilîccîttîve ilîr stutienîs. besities cîîuîribtîîîîîg to a great cause. iti citurse. ix a puce for the hîîîîîcrîtîîîîî ciaxs xviîîcb cîtîtîrîbuies ibe nulîsi catis . as xx cil as ibe utosi taîts per capîta n ilîcîr tt.iss. We hîîpc excryonc xviii put itou a great elfon iii lîeip oui itibers îbrougb ibis casier seasîîîî. Siso cotiecîîng cans. BRt Lests Day. xvbicb xxas delayeti b> a sîtoxîda> . iîîîaiiy tîtof Bîshop Retling by sîorm James Haddîc. ibe pexîducer ol LeafsT\' stîti Rîck Vaixe. a cimier captaîn îîf ibe Txîrîîîîîo Mapie Lests. xstîxved s croxxdctt gymîtasînîn ou Tiîucsday Aprîl 3Otb Tîte> bîîîh otlered îuspîrîng xxortls sud an oppxîrîuuîîy fuîr students to ask nian> questiolis. There xvere heaîed games of Lest irîxia. and soute lun pries xx ccc awarded. Heinîcîs off lu Johît Grant. who n'eut ail-itut duriug ibe bine-sud wbiîe spirît day niib a Leafs jersey sud s painîed face. Hopefulty. eseryone enjoyed a fîfth pertoti spent lisîenîng 10 ihe wise wordx of ibe Orsi Lest 10 score 511 goals în s sesson. We suxpeci ihat everyone present took away someîbing mesîîingful froîn ibis fun afiernoon. sud we thank Leals TV for conîiug. Lent ix a tîme of reflection and giviug, 50 Ici us contempiate our lises sud iry to be generous 10 iboxe in ueed. Some of ibe many sesys to do ibis are by heipîug arouîîd ibe house. xpeitding time xviîb ihose in need. tir îltînaîîng ftiod tri annual food drives. Yîîur lusîde Sources wîsh you good tuck in your endeasors.

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